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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

Fiction genre suitable for people of all ages. Everyone will find something interesting for themselves. Our electronic library is always at your service. Reading online free books without registration. Nowadays ebooks are convenient and efficient. After all, don’t forget: literature exists and develops largely thanks to readers.
The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Pregnant At Thirteen by Dalisha Truzy (first e reader txt) 📖

Book online «Pregnant At Thirteen by Dalisha Truzy (first e reader txt) 📖». Author Dalisha Truzy

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Chapter 1

Capri jumped up from out of her slumber with an odd feeling that was running all over her entire body. Her head was spinning which caused her to feel dizzy as she noticed her mouth beginning to feel watery. Her stomach instantly begins to churn as she quickly threw back the covers from off of her legs as she quickly darted off into the bathroom. As soon as she made it into the bathroom to bend over to the toilet stool all of her contents from earlier that day rapidly came rushing out of her mouth. Everything was coming up so fast that she coughed and gagged while holding onto the sides of the toilet bowl. Tears begin to form in her eyes while running down her cheeks as she set on the colorful butterfly area rug.


"Ugh...What is wrong with me? It must have been those spicy tacos that I ate from last night," she mumbled to herself as she rubbed her now empty but hurting stomach.


She whipped her mouth with the back of her hand just as she flushed the toilet stool.


"Capri! Capri! Wake up, honey. It's time for school," she heard the familiar voice of her mom as she heard her footsteps become closer to her bedroom.


Her mother walked into her bedroom as she immediately pulled back the curtains and blinds before she even noticed that her daughter was missing out of her bed.


"Capri, Are you okay sweetie?'' her mother Caliyah questioned in a worried tone as she rushed over to her aid.


"No mom. I'm not alright. I think that I have a stomach virus or something. Can't I just stay out of school for today? " Capri whined while shaking her head from side to side.


Caliyah felt her forehead to see if she had a fever. There was no fever.


"Sure, you can stay home from school. You definitely don't need to be in school sick. So do you want to go to the doctor?" She questioned as she looked her in the eyes while helping her up from off the floor.


"No doctor and thanks mom," she says as she grabbed her mouthwash, opened it, and pour some into her mouth.


She gargled for a couple of seconds and spit the mouthwash out into the faucet.


"You're welcome, sweetie. Do you need me to do anything for you or would you like some breakfast?" she questioned as she stepped into the frame of the doorway.


" No thanks. My stomach is still hurting but I could use a glass of cold water," Capri said with a half a smile.


"A glass of cold water coming up, " her mom stated as she made her way out of the bathroom.


Capri turned on the faucet and adjusted the temperate just before grabbing a pink washcloth and wetting it before washing her face. She made her way back into her bedroom and hopped back inside the bed and threw the covers back over her right before her mom walked back into her bedroom with a glass of cold water.


"Here you go, sweetie. I'm leaving to go to work in about thirty minutes so call me if you get any worse so I can take you to the doctor," she said as she looked at her watch on her wrist before kissing her on the forehead.


"Thank you and I'm sure that I will be okay. Go ahead and go to work and don't worry about me. I'll be alright," Capri assured.


"Okay but make sure that you answer your cell phone because I will be calling to check up on you during my lunch break," she said while looking her in the eyes.


"Okay, I will," Capri said just before her mom turned around and begin walking back out of her doorway.



She couldn't go back to sleep at the moment so she grabbed her iPhone 6 from off of her nightstand and unblocked it before going into her messages. She figured that her best friend Sasha would be up getting ready for school so she quickly sent her a text.


Me: Good morning chica.


Date 4/4/2015 


Time: 6:30 am


Sasha: Good morning. Are you ready for school?




Time: 6:32 am


Me: I wish that I could go to school but I 'm sick.


Date 4/4/2015


Sasha: Sick? Aww... are you okay?


Date: 4/4/2015


Time: 6:34 am


Me: Yeah I think that I just have a stomach virus.




Time: 6:36 am


Sasha: Well get soon. I hope that you feel better. Xoxo


Date: 4/4/205


Time: 6:38


Me: Thanks but I'm sure that I will. Do me a favor and collect my homework assignments from my teachers, please.


Date: 4/4/2014




Sasha: Okay sure. Anything for your bestie. Well, I will chat will you later cause here's my school bus.


Date 4/4/2015


Time: 6:42


Capri was going to miss going to school today plus she knew that she was going to have to make up some test that she had for today. She had studied so hard that she was sure that she would ace them both. She scrolled through her cell phone and logged into her Facebook. She noticed that she had a couple of friends request from some of her friends at school so she accepted them all and check her notifications. Next, she checked her inbox messages and replied back to a couple of her friends and family members before checking the news feed. The first thing that had caught her attention was a girl by the name of Nesha Bowden who she has known from school had posted a status saying that she would no longer be attending their school.


That was shocking to her ears so she saw that they were many votes and comments. She scanned the comments from other students at the school and also commented herself. By the time she went back to her news feed she scrolled down past some other post and see Nesha with her hands across her protruding belly.


"Oh my God! This can't be. Tell me that she is just playing some type of joke or something and is just wearing a pregnant belly or something," Capri shouted out in shock to herself before throwing her hands over her mouth in disbelief.


Instead of commenting she decided to just privately inbox her just to see if she was playing some sort of joke. After looking at pictures, videos, random quotes, and post she logged off of Facebook and slid her hand under her pillow to pull out her book. The book was by one of her favorite authors which were Nikki Turner and the title of the book was The Bank Sisters. She opened up the book while finding her bookmark and begin to read. Reading was something that she enjoyed doing and did regularly. She read for at least an hour before her eyes slowly begin drifting off into the back of her head until her lights were out.

Chapter 2

Capri was so glad that it was the weekend she and was feeling a lot better from yesterday that's why she had decided to go to the mall with a couple of her friends.


"Let's go inside of Aeropostale," Sasha said as she looked over at Capri, Antoinette before making their way inside of the store.


''Ooh...they have a great sale,'' Antoinette said as she pointed at the seventy percent sale sing.


She ended up picking up a flowered dress that had skinny straps and a pair of matching Bohemian sandals.

They begin looking around through the clothing racks while making girl talk.


"So are y'all going to Yasmine's party tomorrow?" Sasha questioned curiously as she looked at them back in fourth.


"You know that I'm going," Antoinette said with a snap of her fingers.


They both looked over at Capri. Capri diverted her eyes in the opposite direction as she looked over at.some of the customers that had walked into the store.


"Well...are you?" Sasha questioned as she butts her in the arm with her elbow.


Capri begins to have flashbacks of what had happened to her the last time that she had attended her friend Denise's party as she blinking her eyes to try to hold back tears. Her heart begins racing and her palms became sweaty at just the thought of it. Just then she was knocked out of her daze as she Sasha waving her hands in front of her face.


''Hello? Hello? Earth to Capri," she said as she tried to get her attention.


" I hate parties. Besides I don't know how to dance anyway," Capri's said with a slight chuckle. 


"Aww...come on. It will be fun. I promise," Sasha said as she locked arm with her before they walked over to the jewelry section.


''You don't take me as a party pooper. You know that you want to go and hang out with your friends. It's not like you have something important to do tomorrow. Do you?" Antoinette questioned with raised eyebrows.


"Well, actually I do," Capri lied as she grabbed the gold necklace that had make-up, pumps, lips, perfume, lipstick,  and nail polish charms going around it. ''


''I love this!  I think I'm going to get his necklace,'' Capri said with a smile as she grabbed the necklace with a cute pair of hoop earrings.


They continued roaming throughout the store picking up an item and headed to the cash register to pay for their items. Next, they made their way inside one of their favorite stores; Victoria's Secret. They loved their undergarments and perfumes. They walked around the store and looked at the beautiful negligee and had even run into one of their other friends into the store by the name of Lashae. She was walking around in the mall with her mom and younger brother.


By the time they left out of there, they each had a bag full of underwear and perfume.

They hit up a couple of other stores including Forever 21, Rue 21, The Body Shop, Macy's,  Foot Locker, Clair's, F.Y.I, and The Pretzel Shop. Afterward, they headed upstairs to the food court and decided on some pizza. They all took a seat at the table once they paid for and got their food and drinks. As soon as they set down and started eating and conversing with each other Antoinette's cell phone started going off. She grabbed her cell phone out of her purse and looked at the screen while rolling her eyes into the back of her head.


'''s my dad. He's always calling and checking up on me like I'm a little girl,'' she said annoyed before she put on a front and answered her phone call.


''Hey daddy,'' she said with a fake smile as the girls all laughed and continued to stuff their faces with pizza.


'' There are some guys staring at us over there but you guys don't look,'' Capri said as she grabbed her drink and put it up to her lips.


But instead, Antoinette looked anyways.


''I told you don't look,'' Capri said as she kicked her leg under the table.


''Och!'' Antoinette said as she grabbed her leg as the other girls laughed in unison.


''I just wanted to see if they were cute,'' Antoinette said with a smile.


''Shhh...they are coming over here,'' Capri said as she played it cool.



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