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Read books online » Fiction » Angela by Beky Cybille (children's ebooks free online TXT) 📖

Book online «Angela by Beky Cybille (children's ebooks free online TXT) 📖». Author Beky Cybille

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trying not to shiver at her venerability.

The true form of archangels, emotionless only going by logic or task given by the Lord. They can never stray from their orders, it’s what made the archangels, archangels. He could tear her wings from her back right then if she seemed threatening towards whatever he is protecting or he was ordered to do.

“I’m afraid we cannot unbound her powers.” Emotion seemed to seep into him again as he sighed. “Keep an eye on her and take care angel Mariel, I will send another of my trusted angels to help watch over her.” With that he disappeared making Mariel rise sigh in relief before her eyes went towards the peaceful looking Angela.

“What are we going to do Angie?”


“Well we can start on making sure she’s not suspicious and keep her away from most of the areas where portals are opening.” Mariel jumped at the male voice looking behind her.

An angel with dirty blond hair with light chocolate eyes and forest green wings. An angel with different eye color than his wings, he must be an Archangel’s direct descendent and the one Gabriel sent. It’s why everyone though Angela to be so rare, different eyes and different wings. It now all makes sense.

“Leveon at your service.” He gave me a bow before a smirk made way to his lips his eyes twinkling with Mischief. Leveon- suits his look and attitude. Mariel’s eyes narrowed unto him.

Leveon’s gaze went towards Angela. “So this is Lucifer’s angel.”

“How do you-“

“Mariel?” Angela’s light voice cut her off. “Oh Angie.” Mariel ran to her friend and gave her a hug.

“Wings careful with the wings.” Angela winced while Mariel pulled back. “Sorry.”

Angela gasped as everything came back to her. Amber eyes that seem they could burn your soul with one look. It felt familiar yet not so familiar.

And those wings….

“Mariel I think I saw-“ Green pair of wings caught her attention before she met chocolate eyes. “Who are you?”

He simply smirked. “Think of me as your guardian angel.”


Angela only stared at the angel in front of her blankly. “Who is he?” She turned towards Mariel who bit her lip complementing on telling her everything, but one look at Leveon’s stern face make her think otherwise.

“It’s what he says Angie, he’s your guardian angel. Since you were present in hell they don’t really know how it will affect you now you are back in heaven. He’s here to watch you and make sure no demon gets near you since they might increase any evil that stuck to you during that time.” Mariel lied feeling guilt and acceptance. Acceptance that only came when one does the Lord will when sinning. It sickened her.

Angela studied her friend before putting a small smile on her face. “I guess, I apologize for being rude angel….”

“Leveon my lady.” He gave her a small bow before smirking.

“Now let us go over how things are going to change.”  Angela nodded in understanding. “Of course, is Gabriel alright?”

“Of course, he’s an archangel this isn’t his first trip to hell.”



“Well well, you came.” Lucifer smirked opening his eyes showing his amber orb glowing with malice. “Thought you would bail, ah Gabriel and Michael. Two of the strongest archangels, we all know even if you both combine your powers it’s not going to be enough.” Lucifer narrowed his eyes smugly as Michael’s eyes twitched and Gabriel sighed. “We are not here to battle Lucifer, we are here to discuss your kin.”

Both he and Michael sat down opposite of Lucifer, the café rented out precisely for this conversation. Lucifer’s amusement vanished quickly as he placed both his hands on the table leaning in.

“How is my little angel, she seems to be doing well, she seemed sweet, weak” His ambers spike in anger as he spoke the last one making Michal and Gabriel instantly get tense.

“Now Lucifer-“

“-What have you done to her? What have you done to my kin!” Lucifer roared trying not to burn down the café.

“Calm yourself Lucifer it’s too early for this.” Lucifer narrowed his eyes at Michael as he sighed. “Yes we sealed most of her powers and kept her asleep for many centuries, we awakened her six hundred years ago.” Lucifer laughed a mocking laugh.

“So your fear has driven the lord to this, strip an angel of her life and powers only to make her seem like she is just like every angel. Despicable and simply humiliating. And let me guess, no one knows who she really is other than the archangels and a few trusted few. You may not want to admit but your lord is much like me in many-“

Michael slammed his fist on the table cutting him off. “Never compare our Lord to a scum like you.” He growled his eyes going blank. Lucifer laughed as he stared down at him. “Do you expect me to bow down to you and beg for forgiveness like the other angels? You have better chances with your Lord. ” Lucifer snickered before his face hardened.

“Now when can I have her by my side?” The two angels shifted.

“I am sorry but we cannot.” Gabriel spoke and stood along with Michael as Lucifer shot up. “What do you me you cannot?” He asked in a deadly tone. Both archangels tensed reaching to their power as Lucifer’s anger rose.

“We will not let her go. She is an angel of the Lord, we will not let someone as Valuable as she to fall just for an abomination such as yourself.” Michael sneered. Calmness be damned.

“She is mine!” Lucifer growled in anger the café trembling a little. “You cannot keep us apart, it is against your holy laws.” Lucifer sneered.

“In this case we have no choice.” Gabriel said gravely. Lucifer froze before he laughed. Cold hard laughter. Both Archangels shivered.

The devil hardly laughed and when he did……

“So that is your reason.” Lucifer chuckled. “You’re afraid.” A cold malicious smile graced his lips.

“Of course we are, your relationship with that girl! It was not normal as one between its kin and maker. Every day she was becoming more and more like you, she worshipped you as we do our Lord.” Michael sighed.

Lucifer snickered. “Are you sure it isn’t a problem because she is powerful, powerful enough to almost rival an Archangel?”

“I don’t know how you did it but she was and the bond between you two was like anything I have seen.” Lucifer sighed before his wings appeared spread large and wide.

“You may try as you may but I will get her, even if I don’t soon enough she will come to me. I can feel our bond returning, it’s only a matter of time before she receives her memory back. As long as it may take, we all know I have all the time in the world.” With that his eyes turned red and he disappeared in a puff of smoke.

“But I am impatient so take her I will.” Lucifer’s laugh echoed through the café before the Archangels teleported out.


Angela snapped out of her daydream and looked down at the book she was supposed to be reading.

Those eyes, the fallen archangel Lucifer.


Why do they feel so familiar?

Chapter 3


Mariel sighed sprawled out on the couch in the library watching her best angel friend read. “I bet you’re enjoying this aren’t you.” Mariel grumbled, making Angela look up from her book, and stare, at her friend in amusement.

“What do you mean?” Mariel rolled her eyes, sitting upright. “You’ve barely been out of the library since your last trip in hell, and were told you were restricted to most parts in heaven, and I can’t exactly leave you alone. You’re enjoying this, but I’m bored.” Mariel complained, before a mischievous grin came on her face.

“I know that look, it’s the look you get when you try to get me to have ‘fun’” Angela quoted fun staring at her friend warily.

“Don’t say it like it’s a bad thing, I’m the only one here to spice up your life which is boring, even for an angel.” Mariel giggled and Angela sighed. She knew once her friend set her mind to it, she won’t let go no matter how many times she told her-

I’m perfectly content with my life.

It’s always-

Yeah Yeah.

“So what’s on your mind this time?” She asked her friend hoping, she won’t think of anything too reckless. “Well it’s been a while since we flew out in clear air, and I heard the park is available along with your favorite flower….. Which grows unpredictably every three years.”

Angela frowned at her friend. “Mariel you know the park is one of the places Leveon told me not to approach.” Mariel felt irritation go through her at the angel’s name. “He’s not here now, is he?”

Angela sighed knowing it was useless. “Alright only for your sake.” She stood flexing her wings oblivious of her friend watching in awe at the gracefulness she always had, and always though she lacked. ‘Yes everything makes sense.’

“Well?” Angela’s voice snapped her out of her reverie. “Oh right come on.” She grabbed Angela’s hand dragging her towards the window.

“Why, must we fly there?” Angela groaned “Because it’s faster, and good for you.” With that she was pushed out the window.

A good thing most building in heaven were high places, she had just enough time to spread her wings and take off midair. “Come on.” Her friend grabbed her hand and dragged her in the air towards the park.

 She shivered as they arrived at the park, the tall trees standing tall and proud. But something felt, wrong. It was eerie and quiet, no one was there.

“Mariel where is everyone?” She asked her friend tensely. “Oh they’ve all been keeping inside considering the demon sightings.” Angela gasped stopping midflight pulling her friend back. “Mariel!”

“What? Their all just being paranoid, there’s nothing to worry about so come on.” Mariel pulled her along towards a clearing full of pure crystal flowers swaying in the wind.

“Mariel, they are not being paranoid, if none of the angels are here to see the crystal flowers bloom, this is worse than we thought!” Angela tried to make her friend see sense.

“Oh stop being such a-“She gasped her eyes widening in shock. Angela stared at her friend alarmed. “Mariel?”

“Run.” Mariel rasped before she began falling her hand slipping from Angela’s. “Mariel!” She screamed trying to catch up to her and grab her. It was then she saw it, the dagger right between her shoulder blades, her wings.

Catching her bridal style Angela called on the unnatural strength she possesses bringing her friend down unto the clearing, safely. “Oh Mariel.” Angela sobbed starring at the blood on her hand, the hand that held her friends back.

“Angels are so emotional.” A voice spoke making Angela’s attention snap to a dark figure. “Who are you?” She asked softly although she already knew.

Sharpened teeth glinted reflecting off the crystal flowers. “Doesn’t matter, all you need to know is that you’re my one way ticket to become a powerful demon.” His figure disappeared, catching Angela off guard.

She looked around trying to sense him, bringing in her wings protectively. She turned and faced the setting sun which made the clearing of crystal flowers reflect the colors. It was beautiful.

“Such a good night.” Angela gasped at the sharp

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