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Book online «Blood Land by J.R. Lawson (top ten ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author J.R. Lawson

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what was not expected was that his pale skin began to almost fade away and bright, normal flesh tone skin began to take its place.  It was like he had been cold and was now warming up.  In fact, he felt warmer and Nora even noticed his eyes as Jay finally found the strength to sit up and look at her and they were no longer red.  They were brown.  Jay briefly stole his gaze from Nora as he now looked down at his own hands.  He smiled to himself and Nora even noticed how rosy his cheeks had become.  All she could do, however, was just stare at him in absolute confusion.  What was going on here?  What had just happened? 

“Jay….I….what….” was all Nora could stammer as she gazed at him.

Finally Jay looked back at her, his smile still hadn’t faded. “I’m human,” was all he said to answer her question.

“What?” Nora asked, completely dumbfounded.

“I’m human,” Jay repeated, “I don’t know how…I guess, because I was only a hybrid because of what Dagon had done and you healed that….I’m…human again…”

Nora didn’t know what to say now.  She looked over at him with astonishment for what felt like several long seconds but eventually she finally said, “I…I’m sorry…I didn’t know….I…”

“It’s o.k. Nora,” Jay reassured, “I’m glad this happened.”

“You are?”

Jay smiled warmly. “I never wanted what Dagon had given me.  I never wanted to be that.”

Nora didn’t say anything back but just smiled in response.

“Thank you,” Jay gratefully stated.

“You’re welcome,” Nora then said in return.

All of a sudden, Kale appeared, standing beside Nora.  She immediately sensed him and looked up, wasting no time in ultimately standing as well.  As she looked over at him she noticed a sullen look on his face.  She furrowed her brow at him as she opened her mouth to ask him what was wrong. However, Kale answered her before she could even ask. “Caroline wants you…” was all he said, in a very soft and sober tone.  Nora just nodded and without further question, walked the few steps over to where Caroline lay on the snowy ground.

She kneeled beside her and immediately looked her over.  Her clothes were torn in several places and a gnarly gash that ran across her collar bone was bleeding profusely, no doubt the wound that her brother had healed those many years ago.

Nora didn’t waste any time with pleasantries. “It’s o.k., Caroline, I’m here,” she started as she brushed Caroline’s long, blonde waves out of the way.  Her hair was matted with blood in places, and Nora tried as well to brush some of it away from her face.  However, when she started to open Caroline’s leather jacket a bit more so she could get to her wound, Caroline placed a hand on hers to stop her. “No, don’t.” she softly spoke.

Nora looked at her face.  Caroline’s expression was a serious one as her eyes were glossy with tears. “But…but…” Nora started to protest but she stopped as she watched Caroline shake her head.

“No,” she said again, “I don’t want it.  I don’t want to be healed.”

“What?” Nora shockingly answered her, “But why?”

“I just can’t do this anymore, Nora,” Caroline admitted with a sigh, “You know how you said earlier tonight that you were tired?  Tired of running?  Well I’m tired.  I’m tired of fighting, tired of running.  Tired of everything…”

Nora looked at her face.  She did indeed look exhausted, but also somewhat at peace.  Nora could almost sense every one of her feelings and tears started to well up in her eyes as well as she kept looking at her. “But…you can’t leave Caroline…you’re supposed to be o.k.  And be with Kale and I…we won….you can’t….”

Caroline now gave Nora a weak smile. “You don’t need me,” she softly spoke.  Her voice was frail and Nora could tell she was mustering a lot of strength just to speak right now. “You and Kale have each other,” she continued, “He loves you.  You’ll be fine on your own…”

Nora dropped her head for a moment as she tried holding back her sobs.  A few came out that she just couldn’t suppress and she only looked back up when she heard Caroline speak again, “It’s o.k. Nora,” she comforted, “This is what I want.  This is what I knew would happen.   What I wanted to happen.  I’ll be free finally.  With my brother.  The Charlie I knew and loved.”

Nora just nodded as tears continued to fall down her face.

“I already said my good byes to Kale…I just wanted you to know…” Caroline continued, “That you were like the sister I never had.  I love you, Nora.  Thank you, for all that you did for me…and for Kale.”

“Thank you,” Nora responded between sobs, “You were like a sister to me too…”

It was then that Caroline smiled softly as she allowed herself to close her eyes.  Nora watched her as her head fell to one side and her body went limp.  She was gone.

It was then that Nora felt a hand on her shoulder.  She stood up and turned around to see Kale again.  She said nothing but just hugged him and cried into his chest.

“It’s o.k,” Kale comforted as he held her, “It’s over.  It’s all over.”

Nora nodded as she still cried.  She could feel all of the adrenaline leaving her.  She also felt uncontrollable joy as she knew Kale’s statement was certainly right.  It was over.  Everything was over.  They had won and they were free.

All of a sudden, Nora felt a quick wave of dizziness and weakness.  Her knees buckled slightly and soon they practically gave out as she started to fall.  She almost felt as if she might faint, but Kale quickly tightened his embrace on her, catching her before she could collapse.

“Nora!  Are you o.k.?” Kale frantically asked her.  Nora looked up at his worried expression as she realized that she was now feeling the effects of Dagon’s death as well.  It must have been somewhat delayed with her because of all of her adrenaline and the strength she possessed from her ability, however, it seemed to be catching up to her now, and she felt extremely weak and light headed, so much so that she didn’t know if she could answer Kale’s question.

“It’s o.k.,” Kale now said as he held her in his arms and looked down at her, “I’m going to heal you. You’ll be fine.”

“Wait…” Nora finally found the strength to say, “Wait, no…”

“No?” Kale protested, “What do you mean, ‘no’?”

“I don’t want you to heal me…”

Kale looked stunned. “What?  Why?  If I don’t…”

“No, Kale…” Nora struggled to reiterate, “I don’t want to be a part of the Vinculum anymore.  I don’t want to be connected to anyone.  I want to be free.  I want to be me…”

Kale just stared at her seriously for a silent moment before then saying, “What do you want me to do then?”

“I want you to turn me…make me a vampire.”

Again, Kale gazed into Nora’s pleading eyes. He sat pondering for a few silent seconds until Nora saw him close his eyes and gently nod. “O.k.” he agreed.  He then opened his eyes to look back at her.  “I’ll do it if that’s what you really want.”

“It is,” Nora responded.

“Just one thing,” Kale now said, “What about your healing ability?  What about your other powers?  You know they’ll be gone if you’re a vampire.  You won’t have them anymore.  You sure you want that?”

Nora nodded. “I realized I don’t want that kind of power anymore.  I don’t think anyone should have a power like that.”

Kale now gave Nora a small smile as he looked into her eyes lovingly. “I agree,” he responded.  Nora smiled back as then Kale said, “Are you ready?”

“I’m ready,” Nora confidently answered as she then tilted her head back allowing Kale to this bring his face forward.  He opened his mouth and Nora could feel his hot breath on her neck as he then forcefully, but somehow still gently, bit her.

An instant sensation of burning was felt on her neck and inside her throat as Kale bit her.  The burning then traveled from the bite all throughout her body.  It filled her as if someone was pouring hot lava into her veins.  It hurt, but in some ways almost felt good as soon a wave of a freezing cold feeling quickly followed it; as if someone were putting ice on a horrible burn.  Then, almost as quickly as it had come, the extraordinary sensation had faded. It was then that Nora realized she had been holding her breath and she breathed in a huge gust of air.  She looked up at Kale, her chest heaving as she gasped, trying to catch her breath again.

“It’s o.k, Nora, just relax…it’s over,” Kale comforted as he looked down at her.  Nora smiled in relief as she attempted to loosen her grip on him. He had still been holding her in his arms, but she had apparently been gripping his shoulders tightly during her transformation.  Kale finally lifted Nora a bit, encouraging her to stand on her feet.  Nora did so weakly, her legs feeling like jelly as she still held onto Kale for support.  She then reached up and touched the side of her neck where Kale had bit her, but of course she felt nothing.  No bleeding, no gash, no nothing.  She looked up into his eyes as he gazed back into hers.

“How do I look?” Nora finally asked as she had finally caught her breath enough to speak.  Kale only let out a small smirk as he then glanced behind them at something and then said, “Come here.” He then grabbed Nora by the hand and proceeded to lead her to one of the many carnival game booths that littered the fairground.  Once the two of them stood at one of them, Kale started rummaging around behind it.

“Kale, what are you doing?” Nora asked.

“Do you know when the moment was that I first realized I loved you?” Kale answered with a question as he kept up his search behind the booth.

“No…” Nora hesitated to respond as she curiously watched him.

Kale then finally immerged from behind the booth with a small candle in his hand. “It was that first night that Dagon tried to kill me.  When he stabbed me,” Kale said as he then proceeded to strike a match and light the candle. “When I was lying there bleeding, and I looked up and saw you…I knew.  I knew that I could love you.  You came for me. And you healed me with your own blood.”

Nora looked over at Kale’s face and smiled.  The faint light of the candle now illuminated him, allowing him to be back in his human-like form.  Kale went on, “I did, however, suppress my feelings…and I’m sorry for that.  Because…I really didn’t think it could ever be for us.  But of course…I was wrong.” Kale finished with a big, almost playful grin.

“Why are you telling me this?  What does this have to do with what we’re doing now?” Nora asked with a frustrated smile.

“I just wanted you to know that…before I showed you what you looked like now.  As a vampire.  Because, I loved you then…as a human…but I will still love you just as much now…even this you that’s now a vampire. I wanted to make sure you knew that.”

Nora warmly smiled. “I know that,” she said.

“O.k. good,” Kale assured as he then picked up a mirror from behind the booth as well.  “Are you ready?” he asked as held the mirror, the back of it facing Nora.

“You know, you could have just showed me my hellion form.  I wouldn’t have minded it.  It doesn’t really bother me anymore.” Nora now said.

“Yeah, well,” Kale informed, “When I first turned I only really realized it once I was a hellion, and that wasn’t the best experience for me.  I want this experience to be good for you.” He gave a small wink as he said

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