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southwestern Colorado couldn’t believe it when the state’s health department concluded a May 4 death in his county was the result of COVID-19.

“I know it’s not correct,” George Deavers told 9Wants to Know Thursday. “Nowhere on the death certificate is COVID even listed. It had nothing to do with his death.”

Deavers ought to know. The death certificate he signed just this week lists the official cause of death for the 35-year old man as “ethanol toxicity.”

In other words, Deavers said, he died because he drank too much alcohol.

“We did blood work. The blood work came back at 550 [mg/dL]. Anything over 300 is lethal,” he said. To be clear, Deavers did test the body for COVID after he received word that the man might have had recent contact with someone with the virus. That test showed the man did, in fact, have COVID-19, but Deavers said he’s “99.9% certain” the virus did not cause the man’s death.

Why is COVID-19 being given such special treatment? Why is COVID-19 being automatically listed as the presumptive cause of death simply based upon a positive COVID-19 test at some time in the decedent’s past? Notice that the same is not done for cancer, diabetes, emphysema, heart disease, stroke, or any of a myriad of medical conditions. Only COVID-19 is being given as a presumptive cause of death, with it being necessary to exclude the person from the COVID-19 death statistics with a specific finding of some other cause. And that other cause must be found on a specific list of sudden trauma to be counted. Clearly, COVID-19 has become a political disease for which there is an all-out effort to inflate the death statistics.

The Project Veritas website released a video (linked below) featuring conversations with funeral home directors and their staff throughout New York City questioning the number of deaths officially attributed to the COVID-19 pandemic.

In late April 2020, a Project Veritas reporter spoke with Michael Lanza, the director of Staten Island’s Colonial Funeral Home.

“To be honest with you, all of the death certificates are writing COVID on it, they’re writing COVID on all the death certificates,” Lanza said.

Lanza said DeBlasio might see inflated COVID death tallies as a way to bring more money to New York City.

“Whether they had a positive test or didn’t, so I think again this is my personal opinion, I think like the mayor and our city–they’re looking for federal funding and the more they put COVID on the death certificate the more they can ask from the federal funds.”

The Staten Island funeral director said it did not add up to him.

“I think it’s political, so, I’m going to turn around and say: ‘You know, like, not everybody that we have here that has COVID on the death certificate died of COVID.’ Can I prove that? No, but that is my suspicion.”

Josephine DiMiceli, president of the DiMiceli and Sons, a Queens-based funeral service told a Project Veritas journalist that a Supreme Court justice got involved in one case of a non-COVID-19 death that was listed as a casualty of the pandemic.

The sister of a deceased woman called DiMiceli told her late sister suffered with Alzheimer’s Disease and was not treated for COVID-19, she said.

“The sister refused to believe that her sister had COVID-19 and like I said, she was the one that said to me she says well my cousin is you know, Chief Justice of the Supreme Court,” DiMiceli said. “We’re gonna get an autopsy,’ and I said do what you gotta do, you know and she did what she had to do and sure enough I called her and I said to her that the doctor signed the death certificate did the autopsy – no COVID-19.”

DiMiceli said to the journalist that she was curious about who the justice was, but she was too busy and too sensitive to a grieving relative to ask for the name.

“I wanted to ask her, but I was like you know what, I’m so busy I just can’t, you know I mean like you can’t ask.”

Joseph Antioco, the director of Brooklyn’s Schaeffer Funeral Home, told another undercover journalist if the deceased was not under the care of a private physician, the chances were very good their cause of death was going down as COVID-19.

“Two weeks ago, I had a 40-year-old man that died in his house, okay? They didn’t even go to the house, the guy had no underlying causes, no medical conditions, they released him from the house without even going saying he had COVID-19 because he had a fever,” he said.

“But now, how do you know that’s what he had? You don’t. But, now the death certificate showed shows that he had COVID-19,” he said.

“If you don’t have a private doctor and you weren’t under any medical care, they’re automatically putting down on the death certificate COVID-19, because they don’t wanna go–they’re so overwhelmed,” Antioco said. “They’re putting everything as COVID-19, so they’re padding the numbers.”

The Brooklyn funeral director said one reason the COVID-19 numbers are inflated is that personnel in the coroner’s office cannot keep up.

“They’re not going out to houses anymore,” he said. “They would go out to the house, they would investigate the scene, they would do some testing at the scene and then come up with a conclusion as to: ‘He had heart disease.’”

Antioco said when medical examiners are too busy and not looking to travel, COVID-19 has become the go-to cause of death.

“How many of them are actually COVID-19? Or is the M.E. (Medical Examiner) just putting that because they don’t want to go to the scene?”

The video can be seen at:

Below is an article written in the titled ‘covid19-death-figures-a-substantial-over-estimate’:

According to the Italian Institute of Health (ISS), only 12% of Italy’s reported Covid19 deaths actually listed Covid19 as the cause of death. Given that 99% of them had at least one serious co-morbidity (and that 80% of them had two such diseases) this raised serious questions as to the reliability of Italy’s reported statistics. Prof Walter Ricciardi, advisor to Italy’s health minister, explained this was caused by the “generous way the Italian government handles death certificates. The way in which we code deaths in our country is very generous in the sense that all the people who die in hospitals with the coronavirus are deemed to be dying of the coronavirus”. Essentially, Italy’s death registration process does not differentiate between those who simply have the virus in their body, and those who are actually killed by it.

Given the amount of fear and panic Italy’s comparatively alarming numbers caused around the world, you would think other nations would be eager to avoid these same mistakes. Surely all the other countries of the world are employing rigorous standards for delineating who has, and has not, fallen victim to the pandemic, right? Wrong.

In fact, rather than learning from Italy’s example, other countries are not only repeating these mistakes but going even further. In Germany, for example, though overall deaths and case-fatality ratio are far lower than Italy’s, their public health agency is still engaging in similar practice. On March 20th the President of Germany’s Robert Koch Institute confirmed that Germany counts any deceased person who was infected with coronavirus as a Covid19 death, whether or not it actually caused death.

The official U.K NHS guidance for doctors filling out death certificates is just as vague:

“If before death the patient had symptoms typical of COVID19 infection, but the test result has not been received, it would be satisfactory to give ‘COVID-19’ as the cause of death, and then share the test result when it becomes available. In the circumstances of there being no swab, it is satisfactory to apply clinical judgement”.

The government is telling doctors it is OK to list “Covid-19” as a cause of death when there is literally no evidence the deceased was infected. That means there are potentially huge numbers of “Covid19 deaths” that were never even tested for the disease.

But what the figures do not tell us is to what extent the virus is causing the death.

It could be the major cause, a contributory factor or simply present when they are dying of something else.

Below is a recent example.

An 18-year-old in Coventry tested positive for coronavirus the day before he died and was reported as its youngest victim at the time. But the hospital subsequently released a statement saying his death had been due to a separate “significant” health condition and not connected to the virus. This story is completely true. The boy was widely reported as the UK’s “youngest coronavirus victim” on March 24th, before the hospital issued a statement saying: The hospital had tested for COVID-19 on the day before he died, but this was not linked to his reason for dying.

Despite the hospital correcting the press, the case was still being reported in the tabloids a week later on March 31st. However, the important detail here is being lost. Going by the current NHS rules, despite the hospital officially saying it was not his cause of death, this boy is still part of the official coronavirus fatality statistics.

How many more people fit that profile? We will never know” – From

Minnesota State Senator Scott Jensen appeared on a local news show to report that doctors were receiving instructions from the Minnesota Department of Health to report Covid19 as a cause of death, even if the patient was never tested. Senator Jensen, who is also a practicing physician, said he had never before in his thirty-five-year career received specific instructions on how to fill out a death certificate. The apparent policy of Minnesota – to report any and all pneumonia or “flu-like illness” decedents as Covid19 cases, with or without a test – ties in with the US policy as described by the CDC’s official memos.

Why do national and regional governments appear to be going out of their way to inflate the Covid19 death statistics? Dr Jensen has his own idea:

“Well, fear is a great way to control people, and I worry about that. I worry that sometimes we’re just so interested in jazzing up the fear factor, that
you know, sometimes people’s ability to think for themselves is paralyzed if they’re frightened enough” - Minnesota State Senator Dr. Scott Jensen

Italy, Germany, the United States, Northern Ireland and England.

That’s five different governments, across four countries, all essentially saying it’s OK to just assume a patient died of Covid19, and then add that to the official statistics.

Is that really responsible practice during a potential pandemic? Are any other countries doing the same? To what extent can we trust any official death statistics at all, at this point?

Due to these policies, the simple fact is we have no reliable way of knowing how many people have died from this coronavirus. The U.K government says at the moment (June 2020) 40,000 people have died from Covid-19 but what we know is that figure is a lie. As Dr John Lee says the true figure is less than 15000. We have no hard data at all. And governments and international organizations are going out of their way to keep it that way. They are simply scaring the population into giving up their freedoms and for the forced vaccination that is to come.

Professor John Oxford of Queen Mary University London, one of the world’s leading virologists and influenza specialists, comes to the following conclusion regarding Covid19: “Personally, I would say the best advice is to spend less time watching TV news which is sensational and not very good. Personally, I view this Covid outbreak as akin to a bad winter influenza epidemic. In this case we have had 8000 deaths this last year in the ‘at risk’ groups viz over 65% people with heart disease etc. I do not feel this current Covid will exceed this number. We are suffering from a media epidemic! “

Bombshell Disclosure from a Consultant at a Major Hospital

From 911 Keep Talking Group – July 10, 2020

I am a consultant at a major, regional hospital in Surrey. By major you can take that to indicate that we have an A&E department. I had agreed to give an interview to an anti lockdown activist in which I would have revealed my identity. I have since changed my mind and only feel able to give an anonymous statement. I have changed my mind simply because that all staff, no matter what grade, at all hospitals have been warned that if they give any media interviews at all or make any statements to either the Main Stream Press or smaller, independent press /social media we may, immediately be suspended without pay. I have a family, dependents and I simply cant do it to them. I therefore can not reveal my identity at this time but wish to state as follows:

In my opinion, and that of many of my colleagues, there has been no Covid Pandemic, certainly not in the Surrey region and I have heard from other colleagues this picture is the same throughout the country. Our hospital would normally expect to see around 350,000 out patients a year. Around 95,000 patients are admitted to hospital in a normal year and we would expect to see around a similar figure, perhaps 100,000 patients pass through our A&E department. In the months from March to

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