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Read books online » Fiction » Angela by Beky Cybille (children's ebooks free online TXT) 📖

Book online «Angela by Beky Cybille (children's ebooks free online TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Beky Cybille

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pain behind her head before the lights went out.

‘No, it is not a good night, demon.’

A portal opened making both figures disappear from Mariel’s blurry sights. ‘What have I done?’


“What have you done?!”

Mariel looks down at her hand, trying to hold back her tears.

“I- I’m so sorry.”

“I know you are.” Leveon laughed a bitter laugh. “But that doesn’t help the fact that Angela is in Lucifer’s clutches does it?” Mariel couldn’t the sob that escaped her anymore, her wings lay, looking dead behind her, most of it bandaged beginning from her back.

“Please we have to get her back.”

Leveon growled in anger. “There is no we, you’ve done enough. I have to report this to the archangels, if they haven’t found out already. You stay and await your punishment for defying an archangel’s orders.”



Angela gasped springing upwards catching her breath, trying to ignore the pain pounding her skull.

The first thing she notices, it was hot.

The second, she felt weak, so weak.

The last, the black red tipped winged angel standing at the door way.

He took a deep breath. “Hello my Angela.”

Chapter 4


The Archangels were currently in disarray as they tried to find a way to fix the situation they were in. Laveon simply stood to the side and watched his masters at work, although with not much results.

"We need a full scale attack to distract Lucifer in order to get Angela back!" Archangel Gabriel demanded, his fist slammed the table silencing all previous arguments. 

"You are not thinking clearly at the moment brother, you feelings towards that girl are clouding your judgement. If you would turn yourself off you would see what the most logical action to this would be. As I have been saying for the past hour." Uriel stated as she stood from her seat. "This meeting has been taking us nowhere, we either need some time to process or turn off in order to come to a logical solution. This goes especially for you." She sent a hard look towards Gabriel and Micheal before vanishing.

The rest of the archangels glanced at each other before following in suit leaving only Micheal, Gabriel and Laveon.

Gabriel took a deep breath before sitting back flexing his wings in irritation. "They don't know what their talking about, the more time we waste the greater the risk of....."

"I know brother" Michael answered. 

"You didn't see Lucifer Laveon, how frantic and angry he looked, we could feel it roll off of him in waves. Not only are we in danger, Angela is in the greatest danger of all. To be consumed by him all over again." Gabriel whispered before glancing at his kin.

Laveon had no reaction and only stared. As one of Gabriel's first and closest he had adopted the behavior of archangels and did his best to fit in; he had been taught by Gabriel himself. This was both helpful and unhelpful in different situations, like now.

"The angel who created this mess is in holding waiting to be judged, since your brothers and sisters took their leave you are the only ones left to do it." Laveon reminded them of their next responsibility for the day.

"Very well, though we cannot be too hard on her, I have a feeling she will play a big part in what is to come.” Gabriel sighed before also vanishing into the courtroom.

Mariel kneeled before the court her body sagged in defeat. Her wings motionless and still in recovery.

“Angel Mariel, rise” Gabriel commanded. Mariel did as she was told holding back tears of helplessness. I’m so sorry Angela

“....Although not knowing the gravity of the consequences you still broke the rules and put you fellow angel in grave danger. For you sin you shall be stripped from flight and your angel attributes becoming near mortal until Angela returns to heaven.” Gabriel paused looking down from his platform. “Do you understand?” 

Mariel nodded “Yes Archangel.” Why did it have to be like this?

Gabriel turned to Michael. “Brother you shall be the one to oversee this trial, do you see this punishment it for the sin?”

Michael nodded “Very well so brother.”

A faint bell, similar to those of the human churches when noon strikes rang, One my power, Two my wings, Three I feel so weak, times as Mariel became a near mortal. The ethereal beauty associated with angels visibly dulled, her aura was weakened with no celestial power and her wings faded, still there but almost like air, invisible and unusable.





Gasping for air Angela sprung up before crying out in unexpected pain. Touching the back of her head she felt a bump and a slight cut. 

Remembering what happened and noticing the unknown landscape she immediately put up her guard. She felt heavier, like something was weighing her down and like she was being suffocated by how it was. This feels familiar.

Looking up she groaned when she saw the sky was red. Lord I know you said not to use your name in vain, but oh my God the demon succeeded, she was in hell and there was no archangel to save her this time.

But where was the demon? Where is she specifically? The heat isn’t as unbearable as the last time, so that’s good. I don’t want to wander around, who knows what I’ll find

She looked around the clearing. But I’m too much in the open.

“Marlin you owe me one hundred years worth of books” Angela grumbled as she made her way into the forest. She had to get out fast, she’s getting weaker by the minute.


Eyes peered from the other side of the clearing, the dead demon beside it as it licked it’s lips. “Demon for dinner, angel for dessert, my lucky day in hell.”


Lucifer peered into his mirror watching landscapes, and the demons and souls accompanying them pass by. “I sensed her presence, I still do, though it’s getting weaker.”

She’s here, but not by my side, I explicitly told those scouts to bring her here when she was found, why is it taking so long. If I don’t get her into her quarters she can die down here.

A flash of gold, white and blue caught his attention. He froze the image. She was in the dark forest and noticeably losing her shine as her power grew weaker, she grew paler as she leaned against a tree. Lucifer narrowed his eyes noticing a shadow following close behind her. He growled when he observed the eyes, red and like a cat ready to pounce on its prey; his Angel.

“Dammit, a wraith, can no one do their jobs around here?” He shed is shirt and spread his wings soaring to the forest to save her soul.

“I barely got you back, can’t let you die now can I?”

Chapter 5





Not again

Angela’s eyes snapped open to meet a black marble ceiling. In fact looking around, the whole room was made of black marble.

“What the heck happened?” She thought out loud, the last thing she remembered was a shadow launching towards her as she struggled to stand and black tipped wings.

“This tops any bad day she’s had since she was born” Angela stated towards the ceiling before she found it in her to sit up. Looking down she saw she was in a loose black night gown that greatly contrasted against her skin. The thought of someone changing her while she was unconscious makes her shiver.

Lucifer watched Angela curiously from the shadows, namely at her wings. “It’s been so long since I’ve seen those wings, they almost remind me of my old days.”

Angela’s attention immediately narrowed on him and her hands started glowing a white hue aimed at him, a sign she was ready to attack. Lucifer watched her in amusement and took a step towards her.

“Stay back.” Angela warned her hands glowing brighter. “Identify yourself, and tell me where I am.”

Lucifer stopped with a mocked hurt look on his face “Angie, you don’t even remotely remember me? It’s Lucifer your favorite, you’re in my palace in hell, in the only room capable of keeping you alive and away from hell’s light killing properties.”

Angela hesitated trying to look pass his facade. “You are telling the truth
.” Lucifer smiled and took another step which instantly brought Angela’s guard back up. “Still stay back Lucifer, am I supposed to thank you for keeping me from dying in the very place one of your minions brought me? And why would I even remember you?” Angela demanded calmly as she tried to process this information and find her way out of this situation.

“Well, it’s a long story and I don’t really feel like explaining it since in your state you won’t believe it. However I will say that if you stop and look within you for one second, you will feel it, the bond between us and I hope that will warm you up towards me.” Lucifer sighed as he walked towards the bed and sat down under Angela’s heavy gaze.

“Imagine that, the devil too lazy to lie about one thing yet conjuring up the biggest one right after. What am I here for and when can I leave?” Angela demanded.

Lucifer didn’t answer and gave her a blank stare. “Oh Angie, those angels really did a number on you huh, don’t worry things will go back to the way they should be, heck they’ll be bet-”

A light beam hit the bed inches away from Lucifer “Stop talking to me like were close friends!” Angela spoke in anger, she caught herself and calmed down a bit. “I don’t know you, never did, I would never befriend an abomination such as yourself. Now how can I get out of Hell? I won’t miss next time

Lucifer’s eyes darkened to pure black before a lightning like sound pierced the silence.

Angel cried out in pain as she felt heat engulf her and her light beams disappeared as she felt weak, so weak like her very soul was being fed on. She dropped to her knees her wings spread in pain as she tried to keep out the heat. Hot, so hot.. Make it Stop!

“If you haven’t figured it out by now, you are not leaving Hell, much less this room unless you want to feel exactly as you are now and die.” Lucifer walked towards Angela’s curled form and grasped her face harshly.

“I know you don’t remember anything, but I will not allow you to trample on our history together, those angels will not ruin more than they have already.” Lucifer released her and watched as she curled back up in pain with a black look on her face.

“I think you’ve been

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