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Read books online » Fiction » somewhere on my way by Anna N. Schnieden (best ebook pdf reader android .TXT) 📖

Book online «somewhere on my way by Anna N. Schnieden (best ebook pdf reader android .TXT) 📖». Author Anna N. Schnieden

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have gone, Enforce or…Bitch…Asshole…I told you, human drove me crazy.


My first love came when I was still a student and I did not expect that it would come too soon. However, it just dumped its ass straight into my office (Professor Daddy’s) and I had never ever thought…love came with…guns and…bloody.


I supposed to have a meeting with the Blinds & Covers owner…not…guns, but he was sick, so he sent his young brother in his absence.


“Who’re you? Are you looking for Professor Daddy? Or, you’re silly and lost your way?” Me.


“I’m looking for someone named Aye. The reception told me to walk here!” Arti.



“So…what the hell do you want?” Me.



“Must be you then. I have been warned!” Arti.



I did not ask what he had been warned, did not want to know, however, after he gave me all the new arrival samples and effortfully explained all the new products with a very weird dude Thai’s accent.



“Ah…Mr.? That fabric’s samples are for…furniture…not a floor…hello! Not for windows either. Are you sure, you can sell me something you don’t…know?” Me.


“Arti, me! Well, he’s bloody sick. And I thought I just drop it off for him.” Arti.



“Ahuh. You’re still here. And you’re still talking. No need to explain all that. It’s just a waste, talking something you don’t know!…Sir.” Me.


“I want to talk to you. Do you want to have dinner with me…sometime?” Arti.



“Get out of here before I get Mr. Hardly! Trust me, you do not want to see Mr. Hardly!!” Me.


He was gone, as commanded, but not very long…he showed up another day and another day for a week, wanted to pay for dinner. He also followed me to school…so Mr. Lunatic said to me, “That’s it, do something chick’s head.”


“Hmm…why are you here? This is university…students…not a bar or a park, don’t you notice?” Me.


“I want to see you and…talk to you.” Arti.



“I already said, no thank you… Remember? Do you have a job? Really, this isn’t a place to pick up a chick!!” Me.


“Hey, I’m not here, picking up chicks. Come on, have lunch with me. I know it’s lunchtime.” Arti.


“Ok, dick-head. For once, and go somewhere else, bring…all this delightful arousing…conventional…smug…pretty of yours far away…ok?” Me.


“Haaa. Depends on how you look at it!” Arti.



Arti was half Japanese and half Thai; his father was a big…Powerful member of old-time Yakuza. His mother was a Thai woman who owned a strip- bar, a night-girls club and a tavern, and they were at the same area. He was the only son of a big-boss Yakuza, but not to his mother. His mother had 2 sons before married to the big-boss Yakuza. He told me he was in Thailand because he was looking, examining, and taking Thai girls to Japan for his family businesses!


What a wonderful world. Really, I was so…given way to…anxiety! My mind was on the mode of dwell on trouble! Thank goodness, I was in school, not a restaurant. Before I was going to say…something after he told me…about himself,


“Hey, who the hell is this?” Moonlight.



“Ah…ah, he…is a big giant powerful Yakuza’s…only son!” Me. (All my residents in my head were caused a great deal of impulses of anxiety through my spinal cord, all the way to my muscles and my organs.)


“Oh, Hi, Mr. Yummy. I’m her buddy. What the hell do you want?” Moonlight.



“Have lunch with us, please. Arti is my name!” Arti.



“Mr. Second power! There won’t be us. I don’t think my brain can take it. And I don’t want to wear bulletproof all the time, too heavy! Take no offence; I don’t know you and I don’t think I want to. I’m still a student with a homeless situation…don’t really want to have an agony love. Please, understand.” Me.


“What do you mean, homeless situation?” Arti.



“Nothing. It was just a phrase…dude! I’ve to go. Study, work…you know? And you! Moony, really, Mr. Yummy? Move now!” Me.



After the event at the school, I did not see or hear anything from him, not even a shadow and life was just about…fine. Until, there he was, after disappearing for…about 3 months, he was at my apartment door, and on my only day off!


“Hey!!! How the hell do you know where I live? Shit! Are you stalking me?” Me, full of pissed-off energy!


“Hey, can you stop being such a fucking bitch. I asked my brother. I just got back from Japan and I miss you.” Arti.


“Perfect!! What did I say? Something is totally wrong with you!! If I knew Mr.

Silk has a serial killer brother, I would not have him dumped me home!” Me.


“Where is Moony?” Arti.



“I’m having a poop.” Moonlight, from…our bathroom!



“I’m not a killer ok? I just run my father’s businesses. Believe me or not, I’m an international lawyer!” Arti.


“Wow, my life is getting better and better huh. You’re not just a killer, but also a fucking lawyer and a bloody international one. Great…that’s just great! Why are you here?” Me.


“Pick up you and Moony.” Arti.



“To do bloody what??” Me.



“Shopping of course! I came here earlier, but you were out.” Arti.



“Oh, Aye, I’m ready.” Moonlight.



“Seriously Moony?? You know he’s a Yakuza, right? And what he wants, is my…kitty. And he’s a fucking lawyer with guns. What if I don’t want to fuck him, have you ever thought of that? We might end up under some crop or worse…eats us!!!” Me.


“I’m still standing here!” Arti.



“I know. I still see you! Moony, hello!!” Me.



“I already had a talk with Mr. Yummy. He’s ok. He’s not going to eat you or kill you, but yes…pretty much about your cat!” Moonlight.


After the shopping day, my apartment was full of essentials…life support stuff. Moonlight was…enjoying it, unlike me; I was worried about…guns…bullets. Back in the 19th century, gangs were everywhere including my country; there was news and more news, which was not feeling pleasure or contentment. However, many of Yakuza’s organizations tried to change their way of businesses in order to accommodate with legal systems.

Instead of drugs or weapons, they turned their businesses into clubs, casinos, and many kinds of real estate. However, sometimes they boomed each other because of the real estate problems! Old habit!


Arti’s family businesses were casinos, real estates, and clubs. He actually did not need to come to Thailand for the girls, but he came because of his mother. I had learnt later that he helped a young boy named Chicken from getting beat to death. Chicken was a Thai boy with a drunken daddy who loved boxing. Arti gave him a place to stay and sent him to school. Chicken graduated, as an accountant and worked for a bank. I thought, maybe Arti was a kind of… an angel in Halloween disguise…hmmm wasn’t he?


Later, Moonlight wanted to transfer herself to one of the universities in the north because they had German and French languages, and Arti paid for everything…like I said…life was getting better and better.



“Hey, don’t think the payment is going to help you with my cat!! Think again!!” Me.


“You know you’re very cautious. It’s ok to be skeptical. And it’s ok to trust. There are people who care how much the world goes dirty.” Arti.


“Do you blame me? Moony, I’m gonna move back to the mother’s, I’m too scared being alone with his showing up anytime he wants!” Me.


“Hey, he is our friend! …He’s kind of yummy, don’t you think?” Moonlight.



“Oh…shut uppp…” Me.




I moved back to the mother’s until I was done school, did not what to jump off some building before graduation, and life was so intense already, I did not want to complicate my own self…one step at a time was safe for me…I was mentally deranged and it was not going good with…guns and boom! Moreover, Professor Daddy insisted that it was a good idea taking time to know…Mr. Gun! We were friends except he already claimed…me as his girl to be!


“Maybe, I just marry you, and get over with work. Be a wife, have kids, and get fat!” Me.


“If you want…my little one! Can you not be fat?” Arti.



“Hmm…do you know the procedure of pregnancy right? Little human is not a bloody puppy…doll’s head!” Me.


“No fat! Had any boys come around when you were a student?” Arti.



“Not really, they were scared of me! Although once, just before you showed up at my old office…it did not end up…in the way of a satisfying end…and…it was bloody…hmm!” Me.




“What happened? Did he hit you? I’m gonna kill him!!” Arti.



“Ahmm…more like…opposite! Well, after lunches…and dates at school for a month, he suggested that we should go somewhere…like…his house. I told him I would think about it. Then he wanted to hold my…little arm. I…mmm said no in a way that produced too much noise. Mr. Moody Be Good was about to get out from his motorcycle and heard the ‘No.’ Next thing I knew, my one-month- lunch-date was mixed with…sand and bloody by Mr. Moody be Good’s boxing skill!” Me.


“You dated him for a month and never went out with him? (I moved my face for yes.) Why did you date him?” Arti.


“Ah…well, he was a popular senior. Chicks screamed when he moved and…free lunches!” Me


“Do you know what you did was dangerous? You should not have done it. He’s young and stupid, but it does not mean he deserved to be toying.” Arti.


“Sorry, I was…playing, did not think…boys like to jump off buildings too.” Me.



Arti was always like my…personal corrector? Tried to get me into a good behaviour. He was back and forth between Japan and Thailand every 2 or 3 months and when he was not in Thailand, Chicken was his eyes and ears…about me of course. I was going to make my decision of being a girlfriend or…no, but before I reached my decision my giant cell phone was screaming.


“Hey, little one, Chicken will pick you and Moony up…soon.” Arti.



“We’re not your…whatever. I have shit to do!” Me.



“Aye, I need you here as soon as possible!” Arti.



Chicken was driving fast, he did not say anything, but from his expression and the speedy, I knew something definitely went…so wrong…hell! When we arrived at Arti’s breathtaking condominium, which was on the 27th floor. A young lady was sitting in Arti’s living room with an expression of distress. As soon as Arti informed her who we were and… particularly me, (something was totally wrong with my face!) she was gone, to a high blood pressure and an attempt at physical force hmmm…. against floor 27 and the parking spot below! In 30 seconds, my brain stopped working, but my protective instinct was responded to a certain stimulus. The young lady was speeding to Arti’s balcony, which had 2 sets of air-conditioning condensers. My feet were on fire…stalking her! By the time she reached her one foot on an air-conditioning condenser, my two hands were on one of her arms. As she was bigger and taller than me, she was swinging her arm along with my one arm, yanking me up…it was a very high possibility that I could have reached the parking spot in…let’s just say 45 meters in height per 10 floors of building, according to Dr. Sood.


S =ut + 0.5t. 2

45 = 0 + 0.5*9.81*t.2

t.2 = 45 (0.5*9.81)

t = 3.02891266408 (without air resistance) 30. (may be with the air)


So, 27 floors would be…about 1 minute and 23 second before I hit the ground, or maybe longer, as I was not big, only 42 kilograms and 1.63 meters height. However, before death happened, Arti’s arm was on my waist, I saw Chicken hold the young lady…and we all fell down on the balcony floor. My head kicked something…it hurt. After we all were on our feet, the lady was running off, this time, through the actual door!



“Are you fucking nuts!!!? You could have fallen down with her!!” Arti with piercing sound and it was no space between my ears and his speaker!


“Wow…where did you find her?” Moonlight.



“Really Moony, do you fucking want to know…now?? And you…you’re a fucking dick-head and asshole! Women are not bloody shoes that

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