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Book online «Optimality Of I Potentiality by Santosh Jha (read after txt) 📖». Author Santosh Jha

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self is always a holistic expression of totality and entirety, even when singular elements of its constitution are always there and indispensable for its holism. In other words, ‘I’ have ‘parts’ but its actual expression or core property is always as a ‘whole’. If any single ‘part’ is missing, the ‘whole’ ceases to exist.

The subjective self or ‘I’ is always emerging, shifting and changing because of its very nature of being a ‘process’ and not a fixed and tangible matter. Consciousness is an expression and property emerging out of complex and multidimensional processing of huge amount of info in the ever-shifting internal as well as external milieus. Therefore, the very single body of ‘I’ has many functional selves, even while structurally there is only one entity of ‘I’.

Importantly, as this sense of subjective self or ‘I’ is a function of entropy of our body-mind system, the consciousness in its very nature has the propensity for entropy-expansion. This means, in our daily lives of subconscious self or ‘Unaware-I’, we are inclined to and oriented towards destabilization, un-organization, randomization, abstractions, virtualism, confusion and conflicts, etc. The very entropic property of consciousness ensures the above states for us. Interestingly, as the domain of subconscious brain state dominates the mind space to the extent that science compares subconscious to a soccer field where conscious self is just a small goalpost; average human being is predominantly a stupid at freewill and a mechanism of chaos, confusion and conflict.

However, as the dialectical mechanism always ensures, the very conscious self or ‘Aware-I’ itself emerges and evolves because of the stupidity and disorganization of subconscious. The thesis-antithesis-synthesis process is applicable to consciousness too. When the subconscious or unconscious actualizes a cognitive ‘realism’ for self or ‘I’, the same brain states, which have evolved top layers handling logic and thoughtfulness of reason, engenders a virtual domain or space of ‘Conscious’ self. This ‘higher consciousness’ by innate nature of its dialectical origin, supplies the elements of skepticism, facilitating another dimension of cognitive realism. This dimension is human’s ‘entropy-suppression’ process that keeps system sanity at optimality.

Therefore, consciousness is probably the microcosmic model of evolutionary mechanism that the cosmos has as a macrocosm. Every system has its entropic expression and the same system innately has an embedded and ingrained mechanism of entropy-correction or entropy-suppression for sustained ‘optimality’ of system enterprise. This dualism of cosmic system that is its infinite evolutionary energy, is also the primary and embedded property of consciousness. The dualism of consciousness works on dialectical cyclicality of entropy expansion and entropy suppression – confusion writing the initial script of life-living drama and then sanity of propriety enacting the best protagonist on the theatre of life.

This all leads us to the finality of our assertion of that singular hypothesis or scientific philosophization and that says –

Intelligence and Sanity Of A Human Being Is In Higher Awareness of This DUALISM Of Consciousness And Its Unwavering ACCEPTANCE. Wellness Is In Healthy, Effective And Smooth Functioning Of The Dialectical Cyclicality Of Consciousness. And, Empowerment Is In Conscious Mastery Of Artistry Of Engineering & Management Of Dualism Of ‘I-Cognitions’ For Optimality Of Thoughtfully Opted Goals Of Life-Living…



Now, we have the core question as what possibly is the media and communication plexus that a conscious self or ‘Aware-I’ has at his or her disposal to enterprise the optimality of Consciousness towards our avowed goals of life of wellness and success. It needs to be understood as why we are focusing on the media and communication plexus that work between different layers of consciousness. The primary purpose of this enquiry and inquisitiveness is to arrive at a possible framework of mechanism and process, which we as conscious self can use to orient ourselves towards solutions using the platforms of media and communication plexus.

It needs to be stated here with humility and innocence that we are not attempting to delve deep into scientific processes, rather we are relying on our own experiences that everyone of us have. No doubt, these experiences we have can be explained in true scientific language or terms but this is not our concern. We are focusing on what we know, what we experience and what we keep doing in our normal lives and from these experiences we shall try to decipher the media and communication plexus. We just have to be aware and above all, innocently non-judgmental as we hypothesize and philosophize about processes.

From our experiences, we know it and have a deep sense of acceptance about how we all go about our lives. So, we know and feel that we have two broad processes that we use for communication. These two processes are not exclusive to humanity as many in animal kingdom also have. We humans have them hugely complex and well evolved and that is why they impact our lives in a big way. These two processes are –

Language – It has been accepted that language is the big edge that humanity has, which stands us way above all other animals. This language is one huge element in overall idea and reality of consciousness and cognition. Most of us are unaware of the potential of the languages we speak and listen. Usually, we believe it is something meant for self communicating with others in external milieus. However, we do not usually feel and realize how deeply and decisively it affects our consciousness and cognition. We also seldom realize that the language we know and speak, we also use for internal communication. Often, our thoughts subconsciously ride on the language we have learnt to communicate with brain states.

Somehow, languages that we speak have a cyclical impact on our consciousness. We humans could develop a complex system of language and could speak with good ease because human brain could evolve to a stage where linguistic skills became possible. It is common feeling that our consciousness gets the depth and substance when we speak and express ourselves well with our spoken abilities. Linguistic experiences and memories are huge input of communication that evolves pathways in brain states and helps consciousness mature, enrich and empower.

It is to be noticed that linguistic skillfulness is a very potent communication platform for consciousness. Somehow, clarity, propriety and excellence of spoken and written language are key elements in ‘Content-Potentiality’ of consciousness and its cognitive brilliance. It is common knowledge that proficiencies of linguistic skills are directly related to overall personality magnificence and character impact. Also, poor and destabilized linguistic abilities may be correlated with confusion, chaos and conflict of personality. It is primarily because of the fact that linguistic skills are result of cooperative functions of different brain states in a complex synchrony and therefore, linguistic platform is associated with harmony and cooperating functionality of brain states. It is only natural that it has a direct correlation with quality and content maneuvering of consciousness. Linguistic status may well be accepted as indicator of entropy-expansion as well as potential of entropy-suppression.

Important it is here to mention that part of the linguistic platform is the skills of singing and all other arts. They are huge communication plexus and has lateral and vertical connect with language that we know and speak. Music, especially singing can be accepted as a huge interface between language, thoughts and emotions. Even instrumental music has the base structure of singing. We can say that music and singing as communication or expression platform preceded well before the advent of languages as they have active and deep-seated elements of thoughts and emotions. In classical Indian musical traditions, rendition of music, especially singing was considered the sole and most potent communication with self and divinity. Early singing tradition didn’t rely on words or language as it experimented with sounds of syllables and acoustics of primary sounds of voice. Music essentially was woven to and synced with feelings and emotions and was vehicle of expression of deep thoughtfulness of consciousness. Music and singing was associated with ‘navras’ (nine expressions) of human consciousness.

This we shall discuss later in detail but for simple hypothesis building, we can accept that music and singing is another level of language that consciousness uses for communication, largely for expression of realism within and on an intangible domain. Also, we can surely put dance in the same league of ‘communication’ structure as music and singing. All forms of dance traditions have had symmetry with acoustics and rhythm. No dance can be possible without the beat sound of fixed rhythm. Both song and dance preceded evolution of language and now both stand in complex symbiosis with linguistic structures of modern times.

For consciousness, music and dance are huge system of communication primarily because both song and dance engender brilliant intangibilities through tangible processes. This suits and syncs with the dualism of Consciousness, which itself is like a bridge between tangible and intangible. It is for everyone of us to see and accept that most of those people, who are great in music and dance have less entropic consciousness and usually have simple personalities, given to innocence of compassion. Compassion itself is the property of ‘Entropy-Suppression’.

There is a famous story about musicality. A world renowned musician was on his death bed and his closest disciple asked him what he considered as the best music of the world. The great musician answered, ‘The best music of the cosmos is the compassion in human heart’. This example is a suggestion that human communication potential is not in phonetics of syllables but the conscious emotion and thoughts that energize them.

Thoughts – Scientifically speaking, thoughts are the most complex realism that humanity still has to decipher in finality. We have primary idea that it is a property or function of holism, totality and entirety of a complex info processing plexus of over 100 billion nerve cells and trillions of neural connections called synapses. Thoughts have been defined as emergent and evolving value summation as response to multitude of influxing info from milieus within and outside a human body-mind structure. This suggests that thoughts are very much like consciousness itself. In fact, thoughts are so intrinsically and innately part of consciousness process that we can affirm that there is a complex cyclicality between thoughts and consciousness – thoughts shaping up consciousness and consciousness in turn shaping or influencing thoughts. We have already said, thoughts almost always ride the vehicle of language we know and speak.

In human life-living, what baffle most to an average person are his or her thoughts. This equally baffles scientific community. It does not take a person to have knowledge of complex scientific facts to experience his or her own self and realize that thoughts often pop up so randomly and are so erratically mismatched to populist reality. This in a way makes thoughts a very crucial and critical platform of communication with self and others. It is again to be reiterated that thoughts have entropic roots, like consciousness and like consciousness; thoughts also require entropy-suppression for its effectiveness and optimality. In simple terms, we can say that people need to use the potential of thoughts as media and communication platforms by consciously introducing elements of logic, structure, factuality and verifiability. We need to ‘rein in’ the horses of thoughts so that all horses pull the cart in singular linearity for a journey to happen. In later chapters, we shall deal with the importance of ‘reining in’ of thoughts.

Now that we have zeroed in on two broad modes of communication, we can say with utmost conviction that for consciousness, the media and communication may look like it is an intangibility but we already know that these intangibilities are only the ‘Emergent and Evolving Property’ of a rather definitively tangible mechanism and processes. Consciousness is also a virtualism but its basic mechanism and process are the tangibility of two realism –

Neural processes that are electro-chemical signaling domain.

Chemical processes of hormones working as messengers.

For purpose of basic scientific knowledge, we are told that body and mind communicate through the two

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