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Book online «Love Of A Werewolf by Forest Ostrander (read me a book TXT) 📖». Author Forest Ostrander

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together." I was silent from that point on thinking of what powers I could possibly possess if I swim in the lake, would they be good or bad? Would I even know how to use them properly? What would happen if they consumed my soul and took over my body as their own? I had both worry and happiness coursing through my system that it felt like World War III was raging on in my body. I prayed to Mother Moon that whatever would happen tonight was not something we could not handle and that everything will be ok and no one will get hurt.

After what seemed like hours we finally arrived at the waterfall, I stared up at the raging water with awe, this was my first time ever seeing a waterfall up close and personal.

"It's beautiful," I whispered and Luna nodded, she too had the same expression that was on my face.

"Shall we go in?" Luna asked after snapping out of her amazement at the towering water.

"Sure," I said and we headed behind the waterfall to a cave. Walking a few more feet inside us seen a bright light up ahead.

"Come on!" Luna said running to the light, I followed close behind her. When we burst through the opening where the light was coming from our breaths caught in our throat, the scene before us was just too beautiful for words. A huge lake sat in the middle of a field of lush green grass, its surface as smooth as glass with what looked like diamonds glittering in the sun. Occasionally a few gusts of wind would disturb the surface and send small ripples in the water making the light reflecting in it wave with the ripple. Huge trees toward around the field, their branches reaching high in the sky as if they were trying to touch the clouds that drifted in it. Birds chirped in the canopy and bees and butterflies lazily hopped from flower to flower, it was like something out of a dream.

"Wow, this places it just so beautiful!" Luna and I both said at the same time causing us to giggle.

"Well, shall we get out picnic set up? It's already noon so we shouldn't have long to wait," Luna said. I nodded and helped her unpack the picnic basket. Setting a red and white checkered cloth on the ground I took out plates and bowls of food for us along with some napkins and water bottles with cool-aid in them. When our picnic was all set up I smiled.


"This is almost like the time when we had a family picnic together. Remember that time?" I asked Luna.

"Ya, it was like we were living in a fantasy. Everyone seemed happy and there was more food than we could have ever eaten. It was like a dream come true," Luna said smiling. I took a bite of my sandwich and watched a butterfly dance around a patch of bright orange flowers, I think they were called Tiger Lilies but I wasn't sure.

"I don't think I would ever want to leave this place," I said to Luna. I felt so at peace here that it was almost hard to imagine that this place was real.

"I know the feeling," Luna said. We sat in more silence, each finishing up our lunch. Yawning I said.

"I'm going to take a quick nap, maybe when we wake up the moon will be out."

"Ya, I don't see a little nap doing us any harm," Luna said joining me as I laid down, in a matter of minutes we were asleep.

Three hours passed when we woke up, the stars were out and crickets chirped in the grass, the moon was just beginning to rise over the tree tops when I woke Luna up.

"Hmm?" Luna said in a sleepy tone.

"Wake up Luna, the moon is rising; it's almost time," I said shaking her a bit more until she sat up. We both looked at the moon and waited for it to be in the middle of the sky before changing. Stepping up to the edge of the water we looked at each other one more time before walking into the lake. I relished the cool water as it engulfed my body, it was so smooth that it was like I was swimming through glass, the only indication of movement was the ripple caused by mine and Luna's movements in the water, of course with her in bear form the ripples were much bigger than mine but even they didn't truly destroy the glassy look of the water.

"This place is simply too wonderful for words. This water feels like heaven as well," I said to Luna.

"I know right? It's been a while since I had a good swim like this." We played a bit in the water before stopping and looking up at the moon which cast a warm light over our two forms making our wet fur glisten like the water, soon the lake lit up in a bright light that seemed like the moon itself was in the water with us.

"What's happening?" I asked Luna as the water bubbled around us.

"I don't know," Luna said moving closer to me. The bubbles in the water grew bigger and bigger until it looked like it was a Jacuzzi on high. Soon we started lifting out of the water with a beam of light from the moon wrapping around us.

"What's happening Luna? Why is this happening?" I didn't feel frightened, I, as if my mother was holding me close to her.

"I don't know but do you feel that?" Luna asked.

"Ya, it’s like a mother's embrace," I said closing my eyes and allowing Mother Moon to wrap her warm arms around me. Soon I felt a weird sensation course through my body and when I opened my eyes my fur was glowing! I looked over at Luna and she too had glowing fur but her eyes illuminated a golden light, looking down at the water I seen my own eyes glowing a fluorescent blue, it was scary but also mesmerizing. I looked back up at Mother Moon and for the first time in my life I finally was able to see her face. She had smooth skin that looked like it belonged to a young girl, her eyes were a pure white but sparkled with warmth, her cheeks were slightly rosy along with her lips, and her long white hair flowed around her as if she was under water.

"Hello my children," Mother Moon said; her voice sounded like honey and I smiled.

"Hello Mother Moon," Luna and I said.

"It’s wonderful of you to come visit me," Mother Moon said kissing both of us on the noses.

"You're welcome Mother Moon. But please tell me, what is this place?" I asked.

"This place is the source of my power. Only those destined to walk the paths I choose for them may enter this land. This is the same place where I first blessed your ancestors with the power to change shape, it is also the place where I gave man the beauty of the night that you see before you but man has been away from me for so long that they no longer see the beauty in their surroundings."

"I'm sorry Mother Moon. We, your children still cherish the gift you have given us, most of us use it for good but those who choose to use it for evil won't stand a chance against us. We will not let those who do not deserve such a gift get away with abusing such a power as the ability to shift into a different form," I said looking her dead in the eyes.

"I know little one. I shall now give you guys another gift, use this one with great caution for if you used it for evil it will destroy your soul and cause you to go mad. This gift is very powerful and I would not give it to anybody if I did not think they couldn't handle it." Luna and I bowed our heads before replying.

"Thank you Mother Moon. We will not squander the gifts you have given us."

A bright light engulfed us, a light that was brighter than the moon when it was close to Earth and a feeling of warmth evaporated the chill in the air. Luna and I closed our eyes and relished in the embrace of the light as we could feel a new kind of power surging through us. When it was all over we found ourselves back on dry land in human form. Looking up at the moon I smiled, this truly was a magical night that I would never forget in a million years; Luna and I had finally seen Mother Moon for the first time in our lives which symbolized us a full-fledged adults in our world, too bad mother and father were not there to witness such a feat as this, they would have been so proud of me.

"I think it’s time to go back, the kids may not pay attention to me but they do notice if you are missing," Luna said. I sighed, I didn't want to leave a place like this, and I didn't want to go anywhere or be anywhere but here.

"All right. Besides, the banquet is tonight isn't it?" I asked Luna.

"Ya, how did you know about it?" Luna asked as we headed back with our picnic stuff.

"I noticed the preparations when I first came in, plus the kids all seemed excited about something so I picked up that something was going to happen."

"But how did you know it was a banquet? I never told you."

"Like I said, I don't know; I just simply do." I too was still confused on how I knew such a thing was going to happen tonight when I had just only arrived at this camp yesterday. I wonder if it has to do with the new powers we had gotten from Mother Moon. Could I have gotten the power to know what will happen? I shook my head, that couldn't be it; I'm sure I must have just heard it from someone passing by the window at night in a dream and had kept it in my memory all night and day.

"What are you thinking about?" Luna asked.

"I was just thinking about the new powers we got from Mother Moon. What do you think we had received? Do you think it's as powerful as the legends say of those who have gotten their own?"

"Honestly, I don't know. I would assume so since Mother Moon was the one who blessed us with them so I'm guessing they will be as powerful as the legends and stories say as for what powers we got I do not know that. Maybe we can find out sometime when we are alone?" Luna asked, I could tell she too was now debating on what we had been blessed with and how we would best handle them in situations where they will be needed. I know for sure that if I had the power to withstand the taste of human blood in my mouth I would use that to my advantage to protect those around me without totally losing my mind.

When we finally arrived back at the camp I was exhausted but I quickly changed into my wolf form in the bushes so no one would see me while Luna remained human, someone had to look like they were 'taking care' of me and Luna hadn't been able to change into her bear form much since she came here and we left the lake, quite frankly I didn't even feel the need to be a wolf half of the time anymore but it still felt awkward walking on two instead of four.

"Remember Forest, these kids won't expect you to be eating at the table so I hope you don't mind eating out of a bowl on the floor," Luna said.

"Luna, you're acting like I never

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