Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» Scrapped by Nick Venom (best inspirational books txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«Scrapped by Nick Venom (best inspirational books txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Nick Venom

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Episode One "Introduction"

ā€œIā€¦ amā€¦ Black Hood.ā€ 


[Quote from: Black Hood S1 E12 ā€œSpec vs Wickā€ (2020) {Gen. IV} ]


Welcome to my first ā€œblog-likeā€ series, ā€˜Scrappedā€™. This series will reveal background information and expose secrets about myself and my work. To start this series off, I would like to introduce myself. I am Nick Venom... thatā€™s about it. Sorry, just messing around. Iā€™m a young aspiring writer who enjoys writing flash fiction shorts and short stories. I bounce around genres from fantasy to supernatural to drama to horror and everything in between. My attention span doesnā€™t allow me to remain on one property and, as such, I have many properties that I bounce too. Some of them being ā€˜Legendā€™, ā€˜Terror Hellā€™, ā€˜The UNDEADā€™, and ā€˜Accompliceā€™. 

For anybody wondering about how long Iā€™ve been writing---itā€™s been over four years. I released my first story, ā€˜The Zombie Infection: Rising From The Graveā€™, on December 30th, 2015. From then on, I had a scattered release for the next two to three years until 2019 where Iā€™ve implemented a schedule that forces me to write daily. As time passed, 2020 increased my workload. 2020 wasā€¦ a very ā€œweirdā€ year for myself. 2020 has provided me with the motivation to pump out short stories as well as plan shared universes' years ahead, but this year hasnā€™t been so good for many others---Covid-19, riots, Australian fires, Iran-America tension, and any more events that I havenā€™t named.

To start off, I will introduce the ā€œplatformsā€ that Iā€™ve created as they may confuse readers. These platforms can be described as outlets that have strict layouts. Certain platforms have their series in a layout of four episodes, ten episodes, twelve episodes, and everything in between. All platforms are explained as followed:


Jayhawk Television (used to be called ā€˜Jayhawk Comics) is formatted similar to a television network where a series is put into a timeslot (in my case being a day slot). Every Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, Saturdays, and Sundays, there will be a series releasing an episode, weekly.  
The Underground Tales - A platform that releases four-episode series on a bi-monthly schedule starting February and ending in December for each year. Each series is given four episodes as a season and can be considered a ā€œmini-seriesā€. 
Solo Series - This platform is difficult to explain as it doesnā€™t have a set release schedule. Series on this platform are given new episodes (often one episode at a time) every once in a while (three months to half a year on average). A season of ten episodes may take three or four years to finish. 
Revival is a collection of flash fiction shorts that releases a new episode (chapters) once or twice a month. Currently, Revival is remaking its twenty-three chapters through the rest of the year. Starting January of 2021, Revival will be releasing two chapters per month for an undetermined time.
The newest platform on this list is ā€˜Multiverse: Collectionā€™, which is similar to Revival except for its content and release schedule. Multiverse has a bi-weekly schedule that releases remakes of older content, new and original series, and ā€œconnectedā€ series. Connected series are series that can be considered as spin-offs of shared universes. An example of a connected series is the upcoming ā€˜Kira: The Powerful Tamer - Season Oneā€™ which is in the same universe as ā€˜Legendā€™ and ā€˜Black Hoodā€™. 
Two Page Shorts is a collection of seven to twelve short stories ranging from horror to fantasy to action. This platform is older than any other platform with its first installment releasing in November of 2018. The short stories word countsā€™ range from 1,000 - 3,000 and releases one short story per month. 
Tales of Supernatural Events/Ruin - The reason why this platform has two names is due to the retirement of the original name of ā€˜Tales of Supernatural Eventsā€™ (TSE). TSE ended March 4th, 2020 with its sixth volume due to many of its series being transferred to other platforms and leaving a small portion of series for the platform to cover. Ruin will act as the successor and take control of the remaining series starting September 2020. September will see two volumes (eight flash fiction shorts in total) of Ruin being released.
Explosion - The annual Explosion event occurs from late June to early/mid-August and is an explosion of Solo Series releases. Currently, the Explosion 2020 event hasnā€™t ended with several releases slated for the remaining less than a month the event has. This event is to allow any series to get three episodes in a year. 


Thank you for reading this pilot episode of Scrapped. If you enjoyed this episode, then favorite/heart/comment on Bookrix or send me a tweet on Twitter, criticizing or praising me at @Nick_Venom_. Until thenā€¦ I bid you a good day.

Episode Two "#ATW"

ā€œIt was only the beginning for her.ā€


[Quote from: Abandoning The World: The Beginning (2020) {Forgefiction}]


Welcome to the second episode of ā€˜Scrapped. Todayā€™s episode will focus on the new release, which will be released when this episode goes up, ā€˜Abandoning The World: The Beginningā€™. For those who donā€™t know what the ATW: The Beginning focuses on, hereā€™s a quick synopsis; Violet awakens in a barn and, soon, learns that she's stuck on a farm without any memories. She investigates the farm and discovers that she's by her lonesome. She manages to find a variety of supplies---including a locket with a picture of her and a stranger inside. Upon nighttime, however, the farm changes for the worst when five waves of monsters appear to create chaos and nearly kill Violet. In turn, Violet fights back with her limited ammunition and melee weapons to survive the waves of mayhem and destruction. (If this short story succeeds, then an entire ten+ episode, flash fiction length, season will continue Violet's story.


With the synopsis out of the way, I would like to do a quick and short Q & A concerning the short story. The first question is, What is wrong with Violetā€™s memory?


A: Violetā€™s memory is in pieces. Due to an event that occurred in her past, that hasnā€™t been fully covered, her brain isnā€™t all there. This memory problem is what leads Violet to forget the names of a horse (the leather colored four-legged beast ) and zombies (cracking skin, soulless eyes, and blood gushing out of wounds).

2Q: What is the significance of the locket?


A: The locket is an object that will be explored in the first season. Its significance lies with Violetā€™s past and has a direct connection to a future character that weā€™ll meet.

3Q: Does ATW exist in an apocalyptic version of Earth?


A: Kinda. Itā€™s difficult to explain, but ATW, technically, exists on Earth. Thatā€™s all I can say.

4Q: What is with the high-tech sunglasses?


A: Originally, the high-tech sunglasses weren't part of the story, but I needed Violet to have some type of timer that would alert her to the waves of monsters. Sunglasses were the easiest way to give Violet a timer. Why is it so high-tech? Well, how could a timer be connected to sunglasses without it being high-tech?



5Q: What will season one explore?


A: Season one of ATW will expand on the world and will showcase new features and characters. The locket will be explained in season one or future seasons. Focusing on the world of ATW, Violet will see new sights and locations and meet new people carrying similar items, even a map of the entire world. I want to, soon, introduce plot points and character arcs that will define ATW as a legendary story, within the scope of my writing, and to the par of other stories; Black Hood: Season One or Hunters & Dragons: Season One.


Thank you for reading this episode of Scrapped. If you enjoyed this episode, then favorite/heart/comment on Bookrix or send me a tweet on Twitter, criticizing or praising me at @Nick_Venom_. Until thenā€¦ I bid you a good day.

Episode Three "Legend"

ā€œWelcome to Heaven and Hellā€¦ The safehouse of the apocalypse.ā€


[Quote from: The Zombie Infection: The Dead Walk (2020) {Two Page Shorts}]



Welcome to the third episode of Scrapped. Todayā€™s episode will focus on one of my most popular franchises, Legend. Legend follows the tale of Ace transporting through his computer screen to appear in the highly addictive game: Great Wolfstein. Somehow, Ace is teleported to Great Wolfstein and granted the title of legendary bodyguard by King Mason. Mason hires Ace as the bodyguard of his only daughter---and only family member alive---until her wedding where he will be freed of the task. Until then, Ace is stuck with the bratty and childish Ariana. 

The day after Ace arrives in the world, Ariana takes him and a maid named Catrina to a nearby town for shopping purposes. During the shopping trip, Ace frees a slave girl named Teresa and kills two demon lords. Upon returning to the castle, Ace ensures Teresaā€™s future and watches as Ariana chooses her suitor who would become the king. For Aver (Arianaā€™s suitor) to marry Ariana, heā€™ll need to prove his strength by defeating the Dragon King in a border town known as Striktin. 

After Arianaā€™s matchmaking party ended, Ace travels with Ariana, Teresa, Catrina, Aver, and two guards that Mason assigned named Mace and Silver. The party enjoys a two-week trip that ambushes them with monsters, bandits, and beautiful scenery. Once they reach Striktin, the party splits with the majority of them heading to the adventurers guild to find the location of the Dragon King. Meanwhile, Ace and Teresa shop at the townā€™s marketplace until they meet the dangerous and deadly party known as the Demon Hunters (Demon Hunters are another series within the shared universe that both franchises are set in). Ace is wounded by the partyā€™s leader, Rik---who is able to escape without consequences. 

The rest of the party meets with a new party---consisting of Kira, Orion, Dawn, and Keagan (who are from another series within the shared universe known as ā€˜Kira: The Powerful Tamer). They team up and venture through the nearby Astrial Forest. There they run into Dragon King Nazifa, who Kira knows, and make a deal where Aver receives dragon scales in exchange for Kira taking care of six orphans. Both sides agree and they return to Striktin where a threat in John Calamity---who claims that heā€™s the reincarnation of an evil god---appears. He launched a fireball into the air and gave them a

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