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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four by Heather Ray (icecream ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four by Heather Ray (icecream ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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taken a break from their Trick or Treating plans, Trini turned her attention to her notebook, flipping to her latest project.

Jason glanced at her thoughtful face. "What are you working on, Trini?"

"The essay," she told him, chewing on her pen. "It's actually quite challenging, defining 'peace.'"

Zack shook his head, an amused grin on his face. "Leave it to Trini... she's already writing the essay, and I barely read through the application!"

Jason turned to the Black Ranger in surprise. "You're applying for the Youth Summit?"

Zack's eyebrow quirked. "Wow... don't have a heart-attack over it!"

"Sorry. But it just didn't strike me as something you'd be interested in." He then glanced to Trini. "I know you've

always been involved in projects to save the environment and stuff, but Zack...?"

The Black Ranger rolled his eyes. "Yes... even I

can get serious once in a while." His face then grew pensive. "Besides, it really does look like a great opportunity. After I became a Ranger, I've become more aware of the planet as a whole. I look at it as one united entity: we protect the Earth

, not the U.S., not just Angel Grove... wherever Zedd strikes, we strike back."

His fingers ran through his short braids. "Only... Earth's not like that. We're not one big, happy family. And when we do manage to finally end the alien invasion, Earth still won't be safe. It'll still be torn apart... and that's dangerous."

He finally looked up, meeting the startled eyes of both his friends. "I'd like the chance to expand my worldview, and maybe even influence others with all that I've learned from being the Black Ranger. I think Dr. Kuiperi is really on to something."

Jason leaned back into the sofa behind him, slowly absorbing the surprising insight from his easy-going friend. He felt Trini's inquisitive gaze even before she spoke.

"Have you thought about it, Jase?"

After a moment of hesitation, he nodded. "The program does sound incredible... but I can't just up and leave Angel Grove! I mean... let's just say I get picked. Then the team is out a Red Ranger. You both remember how we struggled when the Green Ranger was at half power, right? The team really needs

to be complete. Zedd's only getting more determined to beat us. What's the point in winning world peace if aliens blow the planet out from under us?"

His arms folded. "Some conflicts can't be resolved diplomatically. Even if international peace can be achieved through dialogue, that won't get us anywhere with Lord Zedd."

The trio was silent for an extended moment, as each individually perused the very valid points Zack had raised promoting the conference, and Jason raised denying it. Then, Trini decided to speak.

"We should discuss it with Zordon," she proposed. "I mean, surely there is a way for one to leave the Power Rangers without weakening the team. There were

Rangers before us... dozens of them. If any one of us is chosen, we can select a replacement."

"Easier said than done," Zack noted, "It's a big responsibility... how'd we find

someone we can trust with-"

Their discussion was rudely interrupted by a loud crash, drawing their startled attention to the window.

They watched, perplexed, as a gooey substance streaked down the glass pane. It was shortly followed by an onslaught of more projectiles, splattering against the window in rapid succession.

The noise urged Billy, Kim, and Tommy to hurry into the den.

"Eggs?" Kim murmured, aghast. "Ew!"

Billy shook his head, mildly embarrassed. "Devil's Night," he murmured, "This sort of vandalism occurs annually."

Jason's face darkened as he rose to his feet. "It won't happen again," he determined.

Chapter Thirteen

The Rangers were treated to a cacophony of painfully shrill laughter as they stepped onto the Cranston porch, arms crossed and faces tight. Once the trespassing quartet realized they were caught, they immediately stopped pelting the house with dairy and paper products, and congregated on the front lawn.

Jason's dark eyes passed from one masked vandal to another. When he spoke, his tone carried no patience whatsoever. "Bulk, that's enough."

The largest member of the band snorted disdainfully. "What makes you think I'm Bulk?"

"You're kidding, right?" Kim countered, "Like we need fingerprints

to recognize you?"

The sardonic retort brought amused grins to the other Rangers, and outright laughter from Jaime and Spike. Skull chose not to react, but it took Bulk a few moments to realize he'd been direly insulted. "You callin' me fat, Shrimp?"

The petite gymnast frowned, hands on her hips. But before another sharp word could be exchanged, a faint mist gathered in the air, suddenly fogging the clear night with supernatural speed.

"What's going on?" Tommy wondered, suddenly alarmed.

"Fog can't possibly gather so quickly," Billy contributed.

The Rangers huddled close together, for fear any of their member would be lost in the thick gloom. After a few tense moments, the blanket passed, leaving the Rangers blinking in astonishment.

"Guys!" Zack suddenly shouted, eyes wide, "Look!"

The Rangers turned to where their comrade pointed. They gasped aloud as they stared at the punks' prone bodies.

As one, the six heroes ran to the fallen teens.

"They're still breathing," Trini assessed, "But... they're out cold."

Kim knelt beside Skull, pulling the black ski mask from his face. She drew her hand back from his disturbingly cold, pale cheek.

"What do we do?" she murmured, horrified.

"Bring them in for analysis," Tommy decided, his face grim. "Nothing on Earth could've done this. Zedd must be up to something."

"We needn't bring them all in," Billy contributed, "It will only crowd the Command Center, and increase the risk of any one of them waking to a sight they shouldn't see."

"Then take Skull," Kim decided, standing up. "He's the most harmless of this bunch."

Jason nodded his agreement, and then turned his gaze down the street. His eyes narrowed at the cloud that continued its path through Angel Grove. "Billy, call the police and tell them exactly what happened. Something tells me these four aren't the only victims of that weird fog."

The Blue Ranger nodded.

"After you give your report, join the rest of us in the Command Center."

Chapter Fourteen

'The margin contains a brief list of randomly selected digits. Use these random numbers to develop a simulation for finding the probability of getting exactly three girls in a family of four children. Describe the simulation, then estimate the probability based on its results.'

She felt her eyes drooping heavily, her mind only half registering the word problem. With a frustrated grumble, she cupped her forehead in her palms.

Why the hell did I take Statistics again?! This is impossible!

Granted, it would be much easier if she weren't in such a sour mood. After nearly two weeks of service as the Purple Ranger, she discovered one of her favorite perks was doing her homework with the rest of the gang. Jokes and the occasional flying snack food helped lighten the mood, and Billy was always eager to help reinforce concepts she'd fallen asleep on in class... even though he didn't even take Statistics.

She pushed her book away, folding her arms tightly.

"Problem, Alexis?"

The Purple Ranger slid her eyes to her mother, who settled on the seat across from her. She met the sharp green gaze with a quirked eyebrow.

"I don't appreciate your glaring at me like that," she commented wryly.

Alexis deflated, releasing her tense anger in a long, loud breath.

"Stop showing up after midnight without an explanation, and you won't have to endure the utter boredom of spending the evening with me."

"I told you, I was doing schoolwork!" Alexis protested. "Call Billy... he'll vouch for me!"

Amanda smirked at her daughter. "Do I have 'Born Yesterday' stamped on my forehead? Lex, I did

attend high school. Yes, it may have been a century ago, but I remember it well. And even though I was a dedicated student, I never

spent so many nights on group projects."

She then stood up. "I'll start the pasta. Maybe, if you get a few minutes, you can make the salad? Wouldn't kill you."

Alexis watched her mother move to the stove, filling the pot with water. With another annoyed sigh, she pulled the Statistics textbook towards her...

...when a six tone signal erupted from her wristwatch.

Startled, Alexis covered her communicator to muffle the last few notes.

Amanda frowned, looking around the kitchen curiously. "What was that?"

Alexis hesitated, formulating as decent an excuse as she could. "My... my watch alarm."

"Really? And what reason would you possibly have for setting your watch for.." she glanced at the wall clock, "7:08pm?"

"Billy's very precise," she answered, carefully keeping her exasperation from her voice. "He said he'd be back from the chem lab at 7:08pm. Some kind of scientist thing."

"And what would Billy's schedule have to do with someone grounded

for the evening?" Amanda wondered, pointedly.

Surprisingly, the lie rolled off her tongue easily. "I left my statistics calculator in my locker, and I need it for these problems. Billy's the only person I know who has one. I really

need to run to his place and pick it up."

Her mother's lilting glare spoke volumes.

"I'm serious!" Alexis maintained. "I'll just go to his house, get the calculator, and come right back! I'll be home in half an hour, tops." She clasped her hands under her chin. "Pleeeaaase...?

You wouldn't let me get a zero on this homework assignment, would you?"

Mrs. Darling stared at her daughter, inexplicably amused by her theatrical begging. Finally, she relented.

"Fine," she decided, consulting her watch again. "I expect you back here no later than 7:39pm. I can be just as precise as your genius friend."

Alexis grinned, taking a moment to plant a harried kiss on her mother's cheek before racing out the door and down the street.

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