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Book online «The Elf by Drakent Arrow (e book reader free .TXT) 📖». Author Drakent Arrow

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clear that what

wanted was to talk to you.

- Really? What do you want from me?

- Request allow me to work for you, sir.

Chamberlain groaned at such impudence. The Duke narrowed

eyes dangerously.

- What makes you think you need?

Ankris be shrugged again.

- So far I have shown that I'm smarter than your

guards. But do not come here empty. Work as a reward request

for saving your daughter-Mae Shi to die in the woods a few


The Duke gave him a long. Then dismounted from his horse and

dismissed the guards. Then moved away from the door and made

Ankris a sign to follow him, away from the prying ears

Chamberlain. Once alone, the Duke said:

- You dared. How do I know you're telling the truth?

Ankris was first puzzled.

- She will not tell you?

- Of course not.

Ankris hesitated. But then he raised his head, determined, and looked at Duke


- No lie, 'he said. Mae Shi I found in the woods near the

southern border. The attacking a pack of wolves.

He related his adventure in the forest, but only spoke of the

conversation he had had with Shi-Mae, and also mentioned that

at that time had discovered his strange affinity with wolves. The

Duke did not ask about it. Ankris had realized that the

City elves arrived unaware how far the skills

Sentinels, and they attributed all sorts of fantastic capabilities

related to the forest and its inhabitants. Moreover, neither the

Sentinels had done nothing to bring them out of their error.

Ankris perceived that the Duke was studying now with a renewed

interest, and her heart beat faster.

- All right, boy said finally. You'll enter as a soldier

on my guard. Although now you're too young, I'm sure

that you will soon be useful to me.

Ankris had to cut their hair and wear the uniform with the coat of

River House. The rules in the palace of the Duke were much more

stringent than in the School of Sentinels, and the boy, who was not

accustomed to obey this rigid protocol, it went really wrong to

beginning. But hope to see again soon gave Mae Shi

forces to try to adapt. I knew that the Duke had given him a

opportunity but also knew that he and officials

guard watching him very closely.

For a time was an exemplary soldier. Never skip a

turn, always wore his uniform spotless and never were out

from office. No one imagined how much it cost him to obey the

orders, rules and schedules.

To make matters worse, he soon realized it was not so easy to see

Shi-Mae. She studied at the School of Forest High Sorcery

Dorado that although there was relatively close to the edge of the

city ​​had a policy of keeping people to their youngest learners.

Shi-Mae came home only when given a day off or called for a

special permit.

Ankris bear it was running into the woods in his time

off to meet his friends, the wolves. The full moon

were particularly savage. Ankris running with wolves through the thicket,

howled with them even hunted with them, and sometimes felt as one

more. As elf had always respected the lives of creatures

forest, but when he was with the wolves seemed perfectly logical

natural and to hunt deer, deer or any animal that crossed

in his way, if he was hungry.

Maybe that's why it took a long to notice the subtle changes

produced in his body the full moon. Her senses

sharpened, his strength is multiplied, his teeth seemed more

sharp, his desire to hunt grew stronger and the smell of the blood

increasingly disturbed. His eyes lit up with that wild shine

primary had frightened both Toh-Ril and his friends years ago. And

He must not feel in danger or participate in a fight for

they occur those changes, invariably, every night of

full moon, whatever he did, something was transformed inside.

From the beginning he managed so that the full moon

never touch him to guard. No change was concerned, they did

feel strong and powerful. But he sensed that the other elves perceived that

transformation and did not want to draw attention in the house of Duke. By

Therefore, never tell anyone what he was doing at night. By day was limited

to be the perfect soldier, or even more gossipy maids had

come to discover glancing toward the windows when Shi-Mae

was home.

Ankris had not said anything to the haughty daughter of the Duke, and she did not

seemed to have noticed that the new Guardsman was one

jovencísimo Sentinel who had saved long ago.

Once, when he crossed the yard full of volumes and

scrolls to return to school, he fell to the ground a couple of

rolls. Ankris front of her and bent down to pick them up.

- Do not Shi-Mae said softly. Are my spells

advanced and should not touch the uninitiated. Things could happen to you


Ankris said nothing, but looked into her eyes and, very slowly,

bent to pick up the scrolls despite all ... staring at her.

Mae Shi made no move to stop him. He held her gaze with a

mixture of interest, mockery and defiance in his sapphire eyes.

Ankris's hand caught the rolls and raised them up.

Nothing happened.

With a short and rigid tilt, the boy returned them to their

owner, who picked them up without a word.

- If you allow me, madam, for you take that burden Ankris said.

- But do not allow it, 'she replied. Do not even let the son of

Marqués de los Alamos touch anything that belongs to me. Why should

afford you?

- Because I touched your rolls and nothing has happened. Because

no one should allow a maiden like you bear much weight. And

for I'm asking.

Shi-Mae looked, among bewildered, shocked and amused.

After shrugged.

- Why not? He said finally.

Ankris spent his books and continued his way to the carriage that

waiting at the entrance. Chamberlain, who was holding the door, looked at

Ankris reprobation, walking behind her loaded with their things. With

a charming smile, Shi-Mae turned to Ankris to collect their

books before the carriage.

- Thanks, kid-wolf whispered softly.

The door closed behind her and the vehicle departed toward the

Golden Wood School, but Ankris stood there still

good time, risking being late to his post for the first time.

Mae Shi remembered him, knew who he was. I had not forgotten.

That night, in addition, the wolf of his pack gave birth five

beautiful puppies, and Ankris and his fellow wolves held on a

run in which the young elf, drunk with happiness, was abandoned to the wild

forest madness.

The next day he woke up at the foot of a tree, shivering with cold, and with

difficulty remembering what had happened. There were traces of blood

under his fingernails and around his mouth, and he guessed that the night before would

killed a deer to feed new puppies. But, why

not remember?

He was afraid for the first time, fear of increasingly resemble a

beast. And he promised himself he would try to moderate in the future.

There were more encounters with Shi-Mae. Sometimes not saying anything, and she

I looked between mocking and haughty, but I watched, no doubt. Every time

most often was asked to be part of his escort, and

once accompanied her to the very gates of the School of Forest

Dorado, an impressive building whose towering structure

towers and slender spiers, rising on a central

defying gravity, reminiscent of a giant tree. But never

allowed to enter her.

Just spoke because he had always other people do, but

on more than one occasion her hands brushed against him as he collected

books she held, and on more than one occasion their eyes

had found a room full of people, at parties organized

by Duke for his daughter was entering high society. Most

worshipful young noblemen and ask her to dance, however,

Her blue eyes were crossed with amber eyes of one of the

guards guarding the entrances, so undaunted that anyone would

thought that they were statues.

The years passed. Both Ankris as Shi-Mae grew up and met

hundred years, an important age for an elf, and what at first had

been a warm feeling was now a blazing fire that was intensified

every time he saw her. At one point he could no longer endure

as calmly see how she was courted by some and by others,

while he had no chance to do the same, because

knew he was a commoner.

However, Shi-Mae did not seem interested in finding a partner or at

least not currently. His father complained that he cared more

his studies of magic that his duties as eldest daughter of one of

major noble houses of the kingdom. And so it must be, since

in just ten years the blue tunic-Mae Shi became violet,

indicating a meteoric rise in the school, to be a

elf. Nobody was beginning to prepare for the Test of Fire, the last

review, prior to one hundred and twenty years, but she began to do the

hundred and five. Because elves were longer-lived than humans and,

Thus, their lives were at a different pace. Thus, Shi-Mae had over

hundred years and yet was still very young.

But despite apparently went to the holidays of obligation, it

truth was that his cold blue eyes studied him all calculatingly and

without losing detail.

Also Ankris, wearing long watching, he

aware of it. He realized then that he was ambitious and therefore never

settle for someone like him. But by then I also knew, without

doubt that he loved her.

That situation was increasingly frustrating.

And one moonlit night, a night when the wolves howled with

force from the woods, the herd had grown and prospered Fenris

in a shelter in the mountains, not far from the city, but safe from

-strange looks, the young elf was about to join them when he saw

a white shadow on a balcony.


A Ankris her heart sank. He thought he had never

seen as beautiful as now, in her nightgown, under the full moon. And, forgetting

all basic rules of caution, climbed up to that balcony.

Shi-Mae was startled and stepped back a bit. Then he recognized and


- Ah, it's you.

However, she felt somewhat uneasy. Ankris had squatted on the

balustrade, and his eyes had a certain glow amber wild. The

She looked at him in silence, torn between fear and fascination.

- Good evening, my lady, 'he said, and his voice was slightly hoarse.

I uploaded to warn that this moon and on this balcony you offer

an easy target for anyone who intends to secuestraros.

- You think so? She replied coolly. Well you're wrong;

anyone trying to kidnap will get an unpleasant surprise.

- Really? -Ankris smiled ominously. What if that someone

it was me?

He moved toward her, quick as thought. Shi-Mae backed,

raised his hands and said a few words in arcane language.

A gust of wind came from nowhere and pushed Ankris back

throwing him against the railing with incredible violence. The boy

grabbed at the last minute not to fall, managed to regain balance and

shook his head, trying to clear it. When he looked up he saw before

yes to Shi-Mae, triumphant, serene and terrible, but more beautiful than ever.

- I warned you, she said.

Ankris is hopped, but still felt a little dizzy and had

to lean on the railing to keep from falling.

- I stand corrected, my lady, 'he murmured. Forgive my boldness.

Shi-Mae smiled and leaned on the railing beside him. Arm

brushed her bare skin Ankris and this shivered, as if shaken

by electric shock. The wolves howling in the distance.

- Why do wolves howl at the full moon? Shi-Mae whispered.

Ankris smiled.

- Wolves do not howl at the full moon she said. Howl at night

because that's when they go hunting. Usually, to communicate with

other pack members who are far away. Although sometimes howl just

to express their joy of life.

- Really? What do they say now?

Ankris smiled again.

- We'll see, said only, and howled.

Shi-Mae backed away, frightened, and looked around, but in the palace

everything seemed quiet.

- What are you doing? Whispered irritably. If someone sees us together ...

- Listen, he interrupted quietly.

A chorus of howls answered his call from afar.

- Do you hear? They come from there, he hesitated, then said: It is my


- Your ... pack? Mae Shi repeated; Ankris not seem to mind that the


- Remember the three wolves that became a fifteen stone

years? Two males and one female.

- Are those the ones you have answered?

- No, those long dead. The wolves do not live long. But

these are their descendants. Survived three of his sons, who in turn

had new puppies, and we are joined by four more. Two

females are pregnant again. The family grows-added, with a


Indeed, one group of animals had become his

second family, but it was for him as a

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