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Read books online » Fiction » Indiscretions part 2 by By: zzmbrashear (free e books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Indiscretions part 2 by By: zzmbrashear (free e books to read .txt) 📖». Author By: zzmbrashear

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hugged me.
“I know, I know.” She whispered.
“I can’t,” I sobbed.
“Yes, you can.” Taylor said sternly. “She believes in you. She knows you can do this. Don’t prove her wrong.” I looked down at Meagan. She was sleeping like a rock.
“Michael, can you watch her while, while I go and do something.” I stuttered.
“Sure.” He nodded. I handed the seat to him and handed him the bag. “Can I ask where you’re going?”
“To see a friend.” I answered as I left. I got into my car and met Josh at the bar. I stood outside the door, not sure if I should go in. Josh spotted me and waved me in his direction.
“Hey, man! How ya been?” He asked while giving me a hug. I didn’t answer. We both took our seats. “I’m sorry.” He spit out. I looked up at him. I didn’t know that he knew. “I just read about it on the television. I looked up at it.
“Nineteen year old, Meagan Lewis, I’m sorry, Meagan March was married name, died during child birth to her baby Meagan Lynn March Jr., daughter of the English teacher, Shawn March. Meagan and Shawn went through numerous trials to prove that there love could last after Shawn was accused of sexual relations with Meagan Lewis. She had heart failure and had no chance of living. Doctors suggest abortion but she chose to go through with the birth. After the baby was born Meagan died. Now, the child is in custody of her Father, Shawn. This shows that the good really does die young.” The reporter went on but I blocked it out.
“I’m really sorry. I didn’t know. Man, I want you to know I’m here.” He patted my back. Hearing all that on the news made my heart crumble into a million pieces.
“She’s gone. She’s really gone.” I mumbled.
“Lets get some drinks and forget all about her.” Josh suggest.
“No. I don’t want to forget. I don’t feel like talking about her either. Its just to much to bear.” I shook my head.
“Did you even love her anyway?” He asked while ordering a beer from the bar tender.
“To hear you even ask that makes me, I don’t even have words.” I said in disgust.
“Is getting torn up about this really worth it? Is she worth it?” He asked. That was the last straw.
“To hear you say that my love was uncertain was enough but now you say that she’s not worth it. Let me tell you that she’s worth it. She’s worth the world and more. You didn’t know her like I do. You won’t ever understand. You have no idea what we’ve been through. That girl was my world, my best friend. There’s no way you’re going to help me because she’s the only one who can.” I said.
“I know you’ve lost a lot but,” I interrupted him.
“No, you don’t know how much I’ve lost. You didn’t know her like I do. You didn’t go through what we did. I can’t forget. I’m drowning in all our memories and its tearing me apart. Just looking at our child makes tears come to my eyes. All these things fill my soul and I just can’t cope. Its like she stole my breath away. Don’t tell me you know because you have no idea. Don’t tell me she’s not worth it because you didn’t know her like I do. You just don’t understand.” I said as I stood up.
“Hey! Man, come back!” He shouted as I left the bar. This was a mistake. A huge mistake. Josh was never a good friend of mine. He’s immature and this is another reason why we don’e talk. Thats the reason why I never return his calls.
I got in my car and drove. I didn’t know where I was going. I didn’t know but I know I had to get out of here. Just ten minutes on the road my phone started to ring.
“What?” I answered.
“Shawn? Are you okay?” Michael answered.
“Yeah, Michael. I’m sorry.” I wiped the sweat from my forehead. “What do ya need?”
“Meagan’s crying. She has been for the last half an hour. I thought maybe she would cry herself to sleep but she hasn’t.” Michael explained.
“Have you tried,” I began.
“She’s not wet, and she doesn’t want her bottle.” He said before I could ask.
“Does she have a fever?” I asked worried.
“Yes.” Michael gulped.
“Take her to the hospital. I will meet you there.” I said and then hung up. I made a ‘u’ in the road and spun out. It took let than five minutes to get to the hospital. A new record. Don’t judge me. I only did 90 m.p.r.... in a 45 m.p.h road.... Don’t judge me...
Michael was ahead of me the whole time. My thoughts were racing. I don’t know what I would do if I lose her. I can’t lose her. I won’t lose her. I refuse to.
I jumped out of the car and sprinted inside. Meagan was in my arms. Her crying still continued.
“Whats the problem?” A nurse asked me.
“She’s burning up.” I said frantic.
“I need Dr. Rice now!” She shouted as she took her out of my arms. It was hard to let go of her.
The nurse ran into a room and set her into a babies box. She started attaching cords and hooking up machines. I paced back and forth as her screaming increased. Sweat dripped from my eye brow as I ran my hands through my hair. Michael, Stephan and Taylor ran through the door.
“What are they doing?” Stephan asked.
“I don’t know.” I cried.
“Shawn, maybe you should sit down.” Taylor suggested.
“No, I need to pace.” I said and continued. The doctor ran through the door and started taking test. After about five minutes he spoke.
“I need you to leave the room.” Dr. Rice said. He began to try to assist me out the door but I stopped him.
“No! What are you doing to her! Tell me!” I shouted. He pulled me out of the room. Stephan and Taylor followed.
“Mr. March, I need you to stay out here.” He explained as he sat me down in the chair.
“What’s wrong with my baby?” I cried as I hid my face in my hands. Dr. Rice got on one knee and looked me into the eyes.
“It seems that Meagan has Pulmonary Tuberculosis.” He said very calmly. My eyes grew wide. Taylor stepped up.
“I’ve researched Pulmonary Tuberculosis before and the causes of it is poor living habits or poor nutrients. Meagan is healthy and clean.” She argued. He stood up to stand face to face.
“Thats the normal causes of this disease but in this case its internally. For some reason’s there were problems with her lungs that we didn’t see the first time.” He sighed.
“So this is your fault?” Stephan asked furious.
“No, we had no control over the disease,” He began but Stephan interrupted.
“But you could have stopped it from progressing!” He shouted.
“Please, lower your voice. We are doing the best we can.” He calmly asked.
“Wait?” I asked. “What is this disease?” I was lost.
“Pulmonary tuberculosis is a contagious bacterial infection that involves the lungs, but may spread to other organs.” The doctor explained.
“What can you do to help her?” I asked with my eyes closed.
“First is treatment.” He explained. “Does she have any allergies?”
“Not that I know of.” I answered. My hands were shaking as I lifted them away from my face. Sweat dripped from my brow as I stood up.
“Well, then we will start her on a round of Isoniazid and see if it works.” He said. I didn’t know what that was. I didn’t know what Pulmonary tuberculosis was either.
“Wait? See if it works? Why wouldn’t it work?” Stephan asked.
“Mr. Lewis, their is many reason why it wouldn’t work. For one, Meagan is very very young. Her body may reject it. I know this is a lot to take in but we need you to sign a waver.” He said and handed me a clip board and a pen. My hand shook as I slowly reached for the pen. Michael stood up and stopped me from grabbing the pen. He looked at me. He picked up the paper and read through it.
“This is a waver that says if Meagan dies you can’t be held accountable.” Michael looked up.
“Yes. We cannot promise that death will not happen. We can try and hope but there is no possible way to know for sure. In the event that it does happen, we can’t be held accountable.” He said softly. Michael exchanged looks with me. “I know that this shouldn’t be rushed but meanwhile your daughter is in there slowly dying. You have to sign it if you want us to treat her. Please.” He begged. I looked at Michael, he nodded to me. I firmly picked up the pen and sighed my name.
“Save my baby. She’s all I have left.” I begged him. He nodded and then rushed back into the room. I walked back over to my seat and sat down. I buried my face in my hands. Michael walked over to me and placed a hand on my back as he took a seat.
“Shawn,” He sighed.
“She’s everything I have left.” I spoke.
“I know.” He rubbed my back.
“I need her. She’s all I have left. She everything.” I lifted my head.
“I know.” He nodded. His eyes, big, were filled with tears.
“You don’t understand, I can’t lose her!” I broke down.
“Shawn, you’re pushed up against a wall. You don’t know where to go but you have to hold on. Son, I promise, things will be okay.” Michael said. Somehow I believed him.
“I want you to know that you are the closest thing to a Father than I’ve had in a long time.” I gulped. He hugged me.
“It will be okay.” He promised again.
The minutes felt like hours. The hours felt like days. What could they be doing in there? What’s happening?
I looked over at Taylor who was sleeping in Stephan’s arms. Stephan looked at me.
“How are you holding up?” He asked me.
“I, I can’t tell ya.” I looked down then I looked back up at them two. “When’s the wedding?”
“She says in a couple months. She wants what every little girl wants. A big, white, expensive wedding.” Stephan chuckled.
“Don’t take it for granted. Do everything she wants. You don’t know if today will be the last. Don’t give her up, never, not for anything. Not for a night out on the town. Not for the game. Not for work. Not for anything. Don’t.” I said in a stern voice.
“Okay.” He nodded. He knew I was serious. Dead serious. I looked up as the doctor walked out of the room. He looked up as I stood up. My eyes, begging, please please have some good new.
“Mr. March, please sit down.” He said.
“No, I’d rather stand.” I said. Taylor woke up as Michael took a seat next to her.
“Well?” Michael asked.
“The fever has broke, but it only decreased by a couple digits. We would like to keep her over night for more test and observations.” He nodded.
“I want to see her.” I said.
“I wouldn’t advise,” He began but I cut him off.
“I need to see her.” I demanded.
“Okay, okay.” He said while motioning with his hands. I walked into the room. I stopped in the door way. I wasn’t sure if I wanted to see
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