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Book online «Forbidden Love by D M Broadfield (best color ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author D M Broadfield

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myself down I glanced back at the Orca’s one last time as I turned and walked slowly all the way back.
I loved the smell of the beach and the surrounding wood lands I tried to use the scents to calm me down but it was a pointless effort I knew father would be angry that I walked out of school, rowed my brother and one of his precious council members, but at the moment I just couldn’t take any more lectures.
I opened my front door removed my jacket and shoes that were now dripping from the cold winter rain and headed to the kitchen, grabbing two blood bags from the fridge. I heard my father call me from upstairs, I scowled as I heard the angry tone in his voice “looks like there’s definitely a lecture on the way,” I thought to myself
I filled a glass and warmed it up as he stormed into the kitchen; I rolled my eyes prepared for the storm that was about to hit.
He stormed into the kitchen slamming the door across the wall as he pushed it open and his every foot step seemed amplified in the quiet kitchen; I carried on filling the second glass with blood when he began.
His eyes were raged and his face was bright red, his deep vein in his neck bulged; it was a deep purple colour.
I haven’t seen father this angry since Gareth smashed the carriage in a canyon when were mere toddlers so to speak
“What the bleeding hell is going on with you Carrie-Ann, this is the sort of behaviour I expect from Gareth, explain yourself this instant!” he shouted. His hair was dishevelled I could tell he had been stressing and raking his hands through it.
“What’s there to explain, Gareth acted like a complete fool, attacking a Yas in front of everyone, no regard for human life, for me or the rules your precious council set!” I replied in the same angry tone
The microwave rang to let me know it was finished I removed my drink and drank it in one, I placed the second glass and set the timer as I watched my father’s features change from red to purple, his eyes were always a burgundy red , now were truly scarlet in colour and he looked evil.
“Are you dating a human!” he demanded
“No I’m not! And I’m not dating anyone for that matter... don’t you think you’re a little prejudice, it’s ok for Gareth to go round sleeping with all the cheer leaders and what have you, but as soon as one boy takes one bit of notice in me then all hell explodes! Where’s the fairness in that dad?”
My second glass just finished in the microwave I grabbed it out and slammed the door shut that hard that the microwave window cracked, damn, mother wasn’t going to be pleased.
“Well we aren’t discussing Gareth; we all know he doesn’t take these relationships with these, these girls,” he started to stammer
I knew I was going to win as soon as I pulled the Gareth card out the bag.
Gareth had been sleeping around with humans since, he was 50 years old, and continued to do so over the centuries, how he managed not to impregnate anyone was beyond me, yet I was still a virgin, I hadn’t even been kissed up till today, never mind anything else and this is why I was so angry at everyone for going mad at me for absolutely nothing.
“Well I want you to keep away from this Yas or whatever his name is,” he told me, it wasn’t a request it was a demand his hands were on his hips and he looked down at me with pure wrath his eyes.
That was it my temper reached boiling point, I felt my eyes change to a glowing red, everything I saw now was if I was wearing red tinted glasses, my fangs scraped my lower lip causing small grazes where blood instantly appeared as they descended
“How dare you! I am not a child anymore; I can speak to who I want to! And I will date who the hell I want to as well the same way you allow Gareth to be the local tramp!” I hissed at him
“I forbid it and that’s it end of discussion, if you disobey me you will not like the consequences!” his temper matched mine but his fangs were more impressive than mine.
I flinched as he slammed his fist against the marble granite counter which snapped in two followed by the sound of crashing plates and cutlery over the floor.
I gave up and stormed out the kitchen, I raced up the stairs leaving a shadowing blur from my image as I sped at my normal immortal speed; I slammed my bedroom door that hard I almost knocked it off its hinges, the windows vibrated by the impact.
I threw myself onto my bed, trying to calm myself down, I could hear my blood pumping through my veins, my heart palpitating through my temper.
I could hear people walking in the park, their footsteps on the wet earth, the raindrops pelting off their coats, their slow calm heart beats and their mild tones of their voices through their pathetic little conversations.
I wanted to hunt them, something I haven’t wanted to do since my early days. My temper was dangerously high.
I turned to my stereo and turned my music up full blast, trying to drown out the heart beats of passers-by; I sat on my bed, and drank the last of the blood from my glass. I dry heaved as it was slightly cooler than I anticipated, but hopefully regardless, the extra blood intake would help me calm down.
After a few minutes, I felt my fangs return to their normal position, and the colours in my room were becoming more natural, my breathing had calmed down. Yet I still felt angry, I wanted to cry, I felt so low and depressed, and I just wanted today to end.
Just when I thought things couldn’t get any worst, I heard Gareth pull up in the Jeep. Not even a second later he was at my bedroom door knocking.
“Can I come in please Carrie?” he asked through the door
“Go away Gareth I don’t want to speak to you right now!” I viciously spat at him, wishing my words could slice him with the venom I felt for him at the moment.
I could still sense him waiting for me to open the door, well he was going to be in for a long wait there was no way could I open that door and act civil.
“Carrie please,” he begged, I heard his head lean against the door as he spoke, I was adamant I wasn’t going to have him in this room while I was so close to attacking anyone.
I heard him move away and I took a deep breath with relief, I hated losing my temper, and I am not violent ever, I usually took things in my stride, but the way everyone turned on me as If I was an irresponsible teenager infuriated me. I have always been a good daughter, always worked hard, and I always obeyed every rule set. I had never given my family or the council any reasons not to trust my judgement or attack my actions; I have never had my father rage at me like that before.
I was lost in my own thoughts I didn’t acknowledge Gareth’s return this time he never knocked he stormed in to my room knocking the door clean off its hinges.
I stood up and glared at him, my teeth automatically descended over my lower lip, fresh droplets of blood dripped from them over my chin as they grazed my lips.
“I asked you nicely and you ignored my plea like a five year old, now you will listen to me!” he shouted
I wasn’t afraid of Gareth like I was father, even though I knew Gareth once had been a Vampire warrior alongside father against the part bloods, but I wasn’t going to back down and be threaten especially in my own home by my own family.
“How dare you!” I hissed back.
The room faded once more to the tint of red I now saw through my eyes.
“Baby sister, do you really want to attack me?” he spoke as if he questioned my sanity, I knew my thoughts were now projecting as my temper went, and his pompous tone wasn’t helping.
“Do not patronise me Gareth, and get out now!”
“Don’t you think your acting rather immaturely?”
I was raging more, how dare he continue to patronise me with egoistic attitude.
“Gareth just piss off, I am in no mood to talk to you right now, between you, the council and father I don’t think I can take any more so BACK OFF!” I shouted with an acid tone.
I never ever swore in my two hundred years, I was to lady like and mother bought me up with better manners than that, but he angered me so much by his very presence I just couldn’t help myself.
I caught a slip of his thoughts, he wanted to calm me down, and I laughed darkly at the idea, they always said I should toughen up and fight my battles and learn to defend myself, well I was about to show him I could.
“Carrie, you don’t understand, please calm down, let me explain,” he said calmly with his hands up as in a gesture of peace.
“Sod you!” I thought. “Well maybe you should have taken me to one side and explained instead of being the pompous bully you are!” I said in spite.
I didn’t want his explanations now, it was too late the damage was done, he betrayed me and embarrassed me in front of the whole school, and now the council was going to act on our outburst no doubt especially that Gareth attacked a human, and father was already outrage at me because I, well because of me speaking to a human.
“Bully, he asked for it!”He replied in his smug voice.
That did it, I leapt at him in one strike, aiming for his throat I wanted to dig my teeth in and ripped it open, for years he had taunted me over being the weakest out of us all, now I wanted payback.
But he was prepared for me and slammed me down in a clasp iron brace, and held me tight, I felt my ribbed cage closing and my lungs fighting for breath as I struggled to break free of his grasp.
“Carrie for the love of all that’s pure and good please calm down, I am asking you as your brother to listen to me, Yas is not for you, please keep away, this is for your own safety, please sister,” his tone was mild and pleading. This shocked me and stopped me in mid struggle, I read his thoughts and he was being genuine.
He slowly released me giving me a warning stare, till he finally got up, I sat there on the floor, ruffled up in our little wrestling match.
“Please leave me alone Gareth.” I asked, giving up, I felt my body shake as the tears were about to come.
I didn’t hear him leave; I got up and sat on my bed as I continued to cry.


I didn’t notice the night descend I realised I must have been crying for a while.
I still was none the wiser for my families out bursts, I just didn’t understand.
I got up and went to my bathroom to rinse my face, my eyes were blood shot, but thankfully back to their natural tone. I quickly

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