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Book online «Indiscretions part 2 by By: zzmbrashear (free e books to read .txt) 📖». Author By: zzmbrashear

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“I, I can’t.” I denied his request.
“Why not, yo?” He asked.
“Because I have Meagan.” I explained.
“Drop her off at her Momma’s and then get your ass down here!” He demanded.
“Josh, I can’t.” I said in a stern voice.
“Okay, listen. Just bring her to, to whats his face.” He tried to suggest.
“Who?” I asked.
“Baby Momma’s daddy.” He answered.
“She’s not a baby’s Momma!” I got angry.
“Fine, whatever. Just drop her off somewhere and meet me at JoJo’s in twenty.” He said and then hung up. Josh was always like this. He is a twenty four year old guy that talks like he’s ten and black. I don’t even think he knows real english.
I picked up Meagan and went to Michaels. When I got there the door was open. Inside Michael, Stephan, and Taylor were sitting on one couch and a man in a suit was sitting in the chair across from them. Stephan’s head was covered by his hands and Taylor was comforting him. Michael turned to me as I walked through the door.
“Am I interrupting something?” I asked.
“No, actually I was just about to call you.” Michael said as he stood up.
“For?” I asked.
“Shawn, meet Mr. Henningshaw.” Michael introduced me. Mr. Hennigshaw stood up and shook my hand.
“I’m sorry for your loss.” He nodded.
“Thank you.” I nodded.
“Shawn, Mr. Henningshaw is here to speak about Meagan’s will.” Michael gulped.
“Will? I didn’t know she made a will.” I was confused. I was with Meagan every single second of everyday and she never wrote anything.
“Yes, she made a will. In her will she was very exact.” said Mr. Henningshaw.
“Well, what did the will say?” I asked, still a tad irritated.
“Please, take a seat.” Mr. Henningshaw suggested.
“Hi, Taylor.” I smiled while taking a seat.
“Hi, Shawn.” She smiled back. I sat Meagan down in front of me and Taylor started to play with her. I smiled. Its something that you couldn’t help but smile at.
“Okay, now that we are all here, lets begin.” said Mr. Henningshaw. “First, let me clarify that Shawn March,” He began while looking down at his paper. “You’re the husband?”
“Yes, and Father.” I answered.
“Of course, of Ms. Meagan Lynn March Jr.” I nodded as he looked down at her and smiled. “And Michael, you are Father of Meagan?”
“Stepfather.” Michael corrected him.
“Okay.” He nodded. He flipped the page of his clip board and read another thing. “And Stephan Lewis, you are brother of Meagan?” He asked.
“Twin,” He breathed.
“Stephan,” Michael tried to stop his from saying more.
“What?” asked Taylor.
“We were twins.” Stephan stated.
“But,” She stuttered
“We are both the same age. We are both eighteen. We are twins. Born on the same day and everything.” Michael patted his back.
“Why didn’t you tell me this?” Taylor asked.
“Taylor, I didn’t know either.” I stated. How could she keep something like this from me? Its not something that you just forgets or something that just passes your mind.
“She didn’t tell you?” Stephan asked. I shook my head no. Stephan looked down at his feet while he leaned his arms against his knee’s.
“Why didn’t you tell me?” Taylor asked again.
“Because its a secret. We agreed at a young age that we wouldn’t tell anyone. We didn’t want to be judged. We didn’t want anything to compromise that we were two different people.” Stephan sighed. “She’s really gone, isn’t she?”
“Yes, son. I’m afraid so.” Michael patted his back.
“Okay.” Mr. Henningshaw nodded. “Meagan was very specific in her will.” He went on. He took off his glasses and setting down his clip board. “Meagan left her child with her husband of course.” We already knew this. I wouldn’t give her up for anything. No one will take her from me. “She leaves all her possessions to whoever may want them. She leaves her car with Stephan. She also wants Taylor to have all things from college.”
“Is that is?” Stephan asked while holding back any tears. I could tell this was harder on him than anyone else.
“No,” He sighed.
“What else?” Taylor asked.
“She left letters to each of you. This is what she had said.” He sighed again as he got out a white piece of paper. On it was the most beautiful writing I have ever seen. It was Meagan’s. She was so neat, so precise. “Hello, everyone.” He began. “I know you are all sitting here probably mad at me. I’m sorry I had to leave you all. Inside this envelope is five letters. One for each of you, including Meagan. I want you to read them aloud. I love you.” He finished. He got out the envelope and handed each of us ours. Meagan’s was the thickest of all. Michael went first.
“Dad,” He read. His voice began to crack as tears welled up in his eyes. This was the first time she’s called him Dad. Stephan held his hand as he went on. “First of all, I want you to know that you were the best Father I could have asked for. You didn’t sign up to deal with us but you did and that means more than anything to me. Even after the passing of Mom, you still stuck around. You loved her more than anything and anyone with eyes could see that. You were the rock that kept us stable. I know I didn’t treat you the best but I loved you. I don’t know what I would have done if you weren’t there to keep up afloat. I love you, take care of Stephan and my baby girl. Love, your daughter.” He finished. By the end he was crying like a baby. Stephan waited a second to begin to read his. He slowly opened his letter and straightened it out.
“Stephan,” He started. “I know you hated being my twin, but I didn’t. I know we both wanted to be an individual and thats why we kept it a secret but I want you to know that I wasn’t ashamed. I would have proudly called you my twin in a heart beat. I want you to know that I love you, more than anything. I know you have a hard outer shell but you are warm and gooey on the inside and I know you know that. Everyone know’s it even though you try so hard to cover it up. Mom and Dad would have been proud of you just like I am. Listen, I know you like Tay so you better treat her right. Watch out for Shawn. He won’t admit it if he needs help. Sorry babe, its just a fact.” He read as he chuckled. Everyone around us chuckled, even me. Taylor reached and help Stephan’s hand. “I love you. Watch out for my baby girl. Love, your sissy.” He finished. He breathed deeply as he held in his sobs.
“Taylor,” She began. “I know we haven’t known each other for every long but it feels like I’ve known you my whole life. You are a ray of sunshine. You are too good for anyone who’s tried to swoop you up. I know you and Stephan will make a great couple. I once told him no girl will ever be good enough for him but I think I was wrong. I know you two are soul mates. I can see it in your eyes. I can see it in his eyes. You’re perfect together so you better make sure he doesn’t mess it up! I love you with everything in my heart! If you ever need a reminded of me, just think about that time when you taught me how to surf.” Taylor immediately got a big smile on her tear filled face. It took forever but you did it. I was cranky and reluctant but you kept making me try. You are the sister that I’ve always wanted. Take care of Stephan. He may act like he’s standing strong but he will be breaking inside. He’s been through a lot and I’m not there to help him through this one. Love, the sister you never had” She finished.
I looked down at the unopened letter. My name was beautifully written on the top. I couldn’t draw myself to open it. I couldn’t make myself opened it and read her beautiful words.
“Shawn?” Mr. Henningshaw asked. I looked up from the paper. “Its your turn.” I took a deep breath as I opened it. My hand shook. Trying to steady it didn’t help.
“My beloved,” I began. “I know you are sitting here reading this letter. I know you feel like I’ve abandoned you. I know you hate me right now and thats okay. You’re aloud to hate me. I never wanted to leave you but you and me both know that I didn’t have much time left. Shawn, you were there for me through it all. I know we were a secret at first but we stayed strong. We proved them all wrong. I wasn’t scared and its all thanks to you. Knowing I was dying in the arms of someone who truly, with everything he had, loved me, made all the difference. I’m not worried. I know that you will raise Meagan Lynn just like I would. I know you want the best for her and I know you will do the best for her. You can do this, baby. You made my last days and everything before, the best times of my life. You kept me strong through so many obstacles. I know you would have taken a speeding bullet for me and I know you wanted to give me your heart, but baby, if you did that then I would have to live with that burden. I know that this seems unfair. I know it seems unfair to all of you but its life. It will go on. Just like Meagan and you will. I know you think this is too much for you to handle but I know you can do whatever you set your mind to. You are truly an extraordinary man and it was a one and a million chance that I found you. I know that I’m not there but and everyone says I didn’t even begun to live what a life is suppose to be but what they don’t know is that my life was complete. I had you, I had my family and thats all I needed. I want you to be happy, Shawn. You’re going to meet another woman. You’re going to fall in love, again. You are going to ignore it because you think its cheating or whatever the reason might be. Don’t. Don’t ignore it, hun. I want you to go after it. Chase it. Run head over heels. Don’t keep your love inside because you have enough of it to give it to the world. I know I wrote Meagan Lynn a letter but don’t read it. Not yet. I want you to give it to her and play the tap inside, when she truly needs it. When she’s got so many questions that you can’t answer. I know you feel alone but your not. Look around the room.” I lifted my tear filled eyes from the paper and looked around at everyone. They were crying just as much as I was. “They are here for you.” I went on. “You can do it! I’m always there. No matter how alone you feel, I’m alway watching. For all of you. I love you forever more. Love forever, you wife.” I finished. I had to catch my breath. I couldn’t stop crying. She’s really gone. She’s gone.
Taylor leaned over and
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