Read FICTION books online

Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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The genre of fiction is interesting to read not only by the process of cognition and the desire to empathize with the fate of the hero, this genre is interesting for the ability to rethink one's own life. Of course the reader may accept the author's point of view or disagree with them, but the reader should understand that the author has done a great job and deserves respect. Take a closer look at genre fiction in all its manifestations in our elibrary.

Read books online » Fiction » somewhere on my way by Anna N. Schnieden (best ebook pdf reader android .TXT) 📖

Book online «somewhere on my way by Anna N. Schnieden (best ebook pdf reader android .TXT) 📖». Author Anna N. Schnieden

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you can fucking change anytime you please!” Me.


“Hey, I did tell her I’m waiting for you. And I just needed…company that’s all!!!” Arti, still yelling.


“Shit, that’s why!! Don’t talk to me with a high speaker! What about your pretty night girls? Can you pick one of those rather than a day work girl who is not familiar with fuck and go? And get off me!” Me.


“They are my employees, not bloody sex slaves!” Arti.



“Hey. Don’t you bloody dare yell at me? Shit-head!” Me.



“How are you, sweetheart?” Arti.



“Oh, now, you ask! You know what Chicken! Take me home. I have shit to do. Are you coming Moony??” Me.


Next day, there he was, in my office with ridiculous old sunglasses! “What did I say? Something is totally wrong in your skull!” Me.

“Do you like my new pretty face? This is a pretty face and no blood. This is…new me…and no more girls!” Arti.


I was thinking love must have something to do with buildings because, at the time, buildings seemed to be a popular place for expressing love…somehow.



I was curious about how did Arti do with…his work? Therefore, it was a good day to see his night-working girls.


“Hey, can we go to see…girls with you tonight? It’s Friday night out!” Me. “You…want to look at the girls? Hmm…are you sure?” Arti.

“Yep!!” Me and Moonlight.


“I could use girl’s eyes and girl’s look at girl’s…kind of hot…and touching…hmm!” Arti.


“Really, you have to go there now? I’m eating food for goodness sake! Don’t be such a dick!” Me.


It was a 3-star hotel, and in the hotel room were a doctor, a nurse, 2 gunmen, Arti’s mammy, and 21 girls. All the girls had numbers on their…boobs…because it was easy to call them. Arti and his mammy were talking in Japanese before she called the girls by their numbers. It was only 11 of them that had been nominated and after that, each girl took their turn, naked. The examinations were…cool, each one stood in front of us, walking around and turning around. When Arti’s mammy had done her…closer look, then the doctor and the nurse did the physical exams and took some bloody for laboratory testing.


I did not understand the business, but I did talk to those girls and I had learnt that working in Japan was a very good chance to start a new life. They earned USD $600 per day and the contract was 2 years, after that, they were sent home full of cash if they could resist temptations. When I was in Japan, visiting Arti’s father, I had a chance to talk to some Thai girls, they told me that they liked working there and they dreamt of back home, opening a 7-Eleven or a restaurant or even a bar, driving Mercedes and living happily ever after…so cool.


After Arti and I were together, I asked him how he felt about his father’s bedtime businesses, he said,



“I know it’s not an honourable business but he’s my father and a good father. I do what I have to. I don’t insult or be cruel to the girls and I respect them, as employees. Look at them, they’re happy to work here because they knew it is a chance for them to start a wealthy life. I don’t feel guilty.” Arti.


“Maybe, I’m the one who is stupid…oh…boy, working for 2 years then…be a rich bitch! Sounds good to me!” Me.


“Hey, no one can touch you. I’ll kill them all. Do you get it?” Arti.


That was it, he was a jealous type of person, gun and baseball bat were his favourite toys. The jealousy had gone very far and we were fighting about his OCD crazy feelings of being suspicious of men, young men, young boys…boys, old men, and elderly men!! I also had bodyguards following me when I was in Japan…feeling like a million…oh, and I loved Pachinko (A Japanese’s slot machine)…it was fun.




After about 5 years of our engagement, he ran away to heaven with a bullet hole…men like to run away somewhere, hiding somewhere or run away to heaven! Moonlight was crying more than I did, made me feel guilty about my upsetting, to be precise, I was drunk for most of the year, working or homing, and feeling insecure in great difficulties, but I remembered what Ms. Goody had said, “If you fall down, I know you will find a strength to walk again.”


There I was, in Australia and again, love was on my apartment door, Mr.

Ex was an Austrian man who came to Australia for an improvement of his English. He was in an English major at the same school, the same apartment building and the same friends…of mine. I was not interested in him at first because I could not see an alternative. He was German-speaking and had no intention to stay anywhere, but his hometown, while I knew nothing about the German language, however he was very helpful and very polite…seemed to be more…mature than his age. After about 3 weeks of showing up at my work and home,



“I really like you, but if you don’t like me, I would not bother you anymore.” Mr. Ex.


“Oh, giving up so soon? …Joking! Well. How are we going to do the…shit with 8453.363 KM between…you, ocean, mountain, and me?” Me.


“If we love each other, we’ll figure everything out!” Mr. Ex.



But, it did not go to his original statement. Months of knowing him and 7 months of being his girlfriend in Australia, everything seemed to be about right! Before he headed back to Austria, we were engaged and I followed him after I had finished my master’s and sent Moonlight to save the world.


When I was in Austria, at the first week, I met his…supposed to be a real- life best friend and the best friend’s large lovely wife (oh, she was a morbidly obese, but pretty). I saw…Mr. Ex and his best friend’s large lovely wife exchanged the act of looking directly to one another, like an animal’s instincts physiologically processed, and the activities of their eyeballs was too sweet for ants to resist. I knew right away…they fucked (I wondered at the time, how could he find or do it…the bedding…she was so…cover up with…never mind!).


I told Mr. Ex I needed to think, so I was traveling many places around Europe with my twin-names, Raphael! I had met someone…hard to…describe, it was Fredric or Fairly…remember? He was a tattooist who did not have any tattoos? Fairly liked walking around his house and wearing only his boxers…to cover up? He was…an open person and very…friendly. I had to tell him, “Don’t you bloody dare come close to the bathroom when I have a shower…do you get that?” many times! Well, I don’t have big sexy boobs or ass, nothing to show off! I was so confused about men after I had a…rare perceptible conversation when it came to love, tits, and ass…with him!


“Aye, I like to talk to you about us. You do know, right?” Fairly.



“Oh…ahmm. Us? What am I supposed to know?” Me.




“Well, I want you. I don’t know how things would go. But, I want to fuck you and I like you…and…I like your psychological function.” Fairly.


“Hold on, you are joking, right? My psychological function…what are you talking about? Did you take your meds today? I’m still engaged and on thinking!” Me.


“Well, he was done with her, otherwise, he would not want to get married. So, if you still love him, then why are you here? You don’t seem to be…sad! Are you still pissed or jealous?” Fairly.


“Ok, drama it is! I’m not pissed or jealous, I’m pissed at myself. What did I miss before I’m here? How can I marry someone who betrays his own best friend…and me? And right now, he doesn’t want a breakup. I already drew first blood by being here. I’m hoping, he will dump me when I get back!” Me.


“So, would you like to go on a date with me? I warn you, I like to fuck a lot and my dick is huge! I guarantee that you will have the best sex…ever!” Fairly, with confidence!


It was very…tempting! As I said, Fairly was a friendly guy and a very open personality, I was kicking myself actually…too chicken to go ahead. My brain was not operating well when it came to dramas! I had to dump my fiancé…right away…as soon as I got into his apartment…no time to lose! But, it did not go to plan and he was complaining about…me and my tears splitting…for a few months. I told him that was the best I could get it out!


Many years later, I was building my house, waiting for Moonlight to come home; we met in London before I got back from everywhere. Unfortunately, she did not make it. I was hoping that she would have gone to another side after a year or 2, but Joshy told me that the last diagnosis was worse, Moonlight had pneumonia with bacteria that was rare, and it came from Africa, South Sudan. She was in a hospital for a week and she was feeling better, so she went back to



work. A few days later a helicopter took her back to the hospital and she was gone to the other side in a day. Last time I talked to her, was a week ago while she was hospitalized, and she promised to come home! Joshy and Mr. Wise were with her until the end. When I got a message from Joshy that night, I thought the bitch and Joshy just wanted to scare me. I did not cry…did not feel like it, when I got a call from Joshy, confirmed that it was not a joke.


“Ok, thanks, Joshy. When will you guys take her back here?” Me.



“Next month is alright…baby? We are re-scheduling our works, I’ll let you know in a couple days.” Joshy.


“Ok, no problem, you got my new number. So, we can talk about it later.” Me.



“Hey, are you alright?…Dr. Wise wants to talk to you.” Joshy.



“I am ok! And tell Dr. Wise, it’s not a time for chitchat. It’s late here…dude! Joshy, thank you for everything you did for her, I wish, I was there, but she had you and Dr. Wise…I’m glad. Tell Dr. Wise, thank you for me. I have a morning class to teach. I’m going to sleep! I love you Joshy. Good night!” Me.


Once upon a time, I had met and talked to Dr. …Mr. Wise on Internet communication, it was a…hmm I was in the middle of dumping someone yes…or no question. Moonlight thought I was better off dumping my ex right there and reading bedtime story with Mr. Wise instead! But, I did not believe in that Internet’s a miracle…shit anymore even though, Moonlight said,


“He’s weirdo like…you! And genius, extremely an honourable person, get the fuck out of there and fuck this one! He’s cool. I would!! Do it fast chick’s head!” Moonlight, with a high opinion.


I did not think about him because he looks bloody…smart and too…brainy…whoa! Some girls at my office thought he looked scary…so, I did not actually think of him at the time and I was talking to him because I wanted



to ask about Moonlight and to thank him for taking good care of her! That was 6 years ago before Moonlight’s funeral, and I had never talked to him until…there he was with Joshy beside him, at the arrivals door of Chiang Mai International Airport. They had to claim Moonlight’s ashes because she had been checked for drugs, I was wondering the same thing, maybe she carried some weed for me!


“Joshy!!” Me, running to hug him.



“Hey, oh…how are you baby? I was worried…you know!” Joshy, hugging me.



“No, no drama remember? I’m cool. Ahmm I miss you so much. How long has it been? 11 years.” Me, squeezed him more with my face buried in his stinky chest.


“I miss you too, little one. You know, right?” Joshy.



“Ahuh, Joshy! You’re stinking! I’m sorry, who are

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