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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four by Heather Ray (icecream ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four by Heather Ray (icecream ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Nine

Dr. Fin fastidiously adjusted his lapel, keen eye watching the streams of teenagers funnel through the hallway. Tidbits of various conversations wafted passed his ear.

" think about that Peace Conference thing?"

" is definitely

the in color this season. It's the new black!"

"...gonna tear them apart in the Homecoming game!"

" a lot of nerve asking me

to the Halloween Ball. As if


"...know you were with her when she bought her costume!"

Dr. Fin honed in on that particular voice, which struck a familiar chord with his uncanny hearing. His eyes tracked to a nearby locker, where the voice originated.

He frowned at the dark-skinned boy staring incredulously at a flame-haired classmate.

"No!" she maintained, shaking her head for emphasis. "Angela doesn't want anyone

to know what she's wearing. Don't even ask me why."

"C'mon, Lex! I won't tell her you told me!"

A giggle. "Zack, you're not really

planning to coordinate, are you?"

Dr. Fin smirked in amusement as he ducked into the nearby men's lavatory. How do such typical teenagers

constantly succeed in destroying my monsters?

He then shook off the thought, and bowed his head deeply. In a rush of displaced air, he vanished from the bathroom.

The illusion evaporated along with the teleportation spell, and Finster, renowned Monster-Baker and head alchemist, materialized in his ominous laboratory.

His furry lips stretched into an excited smile as he activated his computer. Quickly, he scrolled through the notes he'd taken in the library.

Chapter Ten

"I have been inspired, my Lord."

The Emperor of Evil glanced up from his musings. While he was surprised to see the diminutive scientist standing before his throne, he chose not to display it.

After the disappointing loss of the Scarlet Sentinel, followed by the humiliating defeats of Impursinator, Lipsynchor, and Magnetbrain in rapid succession, his patience had already worn dangerously thin. So he leaned forward in his throne, his posture threatening. "I have yet to see a monster of yours that is worth my attention."

Finster ignored the insult to his Monster-Baking prowess. "This time, I believe I have a model that is perfectly suited to destroy the Rangers."

Rather than wait for Zedd's permission, Finster presented his research. "I've spent several days performing a detailed study of All Hallow's Eve, or 'Halloween', as the Angel Grovites deem it. The rituals coinciding with this dark holiday, and its precursor Devil's Night, are most intriguing. Though mythologies vary, there is evidence of a dark spirit that permeates both days. While most times of the year mischief is frowned upon in Western culture, tonight and tomorrow tricks and deceit run rampant, and humans dressed as goblins and ghouls traverse the streets. These two days are considered days of release, when the 'inner demons,' so to speak, are freely accepted by society."

"There are very few topics that interest me less

than human rituals," Zedd grumbled. "This conversation is one of them."

"Tonight is Devil's Night," Finster continued, unimpeded, "Tonight thousands of youths will vandalize their neighbors' houses. Tonight, these youths will embrace their baser desires, tormenting those around them for their own amusement. Tonight, a dark shadow of malice will descend upon Angel Grove. I propose we capture

that malice, and use it to meet our own ends."

Finster gazed up at Lord Zedd, a confident smile on his face. The mere fact Zedd hadn't thrown him from his presence meant he was listening.

"Have you determined a method of containing this cruel spirit that possesses the humans?"

"I've already completed my calculations, and have designed a precise method for gathering the malice."

"And what will you do with it?"

"Channel it into some very unique Putty Patrollers. The malice will feed my creations, maximizing their dark strength and viciousness. Then I will unleash them on the Rangers when they are unwary of the danger."

The dark emperor took a few moments to consider Finster's plan. Though he never had much faith in the Utonian alchemy the scientist mastered, there did seem to be some creativity involved in this particular scheme.

Finally, he nodded. "Play your game little, Finster," he decreed magnanimously. "Keep me informed of your progress."

Chapter Eleven

"So," Bulk shouted over his shoulder, turning down the thundering music vibrating from the Jeep's stereo system, "Whadda we got?"

"The works, Bulky-Boy," one of the back-seat passengers responded. He smirked cruelly, ticking off the items with his fingers. "Thirty cans of whipped cream, Eight dozen eggs, an economy pack of Quilted Northern... double rolls."

"Double rolls!" Skull repeated, a snort of laughter following the exclamation. "You went all out, Spike."

Stone Canyon High's most infamous delinquent steepled his fingers "What can I say? I take my work very seriously."

"Then we're all set to rock!" Bulk shouted, "Jaime, which geek's getting 'papered first?"

Jaime giggled as she leaned between the two front seats, holding up a list. "We gotta hit these houses... Frank, Dylon, Bryant, Anderson, Masters, Hart-"

"Hey," Skull interrupted. Suddenly, his mirthful grin collapsed. "How many times do I have to tell ya... we don't hit Kim! She's not a geek!"

Jaime released a very unladylike snort. "She's such a goody-goody Miss Perfect, she makes me hurl! That should put 'er on the top

of the list!"

The moment Jaime finished her argument, the jeep came to a screeching halt. Jaime yelped as she fell forward, practically into Bulk's lap.

Skull glowered at each of his companions in turn, his fingers clutching the steering wheel. "If you want to hit Kim's house, then find another driver."

Bulk huffed at his best friend's thunderous expression. "Relax, Skull." he sneered. "Jaime, cross Hart off the list."

Jaime opened her mouth to protest, only to be silenced by Bulk's dark blue stare. "How many names are on that list, Jaime?"


"So think about it... we can't 'visit' thirty-two houses in one night! Do I look like Santa Claus to you?"

Spike bit back a laugh at the irony of Bulk's question. "Yeah, let's prioritize. Pick a Top Ten to make sure we get 'em all."

Bulk's face then split into a Cheshire grin. "Definitely put that geek Billy at the top. He's forgotten to respect his betters."

Skull seemed appeased, his frown smoothing as he turned the car back into the street. The group began to cackle as the small Jeep tore into the night.

Chapter Twelve

When Zack stepped into the spacious colonial, his eyes quickly scanned the den in which his friends were collected. "Hey Kim... have you seen Alexis?"

The Pink Ranger looked up from her task sorting candy, and shook her head. "Sorry, Zack, but she's not coming. She didn't want to take the chance of missing curfew, so she went directly home after school."

Zack huffed his frustration, earning Jason's attention. "What's eating you, Man?"

Kim gave a knowing grin. "Someone

is trying to figure out what Angela's wearing for the masquerade," she chirped.

Zack's peeved frown won laughter from the entire group.

Trini shook her head. "How did you find out last year? You matched her Egyptian princess outfit with a Pharaoh costume."

The Black Ranger fell into the couch, leaning his head on the armrest. "Dumb luck. I overheard her describing her outfit to some friends of hers."

Kim rolled her eyes theatrically. "You could always ask her. I thought you two were on better terms... especially after that kiss


"She's giving me mixed signals," Zack confessed. "I can't really tell what she thinks of me. One day she's nice, then she gets all weird

... like I insulted her or something. I hope if I surprise her with a matching costume, she'd get a kick out of it."

"And Alexis won't tell you?" Jason wondered, surprised.

Zack pouted tragically. "I think she's enjoying torturing me."

The teens erupted into immediate laughter at Zack's antics, the light exchange helping to ease the Black Ranger's gloom. Soon, the team separated into various work stations, Trini, Billy, and Jason charting routes for Trick or Treat groups, while Zack settled down to help Kimberly complete the inventory of candy and decorations that needed to be transferred to the Youth Center the following afternoon. The groups continued working, chatting amiably, until the door swung open again.

Tommy grinned at his friends, holding up a paper bag. "Dinner's here!"

Zack rubbed his palms in anticipation. "Lemme at it!"

Kim rose to her feet, and peeked into the bag. "Just a minute, Zack. These subs needs to be cut and served." She nodded her head to the kitchen. "Lend a hand?"

"Sure," the White Ranger volunteered.

Billy glanced up from his laptop. "I'll show you where the plates and silverware are."

As the trio disappeared into the kitchen, Zack eagerly planted himself on the floor beside the coffee table. With a grin, Jason sat beside him.

Since the group had apparently

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