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Read books online » Fiction » Myths of the Norsemen by H. A. Guerber (free ereaders .TXT) 📖

Book online «Myths of the Norsemen by H. A. Guerber (free ereaders .TXT) 📖». Author H. A. Guerber

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65–67; Hrungnir races with, 73; Thrym-heim viewed by, 80; Grid, wife of, 81, 158; compared to Tyr, 85; spear of, 67, 87, 242, 264; disposes of Loki’s progeny, 90, 180; discovers Od-hroerir, 96; Gunlod won by, 98; runes of, 101; visits earth, 104; Loki joins, 105; Loki called to account by, 106; gives Idun wolfskin, 109; sky is, 110; Hoenir related to, 111; throne of, 119; Freya marries, 137; Uller replaces, 139; drives Uller away, 139, 140, 141; wave maidens, wives of, 146; Heimdall as, 150; Hermod, messenger of, 154; runic staff of, 155; to lose son, 156; prediction concerning, 160; Rinda courted by, 162–165, 213; visits Norns, 168, 334; Valkyrs attend, 173; decree concerning Völund’s sword, 178; Balder, son of, 197, 198; Vala consulted by, 199–202; cheered by Frigga, 202; lends Sleipnir, 205; whispers to Balder, 206; Draupnir returned to, 211; emblem of sky, 214; Loki, brother of, 216; trilogy, 217; helps peasants, 219; Sleipnir, horse of, 223; Loki surprised by, 226; visits giants, 231; Sigi, son of, 251; gives sword to Sigmund, 253, 261; Helgi approved by, 263; receives Sinfiotli, 266; Sigurd advised by, 270, 275; visits Hreidmar, 271; Brunhild punished by, 280; downfall of, 335; comparisons between Greek divinities and, 344, 346, 347, 348, 349, 350, 353, 355, 357, 361, 362

Odensö (ō′den-sē). Founded by Odin, 39

Odur (ō′dur). Freya’s husband, 132; Freya finds, 133; Freya’s search for, 132, 349; sunshine is, 134, 137; equivalents, 356

Œnone (ē-nō′nē). Compared to Brunhild, 364

Œta (ē′tȧ). Northern equivalent for pyre on, 360

Okolnur (o-kol′nur). Giants dwell in, 340

Olaf (ō′läf). Destroys statues, 41, 84, 124; Yule changed by, 128; Nornagesta visits, 170, 358; giants in days of, 233

Olaf, Sir. Captured by fairies, 246

Old Nick. Origin of name, 193

Oldenburg. Drinking horn, 235

Oller. Same as Uller, 139

Olrun (ol′ro͞on). Marries mortal, 175

Olympus (o-lim′pus). Northern equivalents, 344, 346, 358

Omens. Wolves are good, 17

Omphale (om′fa-lē). Northern equivalent for, 351

Oreades (o-rē′a-dēz). Compared to Northern divinities, 346

Orgelmir (ôr-gel′mir). Ice and fire giant, 3

Orion (o-rī′on). Northern equivalents for, 42, 354, 356

Orkney Islands. Conquered by Thorsten, &c., 303; visited by Frithiof, 312

Orlog (ôr′log). Irrevocable decrees of, 167, 202; equivalent, 347

Ormt. Thor wades across, 60

Orpheus (ôr′fyūs). Northern equivalents, 350, 353, 360, 364

Orvandil (ôr-van′dil). Thor brings home, 76; equivalent, 352

Ostara (os′tä-rȧ). Eástre, 55

Ottar. Freya helps, 136, 137

Otter. Slain by Loki, 271

Oxford. Yule at, 125


Paderborn (pä′der-born). Irminsul near, 30

Paris. Northern equivalent, 364

Peace Frodi. Story of, 128

Peace Steads. Of the gods, 11, 204

Pegasus (peg′ȧ-sus). Blodug-hofi compared to, 355

Pelias (pē′li-as). Northern equivalent, 352

Peneus (pe-nē′us). Northern equivalent, 359

Pentecost. Princess Ilse appeared at, 237

Pentland Firth. Whirlpool in, 130

Perseus (per′sūs). Northern equivalent, 357, 363

Phaetusa (fā-tū′sa). Northern equivalent, 345

Phaeton (fā′ton). Northern equivalent, 356

Philemon (fi-lē′mon). Northern equivalent, 348

Philoctetes (fil-ok-tē′tēz). Northern equivalent for arrows of, 363

Phœbe (fē′be). Equivalent, 345

Phœbus (fē′bus). Equivalent, 345

Phœnician (fē-nish′ian). Dwarfs compared to miners, 245

Pied Piper. Story of, 27, 28; Greek equivalent, 350

Pluto (plū′tō). Northern equivalents, 344, 346

Pollux (pol′uks). Northern equivalent, 365

Priam (prī′am). Compared to Odin, 361

Procris (prō′kris). Northern equivalent, 345

Prometheus (prō-mē′thyūs). Northern equivalent, 347, 361

Proserpine (pros′er-pēn). Northern equivalents for, 348, 351, 352, 353, 360

Proteus (prō′tyūs). Northern equivalent, 356

Psychopompus (sī-ko-pŏm′pus). Compared to Odin, 350

Pucks. Same as dwarfs, 239

Pyrrha (pir′ȧ). Northern equivalent, 362

Pyrrhus (pir′us). Northern equivalent, 361

Python (pī′thon). Compared to Fafnir, 363


Quickborn. Magic fountain of, 55


Raging Host. Same as Wild Hunt, 23, 26

Ragnar Lodbrog (rȧg′nar lŏd′brog). Aslaug marries, 281

Ragnarok (rȧg′nȧ-rok). Heimdall to announce, 14; murder, precursor of, 223; recruits for battle at, 265; the tragedy of, 330, 337; comparisons, 341, 361; Fenris dies at, 357

Ran. Wife of Ægir, 186, 193; sister of Loki, 217; Loki makes a net like, 226; Loki borrows net of, 272; compared to Amphitrite, 359; Frithiof provides tribute for, 313

Randwer (rȧnd′ver). The death of, 295

Rat Tower. In the Rhine, 30

Ratatosk (rä′tȧ-tosk). Squirrel, telltale, 13; equivalent, 347

Rati (rä′tē). Odin’s auger, 98

Regin (rā′gin). Sigurd educated by, 269; the story of, 270–274; sword forged by, 274; Sigurd to slay Fafnir for, 275; demands satisfaction, 276; death of, 277

Reine Pédauque (rān-pā-dōk′). Frigga same as, 56

Renown. Compared to Heimdall, 356

Rerir (rā′rir). Son of Odin, receives apple, 48, 252; Greek equivalent for story of, 296

Resurrection. Word whispered by Odin, 33, 206

Rhine. Tower in the, 29; gold of the, 177, 251; divinity of the, 195, 359; Lorelei in the, 194–196; Brunhild and Gudrun bathe in the, 286; hoard sunk in the, 292

Riesengebirge (rē′zen-ge-bēr-ge). Giant mountains, 232, 362

Riger (rē′ger). Heimdall visits earth as, 151

Rinda (rin′dȧ). Wife of Odin, 38, 213; prophecy concerning, 156, 201; Odin courts, 162, 213; Greek equivalents, 345, 357

Ring. Viking’s son, 300

Ringric (ring′-ric). Sigurd Ring, king of, 308; Frithiof in, 325

Ringhorn. Balder’s pyre on, 206, 207; Greek equivalent, 360

Rodenstein (rō′den-stīn). Wild Hunt led by, 25, 26

Romans. Æsir driven from Asia Minor by, 39; Vitellius, prefect, 87; Christianity, 249

Rome. Tannhäuser visits, 54; Vitellius, emperor of, 87

Roskva (ros′kvȧ). Thor’s servant, 69

Rossthiof (ros′thyẽf). The prophecy of, 155, 156, 157, 162, 164, 201; compared, 357

Rosterus (ros′ter-us). Odin as smith, 163

Rügen (rē′gen). Nerthus’s worship on island of, 57

Runes (ro͞onz). Odin masters and uses, 33, 96, 197, 200

Russia. Æsir migrate to, 39; name for, 156

Ruthenes (ru-thē′nez). Odin visits the land of the, 156, 162


Sæhrimnir (sā′hrim-nir). Boar in Valhalla, 20

Sæming (sā′ming). King of Norway, 40, 115

Sæmund (sā′mund). Compiler of Elder Edda, 249

Saga (sā′gȧ). 1. Wife of Odin, 38, 349. 2. Records called,

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