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Read books online » Fiction » Scrapped by Nick Venom (best inspirational books txt) 📖

Book online «Scrapped by Nick Venom (best inspirational books txt) 📖». Author Nick Venom

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The demon grabbed Xoruthon by his neck and raised him into the air. “-why didn’t you fire?”

Xoruthon was speechless, being choked by the demon. “S-Sorry… Sorry, Winchester.” 

Winchester, the right-hand man of the demon king, threw Xoruthon down in anger. He turned his back on him, facing his desk where he spent countless hours recording the collective efforts of every platoon in the demon army. 

“You have one more chance before you’re-” He looked over his shoulder at Xoruthon. “-terminated.” He shot him with almost literal daggers using his eyes.

Xoruthon nodded, not wanting to upset Winchester any further. He was already in large trouble with him due to Tazin and other demon lords reporting his insolence.

Winchester, now satisfied, waved his hand that acted as a signal for Xoruthon to leave. Xoruthon rose, bowing his head, before leaving. He left with less dignity than what he had going in with. And even that was a small amount already. 

Xoruthon exited Winchester’s tent and exposed himself back to the smoggy and dirty demon city of Wolfe. The city needed more repairs than the demon king or Winchester could afford. 

“Good or bad?” A demon asked him. It was a Crakgu like him, named Vallmen. He had received his name after a fierce warrior from the early days of the Demon Age. However, Vallmen felt no appreciation of his name as it attracted scorn and insults. A Crakgu demon like him, a short and chubby demon, with a strong name like Vallmen was nothing more than naming a dragon “fluffy” or “cutey”; a disgraceful act. 

“Bad,” Xoruthon responded. 

Vallmen shook his head. “Trouble?”

Xoruthon nodded his head. “One more chance.”

“Gonna do?” He asked.

Xoruthon shrugged his chubby shoulders. “I need killing.”

“Help?” Vallmen offered.

Xoruthon nodded. “Help me.”

Vallmen smiled, a smile full of jagged and yellow teeth but a smile nonetheless. “Good.”

“Good for now,” Xoruthon remarked. “Tomorrow be bad.”

Vallmen shook his head. “Today be bad. Tomorrow be good.”

Xoruthon nodded, patting Vallmen’s shoulder. “Tomorrow be good.”



Episode Thirteen "Legends of Old S1 E3 - Last Battle"

“I’ve spent years in the asylum preparing to kill my family and here she is, treating it like some kind of crazy game!”


[Quote From: The Halloween Riser III: Hunter & Prey (2020) {Two Page Shorts - Volume III}]



Winchester forced Xoruthon to follow him into an important battle against the humans known as the Battle of the Future, called that because it pitted both the main Demon Army against the main Human Army. It was an important battle that dictated the future of the world.

The Demon King granted Winchester the main Demon Army due to the pressure of the Human Army as it was getting closer to the Demon King’s Tomb, the capital of the Demon Nation. Winchester took the army with a grin on his face. “Watch the fruits of my labor!” He exclaimed, remarking to Xoruthon. “Focus on the battlefield, Cragku.” 

“Yes,” Xoruthon said, biting his lips for any more words than that. He watched as Winchester marched his large force into an open field where the Human Army converged on the other side, glaring at them. The King of the humans, a man donned in blackish armor, pointed his sword at Winchester. The humans charged forward, shouting and yelling slurs and angry remarks.

“See how the barbarians curse us? I’ve heard that these are many despicable words used against people they don’t like. What do you think we’re going to do in response to peasants cursing us?”

Xoruthon turned to face Winchester. “K-Kill them?” He half-asked, half-responded.

Winchester nodded. “You’re getting smarter.” He turned away from him, turning to face his army of higher-level demons gathered from every city under the Demon Nation of Satanica. “What do we do to humans?”

“KILL! KILL! KILL!” The demons chanted in their natural tongue. “KILL! KILL! KILL!”

His men’s chants brought a smile to Winchester, turning around to face the Human Army. He pointed a thin finger at the humans. “HEED MY CALL AND SLAUGHTER ALL OF THE HUMANS! EVERY SINGLE ONE OF THEM!” His army charged forward in response to Winchester’s order, quickly closing the distance between them and the humans. They converged in the middle of the field, clashing weapons and trading blows. Humans armed with magic horrifically slaughtered demons while an elite unit of demons sliced humans in half vertically, staining the battlefield with the color of blood - red blood of the humans and blue of the demons. 

Xoruthon looked around, his eyes being half-opened. He didn’t like the sight of the humans and demons killing each other. It was a bloody fight with many casualties piling up on both sides. However, one sight broke him and forced him to look away. A platoon of Crakgu being used as demon shields for stronger demons was being thrown at the humans. Crakgus were being slaughtered by the humans, serving their purpose on the battlefield.

It was disgusting.

Winchester, who had stayed behind to oversee the battle, noticed Xoruthon looking away from the blood and truth of war. He grabbed Xoruthon’s head and forced him to look at the battle. “Insolent Cragku! Pay attention when I tell you to! When did I permit you to look away?”

“I-I’m sorry,” Xoruthon cried out in response. 

Winchester didn’t care much for his apology, throwing Xoruthon to the ground. He screeched in laughter as Xoruthon hit the ground. 

“I see that it’s useless to fix you. This will be your last battle. It’s time for termination.” Winchester threatened, squinting at Xoruthon.

Xoruthon shook his head, pleading for Winchester’s mercy, but there was none; never was. Xoruthon would be dead once the battle was over. His life was over. Tomorrow won’t be good. It wouldn’t be.

And that destroyed him.



Episode Fourteen "Legends of Old S1 E4 - Unrealistic Peace"

Xoruthon laid on the ground, watching as Winchester turned away from him and focused on the battle. He had on a devilish grin as blood was spilled, licking his lips whenever it sprayed into the air. 

“Xcruivator and Thekaran, guard this disgrace.” He ordered, brandishing a long black spear with a crimson tip. He charged forward, joining his subordinates in battle. 

The demons ordered to guard Xoruthon were Delta demons, the same race that Tazin was part of. They looked similar to Tazin, but their skin colors slightly differed. Aside from that, they were exact duplicates of Tazin.

Xoruthon, defeated by Winchester’s words, glanced over at the battlefield at Winchester specifically. He glared at the Demon King’s right-hand man with anger that he didn’t know he’d possess. After the battle ended, he would be terminated and life would go on. Humans and demons would continue to die and blood would overflow the world. He hated that thought, but what could he do? A Crakgu wasn’t physically strong or high-ranking that they would make a difference in demon politics. He was a foot soldier with a time limit attached to him, weighing him down.

He wanted to break out of his weight.

Xoruthon glanced at his guards, noticing that they weren’t doing the best job guarding him, heavily underestimating him. He used this to his advantage, still armed with his bow. He waited for Winchester, who was facing several humans by himself, to be wounded before making his move. If he moved too quickly and somehow killed the guards, Winchester might return and kill him instantly. However, if he was wounded and his attention was occupied by the humans, Xoruthon could shoot an arrow through his heart as he’s distracted. A flawless plan. Almost. He still had the problems of the guards in charge of him. They wouldn’t go against Winchester’s order and let him go willingly.

“I am a coward.” He thought out loud, getting weird stares from the guards. They looked away from him, joking about the battle and the humans. They talked about how fun it looked to kill humans as viciously as the Demon Army was doing.

Meanwhile, Xoruthon watched as Winchester fought the humans and ended up being wounded by them. The wound was small at first but grew in size as the humans teamed up on him, combining their efforts. 

Their efforts were bearing fruit.

Winchester, after being wounded by the humans severely and fearing a loss, retreated. However, he didn’t call his men back, instead, letting them continue fighting. The bloodshed increased as both sides gained more and more casualties.

“Sir, shall we request a healer?” Thekaran asked.

Winchester nodded, irritated at his loss to the humans. “Now!” He barked. Thekaran nodded and raced to grab a demon healer that used demonic arts to heal their comrades and superiors.

With only Xcruivator guarding him and Winchester wounded by the human’s collective efforts and a hint of holy magic, Xoruthon grinned. It was his perfect opportunity to kill Winchester and Xcruviator and stop the war by getting a peace treaty signed - or that’s what he thought in his mind. If his plan could bear fruit or not wasn’t something he had thought out. 

Even so, he pushed towards his dream of achieving peace, even if it wasn’t realistic.



Episode Fifteen "Legends of Old S1 E5 - Winchester"

Xoruthon drew his bow, pointing it at Winchester. He released the arrow, striking Winchester’s fragile body. The arrow pierced through his skin which had been weakened by the humans’ holy magic. Without his magic shield that acted as his armor, he had only his skin to protect him. However, Holy Magic and other elements weakened his body to the point that he had to swallow his pride and retreat. 

Winchester, feeling the arrow tickling his ribs, turned towards Xoruthon, glaring at him. He took a step forward, but all of the magic that made contact with him was breaking him down. Unbeknownst to him, a curse had been implicated on him by the humans as a trump card which didn’t work as they planned. However, it now fed into Xoruthon’s plan. He drew another

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