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Read books online » Fiction » World Of Darkness by Dustin Sorrells (dark books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «World Of Darkness by Dustin Sorrells (dark books to read .txt) 📖». Author Dustin Sorrells


To Any ordinary person, this will become just another story to add to the world. To some, this will be a story to fall in love with. Few, though, recognize it as the truth and a light of actually hides in our deepest crevices of our world. In those crevices, few will understand the danger that they are in.
Many humans joke of supernatural creatures that live in our world, and even movies, books, and games have made use of this. What happens, though, if that was all true? What if vampires easily game into the night and killed for blood? What if werewolves actually went into rampages during a full moon? We would truly not know if they did.
All kind of creatures lay in rest in the world of ours, but it is exceptionally different of how humans expect the supernatural beings to be like. All of the creatures care not of our societies economy problems, our breakthroughs, or the wars we engage in. They are like chameleons, easily blending into the environment around them. They watch us from afar as engage in petty arguments and pointless Problems. Ironically, they are not as different from us as one would think.
These creatures that are hidden within the shadows of the world have their own government, laws, and problems. The difference is how they run it. There government is not elected through some stupid voting sequence among a population, but by honor bond fight to the death between each of the major cultures in there world, Vampires, Werewolves, and Sorcerers. Those three create the Order of Three, The rulers of the creatures of the night. The Order of Three has set rules in place to make sure that their own society stays in place ,but only three rules had emphasis put on them. Number one; do not ever help the human world in any kind of situation. Number two; If a human finds out about the actual super natural creatures, kill them. Number three; To those who do not follow the other two rules will be killed with the human, and made sure to be disgrace for all of eternity. These set rules are what the society has to live with, but many disagree.
Civil conflict has broken out many times within the hidden society, and has been so violent that some humans have notice weird changes. It is said that the ones who fight back against the Order of Three have disappear from there society, name and all. It is not known why they fight against them, could be for better laws, and could be to tighten their hold on them. The only thing that is known is that there is no good or evil, no right or wrong and no correct choices.
Listen well, friends. Even today, that war is supposedly continuing, and does not seem to end. So beware the shadows of the night, and be careful to tread to places of the unknown. For in those places could lie the deadliest places in the world for you, and there would be no escape from the darkness when it swallows you, and there is no if to it.


Text: Dustin Clark Sorrells
Editing: Dustin Clark Sorrells
Publication Date: 02-08-2012

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