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it from him, "hey, even though you have been trying your best to make me a Demon Lordress, doesn't it bother you?" I asked.

"Doesn't what bother me?" He wondered taking a sip of his cocoa.

"That I'm not a dragon or whatever."

I wonder what came over me when I asked him that. Since Demon Lords and Lordresses can just about be any species depending on the path of evolution they choose.

"Why on Earth would that matter to me?" He asked.

Right, he has a point.

"What are you thinking about, exactly?" Islacc stared at me curiously.

I turn my face away and stared in the direction of the cabin.

I frowned when I noticed something odd about it.

"Hey, what's that light?" I asked.

Islacc turned to see what I was looking at.

Right now we are at least a mile away from the cabin, but the light glare was too thick to be normal light.

"Huh, do you hear that?" He asked.

I didn't hear anything, but I suddenly had this bad feeling in the pit of my stomach.

This feeling, the feeling that something bad was happening right now.

"We should get back quickly. Something's wrong!" Islacc yells and grabs my hand.

Before I knew it, we were running in the direction of the cabin.

My heart was squeezing tightly from fear. The thought that something bad happened to Hina and Till kept nawing at me on the inside.

Til, Hina, please be alright!


Will Islacc and Reesa make it in time? If they do what will they come across when they make it back?


Voi 1 Ch 11: The Subjugation Forces Attack Mount Irda


The cabin that Islacc had built were now reduced to flames.

The sight before me made my heart drop immediately.

Islacc grabs my hand when I attempted to ste[ towards the burning cabin.

"Don't panic, Til and Hina are still alive." He says.

I glanced back at him and saw his determined expression.

Even if that were the case, I was really pissed off.

Since I already knew that Islacc has the ability to track our comrades I had to believe him.

Though at this moment while I watched the cabin that Islacc worked so hard to build, the anger that was already boiling to a degree was pouring out.


Islacc's Perspective


Islacc noticed humans from the trees from all sides, and he had also sensed them.

Right now, his main concern was Reesa, who's arua was going wild and enveloping her entire body.

"Hey, you there! Where is the monster that lives here!" A voice shouts among the large group of humans that have gathered.

Before Islacc could answer, another human seems to whisper something to this human man while also staring in Reesa's direction.

Not good, seems that they noticed her leaking her powerful aura.

"I see, the woman there. Surrender to us, if you do so, we shall not kill this monster!" The human man had another human step from the crowd.

Til was forcibly being held hostage by this person, but there was no sign of Hina.

It made sense though, because there was no way human trash like these guys would have been able to capture her so easily anyways.

"Master!" Till calls out.

"So, I was correct to assume that this orc boy belonged to you then." The human man says unsheathing his sword and pointing it at Till.

"You dare!" Reesa's expression showed anger to a max degree. Islacc wasn't even sure if he have ever seen her this mad before.

It's not looking great right now.

How should he handle this?

Turning into a dragon would most likely scare them away but it would cause future annoyance.

After this, it would seem they would have no choice but to find a new home.

First, he should settle this temporarily, and he'll have to start by calming down Reesa.

"I'm afraid, I can not agree to hand the woman over without a solid reason." He tells the human man.

The human man frowns, "it's because of the destruction of many of my villages! Since that woman there is the only one letting out such an evil and powerful aura. Than that means she's the culprit." He says nodding over at Reesa.

So that's how it was. These humans misunderstood and used their own judgement to do as they please.

"Is that so, you say I alone destroyed these villages. And where is your proof?" Reesa asked her eyes showed that she wanted to take these humans down with one blow.

With Till in their possession, they were at a disadvantage. While it is true that Reesa can control herself in most cases but because she values those who are close to her, she may loose all her reasoning.

That could be a problem.

"It's simple, as I said. You are the only one here demonstrating high levels of aura right now. And is also the only one sending out so much killing intent that it's easy to understand who did it." The human man answers.

"Let's stop there." Islacc interrupts.

The human man does not relax his stance and kept his gaze on Reesa.

"What is your name, Human?" Islacc asked.

This man was clearly a noble since his clothes seemed a bit flashy.

"Prince Judis Armitis." He answers.

It's as he thought, but seems this guys status was higher than he thought.

"Prince Judis, I am Islacc. While I am sorry for the loss of your people, I will have to deny your request. Hand over the child and leave here." Islacc tells him.

This Prince Judis did not waver instead he narrows his gaze, "there's no way I can agree. We will kill this orc child and that woman there. We won't leave until our fellow men are avenged!" Prince Judis roars.

"And what if I say that you have the wrong people?" Islacc asked.

"There's no way! That monster definitely had a hand in it, right? If you choose to protect her then even if you're a human I will have no choice but to kill you!" Prince Judis says with determination.

The aura Reesa was pouring out grew much denser, to the point that the humans around them could no longer ignore it.

It also seems that they were dead set on believing whatever they wanted because of Reesa being a monster.

And well, it was already too late for the human that had a daggar pressed against Til's neck, since he drew a bit of blood.

"Argh! My hand!" The haman screeches as blood splatters from his arm.

He no longer had a hand and Til was no longer in the crowd of humans.

Standing beside him was Hina who had just rescued Til single handedly.

Looks like her training has be going well.

"What the hell!? What just happened??" the panicked humans seemed to be quite confused.

Til looked up at Islacc.

Islacc pats his head but for now it seems he could no longer play nice, he had given up on reasoning with these pathetic beings.

Islacc sighs, "I will handle it, the two of you stay by Reesa's side." He ordered.

"Yes Master!" Hina and Til chorused.

He faced the humans before him, "I guess I have no choice but to showcase my powers." He says showing a malicious expression.

Well, it's been a while since he killed a few humans. A few more should be no problem, right?


Prince Judis's Perspective


The mistake that he never thought he could make, happened on this very mountain.

The first mistake was his lack of knowledge about the legend of this mountain.

And the second mistake was pissing off the very legend that resided in this moutain.

Staring up at the shiny gold scales of a large and magnificent dragon, Prince Judis was at a loss for words.

It's a dragon! 

It's the most terrifying and amazing thing he's ever witnessed .

Why would there be such a thing here in the Kingdom of Armitis?

"Do you realize your mistake, human known as Judis?" The voice spoke to him mentally.

Sir Roman who stood next to him quickly turned to him, "Prince, what are your orders?" He asked desparately.

"Amazing." He mutters. He sat there completely dazed. 

"Prince! Snap out of it! If we don't act we could all die here!? Sir Roman shakes his shoulder.

"What of it? We do not fear that dragon!" A few advernturers stepped forward at that moment and points toward the dragon.

That's right! He had almost forgotten about the adventurers!

"What bold words coming from such weak creatures. Then I shall show you the might of an Ancient Dragon such as myself. I dare not let my future Queen dirty her hands with such miscreants!" The dragon roars.

"Wait!" Someone from the crowd yells but it was too late for the adventurers that decided to face the dragon.

Because now the adventurers were reduced to ashes in a spit second.

A woman wearing a Mage's robes emerged from the crowd, followed by three others.

" If we face this dragon we will all be massacred within seconds, besides those adventurers that just lost their lives. All of us will surely also perish." She says.

The look on her face gave Prince Judis pause, "how do you know if we don't try?" He asked.

"Did you not hear him? He's an Ancient Dragon! That is a rare type dragon that hasn't existed for more than a thousand years! Besides that he killed those adventurers without heistation. " She yells.

Prince Judis wasn't sure what this has to do with anything, but her expression was not only of curiousity but a mixture of pure fear.

While it was true that this dragon killed those adventurers just now, does that truely mean that he was undefeatable? Does being an Ancient Dragon make him something they could not beat?

"What a wise Mage. That is right, I am the Great Ancient Dragon Isamian Islacc. And I am the first of the Four Ancient Dragons of two thousand years." The dragon spoke.

"Wait, that's crazy. There's no way that's true. Dragon's can't live past 1'000 years. If you're that old, then wouldn't that mean you are...." The Mage stopped talking.

"That's right, I'm Immortal. The legends are all true." The dragon answered.

So even if they fought him, there was no chance of killing him?

Is this some kind of sick joke?

Was something this grand even fair?

"We cannot allow such a monster to live!" Someone shouts.

That is true. having something that strong nearby could be a problem for not only the human race but the whole world, especially one that just recently killed humans in front of them.

"Funny, I mentioned being immortal, and yet you still mention killing me." The dragon says.

Damn, this is looking really not good.

Is there really no way?

This dragon did not care for human life and it seems he'll protect that demon woman  even if it meant killing all of them here right now.

"What will you humans decide, leave or be destroyed right here?" The Dragon Isamian Islacc asked his massive amount of mana pouring out and inflicting a sense of warning.


What will Prince Judis decide??

Vol 1 Ch 12: The First
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