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a matter of time, all preparations were almost finished. 

In order for humans to learn of my fortress I must first bring in the first round of guinea pigs to feel out my domain. I'll be sure that at least one will be able to make it out of here alive. This way they could spread word of my fortess.

"Mistress, will you be resting to build up your mana?" Hina entered carrying the human child.

"I will, is there something you need?" I asked.

Hina sat the child down on his two feet, "go on." Hina urged the boy.

At first he stared down at his feet and his big doe-like eyes glanced up at me. I noticed him fiddling with his thumbs, "speak child." I ordered.

Why did Hina bring this child to see me?

"Um...Mi..mi..mistress. My name is Fu, I would like to thank the demon lordress for saving me." The boy says falling to his knees and then bowing his head to the floor.

How smart. For a six year old to be this intelligent and mature. Not only that he has a cute appearance.

"I see you show gratitude well. Very well, I shall grant this boy a gift." I say.

I reached out and casted a magic spell that would grant this intelligent child the gift of divination.

This would be a great gift that I myself could not use.

"As long as you stay loyal to me, you will be well taken care of." I tell Fu.

This time both Hina and Fu bowed before leaving me alone once more.

It's going to be livelier tomorrow with lots more of my underlings roaming around the fortress.

Vol 2 Ch 1: Mercernaries


Three Weeks Later


Things around the fortress has started becoming more lively than before.

I now have 9 guardians guarding each floor and each of the guardians have their own underlings that work under them.

That means all of the fortress had been redecorated on each floor, including the big boss room on the tenth floor, basically my throne room.

"My Mistress, may I have a word?" Roman enters my throne room holding a large paper.

"You may." I tell him.

He walked over with the paper and holds it up for me to take a look.

"What's this?" I asked taking a hold of the paper.

I glanced over it and noticed that it was the map to my domain.

The beginning of the plains, through the forest and past the wastelands all the way to this very fortress.

"This, did you draw this?" I asked.

"No, it was the apprentice butler working under me. I wanted to make a few suggestions, since we still have plenty space in the wastelands." He says.

"We'll go over that next time, first has the preparations been take care of?" I asked.

Roman takes hold of the map that I handed back over.

"Indeed Mistres, Baslisk sent his underling to the nearet kingdom recently, we should have humans transported to the start of the plains here pretty soon. How many shall I tell him to transport?" He asked.

"Make it a group of twenty. I'll send word to Meztia here soon that she'll be getting some guest soon." I tell him.

"I'm sure she'll be highly excited to receive your gift, Mistress. I shall be on my way back to the butler courters now." Roman says before leaving me alone.

"It's already starting, huh?" I mutter to myself.

It's the start of my reign as an evil demon lord, if all goes well, I wonder how I should precede?


The Kingdom of Armitis, Palace location


View of a man wearing a crown and green robes staring into a large magical orb.

"You're saying, rumors of Serlian City's destruction has reached even the ears of the Holy Church of Hamono?" King Sermell Armitis asked.

After the possible death of his son had spread throughout many kingdoms he did his best to keep a lid on the destruction of one of the well known cities that he handed over to his son.

Even now, while he spoke with the King of Gertue, Famollio Jastav, he wondered how news of Serlian managed to get out. 

"That's exactly what I mean. It's only a matter of time before that damned Holy nation decides to get involved. When that happens, I'm afraid you're on your own, my good friend." King Famollio says.

Good friend he says.


That church was the last place he wanted to get involved. The great Holy Nation, Hamono had quite the annoying beliefs and unfortunately they're a nation that not even God himself could go against.

"It's just as well. I have no other choice but to call in a few mercenaries." King Sermell says before ending the call.

He leans back in his chair. There's a view of a study table and a few papers slewn on top of it. A few servants stood by and awaited orders.

"Call in Duke Wesmin, have him send some mercenaries my way. I need at least forty." He says to one of the servants.

"Right away your majesty." A servant woman with glasses answered before leaving the study room.


A few hours later...


Veiw of a throne room cased in gold and iron decorations, even the throne itself was made of gold. The throne was quite uncomfortable, it seems his son had been doing to much unnecessary spending. 

Damn that boy. If he's not dead already he'll kill him himself!

Veiw of forty men and women standing in the middle of the throne room, "are these the mercenaries I asked for?" He asked.

"Yes, Your Majesty." The servant woman answered with a bow of her head.

He shoos her off before facing the mercenaries.

"Where is your leader?" He asked.

A woman stepped through the crowd, she was tall and muscular with a manly demeanor.

"That would be me." She answers.

In her hand was a longsword that seemed to be too expensive even for a group like this. 

Well it didn't matter how they lived their lives until now, all that mattered is the mission he wanted them to take on.

"If I may be so bold, King of Armitis. What do you wish for us to do?" The woman asked.

"It's simple really, my son is pronounced dead. I, as his father, personally do not believe the baseless rumors. Find him and bring him home." King Sermell tells her.

The woman crossed her arms, "you want us to babysit? How much will we get for this mission?" She asked.

"Such disrespect!" The roar of a knight nearby did not faze these mercenaries. If not for the fact that he needed them, he'd have cut out this woman's disrespectful tongue.

"How does, 100 gold pieces sound?" He asked.

"Three Hundred, and we'll also take some horses." She says holding up three fingers.

"How impudent of you, but deal. I, King Sermell shall agree with these terms." he says.

"So, does the prince look like you or what?" The woman Mercenary asked.

"Give them a portrait of the Prince." He orders the scribe nearby.

The man ran over to them and handed over a sroll.

She unrolled it and took a good look.

"Well damn, now this is a fine man with two legs that I have ever laid eyes on." She says with a whistle.

She rerolled the scroll and tucked it into her tight armor, "We shall be on our way then." She says turning to leave.

But when she did this a red light shot out from the ground before them, it stretched all the way from one wall to the other, blocking them from leaving.

"A barrier?" One of the mercenaries asked.

"I found them, guinea pigs for my Lordress!"

The creature-like voice spoke.

"What the hell is this! Yo King, is this some kind of trap?" She glanced back at him.

But his facial expression said it all, this was not his doing.

A black magical crest appeared on the ground between the king and the mercenaries.

The room was ominous, and the feeling of something evil drenched her with a cold sweat.

A monster ascended from the dark magical crest on the floor.

It's features were unexplainable. All she saw was a dripping black shape with no eyes nor mouth.

She gripped the handle of her longsword.

"Lowly beings, you shall be the great ruler's first test subjects! You should all be proud to recieve such a great honour!" 

This was not a monster, this feeling of something even more terrible.

The horror as the monster began to take a new form, tenticles coming out of a blob shape.

"Since my master only asked for twenty, I shall kill the remaining and transport the remaining twenty." 

Before she could react the tentacles shot out and the sounds of flesh being pierced was all she could hear before a flash of light blinded her vision.

"Try to survive as long as possible, feeble beings."

When the light faded, she and nineteen of her men were facing a forest and when she turned there was nothing behind her, nothing but darkness.

Vol 2 Ch 2: Into the Forest


Another's Perspective


"Mistress, the humans have been teleported, none of them has entered the forest, what should I do?" 

A dark figure is hiding in the trees in the forest speaking into a glowing orb.

It watched as the humans that were transported stood at the start of the plains, not a single one tried to enter.

"Simple, find a reason for them to enter. There are monsters of all kinds in the forest. Find one that is weak but strong enough to make them enter. I don't want them to die so soon." The voice of the mistress spoke.

"Yes, Mistress. I'll happily do as you say. May I ask how many should reach the Wastelands?" The voice asked.

"Make sure there's at least 10 that make it to the wastelands." 

The dark figure can be seen smiling, "yes, my mistress. As you wish." The voice answered before tucking the orb away.

The being is seen going deeper into the forest.

"Shall I have some fun? Those dogs should be able to get things done. I'm expecting some great things from that massive human woman." The form says disappearing into the trees.

Yellow eyes is seen glowing in the trees nearby.

The mercenaries stood at the entrance of the forest.

None of them felt obligated to enter.

"Stay awake men! There's no telling what those bastard demons are planning!" The mercenary leader says.

"Didn't that demon mention something about being guinea pigs? What do you think it meant by that?" A nearby mercenary man asked.

It's clear these damn cowards were already shaking in their boots.

"Leader, what do we do from here?" a woman with a smaller frame of muscles and red hair asked.

"Nothing, we won't let those bastards win." The mercernary leader says plopping down on the ground.

That's right, those demons think they got the

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