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Book online «Scrapped by Nick Venom (best inspirational books txt) đŸ“–Â». Author Nick Venom

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Episode Ten "Creation: The Guide - Page One [Creationverse]"

“Gage has left. Barion remains,”


[Quote from: Six Sides S1 E1 - “Gage or Baron” (2020) {Multiverse: Collection} ]



Hello All!


Creationverse started a month after Historia Universe in March and not February. It began with the title series, Creation, and was joined a month later by the first few episodes of The Three Otherworldly Heroes - its first season was later completed in July 2019 via Solo Series/The Explosion Event and remastered in April 2021 through The Underground Tales. A second season is confirmed, but the release date hasn’t been released.

Creationverse grew with a smaller set of series, most of them incomplete or stuck through constant remasters. The Rising Story of Reincarnated Bryce began in 2019 yet, two years later, has failed to wrap up its first season. In the two years, Bryce has gotten only one episode. However, it has now been slated for a late 2022 release. 

With a near similar amount of time, Creationverse lacks the number of series and depth that Historia has. Fortunately, there will be new seasons of existing titles and new releases in the coming years. 


Below is a recap of all existing series;


Creation: Season One {Jayhawk Television - Generation I - Later Remastered in 2020/2021}


Starting off the universe, Creation follows Ex, a man killed on Earth and reincarnated into the world of Astriocal by the hands of Hunter, a God looking over the world. 

Ex was reincarnated by a village, quickly figuring out his powers and saving an injured wolf pup - even if it served him distrust and anger from the villagers.

He goes against the villagers and has the pup saved, later leaving them and heading to the capital where he encounters trouble from an adventurer named Brooklyn who sees the wolf pup as a threat. However, he stops the girl’s attacks and manages to soothe it over until a guard appears and challenges him to a duel.

After the duel chooses Ex as the victor, he registered into the adventurers’ guild before joining Brooklyn for a trip on a goblin subjugation that ends with him facing beings that he never expected to ever see.



The Three Otherworldly Heroes: Season One {The Underground Tales - Year III - Later Remastered in 2021}


Following after Creation: Season One, this series focuses on the main characters [Mike, Macy, and Zane] who were teleported to the King Wolf’s Plains into the world of Astriocal. With skills that they have very little knowledge about, they’re nearly trampled on by wolves. However, Nick, a tamer, saves them and takes them out of the plains and to the nearby city of Tanri where they register into the guild. They take on the first quest, which ends with Mike and Macy being surprised and thrilled about their skills, but Zane, on the other hand, is burdened with thoughts of him not being able to help them. 

They return to the inn and are trained by Nick for two weeks---Zane getting a lot of personalized training with Nick as his trainer---before Nick leaves, prepared to take revenge against the beast that killed his lover. He leaves the teens on their own, allowing them to venture out on their own and witness the world of Astriocal and its beauty and corruption.



The Rising Story of Reincarnated Bryce: Season One {Solo Series/Tales of Supernatural Events: Collection - Incomplete}


With only two episodes written and released, there isn’t much to this series. However, the full season will come out sometime in late 2022; until then, the only plot of this series details Bryce, a spy that died in his sleep, being reincarnated into the world of Astriocal and becoming a spy under Wizcontin, another god ruling over Astriocal, to stop a war that would devastate the world. 

With Wizcontin in his ear, directing him, he makes friends with a party known as Emerald Knights with the intention of using them as valuable connections for the future. He joins the Emerald Knights at Wizcontin’s push, intending on using them in the future.


Thank you all for reading this rather short overlook on the Creationverse, a universe that has potential in the future; it only needs new series to fill its ranks.

Creationverse: The Guide will get a second page and be among the line-up of ‘The Guide’ e-books that will come out on Scrapped under the Scrapped Original label.

Thank you again for reading this episode. Until next time, I bid you all a good day.

Episode Eleven "Legends of Old S1 E1 - Coward"

“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know, black sheep? Hmm, what shall I do to you? Maybe giving you another breakdown would be nice.”


[Quote from: Troy: The Demon Knight S1: Blueway S1 E13 - Black Sheep (2020) {Jayhawk Television - Generation VI]



Hello All!


To answer a few questions, this is the first official Scrapped Original. This series is a soft-reboot of the 2019 title; Troy: Legends of Old. The reasoning behind the drop of the name ‘Troy’ is to make this series its own. Similar efforts have been put on other series created with Troy in its name (the more well-known ones being Black Hood, which started as Troy: Black Hood). 

Unlike other series, Scrapped Originals won’t have large word counts. Legends of Old will have a minimum of 400 words and a maximum of 1000 words. Although different from the others, Scrapped Originals will follow a similar release style in straightforward releases (all episodes of Legends of Old will be released before a new Scrapped Original series starts).

Legends of Old hasn’t been confirmed to be a multiple-season series or only a limited series. That will depend on its popularity and success. As for why it’s still named Legends of Old, it is because the series will still tell the tale of demon lords during an older period of Historia - which is the name of the universe this series will take place in.



Xoruthon, a mostly red demon, approached fellow Demon Lord Tazin. Tazin was a different breed of demon known as the Delta Demons, a rank higher than Xoruthon’s breed. Xoruthon was a Crakgu, a demon breed that was smaller in stature and better in range. Being a ranged demon was the same as having only one leg in the demon army. Insults were slang towards Xoruthon, many of them calling him a coward for attacking from far away instead of fighting in vicious and bloody duels.

He was a coward.

“What’s the order?” Xoruthon growled. He rarely growled, but he didn’t want to be looked down on more by Tazin. Tazin was a mix of red and black patches where Xoruthon was almost all red. To add insult to injury, Tazin was a few feet taller than him, giving him more reason to speak arrogantly to Xoruthon.

“Kill.” Tazin barked, staring down from the cliff that they stood on at the town under them. The town had tried to hide by using the earth, but that plan failed. Instead, they gave the demons a height advantage.

“Kill them, we’re far away. Your talent.” He remarked, blatantly insulting Xoruthon in front of his face. However, he ignored the insult and followed the order. He drew his bow, pointing it down at the town below. “Kill,” Tazin remarked.

Xoruthon steadied his bow, searching for a target. He found it in a young lady who was strolling down a stone pathway, her whistling taking his attention. She sounded carefree as if her fate wasn’t standing on a thin rope over a chasm. 

Tazin glanced at Xoruthon, questioning his hesitance. “Rain fire on the humans!” He demanded, his voice echoing down to the town. They were alerted to their presence. 

The lady looked up at Xoruthon and let out a blood-curdling scream that scared him for a moment before Tazin kicked him in the legs. It hurt more than he expected.

“Fire!” Tazin ordered Xoruthon before turning to look at his platoon of Delta Demons. “We will go down and kill!” He shouted, his speech ending as soon as it began.

Xoruthon collected his arrow, glancing as Tazin led his men towards the town. They wrecked chaos throughout the town, quickly decimating its poor defenses and skewering the innocents. Nobody was spared, not even women or children. Everything was consumed by Tazin and his platoon. Nothing remained in his wake.

With the battle completed, Tazin returned to the peak of the cliff, his body stained in a deeper red than the one he went down with. “You no fire?” He asked, his lips stagnated in place. His eyebrows pointed downward, threatening to fall off his place. “Why?”

” He had no response. He never released the arrow, killing the lady who was in his sights. She ended up being murdered by Tazin himself. Xoruthon did nothing else than watch her die a brutal death. Unlike Tazin, Xoruthon found no enjoyment in human deaths.

“Coward!” Tazin remarked as he walked off, his platoon snickering at Xoruthon’s expense.

Xoruthon nodded. “I am a coward.”



Episode Twelve "Legends of Old S1 E2 - Tomorrow Be Good"

“Tell the king that the Slums are his. There’s no more Ruler of the Slums, only neighborhoods waiting to be rebuilt.”


[Quote From: Black Hood S2 E12 - “Spec vs. Raide” (2021) {Jayhawk Television - Generation VII}]


 didn’t fire?” A lanky demon asked. He was nearly all black but had a few small patches of red on his long body. He had one horn in the middle of his forehead, extended to five feet in length. In the middle of his horn, it curved upward before quickly stagnating. 

He approached Xoruthon, a leather book in his hand. “Why didn’t you?” The demon demanded.

Xoruthon had his head lowered, being permitted to look up at the demon scolding him. “I
 I don’t know.”

The demon shook his head. “Do you pity them? Pity our enemies?” He asked. “Huh? Do you?”

Xoruthon shook his head. “No.”


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