Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » A CAT’S REVENGE by Kakorya Freesia (top 10 best books of all time txt) 📖

Book online «A CAT’S REVENGE by Kakorya Freesia (top 10 best books of all time txt) 📖». Author Kakorya Freesia

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House- Living Room Couch

Dan, Sammie asked, what was that! as she tried to hide her slight jump of unease. That, dam cat, again, is walking on the fence. It does this every night, at 12am, as he got up from the couch and walked 7 steps towards the window to look out. I think it’s creepy, she said. You mean every night? At 12am, that’s when the dead-walk the earth, right, she asked. Dan, replied, if you believe in superstition. I thought superstition involved a broken mirror or black-cat? But, he only responded with the words as far as I’m concern- I don’t care what color that dam thing is- it’s annoying. It’s only an animal. What harm could it possibly cause you?


Why does that cat- annoy you- so much, Sammie begin to ask Dan? I don’t like it! Dan responded as his face set to a fiery red. Why can’t it walk-on someone else’s fence! The dam thing is not creepy- it’s a pest that needs to be sprayed. Seeing the discolor in Dan’s face Sammie quickly obstructed his thoughts and said it’s 1 am can we please go back to studying or did you forget we have college finals in 4 hours?

College Semester Ends

7 minutes after the test timer sounded Sammie finally made it out of the crowd and into the busy hall. I wonder if I missed that last question. I wonder if I did not answer it correctly. Maybe I only got five answers wrong. God, I hope I keep my A grade in this class. The do’s and didn’t where the only thing on her mind. But, determined to keep her thoughts cleared she disregarded the ideal of her previous 2 hours.


Hey, Dan, how did- you do! As she cheerful walked through the large lecture hall towards him. I managed to pass Calculus with a C, so I say- I did great- High-light of my day! Not surprised by his remark, Sammie replied, you, guff-ball a C is the high-light of your day? No, Dan criticized back with a witty face. I have worked the whole school year for that C no thanks to you. Knowing that I will never have to take calculus again- is the high-light of my day. They both giggled walking outside into the sunny spring air and down the steps. With traces of happiness still on her face she yelled, are you coming to the party tonight, Dan! It will be at 7pm at Conner’s Sport’s Bar the Student Council planned it to celebrate the end of the spring semester. She walked 5 more steps and faded away from his sight.

The Party Begins

Later that evening, Sammie faces filled with astonishment as she saw Dan stumbling into the Bar. Dan, Dan, she calls. Hearing her voice Dan begins to walk up to the table where Sammie and 4 others are gathered. Oh my God, Dan! Why do you look so edgy?


He takes 5 seconds to reply. Upsettingly he shouted that dam thing! Confused, she asked him, again, what do you mean? She moved to an empty table with Dan following behind. I mean the dam thing is bewitched! It came from no-where and launched at me! What do you mean it came from no-where and launched at you, Dan, who and what, launched at you? Sammie, Dan explained from the beginning, I was walking here, to meet you. I cut through the park- and out of no-where. I mean no-where, it launched at me- and started chasing me. Dan, what are you talking about? Even more confused she continued to ask what is bewitched, Dan? What came after you? In uproar, he finally yelled the dam, Cat! Are you talking about the same cat that walks your fence, at 12am- each day? Dan silently knotted his head, yes. Sammie stood still for a minute without a word. Both childhood friends looking at each other with shock and disbelief

marked on their faces; and Sammie, silently questioning the mental wellness of Dan.


Paul, please be careful, Sammie, dreamed of her last few words to her deceased brother. Why did you leave? Paul, please come back! She calls to him, with grief in her eyes, she begs. Seconds later Sammie is startled and wakes up to the sound of a cat’s scream and gets up to notice that it was the same cat, Dan said was hunting him, outside of her bedroom window-gazing at her as she remembers the same look form Paul.


 Paul, ever since I have known you, you have been a refined guy Dan said. You, could be a refine guy, too if you could be kind to people. Paul replied back cheerfully. Must you always be the Good-One, it is not always rewarding Dan smiled with envy in his heart. But, Paul only looked at Dan said, “Doing good is not always about being rewarded, but, about the natural instinct to help others, maybe one-day you will learn that Dan.” Paul say, maybe one-day I will have to teach you a lesson or two-.” running ahead of Dan smiling and.


The Next Day

The next morning Sammie opens up to Dan about her strange dream about Paul, last night. Being a loving friend Dan listens with care, but forgets to mention of his own bizarre dreams about his childhood best friend to her. It was like Paul was communicating with me and the cat was the outlet. I don’t understand what any of it had to do with my dream about Paul? And yet, it was like the cat was around to watch over me


 See, I told you that dam thing was bewitched! Dan, said with confident. No, do you believe me. I will say it, again. The dam thing is bewitched. Sammie, don’t let your grief for Paul trick you into believing that-that animal is somehow an angle. I mean, how can that thing be an angle and it is trying to attack me? What did I ever do to it? I’m innocent I tell you and that monster has a bounty-on my head. Dan, you’re always innocent, said Sammie with light laugher and then smile.


I would never hurt you Sammie. I want you to know I will always be here to care for you. I know she answered back. Dan, maybe we are both going through come stressful time with school and everything. We will both be okay. Hey, I will catch you later. I have some unfinished business to take care of. I will call you later tonight, Sammie, okay Dan.

Revenge from Old Deeds

I hate you, Dan said, in his mind. Late that evening, while in his back-yard, Dan fixed a can of cat food. He was hoping, to deceive the cat, into eating cat food he had poisoned. Enrage and yelling at the cat- after it would not eat the food.


“Why won’t you go away? Why won’t you leave me alone?” “I hate you, I hope you die, I hope a car


runs over your fury die bones.”


In responds the cat lets out a cry of anger as it sat 12 feet from Dan. I told you I would have to teach you a lesson or two (the cat said to Dan telepathy). Who said that as looked around in panic. Don’t be a coward show yourself! You’re the one that’s a coward, the cat again spoke to Dan, telepathy.


What’s wrong?


Do you have amnesia?


Did you just not care?



But, again, no one but the Cat, Dan, and the backyard trees where in sight. Confused and in disbelief Dan stared into the cat’s eyes and paused for several seconds- to recall an incident between him and Paul in which Paul was killed by the hands of Dan in a jealous rage. A dark secret he was prepared to die with. With no one else around, Dan finally realizes that he was hearing the cat. Are you Fuck’n-Kidding Me! I am being tormented by a Fur-Ball.


Dan picks up a steal-handle, metal knife, by the side of his garage and prepares to end the cats’ nine-lives. The cat

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