Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » Dreams Of Dawn by Tyeson Harris (black male authors txt) 📖

Book online «Dreams Of Dawn by Tyeson Harris (black male authors txt) 📖». Author Tyeson Harris

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My name is Sperca I know nothing of this world or where I came from all I know is to journey this world in search of someone named Neobosit by a strange voice in my head. It seems that i have a odd dragon brand on my left arm. And when i looked into a puddle of water my eyes seem odd, one eye is bloodshot red everywhere including the spot where white is supposed to be the other is a rainbow of colors in the center and black where the white is supposed to be. I ignore it, since it doesn't seem that dangerous and walk east or at least that's what the voice tells me i'm heading. I've made a pet friend with the same eyecolor as me and a dragon brand on it's forehead, this one is white when mines is black. It seems i can communicate with it; it seemed to be part demon part angel, I decided to name the creature Daimonikí̱ Ángelos or  Daimonikí̱ for short. It has wings too and i just recently found out it can dive and swim in water (might be handy.) So I continue the search for the mystery man.

Light and Darkness

As I journey I meet new friends mainly merchants and thieves, and when I say "friends" I mean guys I had to kick in the groin. The voice in my head told me to stop in this shrine called "The Shrine Of Light And Darkness" I was asked to drop my blood into the two bowls one being black and one white, without hesitation i took the knife cut a small tear in my palm and dropped my blood into both bowls simultaneously the result was.....well let's just say I screwed up. I felt the worst pain in my life I had weird symbols flying everywhere around my head and I passed out.

The World That Never Was

I seemed to drown in air, there was nothingness absolutely nothing, I see a world of total darkness and a asteriod belt brighter than the sun falling down towards it, it covers the world and the planet becomes a star with a black hole in the center; dark waves still emitting through the light. I drop into the world and the voice in my head says to walk into the black hole, I enter and I fall once again into nothingness and step into a world of blue, green, and white.


I woke up in the shrine, everything in the shrine was gray I noticed in the reflection of a mirror in the shrine that my eye color changed the eye once bloodshot red was gray now, the eye that was black was gray too, the pupil with a rainbow of colors still remained though. I noticed my body was changing, the mirror showed that I was bald but when I touched my hair to see if I was bald or not, I felt hair; I tore out a string of hair and I could see the hair it was black and white. I walked outside and the sky was red, the earth rumbled and I noticed a Solar Eclipse. As I walked I met a strange little girl she stared at me and followed me, not knowing I could sense her behind me, when I looked behind though there was nothing. I shot a bow covered in somn otrava a poison that makes someone drop to the ground snoring logs. I heard a yelp and a thud. I went to the sleeping girl who was no longer invisible and put her in the backup tent I bought from a merchant (who actually was quite friendly) I got a very heavy table from the abandoned shrine and put it right in fron of the tent to prevent the girl fom escaping, so I could ask her a few questions and I took a nap.

The Girl Of Nothingness

I woke up and the girl was still sleeping, although I knew it was fake, the voice in my head told me it was a trap so instead of getting close to the girl I stuck another arrow into her heel, waited till I knew she was asleep, and took the arrow out,  then covered the arrow wound with some cloth I cleaned with the clean fountain at the shrine; the water there was very nice, and when the dirt from the cloth rinsed out into the water it mysteriously disappeared, I decided to take a dip in the water and drink a little of the water; it was the best water ever nothing could compare to it not even going to Heaven. Later I came to the girl and barricaded me and her in the tent with the table, I asked her who she was and she said she was Nici Una (In roman that is None, Nothing, Nada) daughter of Lumina (Light) and Întuneric (Darkness). "I'm no girl either, I'm sixteen and from what I've heard from the voice, you are 17 and looking for someone named Neobosit".


I am. After I said that, I had a horrible headache, I fell to the ground unconcious and everything went blurry.


The Mystery Of Existence

I started seeing things in a place of nothing not even black or white, completely incomprehensible nothing just blank -Infinity D Something no one from my plane, my dimension my universe should see, complete pureness mixed with none existence thus negating being pure and negating being none existence negating, negating negating being pure and so on, man knows 1D 2D, 4D, and a little about Infinity D, but was mind blowing it seemed like my body that turned into a string of nothingness in this dimension or plane or whatever it was and I felt another string nearby i moved my string of nothing to the other string and something sparked I felt like I was wiped out of existence and the existence...... so..... negative..... it...... negates..... being..... negative... and.... that.... negates....negating...being.... negative... on....what if all the negating is nothing but...nothing....time is a fraud... everything is a fraud being a fraud is a fraud.... what if once it's finished it negatin gof everything........there is no negative no nothing a incomprehensible reality on no reality nor no no reality.....a loop or not a loop  nothing..... yet something something that is not even once exist? 


After pondering about this I felt the other string of nothingness again it was pondering the same questions I had and then the voice in my head told me in a booming voice.....















To Be Continued......



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