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media of neural electro-chemical plexus, spread throughout the body and chemical processes of hormones, reaching out, riding on blood streams to all parts of body. However, what is now subject matter of higher scientific exploration and scientific philosophization, is the ‘energy’ or ‘causality’ that makes the neurons and hormones work the way they do. This means, there are emerging knowledge about how the neural plexuses communicate with each other, how neurons fire and how there firing creates subconscious mind states, how an info is passed onto billions of other cells and trillions of synapses and how the ‘receptors’ of a given info or stimulus makes ‘sense’ out of them to create a real and true linearity of purpose. However, there still is no definitive finality on the core issue of the entire spectrum of ‘media’ playing out ‘communication’ for shaping up and engendering a reality for us.

Still, from varied and emerging facts about neural journeys and hormonal trajectories, we have a rather emergent hypothesis that even while neural and hormonal structures stand out as tangible and broadly algorithmic media, we have enough insight into brain-body complexities and many other realities to see and accept that the electro-chemical as well as chemical media are also innate and embedded ‘part’ of the ‘holism’ of consciousness. This means that the media of consciousness also have the same ‘Entropic and Emergent’ character and property that consciousness itself has. Therefore, the media is also randomized, given to heuristic expressions and impressionable to the same intangibilities and virtualism of ‘causalities’ that consciousness has.

This hypothesis makes us see and accept that how the ‘Media’ of neural plexus and hormones play out ‘Communication’ to our brain states and other receptors in our body to effect an optimal, streamlined and fruitful value-summation for actions and behavior is uncertain and given to unpredictability and randomization. It is therefore very clear that if our consciousness is in a state of high ‘entropy-expansion’ – that is, if our consciousness is in a state of confusion, chaos and conflicts, the ‘media’ that ‘communicates’ with consciousness is also bound to have the same or probably more confusion, chaos and conflict. This unseen ‘causality’ between consciousness and its media is also true and real with media and society that we see almost daily. The media is not an external agency. It is rather very much part of the holism of society. Therefore, we can clearly see globally, in societies where sanity and symmetry of societal milieus are in disarray and dissipation, the media there – institutional, social as well as personal, shall be insidious, chaotic, cacophonic and corruptible.

So, the core hypothesis that we are attempting to arrive at is, even while we all know and accept that in any milieu, be it our body, mind, family, society, nation, etc, it is so very important that we have the ‘Media’ that is objective, sanitized, reliable-responsible and singularly algorithmic, the stark and innate reality remains that the very nature and structure of ‘Media’ makes it naturally inclined to just the reverse of it. It is simply because of the fact that in the cosmos, in the external as well as internal milieus of we humans, everything is innately and intrinsically ‘part’ of the singular ‘holism’ and therefore, they are bound to be connected, linked and synced by a ‘causality’. Only very naturally, when a ‘part’ is affected, the ‘holism’ is bound to and the vice-versa. Importantly, when we have discussed in detail to arrive at this core hypothesis that as the ‘holism’ itself is entropic, emergent and heuristic, all ‘parts’ are bound to display the same characteristic in their individuality too.

Now, this core hypothesis leads us to the subsidiary hypothesis that we have already discussed over the chapter on consciousness. That is – Consciousness is innately an expression of entropy-expansion and therefore, an empowered person needs to be in higher awareness mode to install conscious entropy-suppression for effecting optimality of sanity, symmetry and wellness in life-living situations. Similarly, the ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’ also requires the same mechanism of entropy-suppression to ensure its objectivity and logicality. This challenge is huge. We can say, in contemporary life-living and modern milieus, most personal as well as inter-personal troubles and conflicts emerge and sustain because of dystrophy and dissipation of our own ‘Media’ and ‘Communication’ system. We shall talk about that later in this book.

We started this book with the probability of a hypothesis that our own conscious self or ‘I’ can summon all other layers of consciousness, especially the subconscious and establish an audience with them. Then, there can be a successful communication with these layers over a specific target at hand and get it achieved. We also attempted to work on a possible hypothesis that there is a potent ‘media’ that pervades all layers of consciousness that we can effectively use to communicate with high optimality what we wish to achieve. Then, probably the whole system of body and mind responds singularly to the ‘wish’ and speeds up processes for its fruition.

There is a more popular version of this same hypothesis, which says, when you consciously opt out a probability that you dearly wish to happen and sustain, the entire cosmos conspires to direct and catalyze all elements to orchestrate and enterprise the finality of fruition of that probability. This suggests that there is a ‘generalized’ or ‘generic’ causality in nature or in natural state of milieus, which is randomized and not given to any ‘specific’ plan of action and behavior. However, when you choose a particular probability of a life-living situation, this ‘generic’ causality is handed over the energy of ‘specificity’ of causality. This then communicates every element present in the milieus internal and external to proceed and progress towards that avowed goal for its successful fruition. The million dollar question however remains as how this conscious communication happens? What makes it happen? How the ‘media’ can be managed to launch this ‘specific’ communication towards the avowed goal? What else this ‘generic’ media and communication otherwise do, when they are not doing this handed out ‘specific’ task by our conscious selves? This is what we are attempting to hypothesize in this book. We are proceeding step by step to make it as logical as possible, if not fool proof.

As we have moved step by step to other peripheral concepts that we needed to know, we can now unravel this core question, as we have the pulse on the media and communication. We have understood that by very nature of our own body-mind make up, we are given to 3Cs – Confusion, Chaos and Conflict. Our consciousness itself is entropic. The sense of self, the ‘I’ is innately destabilized and abstracted. The media and communication that our body and mind has, being part of the holism of consciousness, also is innately abstracted and unspecific. However, we have discussed, this same consciousness, this very emergent intangibility of self or ‘I’ has inbuilt and embedded potential for higher consciousness – a definitively aware sense of ‘I’ or self, which consciously puts in the process of entropy-suppression for sanity and wellness. Therefore, what we next have to discuss is the core question – ‘How our higher conscious or aware self, our definitive sense of ‘I’ can successfully and effectively install and facilitate the critical mechanism and process of ‘Entropy-Suppression’?



Before we pick up the question and discuss the idea of ‘Entropy-Suppression’, it is relevant here to mention a body-mind process that is an auto-mode media and communication, working for us at subconscious levels, which we are never aware of. This shall probably lead us to understand how we can use the media and communication at level of awareness of higher consciousness and what the challenges in effectively doing it are. This shall also answer to the question as what else this ‘generic’ media and communication otherwise do, when they are not doing this handed out ‘specific’ task by our conscious selves? This is important.

This ‘auto-mode’ media and communication process is known as Homeostasis. Contemporary scientific knowledge of body-mind mechanism and processes has begun to reiterate the structure and function of Homeostasis process in its broadest possible manifestations for overall wellness of we all. Globally, aware and empowered people are embracing the holism of Homeostasis process and making conscious efforts to practice the lifestyle choices that facilitate Homeostatic sanity.

We shall discuss the issue of Homeostasis in details in coming chapters to understand it in detail as why and how it is such an important aspect of life and living wellness. However, for now, we are only trying to refer to Homeostasis to arrive at the idea of how to use our own ‘media’ and ‘communication’ for our wellness.

Scientists maintain that ageing is 30 percent gene function and 70 percent lifestyle choices. This suggests, Homeostasis decides our wellness and life. Homeostasis is essentially a biological term but has utility and reference in all walks of life and living. Homeostasis is all about balance, poise, equability, equilibrium and what we have learnt since ages - the ‘Golden Mean’. In all our religious books, folklores, spiritual discourses, philosophies and societal wisdom talks, we can find the core concept of ‘balance’ and ‘poise’ in everything we perceive, accept and do. The poise and balance is surely not an external idea or a value that is alien to us. It is in fact what we have been designed for and is very much our central mechanism. We are endowed with it but seldom at it!

The human organism consists of trillions of cells all working together for the maintenance of the entire organism. While cells may perform very different functions, all the cells are quite similar in their metabolic requirements. Maintaining a constant internal environment with all that the cells need to survive (oxygen, glucose, mineral ions, waste removal, and so forth) is necessary for the well-being of individual cells and the well-being of the entire body. The varied processes by which the body regulates its internal environment are collectively referred to as Homeostasis.

Homeostasis in a general sense refers to stability, balance or equilibrium. It is the body's attempt to maintain a constant internal environment. Maintaining a stable internal environment requires constant monitoring and adjustments as conditions change. This constant adjusting of physiological systems within the body is called homeostatic regulation. This idea is similar to what we have discussed earlier. Body’s very natural process of working involves huge complexities of cooperative actions to get it going. The big challenge is to keep its working optimal and right even as we all move in and out of varied and complex milieus that constantly requires adjustments and course correction within body-mind systems. It is only natural that such huge and complex system-working engenders entropic outcomes. Therefore, Homeostasis is always challenged and needs specific regulations and adjustments.

The challenge for Homeostatic regulation is far more intense and complicated in contemporary societies and cultures as we have gone a long distance on the wrong path of lifestyle choices and milieu-sanity since ages. Moreover, the environment we live in is so much polluted, the food we eat is so unhealthy and lacking natural sanity, the lifestyle we lead is so full of excesses and extremities that together they all put us off this precious ‘balance’, miles apart. Most of modern degenerative diseases, also called ‘lifestyle-diseases’ are the result of this affected homeostasis of human body, living choices and external environment.

It is only very natural that the Homeostasis is troubled in contemporary times. Naturally, restoration process of poise and balance is also bigger challenge today. The equilibrium state has physical, emotional, psychological, spiritual and environmental dimensions. The body sure has an auto-process of restoration. Body-mind processes adjust to restore the individual to homeostatic equilibrium through a combination of physical, emotional, behavioral and psychological adjustments. This behavioral readjustment processes are known as Allostasis.

So, the simple point is, there is a constant subconscious ‘communication’ going on inside our body-mind, which is what Homeostasis is all about. Our subconscious self

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