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while a child is vulnerable, many will try to kill her to keep

options taking the throne. Others will approach her and flatter for

gain privileges. Probably grow without trust anyone.

Ankris considered the comment of his friend. Finally he shrugged


- I do not see any advantage to it being declared king. Not

understand how anyone would want to kill or die for it.

Aefeld smiled.

- You're a weird guy, Ankris he said, but quickly fell silent.

As usual, Ankris had left without saying goodbye and

had disappeared in the thicket.

In the days following the traffic in the South Pass intensified.

Ankris redoubled their vigilance, to no avail. It is also accustomed to

sneak into the room where they kept the book that recorded the

inputs and outputs through the Pass. However, the names of the Duke

River and his family were still not reflected in its pages.

I was beginning to fear that he would never return Mae Shi when

something happened. One night, over dinner, told Anthor Eilai:

- The Captain asked me one of the two go to Step this


- Why? Just another high-born nobleman secretly want to cross


- And all a big fish. Nothing less than the Duke River.

Ankris's heart sank. He raised his head to listen


- Must have many enemies in the kingdom Anthor he continued, as

has requested a special escort to protect his carriage Sentinels

while crossing the Ring. It seems that fear being victims of a

ambush in the deep forest.

- But tonight the moon is full-Eilai hesitated.

- I've noticed Anthor growled. Of course, if they wanted to

anyone to know of their arrival, they have chosen the wrong time. Any

could see them. The Captain tried to make him understand his emissary, but the

Duke apparently did not alter their plans. How can you be so


- Anthor, you know what I mean.

Both went to Ankris quick sideways glance. The boy used

pay attention to the conversations of their parents, but at the

time was attentive and clearly caught the look. He was so

surprised he did not say anything.

- I'll go, decided Eilai. You should stay here with Ankris.

- I want to go 'said the boy quickly.

They both turned to him and looked at him as if for the first time

who saw him.

- Another day, son ... Anthor he began.

- No, it has to be tonight Ankris insisted, saw in the faces of

parents who did not think to let him out, and begged: Please ...

Anthor frowned, would reiterate its negative terms

firm but Eilai intervened, gently:

- Ankris, son, you could not get if you tried. You never know

feel good full moon nights. If I do not you to stay asleep

facilitarías surveillance.

A wave of panic washed over Ankris. Your mother was right.

He felt that the world was collapsing around him. Had waited

for decades the return of Shi-Mae, and that stupid Duke River

chose a night of full moon to cross the border. It was not fair.

A flame of rebellion ignited his heart.

- This time will be different, he said. I will not be overcome by sleep,

I promise.

"It's too important," he thought, but dared not speak. He

himself had not succeeded yet explained why I was so keen

again see Shi-Mae, which not even know, so it would be

useless to try to make him understand his parents.

Eilai Anthor and exchanged glances.

- Whatever she conceded. But just before dinner, and drinks without

touched your drink yet.

Mad with joy, Ankris obeyed and took a spoonful of soup.

He was drinking, but suddenly felt the expectant gaze of their parents and

looked up.

- What is the matter?

They already looked the other way.

- No, son, baby quiet.

Ankris returned his attention to the glass, but he had an intuition.

- I have not sed-said, staring at his mother.

She paled visibly. And according appreciated the boy, also

her father's face seemed to lose color.

- It's all Eilai said with a forced smile. I will drink more


- I said I have no thirst Ankris repeated, slowly.

- How dare you talk to your mother? She chided him Anthor.

- I just said that I have no thirst. Since when is that a crime?

His father looked at him a moment, a flash of anger in his eyes.

Then he said, slowly but surely:

- It's over. Tonight you stay at home, young man.

- What? Ankris blurted, stunned. Why? For not wanting to drink?

That is absurd!

- Do not be impertinent! Anthor blurted. If your mother wants you

drink will be for a good reason, and you are not the one to discuss! Hast thou


- No, I do not understand! -Almost shrieked Ankris, trembling.

Never before had faced their parents that way.

I still was not sure what was happening, but I sensed and

although the explanation that came to mind was alarming, justified in

much of the strange behavior that was detected in his parents

in recent times.

Despite her anger, she realized that they too

shaking ... and, above the angry gesture of his father, he discovered a

shadow of fear in his eyes.

What were scared? Do it?

- Enough, Ankris! Cried his father. Do not answer me or ...!

- Or what? The words came out of his mouth before he could

stop them. Or drogarás also not to leave food for the nights

full moon?

He was said.

He had intended to print a sarcastic voice, was not serious,

but the faces of their parents froze a moment, and

Ankris read the truth in his eyes.

- Nonsense Anthor mumbled.

But Ankris knew. He threw the glass down and listened with sinister

pleasure as it broke into pieces. Anthor moved toward him. Ankris


- It's okay, son Eilai said, close to tears. Do not be afraid.

But Ankris afraid. Suddenly, his house no longer seemed a


- No, he told his father. Stay away.

Anthor moved on. Ankris turned and ran

to the window. He heard his father ran after him, but he had caught

unprepared and could not reach it. Ankris jumped out the window and

engaged in the branches of a tree. It was the first time I went and of

his house. He climbed up the tree and got lost in the dark without

to ignore the voices of their parents, who called him. He still had

fear, but I was in their world and the full moon shone upon it,

inviting him to freedom and to madness.

The River Duke's carriage crossed the Paso, and Anthor and Eilai

were there. Ankris hid among the trees and watched. By the way

his parents searched the shadows, the young elf guessed that

had come there only to protect the Duke.

They were looking for him.

Ankris gritted his teeth and shook his head. I would never go to his

home, never, never ... But I had to see Shi-Mae again.

So, quiet as a shadow, continued through the carriage

the forest. None of the Sentinels of the escort, among which

were his parents noticed his presence.

The road snaked through the forested ring was narrow and

uncomfortable, and the carriage moved slowly and with difficulty. Access

the heart of the Kingdom of the Elves were difficult and were strongly

monitored. No one could pass that way without him Sentinels

warned, but it was a perfect place to ambush because

vehicles and horses were forced to move very slowly. Thus,

the elves were protected from any external threat, but the enemies

Duke came inside and, if they wanted to keep him to return to the

capital should take the path through the ring, then it would

more difficult to make an attack.

The Sentinels of the escort remained alert and realized Ankris

that it would be impossible to approach the vehicle without being seen. I was

beginning to entertain the idea of ​​following up the very capital

leaving the forest I had seen grow, when something happened.

Several arrows emerged from the woods, whistling, looking for

bodies of the Guards of the entourage. Four of them fell, killed

by the arrows.

- Ambush! Ambush! Anthor cried.

Very confusing, Ankris looked around. The Sentinels had

hidden behind the trees, and scanned the undergrowth. Ankris wanted to help,

but he realized that in his hasty flight, had left at home

his bow, his quiver and his hunting knife. He moved cautiously on

branches. He found an elf crouched a little further, armed with a

crossbow. He crept, hoping to unexpected

behind. When he was almost upon him, saw with horror that the elf

had shot his mother, hiding in the bushes just beyond. An

wild cry, Ankris lunged at him. Both lost their balance and

fell. The crossbow and arrow was shot to cut into the

haunch of one of the horses, with a terrified whinny, reared

and ran, dragging the cart behind him. The driver lost

balance and fell off the box, so that the vehicle went out of control, to

mercy of the terrified horses, which soon lost him in the


Ankris was struggling with the attacker and, initially, it was

aware of what was happening. Eilai ran to help and the two

reduced the aggressor and grabbed the crossbow. The boy entered a

little and met her mother's gaze.

They were only a few seconds, but Ankris and understood Eilai

many things.

Ankris knew his mother loved him and that he had only tried


Eilai realized he could never hold his son beside her or

turn it into something it was not.

Without a word, Ankris grabbed the crossbow, turned and began to

chasing after the runaway carriage. His mother tried to stop him.

The boy found the vehicle a little further. He had lost

two wheels on the road and one of the horses had managed to break free. The

another pawed nervously and tried to move, but the carriage had

been wedged between two trees and the animal could not drag after


But what made you hasten Ankris was to see that one of the

assailants had reached the vehicle before him and, armed with a

dagger, was opening the door.

Ankris howled and jumped on him. His opponent turned in time to see his

silhouette, silhouetted against the full moon, and shine savage and bestial in his eyes

amber. Paralyzed by surprise, was not able to defend themselves. Ankris

fell on him and attacked him with his bare hands, tooth and nail,

like an animal. Terrified, not knowing if it was attacking who was

elf, human, beast or demon, the attacker fled without looking back.

Ankris jumped into the carriage roof and howled. In the distance, other wolves will

answered. And felt again that wild sense of power and


Increased carriage of a leap and opened the door with a sudden jerk.

Mysteriously, his strength seemed to have multiplied, but he did not

noticed it. He stuck his head inside, looking for Shi-Mae.

People who looked at occupied vehicle, terrified. Its

silhouette, frizzy and unruly hair, stood out against the soft light

night outside, and the sparkle in his eyes was still supernatural

threatening. A young elf, probably his age, screamed

terrified. He had brown hair and blue eyes, and wore a tunic

light blue.

The boy growled, but stuck his head out of the carriage.

The Sentinels and the Elves of the escort of the Duke had just

reach out and ran toward them. The Captain, who was leading, stopped

Dry and looked at him, surprised.

- Ankris? Are you? What are you doing here?

The boy did not answer. He looked at his father, who had just arrived;

This gave him a horrified look, as if not seeing his

son, but a monster.

- Are you all right Ankris said, his voice much harsher than


I was not aware of wildness that had now, but

caught the expression on the face of his father, and knew that a barrier is

had arisen between the two, a barrier that would fail to knock ever. Y,

in case you still had doubts, at that time understood

finally it was time to leave home.

- Get away from there! Shouted one of the guards of the Duke, running

to him. I turn away, I say!

Ankris smiled darkly and separated from the carriage. He turned

toward his father. His face was pale, and looked as if it


- Goodbye, Father said.

He turned and disappeared into the woods, away from the

Guards, Sentinels, their parents, and the carriage road.

Anyway, I had seen what I wanted to see.

May succeed in deceiving another rum that trick, but not him. The girl

blue tunic Shi-Mae was not.

Confused and lost, Ankris wandered through the forest for a while longer. The

howling of the wolves sounded closer and found itself Ankris

same listening intently. I've never seen a wolf up close,

but soon realized that he understood what they were saying.

"Come, brothers," howled. "There is a single elf in the forest."

Ankris had an intuition and ran toward it.

Although he

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