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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » The Unfinished Story by Char Marie Adles (the rosie project txt) 📖

Book online «The Unfinished Story by Char Marie Adles (the rosie project txt) 📖». Author Char Marie Adles

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“There will be a lot of work to do, but we will find a way,” Jnii said.
Everyone agreed and then there was a knocking on the door.
It was a servant come from the Emperor to escort me to him.
I went. I followed the man down long hallways to come to a wide open room in the front part of the palace that was the Emperor’s meeting room. Ryuu sat facing away from the doors and looking outside from the balcony. A pair of red wings bird dance in the sky.
The man bowed and closed the doors behind me.
I walked over to Ryuu and place a hand on his shoulder. He looked up to me. His face seemed the same, but it wasn’t. It had the weight of worry cast over it.
“I’m glad to see that you live though you did give me a scare,” Ryuu said with a sad smile. “If you look beyond out over the Balcony you will be able to see the kingdom go on as far as the eye can see. What was once two are now one. And now I am the one who will over look it all. A job that is for a man with more strength then me.”
“You're wrong,” I said looking out the vast city and mountains beyond to where the sea shined in the distance. “You are the one this Empire needs. I have heard your ideas to make life better. You have more power than you think. You will become great one day.”
“Will you be here to help me if I need guidance?” he asked in a small voice.
I looked down and smiled. “Of course. I will never be going back to my life before and my life is here now. If you should ever need me, just send a message.”
“Why must everything end this way? A war? The death of my father? Why must everything happen now? What was the purpose of it all?” he said looking out to the sky.
“Everything is important though you may not know it. It was time that things changed. It was for the better and finally the two empires that have been apart for a few hundred years is finally back together. These people need someone with strength that can lead them into a bright future. They need hope and that’s you.” I said looking down at him.
He sighed heavily, as if he had the weight of the world on his shoulders and in a way he did.
We talked for a while and finally he asked. “What is the next move I am to make?”
“Your people need your help. You should think over what they need,” I said standing.
And I left him pondering on that.
I sat with my back against the wall and stared as the stars started to come out. Wishing I knew what came next. But the star winked and promised luck, and for that I knew some how everything would turn out okay.

So Kail and I stayed for awhile and helped the new Emperor get on his feet and though him the things he would need to know. His Kail taught Ryuu everything he would need to know about the government and I taught him about managing money affairs and teaching him how to use a sword.
“Pick up your sword and trust then block!” I yelled at him for the twentieth time.
“It's not that easy,” Ryuu sound panting.
“You swing your sword like a girl!” I yelled at him.
“But you are a girl!” he said aghast.
“Well you a better girl then I am, so that must make me the man here.” I said yawning.
That did it. He pulled his sword out of the ground and ran at me, sword tilted a bit to the side.
“Finally,” I said and pick up my sword.
In the few weeks I’ve been teaching him he’s done very well, but he has years to go. He came at me fast, but for me he was still slow. I blocked easily and stepped aside. He came at me again and again, but he became slower. As he swung one last time and fell to his knees in the mud I smiled.
“Your Highness you are coming along well. But as sad as this is I must leave soon. There are things I must take care of. But shall you ever need me and Kail just call us,” I said ending down to pick him up.
“Thanks for the help,” he laughed weakly. “I will truly miss you. So will my sisters.” that made me grin. Even though they now know I’m a girl they still act like swooning maidens.
“Yeah. I’ll miss them too, but remember to work on your fighting skills.”
“Yeah, yeah. I hope you won’t stay away to long, we would love to see you at court,” Ryuu said with a smile.
I grinned back, and then saw Kail. He stood at the gate to the garden where we were training. I looked at Ryuu, he waved me on. “Go ahead.”
I slipped out from under his arm and ran to Kail Flinging myself at him. He caught me in his arms and left me off the ground where he could kiss me full on the lips. We stayed there till Ryuu cleared his throat.
I slipped to the ground and looked over to Ryuu he smiled when he saw my blush.
“It is nothing to be ashamed of, but maybe next time you don’t forget the others around you. Young love is something rare and special.”
I smiled at him. “I learned that the hard way. Well I have to go pack,” I said turning back towards the palace leaving them alone together.


“She sure is a real piece of work isn’t she,” Ryuu asked Kail.
“Yeah, but I like her that way. She has spirit. I think though it may be best if I lock her up for while. Just to spear the poor people from having another heart attack over her. By know half the country knows about her and what’s she done. But you have to admit she wonderful,” Kail said gazing after her.
“I would agree. So will you be coming back soon?”
“Well my friend I believe so, but onto soon. I have plans.” Kail said with a grin now looking at Ryuu. “And you your Royal Highness need to find a bride soon too.”
Ryuu turned red and quickly put her blade away.
“What to say?” Kail asked. “I know you aren’t like your father but still…” Kail trailed off at the mortified look on Ryuu’s face.
“I thank you very much and Lady Ashlynn too. Please come back soon. I’ll have the Court up and running in a few months so maybe she would enjoy coming with Lady Momoko. I cannot say I’m sorry that her father died though. We are all better off without the moron,” Ryuu said. “Oh and I would like it very much if both of you could make it to Yume’s wedding.” and with that he left red faced.
“He’s going to have to find out someday,” I said popping up behind Kail.
He jumped and then righted himself.
“Where did you come from?” he asked startle.
“The back gate. I came to tell you everything is ready.”
“Are you ready to go home," he asked, picking me up in his arms.
“Yes,” I said with a giggle.
He kissed me full on the lips.
“Ready to get married?”
Another kiss that made me feel as if I would melt.
“Yes,” I whispered.
“Good. Then let’s go collect Sen and Momoko and go home. We have awhile before we start work and the Court starts again.” he said giving me another kiss and setting me down.
“Then let’s make good use of it.” I said rubbing my hands together.
“Why do I have a feeling that you have a plan and its going to give me a heart attack?” Kail asked as we went inside, but I didn’t hear him because I was too busy planning.
After that we left to go home. It was a long ride but I didn’t care as I rode with Kail. I was cradled against his back and he had one long arm wrapped protectively around me.
I looked back at his face. It was set in a serious look. I quickly kissed his lips and sat back down.
“What’s with that face?” I asked.
He looked down at me and smiled gently.
“I was thing about our future. What’s going to happen now? The war is over now. What are you going to do?”
I made a face up at him.
“Are you say you don’t want to stay with me? After all we went through? Do you want me to have nowhere to go?”
He shook his head and tightened his arm around me.
“Never. Never again am I letting go of you.” he whispered roughly.
“Good,” I said snuggling up against him. “So what are you going to do with me? Am I your mistress now?”
He made a choking sound and I saw he looked horrified.
“Gods no! Your are much more then that,” he said seriously, looking straight in my eyes.
I frowned slightly.
“But I have to be. With what we’re doing I am, because we aren’t married. And I know you can’t marry a foreigner. No one will look down on your for having a courtesan, even if she is a princess. And no one will look down on me, because of who I am. Plus now that we are part of Ryuu’s court now that he’s king, I can stop pretending to be a man. So it wouldn’t matter if we were together in public now.”
He glared down at me.
Oh crap, I thought, he’s mad at me.
“You will not be a courtesan,” he said angrily.
“Do you plan on pushing me aside then?”
“No. I have a plan, but for now you are you and don’t give yourself any of those disgraceful names.”
I sighed and nodded.
“Lets go home,” he said.
And so we went home. Happily, for now anyway.

Ashlynn…is a girl who has no family left, but is left with an ancient family castle. At sixteen she has been kept away from most things in the world. She finds herself entranced by a diary wrapped in red
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