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Read books online » Fiction » Angela by Beky Cybille (children's ebooks free online TXT) 📖

Book online «Angela by Beky Cybille (children's ebooks free online TXT) đŸ“–Â». Author Beky Cybille

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punished enough.” The crack resounded as any previous feeling disappeared and Angela was left gasping for air, for life.

“Now, these are your what do as you wish just don’t go anywhere else, we both wouldn’t like the results of that. It’s too soon to have any conversation about our past now with you
 amnesia.” Lucifer’s golden eyes returned. “I will let the bond reform and we’ll see whether or not it will get your memories going, if not it doesn’t matter much. I have a feeling you’ll be much more pleasant with the bond re-established either way...We can always make new memories.” It didn’t seem like he was talking to Angela anymore.

“Well” Lucifer clapped his hands causing Angela to jump in fear. “It’s been fun but I have work to do, king of hell and all, plotting to invade heaven, the usual.” His wings unfolded and revealed themselves, the polar opposite of Angela’s. “I will see you in a week Angie, behave yourself, I will always be nearby.”

With that he flew towards the black marble ceiling and went right through. Angela’s eyes widened as she frantically tried to find the strength to fly after him. “It’s no use all my energy is gone
 he couldn’t have been stupid enough to just show me the way out anyway-”

“If you haven’t figured it out by now, you are not leaving hell, much less this room unless you want to feel exactly as you are now and die.”

“Right, almost forgot that piece of information, I really can’t go anywhere.” Angela brought her feet into her chest and curled her wings around her trying to hold back her tears.

.any angel, please help.

Lucifer roared in anger as a pillar of flames destroyed everything in its path around him.

Those bastards, to put him in this position to hurt and imprison his own kin just for her to look at him like she used to
. They will pay for this, it is only a matter of when.

Lucifer took deep breaths and calmed himself the pillar of flames vanishing.

“My lord” His fireproof demon assistant called to attention. “What are your plans for the angel” He said the word with such distain that made Lucifer give him a hard look. “Careful Beezlebub, that’s my kin you speak of”

“Apologies sire” The red head bowed. Lucifer sighed as they both looked through the window at the marble cube which hovered right over the throne room.

“Well, we’ll start with the bond to rid of the animosity she has for me, that’s the easy part
 the hard one will be getting her memories back, if not, well
 I’ll have to find a way to make her fall and stand by my side once again.” Lucifer sat on his Throne of Sin.

“We’ll have to see what happens a week from now.”

Chapter 6


The existence of Angela came as a surprise to even the creator himself.

For centuries Lucifer had gone without creating an angel as his fellow archangels have done. In fact he outright refused and looked down on his siblings who created angels for the most trivial things. My who’s going to watch over this field of sheep? Who will greet the other angels? Who will run errands? Pathetic He thought.

Though if they knew the true reason why he created Angela, it would be deemed unfitting for an archangel. His desire for companionship and a worshipper. Maybe that’s why things turned out the way they did.

An angel not created by the creator himself was strong enough to rival an archangel when not in their true forms. An angel with the same wings as his, the ones that were considered one of a kind. She looked so similar to him yet their attitudes were totally different. 

There was one thing that was noticeable. They were almost never apart and if they were they were never far from each other. It was, curious.


“Gabriel” Sensing his Aura Angela looked up from the book she was reading up in the tree. “What a surprise, what brings you here today?”

Gabriel looked up at her from the base of the tree and tried not to lose track of his thoughts. “I just wanted to stop by and check up.”

Angela stared down at him from her spot, the sun behind her giving her golden hair and an ethereal glow that made Gabriel gulp. “Lucifer isn’t here he’s out on earth today I’m afraid.” 

‘I know, that’s exactly why I came by.’ Gabriel put a smile on his face. “Oh, well that’s unfortunate, would you mind if I flew around with you and waited for him?” 

Angela hmed. “You can just leave a message for him with me you know, we both know he trusts me more than the average angel.”

‘Come on Gabriel, as the humans say- balls.’ “Come on Angel” Gabriel flew up to her and grabbed her book. “Why don’t we go entertain ourselves?”

Angela looked from her empty hands to her book in his hands. “I was entertaining myself

“How about some sparring? It’s been awhile since I’ve given you a run for your wings.” Angela gave him a bemused glance.

“You mean like the last time I had your wings clipped like a bird?” Gabriel tried not to scowl at her tease. 

“You caught me off guard, no one ever expected you to be that strong, I’m more prepared now- don’t you want to see how it turns out. Or are you afraid?” Gabriel dangled the challenge in front of her and smirked when he saw her eyes light up with fierce competitive spirit. 

“As you wish Archangel.” At that Gabriel flew towards the arena and heard Angela following closely.

That day heaven shook and a storm rained down on earth. It was a tie, until Gabriel turned into his archangel form and pinned Angela down in a crater by the neck. “I win Angel.” He stared down at her.

“We both know why you won just now.” Angela stated breathing hard and didn’t cower from Gabriel’s cold form as most angels did when archangels were like this. “Now why don’t you turn back before someone gets hurt?” Angela reached up towards his own neck and watched his face morph to a cold smile as he gripped tighter. 

Angela’s eyes narrowed at him before she lowered her hand and broke the eye contact. “Apologies Archangel, I stepped out of line.” It was a pregnant minute before Gabriel let her go and ran his hand through his hair.

“My mistake, I should have finished this fight fair and square.” 

“True, but who am I to tell you to lower yourself to my level. You won based on your abilities nothing more.” Angela stood and froze when she met the golden gaze.

“Lucifer, you’ve returned.” Why do I feel like I’ve done something wrong?

He didn’t answer and simply moved his gaze to his brother. “Gabriel, I didn’t take you as one to be so reckless. Heaven is currently in shambles and half of earth’s crops are destroyed. What is the meaning of this?”

“Worry not brother, everything will be as it should be by tomorrow.” Gabriel danced around the question. “I will take my leave and make preperations now.” With that he spread his wings and flew away.

Angela watched him leave and realized ‘He never left a message.’

“Angela.” Angela turned towards Lucifer and tried not to act like a child caught doing something she shouldn’t have.  

Lucifer stared at her. “Let’s go home.” He said after a while and flew away in the direction of their home.

Angela sighed and flew after him. 

Lucifer had a dark look on his face that Angela couldn’t see from behind him. ‘I’ll have to keep those two away from each other.” It was then the angel Lucifer first felt jalousy and a spark of possession towards the angel flying close behind him.

Angela flew with him, not knowing that their relationship was about to morph into something more than companionship and the catalyst to the rebellion was brewing.

Gabriel’s eyes opened and stared at the painting that was usually covered. He reached out and stopped short of touching the blue tipped wings. “Don’t worry Angel, I won’t let history repeat itself again.” His eyes grew cold. “You will die before I let something like that happen again.”


Angela gasped as she snapped awake. She reached up and held her head to stop the pounding headache.

What the-? What was that?

I never had any recollection of this. I think I would have remembered going toe to toe with Archangle Gabriel and that angel- I called him Lucifer
 but that’s not possible.

The devil was once an angel

But how would I know him? I was born centuries after his fall so how-?

“No, you’re falling right into his hands Angela. This is a trick he’s playing to toy with your mind.” Like the liar he is.

“I have to give it to him, that felt very realistic.” She reached up to rub her neck and froze when she remembered something.

The book Gabriel took from me was the same one he gave to me on the day of my birth. What was it he said? “This rightfully belongs to you”


Day 1 Of Confinement



Text: Beky Cybille
Images: Beky Cybille
Editing: Beky Cybille
Translation: Beky Cybille
Publication Date: 09-14-2015

All Rights Reserved

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