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Book online «Welcome To The Nightmare by S.K Nuanes (rainbow fish read aloud txt) 📖». Author S.K Nuanes

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allowed to sleep on camp zone 23, fed only one meal a day, if desired.

He won’t have any connection to the outside world. While on camp.

If he fails to serve this, he will face life behind bars.

“Well at least they didn’t kill you.” Robert said, looking at the note.
I exhaled and grabbed a bottle of Vodka and chugged it and threw myself onto a sofa.
I loosed my tie and threw it onto the floor, “Still, they think I am a liar. Maybe I am. Maybe I just dreamt of everything.”
“They don’t know anything, their history books were changed to make you look like the bad guy.” Robert said, shrugging and looking at a book.
I messed my hair up, and managed to get out the hair gel, letting the hair breathe.
“Robert, do you think I am a twisted minded monster?” I exhaled heavily.
“I will say you’re no stuff bunny.” Robert chuckled.
I didn’t respond I inhaled heavily, and then took another large chug of Vodka.
“Do I smell Vodka?” Annabeth asked, walking into the room.
I looked over at her; she looked at me raising an eyebrow. At how I was drinking already, and I didn’t take the time to change into different clothes.
“No, its water.” I said, chuckling.
Annabeth grabbed the bottle out of my hand, “If you are trying to get drunk. It won’t happen.”
“It helps just clear my head, now hand it over to me.” I said, reaching over to Annabeth.
She kept the bottle away from me; I stood up and tried to grab it. She backed up against the wall with the bottle behind her.
“Give it.” I said, trying to grab it.
She was acting like a dog, when you are telling them to drop it, but they won’t listen to you.
“Why should I?” Annabeth said, with a smile.
I had a slight chuckle then said, “If you don’t, give it to me. I will kill you.”
“You aren’t that evil.” Annabeth said, sweetly
I got closer to her and breathed heavily into her ear, “Oh dear Annabeth, never judge a book by its cover.”
She had a slight laugh and said, “Yes, you act all tough and scary. I know you are a big teddy bear inside.”
“Everyone has their theories on, what’s inside of me. No one has proved them.” I said, heavily breathing on her neck sending chills down her spine.
She twitched a bit, then looked at me then said, “Then what are you like on the inside.”
“Wouldn’t you like to know?” I said, standing up straight.
Robert then coughed then said, “I’ll go since it’s becoming awkward here.”
I backed away from Annabeth, and then looked at Robert, “Don’t you two have some hunting to do?”
“Yeah, come on Annabeth. We will be back by morning. To see you off.” Robert said, grabbing a jacket then slipping it on.
Annabeth looked at her brother, I grabbed the bottle away from her.
She rolled her eyes then followed her brother out the door.
I watched her leave, and then went up to my dungeon; I locked the door behind me.
I walked over to the window, which looked out to the forest.
The fog moved in, as they rushed into the forest there was something out there.
When I bought this house, they never said anything about a demon hook-up club.
I let out a heavy exhale, and took a large chug, until it was empty.
It didn’t take long for it to become empty, there was a dark voice in my head, “Why didn't we kill all those Demon Hunters, why not we go seduce some female right now?”

I let out a deep growl and said, “Shut up.”
“Why don’t you shut up, give in and I will go away.”

Ayperos said, low chuckling.
“I wont allow you to reach the surface, no one needs to see a monster.” I said, low.
“Look in the mirror, people see a monster every day. So why not just let the pain go away? You have suffered so much pain, so why not let those memories fade? I know you better then anyone else.”

Ayperos said, in a dark tone trying to convince me to do it his way.
“If you really know me, tell me what happened to my biological father…my human father.” I growled low.
“I won’t tell you that, even I won’t go that low.”

Ayperos chuckled.
I let out a low growl, and threw the bottle into the fireplace, the fire swallowed the bottle whole.
I watched the glass become consumed; I went over to my bed and fell onto my bed.
Why wouldn’t anyone tell me, what happened to my human father?

The next day came fast; it was the first day where I will be on the job.
I don’t understand why, they aren’t letting me use any demon powers, or anything to help me.
Is it to prove, I have my humanity still. Or want is it a way, of getting rid of other demons, and me?
I got a white short sleeve white t-shirt and ripped jeans.
I put on my black boots, and looked at myself in the mirror. My eyes were their demonic form, and then they turned back to their dark grey.
Then I fixed my hair back into it's casual look, the almost spike in the front, short on the sides.
I walked down the stairs they weren’t back yet. They should be back by now.
I grabbed my phone and dialed Robert number, it was ringing for a while then it stopped, “Yo.” Robert said, answering it.
“What up, where are you guys?” I exhaled.
Robert then said after talking to someone in the background, “We are coming, sorry.”
I hung up, then walked outside and looked up at the clouds passing over.
It felt as if life was slowly being sucked out of me, as if I was slowing will power to do a simple task.
What separates a demon from a human being, is it being soulless? Demons have immortality but humans don’t have that gift.
It’s a gift some tell me, but is it really, or is that sugarcoat?
I had to get over to the camp, to begin my punishment so this should be interesting.

At the small camp in the middle of nowhere, it seemed a cross between a twisted summer camp, and a military base.
I let out a sigh, then walked inside I didn’t bother taking my car, why should I?
If I am not going to be using it, then why waste time fighting someone for a parking space.
The room was small, no windows or anything; it was hard to find the door from inside the room.
I had to place everything I had expect my clothes on a tray or box.
I didn’t understand why, but whatever no point in fighting with the D.H.S.
Everything I had on me was placed onto a tray; I took out a small photograph, it was of Katherine and me, standing together, I had my arms around her bringing her close into my chest, she had her arms wrapped around me, there was a dark background. I had a serious face as I always do, and she had a soft expression it was like a small child, who would try and act innocent and scared once they were caught.
I had a slight smirk looking at the photograph; I remembered what the guy asked us when we were setting up the position.

“Are you guys newly weds?”

It was easily to find humor in that, since deep down inside everyone who knew, the answer was common sense.
It was forbidden, everyone knows what happens to those relationships, they are nothing but a fail.
The most perfect relationships are the best when they are forbidden.
It may be better to be in abusive relationship, then a forbidden one.
Would you rather be trapped, by your own personal beast? Then loose your meaning for existence.
I slipped the picture into my front pocket, and walked out of the room.
There was an old man waiting for me, he looked at me and glared and said, “Come along.”
I followed him, outside and into the woods where there was a large fenced area. The fence was chain-linked and you could sense darkness near.
“That small stand will let you pick a bag, plus a weapon.” The man said, pointing to a stand, with a tent over it.
I walked over to it, there was a young woman, who was wrapped in all white, she had pale skin, and her eyes were weak a soft hazel.
“Oh hello sir, how can I help you.” The woman said, in a depressed voice.
I looked at her, she seemed like she hasn’t gotten sleep in weeks.
“What would you suggest, going into there?” I asked, looking at the dark cave.
“The blue sack, or the green sack.” The woman sighed.
I sighed then said, “Blue sack, I guess.”
The woman grabbed the sack, and placed it on the counter, “Its free just go.”
I grabbed the bag, and then walked back to the front of the cave.
The man was waiting for me then said, “Take off that jacket.”
I exhaled and threw the leather jacket at him; I still had the dagger sword in my boots, and the photograph.
I wouldn't need anything from the bag, I just took it to see more 'helpless' then I actually was.
The gates slowly opened, I walked inside once I was in the gates closed.
This should be fun; I exhaled and walked down into the cave.
It was going down into the ground, it was dark by the time I was one mile in, my eyes adjusted to the darkness, I inhaled deeply there was someone else here.
I barely my fangs, there was Arthena, she smiled and waved at me. She was sitting on a rock; she had on white short shorts, a dark red tank top.
“What brings you here?” Arthena asked.
I rolled my eyes then said, “Why are you here, sure this is boring to you?”
“Oh I heard you turned yourself in, and I wanted to see you fight your own kind. Then kill you by my own hand.” Arthena said, shrugging.
“Where is your boyfriend?” I said, raising an eyebrow.
Arthena chuckled then said softly, “This waiting thing, is boring to him. So he let me come, and when things get interesting he will come.”
“So you are going to just sit there, and watch?” I asked, raising an eyebrow.
She smiled and shrugged gently, “Yeah, I guess oh sounds like there is trouble.”
There was a growl coming from under where we were standing.
I exhaled and jumped up in the air and smashed a hole and fell to the lower level.
It was a large chamber; diamonds and other stones were on the ground.
An old song started to play,

“Ring around the rosie, pocket of possie, Ashes Ashes, we all fall down, hehe.” A little girl voice echoed the chamber.
I looked all around, trying to figure out where it was coming from.
It wasn’t human at all, far from human. It had to be a wrath or a demon. It kept singing the song over and over again, as if someone hit the reply button, so it would loop.
I then let out a low growl it echoed through the chamber, and through all the pathways, letting anyone who was near I was here. Similar to how a wolf, would howel to let others know, it had killed or it was their territory.
Then there was a small girl about seven, who walked out of the shadows, she had long blonde

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