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Read books online » Fiction » Indiscretions part 2 by By: zzmbrashear (free e books to read .txt) 📖

Book online «Indiscretions part 2 by By: zzmbrashear (free e books to read .txt) 📖». Author By: zzmbrashear

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would read Shakespeare to her. My closet is full of her clothes. My draws are filled with her papers. My bathroom has her tooth brush in it. These’s walls are what she planned to paint.” I turned to Sam as silent tears appeared in my eyes but I refused to let them fall. I refused to cry another tear. I need to man up. “Can’t you see, this whole building is Meagan. There is nothing that doesn’t remind me of her.”
“I didn’t know.” She shook her head. I walked up to her and graced her cheek.
“I have to go.” I told her. She nodded as I hugged her.
“What will I do without you?” She asked.
“You will do fine.” I reassured her. “I promise.” I said as I kissed her forehead.
“Do you want me to help you pack?” She asked.
“No, thats okay. I’m not taking much. Mainly just Meagan’s needs.” I explained.
“Okay, well I have to get home to Mark, you know how he gets.” She said as she walked out. “I will see you tomorrow.” She said a little worried as she shut her door. She said it almost as if it was a question but she didn’t wait for an answer.
I got Meagan’s diaper bag ready. I packed all of her clothes. All of her little one’sies and all of her bottles. I even ran to the store and got a couple of extra formula containers. Meagan has several bags. Some were blankets, others were clothes, some were bottles and toys and the rest was diapers. I only had one small bag with some clothes. I put all of them in the car and tightened the strap on Meagan’s little car seat.
“Shawn!” Sam shouted as she walked down the street.
“Hi.” I waved as I put Meagan in the car.
“I thought you were going to wait for me?” She asked.
“I decided it would be easier on everyone if I just left.” I sighed.
“How is that good for everyone?” She asked.
“They won’t have to deal with me anymore.” I answered.
“We love you.” I voice said behind me. I turned around to see Taylor, Stephan and Michael.
“Shawn, please don’t go.” Taylor begged.
“I have to go. I have to leave. I have to start over.” I explained. I closed the car door and leaned against it.
“Stay, please.” Sam begged. I shook my head no as she hung hers.
“Son, if we can’t change your mind then you at least owe us a formal goodbye.” Michael said as he approached me with open arms. I walked up to him and hugged him.
“You were always my son and you always will be.” Michael whispered in my ear. I sniffled my nose as we pulled apart.
Taylor walked up to me and hugged me. Her soft hair got in my face as she wrapped her little arms around my neck.
“We are going to miss you.” She smiled.
“We?” I asked. A huge grin got on her face as Stephan walked up and put his arm around her.
“I’m pregnant!” She shouted.
“What?” I asked so happy.
“With twins.” Stephan added.
“Woah.” I smiled.
“I’m so happy.” She smiled.
“You will be a great mother.” I said while reaching for her hand.
“Promise you will bring her back.” Michael smile while looking at Meagan.
“I wouldn’t keep her away for anything.” I promised. Stephan walked up and hugged me.
“Man, you have to come and visit.” He patted my back.
“I will, once I get everything straighten out.” I nodded. There they all stood. In front of me, together. Their slight smiles made my heart crumble.
“I’m going to miss you guys.” I smiled. My eyes got wet. “I love you guys.”
“We love you too.” They smiled. I kissed Sam on the head before getting into my car.
“Please, Shawn.” She begged one more time.
“You’ll be fine.” I assured her.
“Goodbye.” I waved as I drove off. I looked at their sad face in the rear view mirror as I went around a bend. I looked back at Meagan. She was so happy.
“Well, This is it, baby girl.” I said as I continued to South Carolina.
The trip was long. Very long. Sometimes I felt as if it would never end. Most of the car ride was silent. Pure silence. The times it wasn’t, well, let me say I have a head ache. Meagan doesn’t like her car seat. She is an amazing baby that doesn’t cry too much but she absolutely hate being in that car seat. Every couple of miles I would have to stop and rock her, just to quiet her down long enough to get on the road again.
As soon as I got to South Carolina I stopped at a convenient store. I picked up some more formula and a sandwich for me since I haven’t eaten since Pennsylvania. I had Meagan in one arm and the sandwich and formula in the other. Just as I got to the cash register a woman walked by me and knocked everything but Meagan out of my arms.
“Oh! I’m so sorry!” She apologized as she and I knelt down to pick the things back up. She ran her hand through her light red hair as she bent down.
“Its okay.” I smiled as I stood up. Her bright green eyes were tantalizing.
“Are you sure?” She asked. I could tell she felt bad.
“Really, its just a sandwich.” I chuckled.
“I would get the sandwich.” She chuckled.
“Why not?” I whispered.
“Just take my word.” She smiled. “You’ll thank me later.” She flirtatiously smiled as she continued to the back of the store.
I couldn’t stop thinking about her. Her freckles and adorable dimples were indented in my mind. I grabbed my bag and went to my car. I hooked Meagan in and headed down the street. I was looking for a house for sale. Its what I need. I need a house, that way its permanent.
I was driving hours and hours. It seemed like I was just going in circles. Finally I pulled over to take a break. I got out of the car and sat on the hood for a second. I needed a breather. I needed a second to think.
The sun was beating on my back like a hammer. Sweat dripped from my forehead. South Carolina was defiantly a lot more hotter than where I came from. I looked over at the house across the road. I haven’t seen this one before. It was for sale.
The house was a light blue with white windows and doors. It had a porch the stretched around the whole house. It was beautiful. Purple annuals and beautiful white lilacs grew along the border. This house was perfect. I unhooked Meagan and walked up to the door.
A woman came to the door before I could even knock. When she opened the door her face was familiar. A smile came to her face as she recognized who I was.
“Sandwich guy.” She chuckled.
“I don’t know what to call you.” I smiled.
“Annabelle.” She smiled.
“Shawn.” I smiled back.
“And who is this?” She asked while tickling Meagan’s toes.
“This is Meagan Jr.” I said.
“Hello, beautiful.” She smiled.
“We are interested in the house.” I said.
“Really?” Asked Annabelle.
“Yes, really.” I chuckled.
“Okay, then let me give you a tour.” She smiled.
After the tour I was even more convinced that I wanted this house than I was before. It is perfect and its exactly what I need. What Meagan and I need.
Annabelle and I took a seat in the living room while Meagan slept in my arms.
“Are what price are we looking at?” I asked.
“Well, I was thinking a hundred thousand.” She said. She was nervous and I could tell but that wasn’t a crazy number for the house. It was rather decent.
“I’ll take it.” I said.
“I’ll get the paper work.” She said as she stood up. After all the signing and everything was done we both set down. She looked like she had a boulder lifted off her shoulders.
“If you don’t mind me asking, where is Meagan’s Mother? I’m asking because her name is Meagan Jr.” She paused terrified of my answer or what I would say next. I cleared my throat as I adjusted her in my arms.
“Annabelle, are you aware of the case that went on in Pennsylvania with the teacher and student?” I asked. She nodded. “Well, thats me.”
“Wait? You’re Shawn March?” She asked.
“The one and only.” I said.
“What happened to Meagan?” She asked. By my expression she could tell it was a tender subject.
“Meagan, died giving birth to Meagan Jr.” I answered.
“Oh,” She gasped while covering her mouth. “I had no idea. I’m so sorry.”
“Its okay.” I assured her.
“Thats terrible.” She sighed. “Did they say,” She could finish asking the question but she didn’t have to.
“Her heart just couldn’t handle one body let alone two, but her soul was too pure to let another die.” I explained. Annabelle reached across Meagan and held my hand.
“I’m here, if you ever need anything.” She smiled.
“Thanks.” I said.
“Well,” She said while standing. “That was a little party stopper.” She tried to joke. “Do you want a drink?” She asked.
“No but I need a drink.” I chuckled.
“Well, come this way sir.” She smiled. I laid Meagan down on the couch and propped pillows up all around her so she couldn’t fall off. I followed her to the kitchen. She opened a door and allowed me to walk in. When I did my jaw dropped. It was a private bar. A little room with a bar. Now, this tops it off. This is my dream house.
“Holy Hannah!” I smiled.
“I thought you would like it.” She said while turning on the lights. Her green eyes shimmer even more than they did before. She walked over to me and handed me the key. I accidentally dropped the keys. I stood there as they clinked as they hit the wooden floor. I bent down the same time she did. I looked up as our eyes locked.
“You’re beautiful.” I said while brushing her beautiful red wavy hair out of her face. We both moved in for the kiss at the same time. I didn’t realized what I was doing until our lips were just breaths apart. I stood up quickly and paced for a second.
“Shawn, I’m so,” She began but I didn’t let her finish. I couldn’t let her feel sorry for something that was ninety percent my fault.
“No, my fault.” I said as I continued to pace.
“You just lost the love of your life and I was about to put a move on you.” She sighed. “I have to apologize.”
“My move.” I said. I don’t know why I couldn’t say complete sentences but they just weren’t coming out.
“Shawn,” She stopped my pacing. She placed both hands on my cheeks. “Its okay.” At that moment I couldn’t control myself. I just couldn’t. I kissed her. My lips touched hers. I liked it. No, I loved it.
I wrapped my arms around her small body and lifted her onto the bar counter. Empty glasses were in our way so I pushed them onto the ground. They shattered with every second. She looked down at them and smiled. I kissed her and and slid down to her neck. She slowly unbuttoned my shirt and pulled it off.
“Shawn, stop.” She said while placing a hand on my chest. “You
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