Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Vain: The Missing Town by Jillian Cline (popular ebook readers .txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Vain: The Missing Town by Jillian Cline (popular ebook readers .txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Jillian Cline

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Catch up: Avalon was a tomboy, but was to pretty to be one. She fell in love with a boy named Sam, who was her best friend. Avalon then killed him by burning down a cabin. She also fell in love with three more guys only one worked out, Cameron. The other two- Curt, Arthur- was not her love. One died at her hand and Arthur fell in love with her sister. When Avalon came home from her encounter with ā€˜Vampiresā€™ (fake) she went to prom with her new boyfriend, and a missing town.
Chapter 1 book 1-Vain
He stood there in front of me hands pressed against the wall behind me. My fingertips tingled; the air and world seemed as if it was coming alive. I could feel the heart beat of the bricks behind me engulfing me in its pride to stand proud. Here I was with the schools cutest boy: Lukas Wane. He was pinning me against the ally wall pressing his self on to me. Moving closerā€¦.. Closerā€¦. So close that his lips hovered over mine. As my reflexes kicked in, with the speed and energy I have, moved him to where I was pinning him to the allies wall, my face still close to his. Turning my head to where my left cheek was on his right and whispered, ā€œYou got to try better than that.ā€ Then I turned and walked off.
Chapter 2
The next day I walked to school a usual with every bodyā€™s eyes on me. To tell you the truth Iā€™m the smartest and basest girl in school. But as I walked I studied for my math test, or was it my science? I couldnā€™t remember what test I was to study for.
I ignored to eyes that fallowed me, but one. Linden Vales is the snobbiest girl in the school and Lukasā€™s girl friend. I adjusted my back pack, while peering over my paper to meet her gaze. They had a deadly look to them killing everything in her path with just her piercing eyes. I gave a small smile then turned back to my paper. Laughing rang out in the talking crowd. I glanced up to see the entire little group of lindens. Rolling my eyes I walked into the school.
Walking into the school was the worst mistake that would change my life forever.
As I walked and studied thatā€™s when I realized that I was studying for the wrong test. It was my science. Stumbling with my switching of books I caught a glimpse Lukas strolling towards me like some animal stoking prey, something animal like. I bumped into someone but kept moving toward my locker. My locker partner I greeted each other then she said, ā€œWhat did you do this time? Blow up his backpack?ā€ peering over her shoulder. ā€œWho,ā€ I replied though I knew who it was. ā€œLukas is who Iā€™m talking about. Man he is HOT.ā€ I looked up while grabbing stuff out of my locker, saying, ā€œIā€™ve saw much better guys than him.ā€ She stared at me, knowing that I thought Lukas was the hottest guy in the school. ā€œReally, and who is this lucky guy may I ask?ā€ I could see his face strong, handsome, black hair, nicely tanned, andā€¦.. I slammed my locker replying, ā€œI donā€™t know his name, but Iā€™ll find out.ā€ The thing was I donā€™t remember seeing him; he was just like a part of my imagination.
When I got home I felt like I was walking into a break up movie, with boxes piled up and sealed with the woman sitting at the table drinking coffee with a tear streaked face. Lonely, was all I could think when I would see that kind of movies. Today that kind of movie was coming to my reality. My first thought was, David broke up with her. Yes!, but as I walked into our small rectangular dining room I knew that whatever had happened it would involve me and it wasnā€™t good.
My mother looked up with blood shot eyes and a whet face thatā€™s when I knew ether a family member had died or David really did break up with her. ā€œMom whatā€™s wrong?ā€ I asked. She opened her mouth to speak then deiced against it and hung her head like she was a shamed of something I wouldnā€™t approve of and I would be mad. She took a few moments to pull herself together wile lifting her head and stared me in the eye and said,ā€ We are moving. David got a job out of state working as a mechanic and he doesnā€™t want to leave us here. So we are leaving with him to Mexico.ā€
Chapter 3
It took me and hour to comprehend what she was saying. After she told me the news I just smiled and walked up stairs to my room, laid in by bed listening to music. At four forty nine I looked around my room. It was bare, completely stripped only a few things where left in the room but I paid no attention to.
An hour later seemed like forever in my mind like a walking dream. Every day seems like a dream, walking through honey it can be sweet, hard, or just sticky just like life a film covering up everything you see- kind of a lie- till you wipe it up the mess and start over until you eat it again.
I got up from my bed so quick I felt sick and my head buzzed. I slowly walked down the stairs towards the kitchen. My mom was packing things from the covert into a box. She looked up when she heard me her eyes red, hair a mess just like the honey I was thinking about. ā€œMom, are we really leaving? I mean like why are leaving with him heā€™s just trying to ruin our life together with just me and you. Why are we leaving to be with him? You know how I feel about him, with his dolls and how he treats you.ā€ She looked like she was about to start to cry again. Rushing to her, I rapped my arms around her as she heaved big sobs while she held me closely.
ā€œI know, I know. But he has stuff that keeps us going. We need him more than I would like to admit.ā€ She laid the truth out like a blanket on the dirt.
Two days later I was standing in my bear room knowing that I would never see it again. Today was my last day at school as well as living in the home I was born in.
Walking to school was a day I couldnā€™t face but mother told me to go, for I would regret not saying good bye. She said it from experience, but that was another story. Walking with my ear buds blowing, I barely notice the pounding of foot steps behind me. Just as I was turning the corner my MP3 dropped and was ripped from the string that held the buds and MP3 together.
My mother named me Vain, for I am her blood, it was different, and she knew that I would be part of something big and wanted her blood to be known. My blood father agreed because his and my motherā€™s blood run through my veinā€™s now. It is like staring at a blank page knowing that if you write you want it to be new not the kind of person who rewrites a story. But when you start to think youā€™re never going to finish what you started in you mined, the blood spills and itā€™s yours, now as for an eternity. Itā€™s a stain you canā€™t wipe off and you wouldnā€™t regret what you brought into the world. Though if you want a story it has to start, right? Well my story starts right where I left off.
Chapter 4
With the buds still in my ears that was when I heard the soft pounding of feet. I turned when I heard it stop but what I saw took my breath away. Was it a dream or was it real? Right in front of me was the guy that I donā€™t recall seeing. He was fogy like a ghost or hologram. He was smiling, a slow dreamlike kind of smile, dark hair falling over his eyes when he did so, light eyes that had me mesmerized, a body unlike the others from around here. I could feel his heat pouring off of him, a waterfall of emotion rushing at me, leaving me gasping for air. He turned, the fog-like air fallowing him engulfing him, and then he was gone.
When I was on the street of my school I had my ear buds going so I could have my thoughts to myself. Who was he? Why was he here? And the main question is what does he have to do with me?
When I looked at someone I saw his face so kept my head down. My eye brows frowned in concentration, my body moving at and unsteady pace, my palms so sweaty I almost dropped my MP3 5 times. I ignored the eyes that tried to find out my emotion for I am not like this all the time. Scrolling through my list I bumped into someone, making me drop the devise, but this time my ear buds went with it. Stopped, not knowing what to do. Should I yell or grab and walk off? So many questions these days. I bent and went to grab for the devise when a hand bent and picked it up handing it to me.
You could hear the music blowing through the buds, flowing, weaving into the hushed air that gently swiped my hair into my face as I looked up at the person who was talking to me but his words where drowned from the song that seemed to sink into my skin as well as sliding down

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