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at the mountains. These mountais will have even more monsters to fight. The trip to the fortress on top of the last mountain will take them another three days. More than that, if they choose to venture inside the caves.

After, it will take them another two days to climb to the top of the last moutain with the fortress at the top.

They will then meet the very first guardian, this one is just the messenger. Since the real guardian of the first floor will be inside.

Those who made it is given recovery potions before continuing foreward. Of course it would be no fun if they die too quickly.

"You seem happy with your creations, Mistress." Islacc says.

"Well, I feel that I will be having fun for a while." I point out.

I will only kill if needed, and will not show mercy to my enemies. I will reward the true heroes with a gift and the selfish will be cursed with torture or death.

This is like having a dungeon.

Even if somehow the purest of heroes did not defeat me, I will reward them either way and send them back to the very start before they entered the plains.

And if the selfish managed to make it far, I will still punish them.

And  to make things a bit interesting anyone who has entered and have been sent back will not b able to enter again for a whole week.

I will be sure to chage things as much as possible to make things more entertaining for both me and those who enter my domain.

"Alright, Til, bring me the materials to make the new guardians." I order.

Til stands and bows his head, "Right away Mistress!" 

He opened a spatial bag and immediately pulled out several types of materials and then brought them up to me.

"We will begin with the magic formation." I say.

I used my magic and had the materials float before me.

Then I used another spell to conjure up a cauldron which was already filled with my magic.

The first material to go into the pot was the fur of a Great Wolf.

I watched as light shined from the cauldron and out appeared a demi-human with a wolf's tail and ears.

"A male Demi-Wolf? I will call you Yumo then. Now Yumo, what is your power?" I used appraisal on him.


           Race: Demi-Wolf    Level: 100


HP: 840/840   MP: 300/300  SP: 1000/1000


Menace: A form of Intemidation. Works on anything with a level lower than 50.

Super Strength: He's twice as strong as most animals or humans.

Super Speed: He's twice as fast as most humans and creatures


 He would make the perfect Guardian for the first floor.

His magic power wasn't all that, but he will still be a tough opponent to face with his level being at 50 and those impressive stats of his.


Vol 1 Ch 14: An Intruder Already?


I paused to think, I guess I'll stop here for now.

There are some things I need to take care of before I create the other Guardians.

"Mistress!" Hina came back to the throne room, her expression looked panicked.

"Hina? Is there something the matter?" I asked.

There's no way that she finished her task that quickly.

Something else was up.

"I was setting up the barriers as you have requested, but somehow a human managed to wander inside before that!" Hina said.

"A human, you say? Where are they currently?" I asked.

"They just now made their way into the forest, Mistress." Hina admitted.

"Isn't that a good thing? If they're in there, they are surely going to die." Roman points out.

Hina's expression turned sour, for an elf who hated humans she didn't seem very happy about this fact.

I wonder....

"Hina, what kind of human is it?" I asked. I have a sneaking suspicion that I already knew her answer.

She pressed her fingers together before answering, "it seems to be a child, Mistress." She answers.

I see, that was what I had came in conclusion too.

I sigh and once again used my magic to bring up the veiwing portal.

It's a good thing I didn't have to search for the intruder, the viewing portal immediately guided me to the human child.

"Looks like the child is surrounded by Horned-Dark Wolves." I muttered.

This doesn't look good for the kid. And judging by the situation, if not rescued immediately the child could become a delish meal for these wolves.

I sat back with my arms crossed, I admit that it would be a problem if a human child died in my forest.

My question is, how did it get there?

"Til, please go rescue the child and bring him to the fortress."

Til stood and nods before leaving.

"Thank you so much, Mistress!" Hina says her eyes glazed over with tears.

Jeesh, what will I do with this child?

"I'll make myself clear, Hina. I could care less for that human's life. Be it child or adult, it does not matter to me. But I will not kill unnecessarily, if they provoke me then they die. It does not only pertain to humans, but anything that lives." I tell her.

To think I, who used to be human, would ever say these words.

But I don't regret it.

She bowed her head, "yes, I understand, Mistress." She says.

I stared at the veiwing portal. In this case, though. Killing an innocent child who probably wandered into my forest by mere accident, does not sit well with me.

This is what I wanted to think, in actual fact I was a bit curious. Why on Earth was there such a cute little boy there in my forest in the first place?

Thinking about it, I wonder if it really is an accident.


Another's Perspective


Inside the forest, one can see a child around six years old running from a pack of horned-dark wolves.

The child's clothes is shredded from the back because of a claw mark that belonged to a wolf.

He trips over a tree root and scrambles behind this same very tree to lean against it.

He could run no more, the pain in his back was unbearable.

The only thing he could do was hope that the wolves didn't find him.


Til's Perspective


"You're almost there, the kid is hiding behind a tree a few kilometers to the left." Hina says.

Til nods and continues to run quickly through the forest.

Thanks to his use in strengthening ones body, it wasvery easy to breeze past many monsters.

He spotted the wolves near a tree, the sound of a child screaming was enough for Til to understand the situation.

He reached into his medicine pouch and threw something round-like at the wolves.

This should repel them and keep them back for a while.

A thick smoke substance spilled from the round-like object letting off a rachid smell.

Just as he hoped, the wolves scattered to the trees nearby.

A wolve's snout is pretty sensitive after all.

He came upon the boy that trembled on the ground, curled into a ball.

Til squatted down to take a closer look at the child's wounds.

"Looks like he needs medical attention, besides the back wound. Looks like his skin on his leg aws eaten through, I'll have to heal the wounds a bit to stop the bleeding." He spoke.

"Please do, bring the child here once you're done." Hina says.

"Right away." Til answers.

He pulls out a small vile with green liquid and turned the child to his back.

"It hurts." The boy says.

"It'll be alright. Drink this, it should heal your wounds a bit." Til lifts the boy's head a bit and pressed the vile to his lips.

The sound of the boy drinking the liquid was a good sign.

He watched a dim green light glow about the boy's wounds that healed only a bit. It was good enough, since this should stop the rest of the boy from bleeding too much.

Til then lifted the boy into his hold, he didn't have very much time before the repellent clears up. 


Another's perspective


"Mistress, Til is on his way, he says he'll use the teleportation gate that's hidden in the forest to get here." Hina says.

"Alright then, I'll be sure to reset the gate so that only our people can enter." Reesa says.

She then stands from her throne after resetting the portal, "let's join Til in the medical room." 

"Yes, Mistress." Hina and Roman says.

"As for me, I will go collect resources from the human City, Perphius." Islacc says.

"Oh, while you're doing that, check around for more information about the child. See if his parents are looking for him." Reesa points out.

"Yes, Mistress. I shall return later then." Islacc says disappearing.

"Alright, to the Medical Room. Til and the child awaits." Reesa orders.

Hina and Roman followed behind her, out the doubled-doored entrance and into the halls.

Vol 1 Ch 15: Desires

The minute I entered the medical room I witnessed an interesting scene.

A naked kid dashed across the room knocking over a tray and huddled in a corner.

"Mistress!" Til says once he saw me.

"Is there a problem, Til?" I asked.

"I'm sorry, it seems the child is really scared." Til answered.

Well, I guess seeing an Orc would scare any child right now.

I'm not as patient as I used to be, if I got involved I'd most likely kill the child out of frustration.

"Hina, take care of the kid." I ordered.

"Yes, Mistress." Hina says replacing Til.

The child trembled slightly but once he saw Hina he stopped.

Right now Roman and Hina were the only ones that looked human.

With Roman being human and Hina being an elf, it only makes sense if the one of them could help the kid relax.

"It's okay, we won't hurt you." Hina held out her hand to the child.

He took it and latched onto Hina instantly.

"Good boy. Let's have Til here take care of the rest of your wounds, okay?" Hina asked the boy waving Til to come over.

At first the kid stiffened but thanks to Hina staying beside him, he let himself get treated.

Once treated, Hina began to ask the child some questions.

After a while I learned that he was dumped nearby and somehow found himself in the plains.

Though he was young, he seemed intelligent.

"Mistress, I don't think he has anywhere else to go. If you could allow me to take the boy in as my apprentice then I'd be grateful." Hina says.

I frowned at this. While I did agree to bring him in to treat him, allowing him to stay is another issue.

But...if I allow it now then that means another intelligent human working under me.

"Fine, I'll allow it. But I will warn you that if somehow another child appears

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