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Book online «Optimality Of I Potentiality by Santosh Jha (read after txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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reveal that our subconscious brain states entrench communication and engender awareness in two broad ways. First stage is the first seven to eight years of early life of a child when he or she accepts all information from his or her parents, family, ambient socio-cultural-geographical milieus and this become his primary domain of awareness. That almost decides the destiny of the child as this ‘Pre-Consciousness’ awareness works as base benchmark to judge utility and worth of all later experiences and information. However, this primary awareness can be altered later when the child is adult and his or her consciousness has matured. This can be altered only by inputting a conscious element or information of learning and unlearning and repeating it time and again. Like, nobody is born with driving skills but as we enter adulthood, we practice for long how to drive a vehicle and later, this awareness of driving becomes a subconscious task. Later, when we achieve good driving skills, we do not even remember how we drive. But, such learning and awareness possession comes only through conscious inputting of the new desired awareness and continuously practicing it.

This is the primary hypothesis of newly emerging field of experiments in Epigenetics domain, which maintains that a person born poor shall not only remain poor for life but has more likelihood of fathering or mothering poor children. Why? Because the Epigenetics science says that poor people pass on the heretic genetic expression to their offspring and as the kids born to poor parents receive such early information from their parents and ambient socio-cultural-physical milieus that create and sustain ‘Causalities’ of poverty and deprivation that they too continue to be poor. This is just the reverse with kids born to rich parents.

The Epigenetic science however insists that this subconscious realism can be changed through linguistic, thoughtfulness, emotional and psychological inputs of our own ‘Conscious Self’ when we enter adulthood. It is the phenotype that can be changed and this in turn alters the early entrenched subconscious communication of our brain states and body functionality. So, the deprivation phenotype can be consciously altered by altering the communication to the body-mind media by ‘Conscious-Enterprise’. And, what it takes? It takes to alter the ‘Milieus’ by Conscious Awareness’. This is what we are talking about in holistic details.

So, what we underlined in above paragraphs is the importance and criticality of the twin factors of Milieus and Awareness, especially the later. Higher Consciousness is one of the most ‘traded’ idea in contemporary societies and cultures, where people in general are faced with confusion and conflicts of self or ‘I’. But, most spiritual and psychological traditions and systems shall never tell us about how difficult is this task of attaining higher consciousness as it requires a pre-requisite of long stint of awareness practice and background. They shall simplify things by offering a few fast-track meditation techniques that shall make you feel better for a while but shall not last. Simply because, very few people have the required level of ‘awareness-quotient’ and right facilitative milieus back at their homes and work place to sustain the ‘feel-good’ moments they had while meditating at a certain spiritual facility.

Therefore, before we begin the next chapter that lists out the ways to facilitate media-management and communication with consciousness, it is important to reiterate that consciousness and its mechanism is a complex process and they evolve in time. They dawn upon and become an operative reality for us only after we work long and hard to attain the eligibility of self or ‘I’. There is no short-cut and no easy way to have it and sustain it. But we all know, assets are not created overnight. Things that last with us are created in time and with persevered enterprise. And when we create such assets, they not only last lifelong but also prove to be great investments for further attainments of higher value and worth. Worth and utility never come easy. If something comes easy and quick, its ephemeral sustainability is definitive.



As I have always maintained and here too I shall reiterate it that humanity has traversed a long journey, it has gone through untold challenges and has very wisely and successfully relied on its innate and evolved power of individual as well as collective experiences. Since ages, early humans could experiences troubles and also devise solutions. Why and how? It is simply because the problems and solutions are entwined realisms. If you have a problem, you already know it that solution is somewhere ‘Inherent and Embedded’ in the problem itself. The milieu around us presents some factors in an ‘arrangement’, which stand in our disadvantage, at a particular stage of our life positioning and we call the outcome of such an arrangement as a ‘problem’. Often, solution presents itself as some ‘alternative’ arrangement or placement of the same factors in such a way that they turn advantageous for us, hence qualifying as a ‘solution’.

This understanding about problems and solutions in so many areas of our life and living comes naturally to us because both exists within us and all we need is to be in such higher awareness that we could feel it, see it unraveling and decipher it. In long discussion of different aspects of life and living we have attempted to decipher that there are infinite ‘Causalities’ around us and within us. Why? It is because it is the way realism is designed. We all can feel the causalities because they are innate part of the holism of realism. It is the way this cosmic realism and all its microcosmic parts have been designed. Science has come a long way deciphering and then explaining to us about these causalities and the transcendental ‘Law Of Causality’ that pervades all realism, we see and accept or cannot see and accept.

Just because there is ‘Realism’, it is definitive that it shall have ‘Causalities’ and as there are realism and causalities, they are very much decipherable to anyone who has this well-earned eligibility of higher consciousness. It is possible to decipher ‘Causalities’ and then be aware of all problems and all solutions simply because we all are part of this same reality and causalities. The media and communication of these realism and causalities run through our own body-mind system. We are very much a ‘part’ of the ‘holism’ of cosmic realism and as our complex and long evolution has ensured, we ourselves have microcosmic system of these complexities to unravel them. It is different matter that gradually, science is arriving at the ‘Laws’ that govern the causalities but the causalities of realism were always there and shall remain there. Humanity deciphered them since thousands of years back and shall continue to realize them. Of course science helps us in our understanding but finally, our own conscious self has to realize them. Even science has to be internalized. Realism needs to ‘sink in’ and what sink in; stays.

The tragedy with humanity is that even when personal and collective experiences have been documented and passed on to generations, this knowledge of early humanity about consciousness, self-awareness and self-realization of ‘causalities’ about realism and their media and communication remained unpopular and not in mainstream collective thoughtfulness. This happened primarily because this higher awareness is not an automatic endowment and therefore remained restricted to a handful. Naturally, minority wisdom seldom shapes up as populist knowledge need. Thankfully, modern human population is gradually becoming more inclined to scientific temper and objective orientation. Therefore, new millennium humanity is getting more exposed to what science is now throwing up in mainstream space.

What we are going to talk in this chapter is also something realized and well documented by early humanity but remained relegated, only to be brought into mainstream by modern science. We shall talk now about the ways to facilitate the launch of a ‘Conscious Enterprise’ to use the ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’ plexus of our body-mind to achieve whatever wellness and success goals we consciously set for our life and living. We shall discuss in detail about how we can facilitate the shaping up of our Higher Consciousness, which has the mastery of artistry to not only receive and decipher the subconscious media and its communication very effectively but also unleash a conscious communication, using the same media to attain whatever goal of life-living about wellness and excellence we decide for ourselves.

There are three aspects to it. We discuss them in detail with as much simplicity as may be possible, even while they remain complex issues –

System Economics – Every system has singular, basic and broad mechanism and process. That is an ‘Input-Output’ causality. This is fundamental economics that is the core critical operative principle of all systems. There is a ‘Demand’ side that may well be deemed as energy of initiation of an enterprise and very naturally, it engenders a causality of ‘Supply’ side. Most systems work on the demand-supply causality. The causalities may be complex or simple but there shall always be some ‘Cyclicality’ between the two elements of demand and supply. We all know this simple economics. We just need to extend it in its holism in all aspects of life-living.

We have discussed it earlier and we also know by our own experience that any system that is more complex and diverse shall naturally have better optimality and excellence. However, more complex a system becomes, higher is its entropy. It is all about how simple and less stressed is a system that shall ensure less chances of it going awry. This has a simple rule – if there is higher demand on the system for performance and productivity, there shall be more complexities involved to ensure the quantity and quality of supply. Naturally, high system demand puts pressure on supply requisites, requiring systems to gradually grow complex and diversified. This in turn shall generate innate and entrenched propensities for entropy.

From our experiences we all know how every system in our milieus have become hugely complex, diversified and multi-faceted because of high demand pressure for supplies. Thanks to the unmanageable population and its demands for ‘Good Life’. Naturally, most systems are stressed and this innately unleashes entropic elements of 3Cs – Confusion, Conflict and Chaos. All human systems, be it personal, familial, societal, cultural, political, economic or spiritual; has now become complex and stressed because of over-performance and higher optimality. This is because of ever-enhancing demand pressure, requiring increased supply optimality. The entropy has to increase proportionately as system excellence for enhanced performance goes up beyond a certain point of criticality. As is common in most system, there always are planned backups and support systems for higher optimality of performance but very few systems have strong structures with functional excellence to restore and rehabilitate the destabilizations and diastrophic situations caused by compounding entropy.

We can understand these aspects by carefully and patiently looking at our own body-mind system. We are wired for a reactionary consciousness that is guided primarily by reward and punishment sentiments. We always wish to feel rewarded and avoid punishment. This is simple demand-supply economics. Our wishes are demands on our body-mind system and if we are supplied with optimal quantity and quality of what we wished, we feel rewarded and happy. If the supplies are not commensurate, we feel punished and irritated. A child is usually happy because his or her demands are simple and few. However, deny a toy demand to a kid and he or she shall be instantly irritated.

This reward-punishment causality or what we can accept as demand-supply relationship is cardinal to our general wellness; we are designed this way. This becomes more complex and varied as we grow and mature. Our demands get diversified and complex and it is only natural that in a physical milieu, where humans have become many many times more than what our dwindling resources can support, there is always huge competitiveness for supply availability. The growing gap in demand and supply is

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