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Book online «Fallen Into Hell by S.K Nuanes (books for 20 year olds TXT) 📖». Author S.K Nuanes

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want my family back!” I hissed.
Satan didn’t even seem to hear my anger in my voice, “Son listen I can’t do what’s been done even I am not that powerful.”
“I am not your son!” I snapped.
My voice seemed more demonic now was…it the demon inside…
“You are here.”
Then one of Satan’s fingers turned to a claw it was very small yet the point seemed deadly, he gently cut his arm then a black drop of blood came out.
Then he came over to me then quicker then I could move he grabbed my arm then cut my arm to it was only a sting then I saw a black drop of blood…just like his.
“See you’re my son forever…your family is dead…and you are a monster forever.” Satan said, wickedly.

I sat up quickly from the nightmare I let out a sigh that night was the worse.
Waking up being a monster then finding out your family are nothing but ashes.
I got up slowly I got on the school uniform then jumped out my window without saying anything to anyone this morning.

At school I saw Robert who had the uniform on to, great…a whole year with him…joy.
“Hey so sorry about the other night, hard to think you still…holding on.” Robert sighed, rubbing the back of his head.
I said in a low voice, “You just don’t get it do you.”
“No, I know I feel bad for you.” Robert sighed.
I rolled my eyes then said, “They all say that, but I don’t believe anyone who says that not even you.”
Robert didn’t say anything he knew that was true I didn’t trust anyone or let a wall down for anyone.
I went to my class everyone was gossiping about some new students I rolled my eyes.
Great more snobby stupid demons, to add to the collection.
I sat in the back putting my feet up and leaning back.
One of the students looked back me although he looked away.
The teacher came in then said, “Take your seats.”
He had a Russian accent he had pale skin, black hair slick back he had bright green eyes with a red suit on with a black undershirt.
He was maybe 5’6.
The teacher said, “Take out your Edger Allen Poe Books and Brent get your feet off the desk.”
I said, “No.”
The teacher was surprised at my answer then said, “Now or I will send you to the Head Master office.”
“Come on we cant leisure in class?” I asked, with a cocky grin.
The students had a few quiet laughs to each other the teacher narrowed his eyes at me.
“Just…fine.” The teacher said he got a book and started reading a poem.
I rolled my eyes at the story it wasn’t my favorite subject, well I had no favorite subject.

At last the day ended everyone was outside talking or hanging out I didn’t stop to hang out Robert said, “So what are you going to do when you get home?”
“I don’t know.” I sighed.
Then Robert saw another vampire he lifted both of his eyebrows and went over to her and started flirting.
I shook my head then went home.

I got home just at that second Angel came over then said, “Hey, had a good day?”
She had on this small beautiful smile yet it was nothing but lies.
“What do you want Angel? I sighed, putting my hands in my pockets, and then leaning against the wall.
Angel stroked from my cheek then she let it slowly stroke down to my chin
“You, of course silly.
You are all I want.” Angel whispered, very slowly.
I narrowed my eyes at her I whispered almost hissing, “I don’t want you, I would never want you.”
“You want me like I keep telling you, why can’t you see what I see?”
Angel came closer so we were chest to chest, I glared at her then a servant came over to us he bowed then said, “Please let me escort you to the ballroom.”
“Of course.” Angel said, turning to him giving a smile then she took my arm and almost pulled me off my feet.
We walked down a long hall with many paintings, the walls were a dark red the carpet was black almost there weren’t many doors we came to a door it had double doors they were long and narrow they were a dark brown with many skull designs on them.
The servant pushed opened the doors there was a huge ballroom the roof was a dome shape there was one huge chandelier, which was dim.
The floor was a dark red yet it seemed like it just been clean on all the walls there were huge windows.
There was a woman she had brown hair in a neat bun, she had on a long flowing dress, it was a light red.
She had high heels on she had pale skin and dark eyes I think they were brown I couldn’t tell.
She stood there with her hands behind her back she watched us come in.
“Good evening Madame Collet, this is my prince.
Brent Hellure heard of him?” Angel said smiling.
“Prince Ayperos it’s a pleasure to meet you.” Collet said, bowing.
I sighed rolling at that name, the name of demon it belonged to.
The name Brent was just a cover-up name. A mask you could say that I would use as a tool, in hunting, so women would trust me more.
I didn’t make any comment to it I just said, “So why am I here…”
I looked at Angel raising an eyebrow at her, I wanted to go my room and be alone. And not be with Angel. Not of all of us can have what we want, or desire.
“Well she been my dance teacher ever since I was turned and if we are destined to be together we need to know how to dance at our wedding--" Angel said, before I cut her off.
“No, no, no.
One I know how to dance already I don’t need to repeat the lessons.
Second we aren’t destined to be together.
And third there will never be wedding involving me and you.” I growled low in her ear.
Angel pulled me out of the ballroom then closed the door she put her hands on her hips then said, “Brent listen every demon knows we will be together.
Please give us a chance…” Angel sighed softly grabbing my hand then gently rubbing it.
“I did, then you threw everything I gave to you away.” I hissed in her ear.
“Having problems here?” A dark yet voice filled with sarcasm.
We both turned there was Satan he had his hands behind his back he had on a long black cape with dark clothes under it having his pale skin stand out.
His dark red eyes glowed sometimes it was painful to look at.
He had his blonde hair tied back as always.
“Hello Lord just talking with my love.” Angel said, smiling.
I narrowed my eyes at her then sighed, “I am not in love with you…”
“Brent, just be a gentleman and bring her happiness it’s a prince’s job to be a lady’s man.” Satan said, with smiling evilly.
“Fine…” I groaned, but I didn’t accept it.
Satan left, Angel took me back inside the ballroom Collet said, “Ok, so come close don’t be afraid.
Then the girl put your right hand on the gentleman’s shoulder, now Brent put your hand on her lower back not to low just enough to hold her close to you.
Now Angel have your other arm on his back.
Collet walked around us checking how good our form is.
“Good job you two, now Brent take a step in so then Angel you take a step back.
The gentleman he always guides the female, in the dance.
So now go on and you can go back, forward, right, left what ever way you want.”
I took a step to the left we kept dancing, Angel smiled then she leaned in then whispered, “Kiss me.”
I looked at her then whispered as we kept dancing, “No, I don’t love you.”
Angel stopped then said, “I will be back I need to fix my hair.” Angel said pushing her hair back she winked at me then left.

I made my escape sooner I leave the better; I went to the human world.
There was a town nearby it wasn’t the best town they had many struggles I knew why.
This area had many demons that weren’t really a demon, but they were humans possessed by demons who acted like a demon.
The roofs were made out of bamboo like grass the houses were made out of logs.
There was a town center with a stature it was on bad shape, there was a church at one end a watch tower no one was up there the ladder was broken in half.
The town people were going about their daily life then a few homeless people were in allies looking for food.
I went over to a barn-like house then looked in there was a small campfire going a group of people was around it.
“So cant believe demons are among us like that.” A voice sighed.
There was four guys together another one said, “Well son if there are angels there has to be demons.”
“I know but we have already lost a whole family to them
Expect for the girl.” A guy said.
“Yes, she was saved by a angel, well she has her friends to protect us.” A guy said.
I heard a little girl soft mourning I looked around for it then followed it to a alley she had a cut on her arm I knew this kind of cut.
I called them Human Demons she was attacked by one. Humans who weren't turned into demons, they had the demon inside, possessing them. Or they had abused them to do their bidding.
She had soft brown hair it was everywhere it was long she was only five.
She had on a small little pink dress on.
I slowly kneed down to her then said in a soft voice, “Hey…you ok?”
I wanted to touch her or help her but I didn’t want to frighten her even more, then she was.
She slowly looked up her eyes were a hazel yet they were bloodshot from all her crying, her skin was fair she had little chubby cheeks yet they made her look more innocent.
“…It came at me…growling.” The little girl said, shaking.
I said gently, “What did?”
“A…monster.” The girl said.
Then there was a low growl I slowly looked up then a man came out from the shadows.
His clothes were ripped they were covered in blood he had black hair all over the place he had pale skin yet covered in blood.
His eyes were jet black he grinned showing razor sharp teeth the girl was shaking then grabbed my arm she was squeezing it. Begging me to protect her, even if she didn't know me she was hoping I was more kind then the demon, after her.
“Both of you are dead…” The man growled.
The man ran I got up then grabbed the man by the throat then slowly choked him blood ran down his throat he was hissing trying to bite my hand but he couldn’t reach.
I tighten the gripped his head snapped back hard I could feel my muscle taking control of itself.
I could feel the demon inside he was doing this…
I could feel the man’s breaths inside his throat how the breaths went through it.
How it would start at his lungs then travel to his throat, I always had a knife in
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