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The Holistic Gastroenterology Method : Finding the truth behind So-Called " inflammatory Bowel Diseases"

The Holistic Gastroenterology Method


Finding the Truth behind


The Myth of Inflammatory Bowel Disease



This is a small yet very powerful book. Small because it does not contain any bull shit.


Powerful because it is going to give you the power to take back control of your body.


This book is going to change your life.




What you will find in this book has never been written anywhere before. It has only been


passed onto my patients over my 34-year career of treating mostly the worst of the


worst cases -- the ones who were considered unfixable. They all got healed.




The secrets to healing inflammatory bowel conditions are simple. There are just several


core issues that need to be understood. With them you will be healed. Without them,


you never will.




You must know what you have.




You must know how you got that way.




3. You must understand how the body works and what it




Give me three to six months and you will be permanently healed. I always


guarantee my work.




Talk to any medical professional, and they will tell you that the first step in curing any


health condition is to understand its cause. Without knowing the nature of the problem,

there is no way to come up with a treatment strategy that will actually work. For the


most part, medicine has been very successful at using technology and science to


determine causes and effective treatments. However, there is one category of health


concern that has not evolved with science and technology. This is the category of


gastroenterology. They are still using the Stone Age technologies from last century of


drugs and surgery. Really----you mean to say there is no other way? Actually there is.




For many years, physicians believed that inflammatory bowels came from a germ. This


is called the Germ Theory of Disease. It accurately applies to some illnesses but not


inflammatory bowel problems.




The latest medical theory is to believe and treat inflammatory bowel as if it is an


autoimmune disease. It is not.




These two misguided theories explain why conventional medicine cannot claim even


one case of the healing of inflammatory bowel. They will tell you that they really don't


know what it is and also that they are sure there is no cure. How can you know there is


no cure if you don't even know what the problem is?




That is the status of modern (archaic) gastroenterology. Who has been in charge of


your bowel lately? Are you healed yet? Look around, has anyone else you know been






Folks-----they are driving you down a dead end road. Wake up! You need to try


something different. Something that makes sense. Something that works.




The Holistic Gastroenterology Method works!


The Purpose of This Book

This is not a how-to book. I cannot tell you exactly all of the steps you individually need to take. Every case is different. What I can do, which is the essential first step, is to clarify the issue, enlighten you to the truth and start you on the road to transformation. This book is going to provide you with that “ah-ha” moment, when the light bulb goes

on, when you “get it”. Only then will you be able to travel down the right road. You being


enlightened is an essential part of the healing process. You cannot be healed without


knowing exactly 'what you've got.' I am very excited for you.


You have finally found your way.


Every one of my patients starts off with 'the talk'---this is yours.



This book is designed to set the record straight. You need to know the truth about


inflammatory bowel conditions, and you won’t find that truth in traditional medicine. In


fact, you have probably been quite confused considering how you have been told there


is no cure for your problem. Be clear that you are being told this by people who readily


admit that they don't know exactly what it is and how you got it.




In this book, I am going to explain what it is you have, how you got that way, and that


you can be healed permanently. If you don’t hear and understand the message in this


book, then you will never be healed. You will be like everyone else who does not see


this message. To be blunt you will be destined for great suffering and have a high


likelihood for surgery in your future, just like the 1000's of people who will never see this


book. But, once you read this and understand it, you will begin your journey to healing.


The Problem with Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Inflammatory bowel disease isn’t just a minor health problem. It is one that can fully


disrupt and dominate your life. You have probably done all of the supposedly right


things and are still sick and very frustrated. You likely went to your primary care


physician. You were then referred to a gastroenterologist. There, you likely went


through quite a few different tests, including blood work, colonoscopies, endoscopies,


and CT scans.




Eventually, you were given a diagnosis. You were told you had an inflammatory bowel


disease. Perhaps they gave it a name- IBS, colitis or Crohn's disease. They gave you


some half-assed explanation about the immune system attacking your bowel that didn't


entirely make sense. They gave you quite a few different prescription medications and

you were told to follow some dietary instructions. And, you intuitively felt like you are

headed down a dead end road. Unfortunately, the truth is you are right.




In discussing this with your doctor, if they were honest with you, they would have told


you that there was no effective medical treatment for inflammatory bowel disease. They


would have also told you that you would eventually need surgery. They are all reading


off the same page and if the real effective treatment is not taught in medical school then


they, and you, are out of luck. The truth is the doctor is completely correct in saying that


they cannot cure you. But, that doesn’t mean there is no one that can cure you. There is


an effective treatment that will cure you of your condition for life. You happened to get


lucky today. It is your destiny to keep your colon.




The first thing you need to know is that you do NOT have an incurable DISEASE. You


have a MANMADE condition and it’s called Acquired Inflammatory Bowel. It is


completely curable. And, in this book, you will learn what is wrong with your body and


learn that you can be healed and get back to your normal life.

Chapter 1: Truth Number one

For a very long time, traditional medicine has been taught the wrong thing, leading to a


great deal of misinformation transmitted to patients as well. In fact, there are three basic


ways that misunderstanding has continued in the medical world:




ď‚· Doctors have been taught that the cause of the various inflammatory bowel


conditions is yet unknown. If pressed on this they will acknowledge that


this is a theory.




ď‚· They have also been taught that inflammatory bowel conditions are probably the


result of being infected by germs or by the body’s own immune system


attacking the colon.




ď‚· Finally, they have been taught that there is no cure for inflammatory bowel


conditions, so they often admit that there is no medical treatment that






However, all of these statements are erroneous. And in order to effectively treat the


condition, it is important that we establish what it actually is first.






An Umbrella Term



Inflammatory bowel disease is not a condition in itself. Instead, it is a misnomer, an


umbrella term, or catch all, used by physicians and medical professionals to refer to:

ď‚· Irritable Bowel Syndrome or IBS




ď‚· Colitis




ď‚· Ulcerative Colitis




 Crohn’s Disease




ď‚· Chronic Constipation




However, none of these properly describe the actual condition. In fact, the best term for


this bowel issue is Acquired Inflammatory Bowel.






Taking a Deeper Look



While traditional medicine believes that the conditions named above are separate


diseases, they aren’t. They aren't diseases at all and there is really only one condition.


They are confused and they confuse us. To better understand this, let’s look at the


terms used by conventional medicine to describe them.




According to WebMD, the definition of inflammatory bowel disease is:




“The term inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) describes a group of disorders in


which the intestines become inflamed. The likeliest cause is an immune reaction


in the body against its own intestinal tissue.” (WebMD)




Take note of something in that definition: it says “the likeliest cause.” There is no


published research that proves IBD is an autoimmune condition. This explains why


treating IBD as an autoimmune disease doesn’t work.






The Problem with the Autoimmune Model

According to the Wikipedia page on the subject,




“An autoimmune disorder occurs when the body’s immune system attacks and


destroys healthy body tissue by mistake.” (Wikipedia)




Really? Our immune system just makes a mistake and starts attacking our GI tract for


no reason whatsoever? And that mistake is all of a sudden being made in millions of


people all at the same time? Like nature just flipped the switch? What an inexplicable


coincidence. There is no science that supports this. It is a guess. A theory. This does


not make sense, especially when it is a theory coming from people who acknowledge



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