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Book online «Fallen Into Hell by S.K Nuanes (books for 20 year olds TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author S.K Nuanes

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One month ago

The body lied there on the ground, motionless with light red blood covering her skin. Her wrinkles were all covered in her blood.
It was hard to tell if it was just a chilly summer night meant summer was coming to an end, or it would be a falls night cold you could see your breath go into the crisp air. I could see my own reflection in her blood my tall dark figure, my short dark brown hair which was a mess, my dark grey eyes could be seen in her blood, that how clear her blood was I no longer saw the man I was back in 1409...all I saw was what I had become.
Her yellow dress was destroyed with blood, you could see where I had attacked her blood was gushing out now it had stopped her grey hair fell to the ground it was straight but now it was messy.
Once you start taking the soul it’s almost impossible to stop.
Depends on how good the soul is if it’s the best soul you ever then it’s impossible.
If it not the best soul tasting soul out there more chances of stopping, but other demons why would they want to stop it’s not like they have a heart.
Henry came out from an alley his short black hair was black as a raven’s feather, his dark blue eyes were similar to his sister’s eyes.
Henry was close to Satan, Satan trusted him they known each other ever since Henry became a demon.
Which was
I don’t know long ago and seriously don’t care.
A lot of demons wanted to be close and cherished by Satan.
Henry was one of the faces I remember when I woke up, but the first two faces were my last faces I saw before I died.
Henry had on a white undershirt with a long black coat was gently blowing in the slight breeze with some trousers on.
“Well done Brent you are a great killer.
Thought you would of resisted, but guess I was wrong.” Henry said with an evil grin I knew so well it kept across his face like a spider would creep across on the floor.
Being praised for being a murder
that happens when you are cursed.
“Shut up.” I growled.
Henry said, “Can't deny who, and what you are.”
” I started, annoyed by how he saw me.
I hated when people pulled the line whose son I am.
He cut me off and said, “I don’t want to argue about what you think about killing or taking lives.
Hold or forget your humanity and kill like you should.”
“Henry no I am
” I started, but once again he cut me off.
None of what I said ever mattered; it was like some useless message on the news.
Or a child trying to talk to their parent and they didn’t want to talk or listen to the kid.
“Talk to your father about how ‘human’ you think you are.
Or talk about your feelings.
Come on we better get back before Satan flips out.” Henry said putting on a friendlier grin.
Like the grin a teenager would give at the thrill of a rush.
We rushed home before people saw the old woman then us.
It wouldn’t take them much time to put it together.
There are two ways to kill/take a soul.

1. Stabbed into their chest where the soul rests and rip it out.
2. The other way is bite somewhere and suck the soul out you get more of soul that way.
Since you are sucking it out, the first way is quicker the second way is more painful for the prey.
Since you keeping them alive, and they are watching you devour them slowly.

We arrived home.
It was dark gloomy the trees were dead, the grass looked like someone just burnt it, the sky was a dark grey close to a black, there was a chill in the air mixed with the intense heat.
To me it looked like Rome that style of buildings.
To me it felt like an isolated place, where you think someone is following you when no one is.
Making you rip anyone’s head off since you always so tense that was the feeling.
Darkness is what I feel here, you could hear the screams in the wind from people who are dying or people whom have died here.
The east side of Hell which was hidden in the woods, where the trees were dying slowly everyday we came to where the Devil lives.
The old castle was made out of dark stone I could see some dried blood on a few stones.
Henry opened the gates we walked across the courtyard the dead grass was blowing a little the dead tress were limp
The fountain water looked dull and lifeless unlike the wonderful beach water everyone dreams of.
The castle was huge 17th century style but Hell has been around ever since the start.
I walked up the old stairs that seem to be covered in blood but they were clean I went up to my room.
Where I could be alone and try to tell myself lies to make my day better, but for me I wonder why did I have to be changed into a monster?
But there are two parts of me a part that I am hating what I become, maybe that’s because I became a demon on my birthday and my family died on that day as well.
The other way I feel like giving into the monster that is just beneath my skin.
At last I came to my bedroom door I looked at the door the wood had amazing cravings on it, demonically looking designs.

I opened the door, and was in my room there dark wood flooring was cold just like stone.
A king size bed with dark red covers black sheets a black canopy and dark brown wood.
It was on the right side of my room with the balcony door on the right side of the bed, there was a dark wood craved table with some different kinds of drinks on it.
There was a loveseat it was a bloody red color, there was a fireplace in front of the loveseat.
The rugs were between black and a dark red I took off my boots and threw them into a corner.
There was a full size mirror by a dresser.
I opened the dark red stain glass doors to my balcony I looked at the land of pain
and no mercy
. welcome to the nightmare life.
I will never wake up from this nightmare
because it’s life.
It’s impossible to make someone else happy, and make your self happy at the same time, no one is perfect.
The only emotions we can show at each other are hatred and anger.



I sighed slowly it was quiet in the castle I could hear a few demons talking. Trying to keep their voices quiet enough.
I could hear my own heart beat even though it was barely even a beat.
The blood was rushing through my veins there isn’t one drop of human blood left in my veins.
The only blood inhabited my blood was demon blood
not just any blood.
Black blood.
The door opened I turned around and saw Henry he said, “You should get out more, you are either out with us killing or in your room.
Satan has this huge estate, go out Brent.” Henry said, sounding like a mother trying to get a kid to stop playing with his toy and get him outside.
What would I do to pass the time, I could just lie down and stare at the sky, yeah
I got up and went downstairs, the castle interior was you could say breath taking everything was dark and gothic.
Then I went down a hall way looking outside I leaned against the window a servant came up to me then bowed I looked at her she had her hair tied in a braid her hair was black, she was pale and her eyes were a orange.
She had on a long black dress on she still was bowing she said, “Good evening prince may I go see if the princess is up?” The servant asked.
“No, she can rest
besides I want to be alone.” I sighed, trying to be somewhat of a gentleman.
The servant nodded then walked away, I went down the hall outside the wind was cold I looked up at the dark sky not one ray of light came through.
Then Henry came out he said, “So going to cause trouble at school tomorrow?”
“Right, do I really have to?
What’s the point in going.”
Henry said, “Well, I don’t know hey check in with your father.
Sure would have some father and son bonding time.”
I glared at him then walked off to find where ever he was.
I knew where he was I didn’t want to see his face

I found the room he always was in a few guards where at the door and bowed to me then opened the doors.
The room was huge it was long huge columns were holding the roof up, there was a long rug it was black with bloodstains on it.
Then there was a throne it was made out skulls (they are real) blood colored leather.
There were spikes on top, a few dead bodies were in the far corners. There was a slight smell of rotting from the dead bodies.
Then there was no other then him.
He was tall he had pale skin, which was flawless he had his blonde hair tied back; he had dark red eyes with black zigzags in them. He seemed perfect like a masterpiece from a famous artist but the artist had gone mad and gave his piece an evil personality.
He had on a black coat on and a dark red suit on under.
He smiled at me his white teeth seemed to white for someone who killed all the time.
His fingers were long they seemed they were hidden claws.
He seemed like he had some muscle but not much just enough to keep from being skin and bones.
“Come in my son.” Satan waved towards me with his hand.
I took a few steps forward then the huge doors closed behind me, I said, “Yes
Calling him that name I hated to, he wasn’t my birth father but now he was. The word it didn’t fit him the word that fitted him was monster. Monster is an understatement.
“So there is a problem somehow Demon Hunters have broken into Hell.
So meaning they are planning to kill us in our home.” Satan said, in a dark voice it had a bit of an accent to it but it was hard to tell.
That had been going on for five weeks he was worried that they might kill us in our home.
God give me a break, we kill millions a week in their home.
If he so worried about that little problem why not take care of it instead of wasting my time.
“So what are we going to do?”
“I don’t know but once we find those hunters they are going to be dead.”
“Anyone you suspect
” I said, not looking up at him.
Satan sighed then rubbed his chin then said, “Not really, but be careful we wouldn’t want you to loose your head now

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