Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you donā€™t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online Ā» Fiction Ā» The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (best e book reader for android txt) šŸ“–

Book online Ā«The Brothers Karamazov by Fyodor Dostoyevsky (best e book reader for android txt) šŸ“–Ā». Author Fyodor Dostoyevsky

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dressed up in fine clothes, though her old mother

and she had sunk into such poverty that they went every day to

Fyodor Pavlovitchā€™s kitchen for soup and bread, which Marfa gave

readily. Yet, though the young woman came up for soup, she had never

sold any of her dresses, and one of these even had a long train-a

fact which Alyosha had learned from Rakitin, who always knew

everything that was going on in the town. He had forgotten it as

soon as he heard it, but now, on reaching the garden, he remembered

the dress with the train, raised his head, which had been bowed in

thought, and came upon something quite unexpected.


Over the hurdle in the garden, Dmitri, mounted on something, was

leaning forward, gesticulating violently, beckoning to him,

obviously afraid to utter a word for fear of being overheard.

Alyosha ran up to the hurdle.


ā€œItā€™s a good thing you looked up. I was nearly shouting to you,ā€

Mitya said in a joyful, hurried whisper. ā€œClimb in here quickly! How

splendid that youā€™ve come! I was just thinking of youā€


Alyosha was delighted too, but he did not know how to get over the

hurdle. Mitya put his powerful hand under his elbow to help him

jump. Tucking up his cassock, Alyosha leapt over the hurdle with the

agility of a bare-legged street urchin.


ā€œWell done! Now come along,ā€ said Mitya in an enthusiastic



ā€œWhere?ā€ whispered Alyosha, looking about him and finding

himself in a deserted garden with no one near but themselves. The

garden was small, but the house was at least fifty paces away.


ā€œThereā€™s no one here. Why do you whisper?ā€ asked Alyosha.


ā€œWhy do I whisper? Deuce take itā€ cried Dmitri at the top of his

voice. ā€œYou see what silly tricks nature plays one. I am here in

secret, and on the watch. Iā€™ll explain later on, but, knowing itā€™s a

secret, I began whispering like a fool, when thereā€™s no need. Let us

go. Over there. Till then be quiet. I want to kiss you.


Glory to God in the world,


Glory to God in meā€¦


I was just repeating that, sitting here, before you came.ā€


The garden was about three acres in extent, and planted with trees

only along the fence at the four sides. There were apple-trees,

maples, limes and birch-trees. The middle of the garden was an empty

grass space, from which several hundredweight of hay was carried in

the summer. The garden was let out for a few roubles for the summer.

There were also plantations of raspberries and currants and

gooseberries laid out along the sides; a kitchen garden had been

planted lately near the house.


Dmitri led his brother to the most secluded corner of the

garden. There, in a thicket of lime-trees and old bushes of black

currant, elder, snowball-tree, and lilac, there stood a tumbledown

green summer-house; blackened with age. Its walls were of

lattice-work, but there was still a roof which could give shelter. God

knows when this summer-house was built. There was a tradition that

it had been put up some fifty years before by a retired colonel called

von Schmidt, who owned the house at that time. It was all in decay,

the floor was rotting, the planks were loose, the woodwork smelled

musty. In the summer-house there was a green wooden table fixed in the

ground, and round it were some green benches upon which it was still

possible to sit. Alyosha had at once observed his brotherā€™s

exhilarated condition, and on entering the arbour he saw half a bottle

of brandy and a wineglass on the table.


ā€œThatā€™s brandy,ā€ Mitya laughed. ā€œI see your look: ā€˜Heā€™s drinking

againā€ Distrust the apparition.


Distrust the worthless, lying crowd,


And lay aside thy doubts.


Iā€™m not drinking, Iā€™m only ā€˜indulging,ā€™ as that pig, your Rakitin,

says. Heā€™ll be a civil councillor one day, but heā€™ll always talk about

ā€˜indulging.ā€™ Sit down. I could take you in my arms, Alyosha, and press

you to my bosom till I crush you, for in the whole world-in

reality-in real-i-ty- (can you take it in?) I love no one but you!


He uttered the last words in a sort of exaltation.


ā€œNo one but you and one ā€˜jadeā€™ I have fallen in love with, to my

ruin. But being in love doesnā€™t mean loving. You may be in love with a

woman and yet hate her. Remember that! I can talk about it gaily

still. Sit down here by the table and Iā€™ll sit beside you and look

at you, and go on talking. You shall keep quiet and Iā€™ll go on

talking, for the time has come. But on reflection, you know, Iā€™d

better speak quietly, for here-here- you can never tell what ears are

listening. I will explain everything; as they say, ā€˜the story will

be continued.ā€™ Why have I been longing for you? Why have I been

thirsting for you all these days, and just now? (Itā€™s five days

since Iā€™ve cast anchor here.) Because itā€™s only to you I can tell

everything; because I must, because I need you, because to-morrow I

shall fly from the clouds, because to-morrow life is ending and

beginning. Have you ever felt, have you ever dreamt of falling down

a precipice into a pit? Thatā€™s just how Iā€™m falling, but not in a

dream. And Iā€™m not afraid, and donā€™t you be afraid. At least, I am

afraid, but I enjoy it. Itā€™s not enjoyment though, but ecstasy. Damn

it all, whatever it is! A strong spirit, a weak spirit, a womanish

spirit-what, ever it is! Let us praise nature: you see what sunshine,

how clear the sky is, the leaves are all green, itā€™s still summer;

four oā€™clock in the afternoon and the stillness! Where were you



ā€œI was going to fatherā€™s, but I meant to go to Katerina Ivanovnaā€™s



ā€œTo her, and to father! Oo! what a coincidence! Why was I

waiting for you? Hungering and thirsting for you in every cranny of my

soul and even in my ribs? Why, to send you to father and to her,

Katerina Ivanovna, so as to have done with her and with father. To

send an angel. I might have sent anyone, but I wanted to send an

angel. And here you are on your way to see father and her.ā€


ā€œDid you really mean to send me?ā€ cried Alyosha with a

distressed expression.


ā€œStay! You knew it And I see you understand it all at once. But be

quiet, be quiet for a time. Donā€™t be sorry, and donā€™t cry.ā€


Dmitri stood up, thought a moment, and put his finger to his



ā€œSheā€™s asked you, written to you a letter or something, thatā€™s why

youā€™re going to her? You wouldnā€™t be going except for that?ā€


ā€œHere is her note.ā€ Alyosha took it out of his pocket. Mitya

looked through it quickly.


ā€œAnd you were going the backway! Oh, gods, I thank you for sending

him by the backway, and he came to me like the golden fish to the

silly old fishermen in the fable! Listen, Alyosha, listen, brother!

Now I mean to tell you everything, for I must tell someone. An angel

in heaven Iā€™ve told already; but I want to tell an angel on earth. You

are an angel on earth. You will hear and judge and forgive. And thatā€™s

what I need, that someone above me should forgive. Listen! If two

people break away from everything on earth and fly off into the

unknown, or at least one of them, and before flying off or going to

ruin he comes to someone else and says, ā€˜Do this for meā€™- some

favour never asked before that could only be asked on oneā€™s

deathbed-would that other refuse, if he were a friend or a brother?ā€


ā€œI will do it, but tell me what it is, and make haste,ā€ said



ā€œMake haste! Hā€™m!ā€¦ Donā€™t be in a hurry, Alyosha, you hurry and

worry yourself. Thereā€™s no need to hurry now. Now the world has

taken a new turning. Ah, Alyosha, what a pity you canā€™t understand

ecstasy. But what am I saying to him? As though you didnā€™t

understand it. What an ass I am! What am I saying? ā€˜Be noble, O man!ā€™-

who says that?ā€


Alyosha made up his mind to wait. He felt that, perhaps, indeed,

his work lay here. Mitya sank into thought for a moment, with his

elbow on the table and his head in his hand. Both were silent.


ā€œAlyosha,ā€ said Mitya, ā€œyouā€™re the only one who wonā€™t laugh. I

should like to begin-my confession-with Schillerā€™s Hymn to Joy, An

die Freude! I donā€™t know German, I only know itā€™s called that. Donā€™t

think Iā€™m talking nonsense because Iā€™m drunk. Iā€™m not a bit drunk.

Brandyā€™s all very well, but I need two bottles to make me drunk:


Silenus with his rosy phiz


Upon his stumbling ass.


But Iā€™ve not drunk a quarter of a bottle, and Iā€™m not Silenus. Iā€™m

not Silenus, though I am strong,* for Iā€™ve made a decision once for

all. Forgive me the pun; youā€™ll have to forgive me a lot more than

puns to-day. Donā€™t be uneasy. Iā€™m not spinning it out. Iā€™m talking

sense, and Iā€™ll come to the point in a minute. I wonā€™t keep you in

suspense. Stay, how does it go?ā€


* In Russian, silen.


He raised his head, thought a minute, and began with enthusiasm:


Wild and fearful in his cavern


Hid the naked troglodyte,


And the homeless nomad wandered


Laying waste the fertile plain.


Menacing with spear and arrow


In the woods the hunter strayedā€¦.


Woe to all poor wretches stranded


On those cruel and hostile shores!


From the peak of high Olympus


Came the mother Ceres down,


Seeking in those savage regions


Her lost daughter Proserpine.


But the Goddess found no refuge,


Found no kindly welcome there,


And no temple bearing witness


To the worship of the gods.


From the fields and from the vineyards


Came no fruits to deck the feasts,


Only flesh of bloodstained victims


Smouldered on the altar-fires,


And whereā€™er the grieving goddess


Turns her melancholy gaze,


Sunk in vilest degradation


Man his loathsomeness displays


Mitya broke into sobs and seized Alyoshaā€™s hand.


ā€œMy dear, my dear, in degradation, in degradation now, too.

Thereā€™s a terrible amount of suffering for man on earth, a terrible

lot of trouble. Donā€™t think Iā€™m only a brute in an officerā€™s

uniform, wallowing in dirt and drink. I hardly think of anything but

of that degraded man-if only Iā€™m not lying. I pray God Iā€™m not

lying and showing off. I think about that man because I am that man



Would he purge his soul from vileness


And attain to light and worth,


He must turn and cling for ever


To his ancient Mother Earth.


But the difficulty is how am I to cling for ever to Mother

Earth. I donā€™t kiss her. I donā€™t cleave to her bosom. Am I to become a

peasant or a shepherd? I go on and I donā€™t know whether Iā€™m going to

shame or to light and joy. Thatā€™s the trouble, for everything in the

world is a riddle! And whenever Iā€™ve happened to sink into the

vilest degradation (and itā€™s always been happening) I always read that

poem about Ceres and man. Has it reformed me? Never! For Iā€™m a

Karamazov. For when I do leap into the pit, I go headlong with my


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