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Book online «Midnight Heights by S.J (classic romance novels txt) 📖». Author S.J

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My last name is Silverstone."

Allie looked confused. She picked up the book that I threw on the floor and began reading it. I watched as she flipped through each page, gasping at each thing that she read. I couldn't help but think about the things I read from that book. If it was true, which I highly doubt, that means that my whole life is a lie and I had no idea who I really was. The thought of that was really scary.

"Crystal, we really should get back. We can take the book with us and read more about it tomorrow." Allie told me.

"She's right." Anthony agreed.

I nodded. "Fine, but what about you?"

"I'll be fine. Leona was planning on letting me out tomorrow." he said.

I nodded. Allie stood up from the floor and grabbed the book. She started on walking down the long, dark hallway without me. I glanced at Anthony one last time before following Allie. It didn't feel right just leaving him here like this, but I knew there was nothing we could do about it. If Leona came in and found him missing, we were all going to be punished. It was best to leave him here and wait to see him tomorrow when Leona releases him. That’s, "if" she'll release him. Knowing Leona, I'm not all that convinced.
she's coming after you

Here I was in class once again and I still couldn't concentrate on what we were learning about today. All I did was stare at the clock on the wall as if I was waiting for something unexpected to happen or as if the time would suddenly speed up and I'd be back home again. All I kept thinking about was how right Anthony was. I wanted answers so bad and now that I've got all the right answers to my questions, I somehow wish that I didn't. Maybe things would've been a lot easier to just listen to Leona and follow her rules, no matter how crazy and evil she was. Maybe this was my punishment from God for being such a horrible person.

The third bell finally rung and everybody began to exit out of the classroom. I stood up from my desk and began to walk quickly towards the door. I stopped and slowly turned around noticing something I had seen earlier. I slowly walked to the front of the classroom and scanned the words imprinted on the desk that belonged to my teacher.

Mr. Roman

It couldn't be right. How could I not remember his name? I took in a deep breath. Just when I thought that my life couldn't get any worse, it gets worse. There was no possible way that I could have been related to this guy. So yes Emily and I were adopted and we never met our real parents but to think that this man could be my father was crazy. I watched as Mr. Roman continued to read something on his desk. He suddenly looked up.

"Oh, Hi Crystal. Can I help you with something?" he wondered.

I quickly shook my head.

He laughed. "Is everything okay?, you look a little blue."

I forced a smile and then nodded.

How could I even begin to talk about something as serious as this? I needed so badly to know if it was true, if he really was my father but I didn't know how to go about the conversation. Maybe he'd think I was crazy and would laugh at me or maybe he'd demand I leave his classroom immediately. I didn't know what the outcome was going to be or if it really was just a huge coincidence that we apparently have the same last name but I was sure going to find out.

He sighed. "You want to ask me something, don't you?"

I nodded. "Yes."

"Okay. Go on and ask."

I let out a breath. "I found this book yesterday and it had my name it. This is going to sound really crazy but your name was there too."

He looked confused and I could tell he wasn't catching on to what I was saying. I decided to just come straight out with it and get it over with.

"I think you are my father." I muttered.

I watched as his expression suddenly shifted. He stood up from his desk and made his way over to the door. After he locked it, he made his way back over to where I was.

"I'm sorry you had to find out by the book."

I was confused. "Wait, so you already knew?"

He hesitated before nodding. "Yes."

I couldn't believe it. He knew all this time that I was his daughter and he didn't say anything. I couldn't help but wonder what else he was hiding and just by the way he was looking I could tell that there was more. This was only the beginning.

"I'm the reason you're here." he said.

"What do you mean?"

"I wanted you and Emily here with me so that I could protect you."

I was yet again confused. "Protect us from what?"

He took in a deep breath. "You don't understand Crystal. She's looking for the both of you and once she finds out that you're at Midnight Heights, she will come for you."

I could practically see the terror in his eyes as he said "she". I was still very confused at this point. Who was he talking about? Leona? Was it someone else? I wasn't sure if knowing all this information was a good idea but I was still not going to just sit back and watch horrible things start to happen to innocent people. This was beginning to get serious.

"Who's she?" I wondered.

He sighed. "Emily's mother."

I didn't even know what to say. Apparently Emily and I didn't even have the same mothers, something I was not aware of until now. So according to Mr. Roman, Emily's mother was coming after us and she wasn't exactly "good."

"What is she like a vampire or something?"

He shook his head. "No, she’s a dark angel, our enemy."

"So if she's our enemy, why were you with her?" I wondered.

"She deceived me and only used me for her own purposes. At the time I was young like you and I wasn't aware of her real intentions." he explained.

I took a breath. "Why are you telling me this?"

"You and Emily need to be careful. You guys aren't aware of how to use your powers yet and that's why Victoria is planning on coming to Midnight Heights to use you. You have to watch Emily because she has dark magic as well, she could easily turn on you if her mother got a hold of her." he told me.

Hearing the fact that Emily could turn on me at any minute began to worry me. She was my sister and my best friend; I couldn't stand to have her as my enemy too. Now she was apparently half good angel, half bad angel? I just couldn't wrap my head around it.

I folded my arms. "What are we supposed to do?"

"I want just you and Emily to meet me in the study room at midnight, okay?"

"What about Allie? There's no way I'm leaving her alone." I said.

He nodded. "Okay then, bring her as well."

An angel of light

I walked out of Mr. Roman's class room and into the hallway. I saw Emily and Allie talking to Anthony and realized Leona let him go after all. I was very surprised to see that she did that but also very happy.

I smiled. "Hey, I'm glad to see that you're okay."

"And you as well. Did every thing go okay in there with you?" he said, gesturing towards the class room.

My eyes narrowed. "Wait, you know what I talked to him about don't you?"

He smiled. "Yes, I could hear you guys. I know how to use my powers, you know."

I shook my head. "So you were eavesdropping?"

"Sure, if that's what you want to call it. I like to listen in on you from time to time." he grinned.

Wow. He was just standing here the whole time listening to everything we were talking about. Apparently one of his powers was super hearing or whatever and I didn't like it at all. Did he always listen in on my conversations and the things that I said?

I scowled. "Just don't do that again. It's a huge violation of my privacy."

"Sure thing."

I folded my arms. "What have you been hearing exactly?" I wondered.

He took a breath. "Well, let's just say you're secrets are safe with Me." he said, before walking away.

I couldn't believe this guy.

Emily smiled. "I think he likes you." she practically sung.

I rolled my eyes. "He does not."

"Oh come on, the guy has been dreaming about you for Pete’s sake." Allie chimed in.

"That's completely different." I told her.

She rolled her eyes. "Whatever you say."

Emily, Allie and I quickly headed into our room. I was about to explain to them

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