Myths of the Norsemen by H. A. Guerber (free ereaders .TXT) đ

- Author: H. A. Guerber
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Book online ÂŤMyths of the Norsemen by H. A. Guerber (free ereaders .TXT) đÂť. Author H. A. Guerber
Sagittarius (sag-it-täâ˛ri-us). Northern equivalent, 140
St. Gertrude. Belief in, 137
St. Goar. Lorelei at, 195
St. Hubert. Uller is, 140
St. Johnâs Day. Celebrations, 215
St. Michael. Bears Cheruâs sword, 89
St. Valentine. Replaces Vali, 165
Sarpedon (sär-pÄâ˛don). Northern equivalent, 362
Sataere (sÄtâ˛Ä-re). God of agriculture, 229
Satan. Same as Loki, 229
Saturday. Sacred to Loki, 229
Saturn. Equivalent, 229, 355
Saxnot. God of Saxons, 87; Frey like, 117
Saxon. Irmin, a god, 30; Hengist and Horsa, 40; EĂĄstre, goddess, 55
Saxony. Conquered by Odin, 40
Scalds. Edda the work of, 2
Scandinavia. Worship in, 58, 112, 128, 248, 249; fairies in, 246
Scandinavians. Belief of the, 140, 158, 232, 233; epic of the, 251; ideas of the origin of physical features of the, 232
Schwartze See (shvärtâ˛se-sÄ). Nerthusâs car bathed in the, 58
Scourge of God. Attila the, 88, 297
Scylla (silâ˛laĚ). Northern equivalent, 353
Seasons. The division of the, 9
Seeland (zÄâ˛land). Gefjon ploughs, 49, 350
Senjemand (senâ˛ye-mänd). Story of giant, 233, 234
Senjen (senâ˛yen). Island of, 233, 234
Sessrymnir (sesâ˛rim-nir). Freyaâs home is, 131
Shakespeare. Norns introduced by, 170
Sibich (sÄâ˛bik). The traitor, 295
âSiegfriedâ (sÄgâ˛frÄd). Wagnerâs opera of, 289
Sif. Wife of Thor, 64; hair stolen, 64â67, 217; Uller, son of, 139; Loki slanders, 225; dwarfs make hair for, 65, 242; comparisons, 351
Siggeir (sigâ˛gÄŤr). Marriage feast of, 253â255; treachery and death of, 255, 256, 262
Sigi (sigâ˛Ä). Son of Odin, 40, 251; comparison, 296
Sigmund (sigâ˛mund). VĂślundâs sword for, 178; brother of Signy, 253; sword won by, 254; a prisoner, 257; the vow of, 257; tests Signyâs sons, 258; a werewolf, 260; prisoner of Siggeir, 261; escape and vengeance of, 262; the son of, 265; Hiordis, wife of, 266; death of, 266; Sigurd, son of, 269; the sword of, 179, 267; comparisons, 296, 363
Signy (sigâ˛ni). Volsungâs daughter, 253â259; vengeance of, 258â262
Sigtuna (sig-toÍoâ˛naĚ). Odin founds, 39
Sigurd (sÄâ˛goÍord). Brunhild to marry, 179; story of, 251; birth of, 268; Grane selected by, 270; Regin speaks to, 270; sword of, 274; slays Fafnir, 275; rides through flames, 278; betrothal of, 280; marriage of, 281; Gudrun gives potion to, 282; Gudrun, wife of, 283; woos Brunhild for Gunnar, 284; awakening of, 286; death of, 288â290; funeral pyre of, 289; Gudrun mourns, 290; Atli slain with sword of, 295; a sun myth, 296; Greek equivalents, 358, 363
Sigyn (sÄâ˛gÄn). Lokiâs faithful wife, 218, 227
Sindri (sinâ˛drÄ). Dwarf, smith, 65, 66; king of dwarfs, 340
Sindur (sinâ˛doÍor). A wave maiden, 146
Sinfiotli (sin-fyáş˝-otâ˛li). Birth and education of, 259; Signy aids, 261; vengeance of, 262; career and death of, 265, 266
Sir Olaf. Fairies beguile, 246
Sirens (sÄŤâ˛rens). Compared to Lorelei, 359
Sirius (sirâ˛i-us). Northern equivalent, 354
Skadi (skäâ˛dÄ). Wife of Odin, 39; in Asgard, 113, 115; wife of NiĂśrd, 114, 131; wife of Uller, 140; punishes Loki, 227; comparison, 354
Skialf (skyaĚlf). Same as Freya, 133
Skidbladnir (skid-blädâ˛nir). Dvalin makes, 65, 242; properties of, 65; Frey owns, 67, 118; comparison, 352
Skin-faxi. Steed of Day, 8
Skiold (skĹld). King of Denmark, 40, 50
Skioldings (skĹldâ˛ings). Descendants of, 50, 348
Skirnir (skÄrâ˛nir). Servant of Frey, 92, 119â121; journey of, 120â121, 355
SkÜll (skẽl). Wolf pursuing sun and moon, 8, 331, 361
Skrymir (skrimâ˛ir). Thorâs encounter with, 70, 72
Skrymsli (skrimsâ˛lÄ). The story of giant, 219â221
Skuld (skoÍold). One of the Norns called, 166, 167, 169, 172, 174
Slagfinn. Marries a Valkyr, 175
Sleeping Beauty. Origin of myth, 170
Sleipnir (slÄŤpâ˛nir). Odinâs steed, 22, 34, 73, 76, 205, 334, 357; Hermod rides, 155, 181, 199, 210; Loki, parent of, 223, 361; Grane, son of, 270
Slid (slÄd). Stream in Nifl-heim, 182
Snor. Wife of Karl, 152
Snorro-Sturleson (snorâ˛rĹ-stoÍorâ˛-lÄ-sun). Author of âHeimskringla,â 123
Snotra (snĹâ˛traĚ). Goddess of virtue, 50
Sogn. Jokul, king of, 302; kings of, 309
Sokvabek (so-kväâ˛bek). Home of Saga, 38; comparison of, 349
Sol. The sun maid, 7, 330; death of, 331, 337; compared, 345
Somnus. Northern equivalent for servants of, 362
Son (sĹn). Bowl of expiation, 95
SĂśrli (sáş˝râ˛li). Son of Gudrun, 295, 296; compared, 365
SotĂŠ (soâ˛tÄ). A famous pirate, steals ring forged by VĂślund, 304
Spartan King. Equivalent, 363
Steropes (sterâ˛o-pÄz). Northern equivalent, 354
Straw Death. Northern contempt for, 182
Stromkarls. Water divinities, 193, 194
Suabians (swÄâ˛be-aĚnz). Tyr, a god of the, 85
Sudri (sĹŤâ˛drÄ). Supports heavenly vault, 6
Surtr (soÍortr). Flame giant, 2; progeny, 7; world destroyed by, 14; arrival of, 333, 334; Frey slain by, 335; world consumed by, 336
Suttung (sut-toÍong). The story of giant, 96, 97, 99
Svadilfare (sväâ˛dil-fär-e). Horse of architect, 221, 222, 223
Svalin (sväâ˛lin). Shield which protected sun chariot, 6
Svanhvit (svonâ˛whit). Marries mortal, 175
Svart-alfa-heim (svärt-alfâ˛a-hÄŤm). Home of dwarfs, 10, 65, 92, 118, 134, 245
Svart-alfar (svärt-alfâ˛ar), 239
Svasud (sväâ˛zood). Father of Summer, 9
Swanhild (swonâ˛hild). Daughter of Gudrun, 290, 291, 295; compared, 364
Sweden. May-day in, 38; Odin conquers, 39; Gylfi, king of, 39, 50; Thor in, 62; Frey, king of, 128; Frodi visits, 128; Freya in, 131, 137; Nidud, king of, 177; miners in, 245
Switzerland. Giants in, 232
Sword Dances, 85, 86
Syn (sÄn). Goddess of truth, 49
Syr (sÄr). Same as Freya, 133
Tanngniostr (tängâ˛nyos-ter). Thorâs goat, 62
Tanngrisnr (tÄnâ˛gris-ner). Thorâs goat, 62
Tannhäuser (tänâ˛hoi-zer). Story of, 53, 54; equivalent for, 350
Tarnkappe (tärnâ˛kap-pa). Invisible cap, 240, 242
Tartarus (tärâ˛tar-us). Northern equivalents, 344, 353, 359
Telemachus (te-lemâ˛a-kus). Northern equivalent, 350
Teuton (tiĹŤâ˛ton). Ostara, a goddess, 55
Teutons (tiĹŤâ˛tons). Belief in Lorelei, 196; superstition of regarding fairies, 246
Teutonic Gods, 229, 231
Thanatos (thanâ˛a-tos). Same as Hel, 360
Theseus (thÄâ˛syĹŤs). Northern equivalent, 363, 365
Thetis (theâ˛tis). Northern equivalent for, 357
Thialfi (the-älfâ˛e). Servant of Thor, 69,
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