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Reading books fiction Have you ever thought about what fiction is? Probably, such a question may seem surprising: and so everything is clear. Every person throughout his life has to repeatedly create the works he needs for specific purposes - statements, autobiographies, dictations - using not gypsum or clay, not musical notes, not paints, but just a word. At the same time, almost every person will be very surprised if he is told that he thereby created a work of fiction, which is very different from visual art, music and sculpture making. However, everyone understands that a student's essay or dictation is fundamentally different from novels, short stories, news that are created by professional writers. In the works of professionals there is the most important difference - excogitation. But, oddly enough, in a school literature course, you don’t realize the full power of fiction. So using our website in your free time discover fiction for yourself.

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Read books online » Fiction » Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four by Heather Ray (icecream ebook reader .TXT) 📖

Book online «Streaks of Purple Saga Volume Four by Heather Ray (icecream ebook reader .TXT) 📖». Author Heather Ray

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Chapter Fifteen

"Okay, Rangers, I have precisely... twenty-eight minutes before I turn into a pumpkin," Alexis announced, just as soon as the purple aura of her arrival faded. "What's the 411?"

Jason nodded a brief greeting before gesturing to the cot.

"Skull?" she marveled, "In the Command Center? Whoa... did I step through an inter-dimensional gateway or something?"

"There's a strange mist passing through Angel Grove," Zack explained. "We saw Skull and his buddies disappear into the mist. When it faded, everyone was unconscious."

"Not everyone," Tommy corrected, his tone thoughtful, "We

were also swallowed by that mist, and nothing happened to us. The fog seems to be targeting specific people."

"You guys should hear some of this," Trini commented, removing an earpiece and shaking her head in amazement. "So far, I've picked up dozens of messages on the police band. At least thirty victims have been reported... all teenagers and young adults."

Kim jerked her thumb to the Viewing Globe, which followed the cloud's movements. "This is too weird..."

Folding her arms, the Pink Ranger returned to the prone victim. "Alpha, did you figure out what's wrong with him?"

The small robot shook his oblong head. "Skull seems to have been completely drained of all energy. He's comatose... but there is no physical injury whatsoever that would induce it. It doesn't make sense."

Jason looked up at Zordon. "Is it possible Zedd has come up with a way to drain the life out of people?"


At that moment, a streak of blue illuminated the Command Center. Billy materialized before his friends, his face grim.

"Billy, what's wrong?" Trini wondered.

"I spoke to the police, and gave my report. I also informed them that the victims were visiting my house with mischievous intent. I was shocked to discover that several

similar cases have been reported, and all the victims were also armed with vandalistic equipment."

Zack whistled. "The plot thickens."

Alexis' gaze remained transfixed on her watch, her tension rising. "Look guys... I think I'm gonna call it a night. If I'm late tonight, I'll have one heck of a time trying to convince my mom to let me out tomorrow... or ever again."

"We'll contact you if anything major develops," Tommy said. "If not, we'll give you an update at school."

The Purple Ranger nodded, waved to her teammates, and promptly vanished.

Chapter Sixteen

The sun slowly crept over the horizon, painting the sky red, orange, pink... and finally blue.

With the last wisps of darkness came the last wisps of a magical cloud, slowly funneling into an unassuming cave buried deep within the mountains against the coast.

Finster watched, smiling with triumph, as the dark mist seeped into a large boulder, nearly his own height. Now I have the malice. The mischief. The darkness that conquers human souls once a year is mine

to mold as I wish...

By the time the disc of the sun had fully emerged, the last traces of evil were captured by the magical boulder.

Finster gave a nod to the shadows.

With another nod of acknowledgement, an opposing figure emerged from the darkness and lifted the large rock with ease.

The blue snout split into a feral grin. "I can feel the evil in this stone."

"You sense the concentrated cruelty of a handful of humans," Finster explained. "It can only be properly collected on Devil's Night, when a dark shroud already covers the land. Holidays pollute the air with the intensified spirits of the people. Christmas creates a spirit of joy and giving that makes me utterly ill. But this holiday is perfect

... drawing out the darkness within upstanding citizens. Perhaps, with time, I will be able to collect the dark spirits of humans around the globe..." His short fingers hovered against the smooth surface of the stone, sending an excited shiver through the scientist. "..but this will suffice for the time being."

Part Two

Chapter Seventeen

Tuesday, October 31st

The young woman slowly pivoted, scrutinizing her reflection in the full-length mirror. It was a ritual she performed nearly every day, yet this time she took exceptional care. After all, she did have to keep in mind the hundreds of total strangers that would be staring at her in the hallways of Angel Grove High.

Attention never bothered her. In fact, she thrived on it. She was far from nervous... but it couldn't hurt to make sure she was flawless.

The yellow spandex cradled her entire body snugly, but not uncomfortably so. The white boots were actually quite comfortable, reaching a few inches below her knees and decorated with vibrant yellow diamond-shaped material. The gloves fit her well, though spending an entire day at school with thick elbow-length gloves didn't really appeal to her. The gloves, and the bold yellow helmet, would spend the majority of the day in her book bag: yellow to match her ensemble.

The thick white collar of the uniform was just slightly itchy, so to avoid further discomfort, she styled her thick hair in a neat French braid. Then, a touch of makeup, including an eye-catching red lipstick, completed the look.

Full lips parted into her unique killer smile. "Time to go!"

She arranged the rest of the essentials on her frilly bed, and fit them all in her bag. Once finished, she stepped out of her room, and joined her family in the kitchen.

Dr. Campbell's eyebrow quirked. "What is that


Aisha smiled sweetly, kissing her father's cheek as she sailed passed him. "My costume," she responded, grabbing a banana from the counter.

"Isn't it a little... tight?"

Aisha glanced down at herself. "Well, I wanted to wear that black leather bustier... the one with the spikes?... only it's too cold outside."

The surgeon's chin slowly dropped.

"Ben, she's joking," Belinda informed him, descending the stairs in her bathrobe. Her careful eye appraised her daughter's costume. "It looks fantastic!" she decided, "Customers are in for a surprise tonight when they see the Yellow Ranger working the register."

Aisha suddenly bit down on her lip, a sheepish grin forming. Belinda noticed the telltale signs, and frowned.


"Mom, it's already Halloween! There can't possibly be that many last minute shoppers."

"The local high schools won't have their Halloween dances until Friday," Mrs. Campbell reminded her daughter.

"I know... but there's an event after school. A Trick or Treating group will be taking out elementary school students, and I'd really

like to go." She turned on the wide-eyed, pleading stare full force. "It's a great way for me and the guys to get to know some Angel Grove students, and make some new friends. Please?"

Aisha knew she was almost irresistible in her 'begging' mode. She could see her mother's frown soften, and silently cheered her imminent triumph.

"How late will you be out?" Ben asked.

"The groups meet at four. Since the kids are pretty young, I'm sure we'll be done not long after sunset." She turned back to her mother. "I'm sure I can help close the store."

"All right," her mother conceded. She watched in amusement as Aisha's smile lit up the room.


, we want you to be careful," Ben stressed. "Angel Grove is a dangerous place. I don't want you to get involved in anything over your head... again."

Aisha followed her father's pointed gaze down to her arm. The bulge of bandaging was barely visible through the form-fitting costume. "In fact," he continued, "I don't like the idea of you parading around town as a Power Ranger. What if one of those creatures mistakes you for a Ranger?"

"Then... how 'bout I skip the helmet?" Aisha compromised. "There's no way anyone will take me for a Ranger then." She then smiled innocently. "Is this

the face of a superhero?"

Ben chuckled indulgently, his anxiety slowly easing. "Well... okay."

With another quick kiss to both parents, Aisha hurried out the front door.

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