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Book online «Midnight Heights by S.J (classic romance novels txt) 📖». Author S.J

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I looked away and noticed an old book shelf up against the wall. Something about it being there didn't look right. I knew it wasn't just a book shelf. I walked over to it and begin to stare at it. Every single book on it was different from regular books. The books were huge and of leather and they had words in bold letters like "Magic" and "Super natural" on it. There was a reason these books were hidden down here. There was one book that stood out from the rest. It was thick and brown but had no words at all on it. It was just a plain book. I carefully picked it up and held it up in my hands. I suddenly fell quickly to the ground as the bookshelf shot back in an instant, revealing a hall that led to another room. I glanced at Allie.

"What'd you do?" She asked.

I shrugged. "I have no idea, but I think I just found some sort of secret room." I told her.

I grabbed the book from the floor and slowly stood up. Allie walked up next to the book shelf and looked down the long dark hall. I did the same. She suddenly pushed past the book shelf and started down the long hall way.

"What are you doing?" I called after her.

"Are you coming or not?"

I debated in my mind whether or not this was a good idea and decided that it was a bad idea. However, I still followed after her down the hall way. Allie was already long gone ahead of me and I couldn't hear her anymore.

"Allie, wait up." I called.

I picked up the pace and begin to walk faster. The more I walked the more I seemed to never reach Allie. The hallway just went on and on.

I let out a breath. "Allie?"

"Crystal, you should see this." I finally heard her say.

I sighed and followed the sound of her voice. I finally reached a small light at the end of the hallway and saw Allie kneeling down on the floor in front of something.

"Oh my gosh." I gasped.

I kneeled down on the floor next to him. Allie had found Anthony and he was in really bad shape. His eyes were shut closed and his clothes were torn. He was all alone down here without food and water and nobody even cared. I couldn't believe that someone could treat a person this way but Leona could. She was evil and she had to eliminate anyone who stood in her way, even if it meant locking them up and leaving them to rot.

"Look," Allie said pulling up his shirt, "he's bleeding."

I swallowed, remembering what had happened at Awakenings. I pulled off my sweater and tried wiping away the blood. He suddenly began to move and his eyes opened in a flash. I glanced at Allie and then back at Anthony. His eyes grew bigger when he saw me. It seemed as if he had seen a ghost or something.

"Crystal." he mumbled.

I was confused. "What?"

"It's not safe. You shouldn't be here." He told me.

I glanced at Allie and she looked just as confused as I was. Though this was my first time talking with Anthony, he seemed to have already known me. There was something not right about this at all and I get the feeling that there's a lot more to this place then I knew.
All the right Answers

He slowly sat up; calling out in pain as he did so. I took a breath. All I wanted to know at this point was how did he know my name? I had never spoken to him or even met him; I mean at least I think so. The very first time I ever saw his face was at awakenings. And even though I felt really bad about what happened to him, he was still a complete stranger to me.

I sighed. "How'd you know my name?"

He shrugged. "If I tell you, you'll think I'm crazy just like everybody else."

Maybe he was right, but now it really didn't matter what I thought. This whole place was crazy and I was learning things I never thought I would learn about. Nothing at this point, could surprise me. Nothing at all.

I shook my head. "I promise I won't."

He took a breath and proceeded. "It started about two years ago. I would have these dreams that would really freak me out from time to time. They were about magic and darkness and this whole different world that I didn't even know exist. I tried telling my mom about it but it got to a point where she thought I was crazy and sent me away."

"Wow, I can't believe she did that." I mumbled.

He shrugged. "It's easy for people to believe that a person is crazy when they don't believe. Anyway, I got locked away into a mental institution until one of Leona's guards found me and had me sent here."

I nodded. Just listening to him telling his story made me understand him a little better. All he wanted was answers too, just like Emily, Allie and I. And he deserved to get them just like the rest of us. Somehow Leona felt threatened by him because he was different than all of us. He came to Midnight Heights knowing something wasn't right and he was determined to find out what that was.

He continued. "So then the dreams started back again and I started to see this girl, this beautiful girl who was an angel. I found this book and I started reading it. One day I came across one page and I read about this angel on it and I just knew that that was the girl from my dreams."

I nodded. "What book was this?"

"The one you're holding in your hands."

I looked down at the book in my hand, and then back at Anthony.

"What is it about?"

He sighed. "Everything you need to know about Midnight Heights. Every one here at Midnight Heights is in that book including both you and I."

I glanced back at the book. What did he mean I was in the book? I had never even seen this book before today and now I was supposed to believe that I was in it. There was only one way to find out and that was reading it for myself. I glanced at Allie who was being extremely quiet.

"Go on, read It." she whispered.

I took a breath and flipped to the first page of the book.

"What am I looking for?" I wondered.

"Go to the Section Vampire." Anthony told me.

I flipped to the index and searched for the page that said vampire. I quickly turned to the page and began reading the small captions on the page. The first one was about Leona.

Leona Elise Channing Born in the year 1901
Parents Elise Channing and Diego Channing.
Killed by famous serial killer, De Gaudy. Found half dead by One of the first vampires, Victor Lewis III, and instantly turned into a vampire.

I began to read on to the next caption. I didn't understand why, but I was somehow not surprised to see the name of this one.

Miranda Olivia Kay Henderson Born in the year 1942
Parents Kassidy Henderson and John Henderson.
Car accident at age 17 that led to death. Turned by Vampire that found her.

Right below Miranda's, was Chase's name.

Chase Bradley Henderson Born in the year 1944
Parents Kassidy Henderson and John Henderson.
Tried to commit suicide a year after his sister died. Miranda found him in pain and turned him into a vampire.

I let out a breath. "Wow."

"What is it?" Allie wondered.

"Miranda and Chase. Did you know they were vampires?"

She shook her head. "Not a clue. They aren't harmful to anyone though."

"I know."

"I think it's time you read what's really important." Anthony said.

"What's that?"

"Turn to the Section of angels." He told me.

I was confused. "Angels?"

He nodded.

I flipped through the pages and stopped once I found the section about Angels. I glanced at the very first caption and began to read it. Something about this one made my stomach turn into knots. I swallowed.

Anthony Alexander Stone Born in the year 1994
Parents Renessa Stone and David Stone (Angels of Light)
An angel of light; the power of the stone. The power of levitation.

I really didn't know what to say. I could feel my heart pace pick up as I continued to read.

Crystal Bell Roman Born in the year 1994
Parents Annabelle Roman and Paul Roman (Angels of light)
An angel born of angels; the power within. The power of touch.

I quickly threw the book down and jumped up from the floor. That was it. I refuse to read any more of that book. It just couldn't be right. None of this could be real.

"What are you doing?" Allie asked.

"It can't be true. I'm no angel, in fact I'm the exact opposite. I break the rules all the time and I don't listen to what anybody says. That book is full of crap!" I shouted.

"You said you wanted answers Crystal. You knew it all wasn't going to be what you wanted to hear." Anthony said.

I folded my arms across my chest. "And Roman? That's not even my last name.

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