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Book online «Blood Land by J.R. Lawson (top ten ebook reader TXT) 📖». Author J.R. Lawson

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Nora gave Kale an annoyed smirk before then saying, “O.k.  well, I’m ready.  So show me.”

Kale didn’t say another word but then turned he mirror around to face her.  Nora looked into it and as the soft candlelight beside her hit her face, she noticed her pale skin, her almost perfect features including her rosy lips, and her red eyes.  She also noticed how shiny and wavy her auburn hair was now as it cascaded down and partially over her shoulders.  As she followed her hair downward with her eyes, she also noticed the prominent bite mark on the side of her neck.  She smiled, meanwhile noticing the brand new fangs she now possessed.  Everything about her reflection brought her joy.  She never liked looking at her face before, but now she no longer felt the sting of being a weak human, instead she felt strong.  A good kind of strong.

It was in the midst of her ponderings that Kale spoke up from behind the mirror, “You look beautiful.”

Nora looked up, past the mirror, right at him. “You think so?” she sincerely asked.

Kale nodded. “You’ve always been beautiful.  But now it’s different.  Stronger.” He then proceeded to put the mirror down as he leaned into her, putting a hand gently on her cheek. “I love you,” he tenderly said.

“I love you too,” Nora responded with a smile.  The two of them then leaned into one another and kissed passionately.  Nora couldn’t contain her happiness as she thought about how in love with him she was.  The two of them…they had done it.  They had beat Dagon and both come out alive.  Now they could do whatever they wanted.  They were free to live their lives.  Everything was ahead of them now; their future together.  Together.  They were together.

Nora wished desperately that she and Kale could have stayed there forever kissing, however a soft voice uttered nearby caused them to finally break away from each other.  They looked over at the, now human, Jay who had a genuine smile on his face as he approached them. “Hey, Kale,” he acknowledged as he then stood right next to them.

“Yeah?” Kale answered as he looked over at him.  He and Nora were still embraced.

“You know…now that Dagon’s gone…this place is going to need a new leader…” Jay nonchalantly stated with a playful smirk.  “Who’s going to lead them now, Kale?”

Kale didn’t answer but just turned back to Nora who beamed up at him widely.  He didn’t have to ask to know exactly what she was thinking as he just gave that all too familiar smirk back at her in agreement.


IT WAS CLEARLY spring season, prominently indicated by the green trees and gentle sun, of which were also accommodated by a soft wind.  This was the perfect day; especially one for a very important fund raiser.  That is what Nora was thinking to herself as she stepped outside to greet the beautiful weather.  She stepped down the porch stairs of Kale’s house in the Blood Lands and looked around her.  She couldn’t help but notice how wonderful the neighborhood looked.  No longer were there scenes of desolation and destruction.  No, these parts of the Blood Lands were beautiful now; the way they had always been meant to be.

Nora then glanced over next door as the voice of Rose calling her cat inside had caught her attention.  She smiled and immediately walked over to her. “Hi, Rose!” she gleefully greeted.

Rose immediately beamed as she made eye contact with Nora.  “Oh, hi, Mrs.—”

“Rose, how many times have I told you that you can call me Nora, o.k.?” Nora interjected, still smiling.

Rose looked down, somewhat embarrassed and then nodded before looking back up and answering, “Right, I just keep forgetting.  Sorry, Nora.”

Nora just smiled back and then said, “So, are you coming today?  To the fund raiser?  It should be a lot of fun!  Kale and I are both excited.”

“Oh, of course I’m coming!  I wouldn’t miss it!” Rose smiled. “I just have to feed Lucinda her breakfast and I’ll be on my way there!”

“Oh, good,” Nora said as she kept looking at Rose.  She noticed the new glow that she had about her now.  Her hair was so shiny and she no longer looked so frail.  Not to mention, she held herself with a confidence Nora never thought she had in her.  It made Nora feel good inside to see her this way.

“Well, I guess I’ll see you there!  Tell Mr.—I mean, Kale, I said hi and I’ll see him there too!” Rose then stated as Lucinda finally emerged from the side of the house and trotted up to her.

Nora nodded. “Of course!” she answered as she watched Rose pick up her cat and, not before giving Nora another warm smile, headed back into her house. 

Nora was now standing alone again. “Kale!  We’re going to be late!” she suddenly shouted, her head tilting back toward Kale’s house.

It was then that the door opened. “I’m coming, for fucks sake.  Just be patient!”

“You take longer to get ready than me!” Nora joked as she turned toward him.

“Shut up.  I was going over my speech,” Kale confessed.

“It’s not that long of a speech,” Nora responded.

“I still want to make sure I say the right stuff…”

“Aw, honey, are you nervous?” Nora smirked at him.

Kale only answered by flashing a disapproving look, then sighing and clearing his throat nervously.

Nora reached up and began to straighten his tie for him.  “You’ll be fine.  Just be the confident vampire that I love and everything will fall into place.” She finished with a smile as she looked up into his eyes.

Kale looked back. “Thanks,” he answered, “By the way, you don’t think I’m overdressed do you?”

Nora took a small step back and looked him up and down.  He wore a black suit with a maroon dress shirt and black tie.  His messy black hair was slicked with gel, reminiscent of the first “date” he and Nora had had together back at Caroline’s house over a year ago.  Nora smiled at this thought as she continued to look at him.

“Well?” Kale repeated as Nora then realized she hadn’t yet answered him.

“Oh, no sweetie, you look very handsome.  You look perfect.”

“Thank you,” Kale smirked. “By the way, you look beautiful as well.”

Nora smiled as she quickly glanced down and smoothed out her dress with her hands.  She wore the same navy blue and lace dress that Caroline had given her and her auburn hair was curled and brought together in a side swept style, her long locks falling over the front of her right shoulder.  Finally she looked back up at Kale. “Thanks, sweetie,” she answered.

“Well, shall we go then?” Kale motioned as he took a step toward his truck.

“Let’s do it,” Nora grinned as she followed him.




It wasn’t too much later that both Nora and Kale stood, on a medium wooden stage that sat in the middle of Kale’s father’s, now completely refurbished, fairground.  In front of them stood a huge mass of people; both humans and vampires alike.  They all stood, conversing to one another, all eagerly awaiting something.  Behind the group of people stood a sign, one that greeted the few stragglers that were still making their way over.  It read: DEENE ROGAN FAIRGROUND.

Nora couldn’t help but look out at the crowd in front of them and smile to herself.  She looked over at Kale too, his nervous behavior making her chuckle inwardly a bit as well.  Then she looked behind her, where the enormous Ferris Wheel stood.  No longer was it graced with vegetation and rust.  It was brand new and shiny, full of hope, just like the rest of this place was.

“Where is Jay?!” Kale then groaned, causing Nora to snap out of her trance and look back over at him.  He wore an anxious look on his face as he fiddled with his suit and tie.  Nora placed a hand gently on his arm in an attempt to calm him.

“It’ll be o.k.,” she comforted, “Jay will be here.  Just relax.  You’re going to do great.  I’m here right next to you.”

Kale smiled back at Nora as his shoulders fell in slight relaxation.  Suddenly, a voice to his right made him turn the opposite direction.

“I’m here too.  Right next to you.” It was Jay.  He wore a suit as well, except his was grey, along with a white dress shirt and dark green tie.  He grinned at both Kale and Nora, his fangless, human teeth showing.  The two of them smiled back and Kale patted his friend on the back as he said, “I’m glad you’re here.  Cutting it a little close, weren’t you?”

Jay chuckled a bit and shrugged. “Eh, well, I can’t fly anymore, remember?”

Both he and Kale laughed until then Nora tapped Kale on the shoulder. “It’s probably time to start now, don’t you think?” she encouraged.

Kale turned to her and nodded.  It was then that he turned to face the crowd of people before him and adjusted himself, rolling his shoulders to try to prepare.  He then gently tapped the microphone that was on a stand in front of him.  As he did so, everyone that stood in front of them began to quiet down and turn their attention to the stage.

Kale cleared his throat. “Um…hi, everyone.  Before we get going and I let you all in, I just wanted to say a few things first…”

Nora took a moment to look out into the crowd as Kale spoke.  It was then that surprise caught her as she noticed a familiar face looking at her.  It was Amy Davis—Will’s mom.  Nora grinned widely as she saw Amy make eye contact with her and give her a small wave while mouthing the word ‘hi’.  Nora gave one back in return.

“Mostly I want to thank all of you for coming here today…” Kale went on with his speech, “I’m so proud to present this fairground to all of you.  This was a dream of my father’s…that I would someday run this place for him.  And although I am running more than just this place, he would be proud to know, I think, the reason I’ve decided to keep it going.”  Kale took a moment to glance over at Nora, who he saw was looking back at him and giving him a small and grateful smile.

“All of your money that you spend here today,” Kale continued as he turned back to the crowd, “Goes to a very good cause.  It goes to the funding of the Caroline Gallo Blood Drive.  A step that I feel goes in the direction toward all of us coexisting.  Vampires and humans can live together peacefully.  I believe that can be true.  And I know all of you feel the same because you wouldn’t be here today if you didn’t.  I think what we are trying to achieve here today is the start of a new generation.  A generation that won’t be brought up in fear.  Now, it’s not going to change overnight.  There are a lot of people and vampires out there that don’t feel the same.  That’s o.k.  Great change doesn’t happen overnight.  It takes time.  But I think if we can start this…this new movement, then

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