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the more cases the better the return.

Clearly, hospitals are financially incentivized to code more COVID cases and deaths. Definitions matter. Another sad consequence is that we are losing freedoms and destroying our state and country based on the inflated numbers. Our reopening’s are based on these numbers –we have lost our ability to congregate in groups of 10 or more, go to church, school, weddings, funerals, sporting events, concerts, or go anywhere without a mask, or hug our parents, grandparents, children and grandchildren.

If someone has traveled to or is a resident “in an area with sustained, ongoing community transmission of SARS-CoV-2” and later has a simple cough that is sufficient for the person to be considered a COVID-19 case if there is “no alternative more likely diagnosis.”

That means that if a person lives in an area where there is a COVID-19 breakout and he has a cough, a doctor could just guess that the person has COVID-19 if he doesn’t know what else could be the reason for the cough. If the area is considered a “sustained, ongoing community transmission” of COVID-19 then virtually anyone with a cough could be listed as among the COVID-19 statistics which spins up the COVID-19 statistics

The Department of Health and Social Care (DHSC) states that the number of flu cases and deaths due to flu-related complications in England alone averages 17,000 a year. The DHSC notes that many of those who die from these diseases have underlying health conditions, as do almost all the victims of coronavirus so far, here and elsewhere. In the Government’s table of ‘deaths considered avoidable’, it lists 31,307 deaths from cardiovascular diseases in England and Wales for 2013. About 1,600 people die every day in the UK for one reason or another. A similar figure applies in Italy and a much larger one in China. The coronavirus deaths, while distressing and shocking, are not so numerous as to require the civilized world to shut down transport and commerce, nor to surrender centuries-old freedoms in an afternoon.

Could it be that among the Italian coronavirus deaths there were also common flu victims, as the affected victims are mostly elderly with respiratory preconditions? Also, symptoms are very similar between coronavirus and the common flu, and nobody questions and checks the official authorities’ narrative?

“We have reliable figures from Italy and a work by epidemiologists, which has been published in the renowned science journal Science, which examined the spread in China. This makes it clear that around 85 percent of all infections have occurred without anyone noticing the infection. 90 percent of the deceased patients are verifiably over 70 years old, 50 percent over 80 years. In Italy, one in ten people diagnosed die, according to the findings of the Science publication, that is statistically one of every 1,000 people infected. Each individual case is tragic, but often - similar to the flu season - it affects people who are at the end of their lives” - Dr Pietro Vernazza is a Swiss physician specialising Infectious Diseases at the Cantonal Hospital St. Gallen and Professor of Health Policy.

Professor Klaus Puschel, head of forensic medicine in Hamburg, explains about Covid19: “This virus influences our lives in a completely excessive way. This is disproportionate to the danger posed by the virus. And the astronomical economic damage now being caused is not commensurate with the danger posed by the virus. I am convinced that the Corona mortality rate will not even show up as a peak in annual mortality. “In Hamburg, for example, not a single person who was not previously ill, had died of the virus”, All those we have examined so far had cancer, a chronic lung disease, were heavy smokers or severely obese, suffered from diabetes or had a cardiovascular disease. The virus was the last straw that broke the camel’s back, so to speak. Covid-19 is a fatal disease only in exceptional cases, but in most cases it is a predominantly harmless viral infection“- Professor Klaus Puschel

Do you also count as a corona death if you are infected with the virus but die of something else? Yes, say Rudi Anschober and Bernhard Benka, members of the Corona Task Force (Austria) in the Ministry of Health. “There is a clear rule at present: Died with the corona virus or died from the corona virus both count for the statistics. No difference is made as to what the patient actually died of. In other words, a 90-year-old man who dies with a fracture of the femoral neck and becomes infected with corona in the hours prior to his death is also counted as corona death. To name but one example”.

Many media reports of young and healthy people dying from Covid19 have proven to be false upon closer inspection. Many of these people either did not die from Covid19 or they in fact had serious preconditions (such as undiagnosed leukaemia). Spanish football coach Francisco Garcia has passed away at the age of 21 after contracting coronavirus. The younger test-positive deceased almost always had severe pre-existing conditions. For example, Garcia the 21-year-old Spanish soccer coach had died test-positive, making international headlines. However, the doctors diagnosed an unrecognized leukemia, whose typical complications include severe pneumonia.

German doctor Dr. Bodo Schiffmann - A specialist in pathology comments on this as follows: “Who might think evil of it! Up to now, it has been a matter of course for pathologists to carry out autopsies with appropriate safety precautions even in the case of infectious diseases such as HIV/AIDS, hepatitis, tuberculosis, PRION diseases, etc. It is quite remarkable that in a disease that is killing thousands of patients all over the world and bringing the economy of entire countries to a virtual standstill, only very few autopsy findings are available (six patients from China). From the point of view of both the epidemic police and the scientific community, there should be a particularly high level of public interest in autopsy findings. However, the opposite is the case. Are you afraid of finding out the true causes of death of the positively tested deceased? Could it be that the numbers of corona deaths would then melt away like snow in the spring sun?

Dr. Annie Bukacek (above) is a longtime Montana physician with over 30 years experience practicing medicine. Signing death certificates is a routine part of her job. In the video linked below at Globalresearch, Dr. Bukacek blows the whistle on the way the CDC is instructing physicians to exaggerate COVID-19 deaths on death certificates.

Part of the transcript from the video by Dr Bukacek is below:

“At a time where telling the truth is considered a threat to the national security, we’re very blessed to have a pastor who tells us the truth. We are blessed beyond measure. …”

“The decision for unprecedented government-mandated lockdown has been based on the alleged death rate of COVID-19. Is this death rate based on truth? …”

“Are the reported deaths from COVID-19 truly deaths from COVID-19?

To address this question, we need to discuss death certificates since death certificates are the basic source of information about mortality. …”

“History-changing decisions are being made due to these figures despite the fact that they are flat-out wrong based on data that is insufficient and often inaccurate. People know how much individual power and leeway is given to the physician coroner or medical examiner signing the death certificate. How do I know this? I’ve been filling out death certificates for over 30 years. More often than we want to admit, we don’t know with certainty the cause of death when we fill out death certificates. …

“Physicians make their best guesstimate and fill out the form then that listed cause of death, whatever we list, is entered into a vital records databank to use for statistical analysis which then gives out inaccurate numbers as you can imagine. Those inaccurate numbers are then accepted as factual information even though much of it is false. So even before we heard of COVID-19, death certificates were based on assumptions and educated guesses that go unquestioned.”

“When it comes to COVID-19, there’s the additional data skewer that there is no universal definition of COVID-19 death.”

“The Center for Disease Control, updated from yesterday April 4th, still states that “mortality” data includes both confirmed and presumptive positive cases of COVID-19. … The CDC counts both true COVID-19 cases and speculative guesses of COVID-19 the same, they call it death by COVID-19. They automatically overestimate the real death numbers by their own admission. …”

“We need to understand how the CDC and the National Vital Statistics System are instructing physicians to fill out death certificates related to COVID-19. Brace yourselves, and please pay attention and let what I’m about to tell you sink in. The assumption of COVID-19 death could be made even without testing. Based on assumption alone, the death can be reported to the public as another COVID-19 casualty. The March 24, 2020 NVSS memo states

“The rules for coding and selection of the underlying cause of death are expected to result in COVID-19 being the underlying cause more often than not.” …

“Stephen Schwartz, national director of the division of vital statistics, says an answer to the question as stated in the organization’s COVID-19 alert, “Should COVID-19 be reported on the death certificate only with a confirmed test?” Check out his answer,

“COVID-19 should be reported on the death certificate for all decedents where the disease caused or is assumed to have caused or contributed to death. Certifiers should include as much detail as possible based on their knowledge of the case, medical records, laboratory testing, etc.” …

“If a patient is positive for COVID-19 and dies from another cause such as pneumococcal sepsis, it may be considered accurate to say that person died with COVID-19 not from COVID-19. Yet the CDC guideline lists this case as one more COVID-19 death and they go to the next questionable death, they label that as COVID-19 and it goes on and on. You could see how these statistics have been made to look scary when it is so easy to add false numbers to the official database. Those false numbers are sanctioned by the CDC as of their memo yesterday, April 4th. …”

“The real number of COVID-19 deaths are not what most people are told and what they then think. How many people actually died from COVID-19 is anyone’s guess. …”

“They are substantially lower than what we are being told”

“Based on inaccurate, incomplete data, people are being terrorized by fear-mongers into relinquishing freedoms.” - Dr. Annie Bukacek

Note the following pictures of people sharing their views about family deaths which have been falsely assigned as death by Covid-19.

In the graph below we can see that deaths in New York state 2019 March to April from natural causes such as cancer, heart disease, accidents etc. was 12.5 thousand but in March to April 2020 those deaths by natural causes had declined to 4.5 thousand and that is because they have reassigned all of these natural deaths to Covid deaths as the graph illustrates. How can someone who has had a history of heart disease, die of a heart attack but then Covid-19 is put down as the major cause of their death? The general public is being manipulated and lied to on a massive scale by their own governments for reasons you will see later.

This hasn’t stopped the State and the MSM from reporting every death as proof of the deadliness of COVID 19. Claims of COVID 19 as the underlying cause of death should be treated with considerable skepticism.

“They are writing Covid-19 on all of the death certificates” – Michael Lanza, Funeral Director, Colonial Funeral Home, Staten Island, New York

Several Funeral Directors in New York have said that if a person dies of a heart attack they are writing that they died of Covid-19 which is very suspect to say the least. The fraudsters New York City are purposely marking ALL deaths as "death by COVID-19" on purpose just to not only prop up the fraud death numbers by this fraud virus but also to obtain a lot of extra US "federal funding" for their nearly empty hospitals!

The video is below and you can hear the funeral directors themselves.

Read below as retired U.K professor of pathology John Lee states how the death figures for Covid-19 have been hugely overestimated:

“Many UK health spokespersons have been careful to repeatedly say that the numbers quoted in the UK indicate death with the virus, not death due to the virus – this matters. When giving evidence in parliament a few days ago, Prof. Neil Ferguson of Imperial College London said that he now expects fewer than 20,000 Covid-19 deaths in the UK but, importantly, two-thirds of these people would have died anyway. In other words, he suggests that the crude figure for ‘Covid deaths’ is three times higher than the number who have actually been killed by Covid-19. (Even the two-thirds figure is an estimate – it would not surprise me if the real proportion is higher.) The distinction between dying ‘with’ Covid-19 and dying ‘due to’ Covid-19 is not just splitting hairs. Consider some examples: an 87-year-old woman with dementia in a nursing home; a 79-year-old man with metastatic bladder cancer; a 29-year-old man with

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