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Book online «The Elf by Drakent Arrow (e book reader free .TXT) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow

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bodies of the

other elves disappeared?

- You're with another, right?

- You're the only girl I want, Shi-Mae. How many times I have

to tell you?

- So what happened? Why are you so changed,

Ankris? And why did you go on a trip without telling me? Where'd you go?

- You're acting like a jealous girlfriend, Mae Shi, and do not know what gives

entitled to that. You've never talked about commitment to me.

- Commitment? She blurted out, shocked. With you? But if you are

one ...!

"Werewolf" Ankris thought, though he knew she had meant


- Do you see it? Snapped. My place is in a dilapidated cabin and not in a

elegant palace. With a humble girl, and the daughter of a duke.

This was not the reason I moved away from Shi-Mae, but neither

was all a lie. For years the frustration that

tortured inside.

Shi-Mae backed, pale, as if he'd get slapped.

- You think so? Well, bit her lower lip thoughtfully. Perhaps

you're right.

He left, and Ankris thought would not return and that he had lost

forever. His despair was such that many nights howled

to the moon, longing to Shi-Mae, lamenting the misfortune that had

befallen him.

Only saved him hoping to control the beast nights

full moon. When he finally reached the full moon, the young elf, very nervous, he

prepared to take the test. He locked himself in his cabin and locked the door and

the windows to make sure it would not be able to get away without

destroy them. And shortly before sunset, opened the bottle with hands

trembling and sipped.

He could not suppress a bitter smile. Did like the 'juice

berries' prepared by his mother every night as a child.

The moon rose, and, like every month, Ankris was transformed. Was

eighth time he suffered horrific torture and felt that he would never

used to. He screamed in pain and closed his eyes as he felt the wolf

took hold of his body and molded in his image. He cried when he

grew fangs and nails, cried when his face Elvish

transformed into a beastly hairy muzzle, cried as she felt her spine

bowing and forcing him to get on all fours while the hair

covered all her slender body. Shouted before losing consciousness, and remembered

Shi-Mae, and felt distant and cold as the most distant star


He woke up the next day with a sore head and looked

around somewhat dazed. He saw the strips of her clothes on the floor, but for

Otherwise, the cabin was intact. The doors and windows were

fully insured with tables, and did not present a single scratch.

- It worked Ankris murmured. Last night I went out hunting. I was


He hastened to remove the boards and go outside. He let the sun

elf stroked her body and said aloud:

- I have overcome, wolf. My body will be able to appropriate nights

full moon, but my soul is still mine. Do not force me to kill


He smiled, feeling optimistic for the first time in many months.

To finish things better-Mae Shi returned. He said he

better and thought it was a good idea Ankris lived in

forest, since this could be in secret without fear that his father

the discovered. In another time, Ankris have regretted having to be the

shameful secret Mae Shi-but, given the circumstances, not

seemed so serious. He had a much more terrible secret to hide.

Made peace, and reconciliation was sweet and passionate at the same time.

When, at sunset, Shi-Mae returned to the city, ran into the woods Ankris

to join his flock to celebrate that, although he continued loving the

wolves would not be one of them.

Ankris also went hunting the following full moon nights. The

disappearances ceased, and he felt safe for a while. Furthermore,

encounters between him and Shi-Mae became increasingly frequent. Its

hut not far from the School of the Golden Wood, and often

went there to get her, hidden among the trees, because their relationship was

remain secret.

And so it was for a few years. Ankris became accustomed to the

transformation, the pain was still unbearable, but he trained for

stifle the cries and suffering silently changes. Every ten months

returned to the ring to see the wizard and collect the potion that he prepared.

Sometimes his steps took him near his parents' home in

top of the tree, but never dared to appear before them again.

Every time I tried it went to his memory the expression

horror of his father the night he had run away from home, and not

could not help wondering how he would react if I saw him completely


No, I do not belong there. His home was in his

cabin in the woods surrounding the city of elves, with their wolves,

with Shi-Mae.

However, I still did not dare to confess the truth.

Ring justified saying his travels returning to visit their

parents, and had hitherto managed to put all sorts of excuses

not have to meet her one night of full moon.

Nevertheless, Ankris beginning to think that might become

happy someday.

One evening, when the two were together in the woods in one of his

favorite places, sitting on the grass beside a stream, Shi-Mae

rested her head on his chest, sighed and said:

- What have you done?

- What? -The boy looked at her blankly.

- I should marry a young man of good family, 'said her voice

low. Inherit the Duchy, perpetuate the noble blood of my race. And there

good candidates, do not think. But then you came and ...

Ankris's heart began to beat faster. She noticed and smiled.

- Never thought I'd say this, he whispered. But I've fallen for you,


Ankris gasped. They looked, and he saw in her eyes what

said was true. They kissed. When they parted, he gave her a sad


- What I supposed to do when you marry a young

good family, Shi-Mae?

In her eyes appeared a flash of defiance.

- I'll marry whoever I want, what do you think?

- And you want me?

Shi-Mae hesitated. She hugged him and said he was Ankris


- You're so different from all the elves I know ... I realized

soon, the night we met. There are ... something strange about you, something

fascinating that attracts me and makes others are frightfully

boring compared to you. Yes, Ankris, I love you, and love you

ever, I swear. But my father would never approve of our relationship.

- So Let's run away together, proposed Ankris, carried away by

enthusiasm. We'll go far away, where we are. We will live in the

forest and ...

- Are you going to take a girl like me to live in the forest as a

wild? She smiled. Do you know of anything that would have to resign?

Yes, I can live without luxuries, but I can not live without the magic.

- Ah. Your exam-Ankris recalled.

- There is a test either, is the Trial by Fire,

See? It is the last stage before becoming vested as

sorceress class. And not granted to anyone. Therefore, all

presented should know that not only play red robe that

marked as enshrined magicians, but also ... life.

Ankris shuddered. Shi-Mae had told him that the test

Fire was a very dangerous test for trainees who

presented to him, no one knew exactly what it was because the

magicians who had passed did not like to talk about it, but he knew

some had come to die trying.

- I do not understand why it is so important to you, Shi-Mae. How

risking can you even think that?

- When you start is just a game, but then becomes

more exciting, and increasingly want to know more and more ... But there is another

thing. You see, small me away to study. I was in the School

Lake of the Moon, but when I reached the third grade, my results

were so bright that I decided to change my school teachers and

send me to the Tower to study.

- Tower? Ankris repeated.

Mae Shi nodded.

- The Tower is a High School located in a remote Wizardry

valley. And it is the most amazing place I have ever known. It is full of magic

Earth, powerful and ancient. So while Forest School

Dorado collects from its hundred towers of Heaven Magic, subtle and

delicate, suitable for more complex and elaborate spells, the Tower has

coarser magic and simple, but much more powerful.

"And this place is run by a human Archmage. The call

Mrs. de la Torre. His fame has reached every corner of Seven

Kingdoms and their power is unrivaled.

"I admired her from the first moment and I wanted to be like her. If a

humans can become Archmage and get everything she has

achieved ... What I could not get? But then came a message

My father said we could go home, that the Kingdom of the

Elves had a new heir and our exile, therefore, was over.

And I obeyed, but I could never forget my short stay in the

Torre, nor to which was to be my Master. My dream has always been

become like her, the Lady of the Tower and even surpassing in magic and

know. Do not you have a dream, Ankris?

- Yes, the boy suddenly became serious. Lead a quiet life,

be happy with you, raise a family.

- Is that it? Is that all your ambition?

- Given the circumstances, I think no small thing murmured


Mae Shi thought he was referring to the fact that they belonged to

different social classes.

- Do not worry, I think I can fix that. Just give me some

of time.

Although Ankris was intrigued, Shi-Mae did not elaborate.

Days later entered the hut with a heavy volume left

down on the table.

- I found it! Look at this. It may be the solution to our


- What is? -Ankris came and read the book spine. Genealogy of


- I knew your name sounded familiar-Mae Shi said,

turning pages. I have not had much time to work on this

because I've been busy preparing for the Test of Fire, but I finally

I found. It says that a few millennia ago An-Halian Count,

youngest Barcelona House of Robles, left the Kingdom of the

Elves and ran various adventures around the world. When he finally returned, he

refused to live in the palace of his family and joined the Sentinels who guard

the borders of our kingdom. Her father, furious, would not hear from him.

How is your father?

- Anthor.

- An-Thor, you mean. And you are An-Kris. The first syllable of your

name suggests your family name. My father is Shi-Yun, and I'm Shi-Mae.

All of our family names begin the same.

- Do you mean that descended from earls?

- Not exactly. You see, I do not think yours is a surname as

strange, so it could be just a fluke. But, in any case,

we'll take advantage of it. The old Count of Robles lost his

only son as a child. You'll love knowing you have a young

distant relative he did not know. And as for my father, I think he likes you

well and, in addition, always does what I want. The only excuse that could

get is that you are not of noble birth, but you see, we can arrange


- What if it is true that descended from An-Halian?

- But did not you understand? That's not important!

- So ... is fooling everyone?

- And why not? What's wrong with that? It could be true, right?

Mae Shi spoke of a future for the two, a future in which not

missing anything, in which he would be a handsome nobleman and she a powerful

Archmage. The boy, who loved sincerely, was carried away by his

illusions and fantasies and deliberately forgot witch warnings.

That beautiful future that lay before him was too bright

to pass up. And the fact that Shi-Mae was included in it

had to lie about their origins not pose any hindrance.

Chapter VI The Test Shi-Mae

- HAVE TOLD ME THAT YOU WILL MARRY said the wizard. Nothing less

that the daughter

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