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Sweden Success Story

As Professors Ioannidis and Bhakdi have shown, countries like South Korea, Japan and Sweden that introduced no lockdown measures have experienced near-zero excess mortality in connection with Covid-19.

Sweden didn’t institute any nation-wide lockdown orders and kept its economy open for business, their new case and death numbers appear to have already flattened and the country’s overall mortality rate is similar to the United States which closed its economy entirely in response to the virus and now faces the very real threat of a Great Depression as do other countries who locked down the population.

First, let’s compare the Covid-19 deaths per million between Sweden and the United States:

Sweden = 156 deaths per million

United States = 126 deaths per million

Remember, we are comparing deaths PER MILLION which makes the difference of 126/156 statistically negligible. In even simpler terms, it means there’s hardly any difference between the two nations at all despite Sweden taking almost no precautions against the coronavirus and the U.S. shutting down the economy and ordering people to stay home.

As of today (July25th), the number Coronavirus deaths in Sweden is 5,667 which is considerably higher than its neighbors in Norway and Denmark but lower than Belgium, Italy, France, the UK and Spain. In other words, Sweden is somewhere in the middle of the pack. Interestingly, Sweden compares quite well to poorly-governed states in the US with similar-sized populations. Take a look:

Sweden: No Lockdown

Population of 10.2 million

Coronavirus deaths –5,667

Lockdown State#1: New York City (Democrat Governor, Andrew Cuomo)

Population– 8.3 million

Coronavirus deaths– 32,133 (5 and a half time more than Sweden with 2 million less people)

Lockdown State#2: New Jersey (another Democrat governor, Phil Murphy)

Population– 9.2 million (1 million less than Sweden)

Coronavirus deaths– 15,684 (nearly 3 times as many as Sweden with a smaller population.)

Lockdown State#3: Massachusetts (another Democrat Governor, Charlie Baker)

Population– 6.9 million #.3 million less than Sweden)

Coronavirus deaths– 8,380 (1 and a half times Sweden’s total with 3 million less people.)

These are the real Coronavirus losers, the three states that are run by liberal governors who imposed counterproductive lockdowns that collapsed their economies, killed tens of thousands of people, and did nothing to staunch the spread of the infection. In contrast, Sweden has weathered the storm nicely, built up the public’s innate immunity and put the economy back on the road to recovery. Take a look:

“Unlike most European countries, Sweden didn’t impose strict lockdown measures. Now it’s reaping the rewards — economically speaking, at least. A report from Capital Economics published on Tuesday found that the Swedish economy was the least harmed in Europe, describing it as the “best of a bad bunch.”

Though Sweden was not immune to the pandemic’s economic impact, it was the only major economy to grow in the first quarter of the year, the report noted….

“The Swedish economy has weathered Covid well, thanks in part to the government’s light-touch lockdown, and our forecast of a 1.5% drop in GDP this year is well above consensus,” the economists Andrew Kenningham, David Oxley, and Melanie Debono wrote.” (“Sweden weathers 2020’s economic storm better than anywhere else”, Business Insider)

Two years ago the CDC estimated some 80,000 Americans died of the flu. As of right now about half that number have died of Covid-19 and current projects have the total death toll coming it at or below 60,000 – much fewer than died of the flu in 2018.

America didn’t close its economy in 2018. Nor did it force its people stay home, not drive, not visit family, not plant gardens, etc. Sweden continues to enjoy meals out, playing in parks, and making a living, in the United States neighbors are reporting on other neighbors for things like gathering outside, planting gardens, and/or not standing more than six feet away.

In the video above Professor Johan Giesecke, one of the world’s most senior epidemiologists, advisor to the Swedish Government (he hired Anders Tegnell who is currently directing Swedish strategy), the first Chief Scientist of the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control, and an advisor to the director general of the WHO, lays out with typically Swedish bluntness why he thinks:

- UK policy on lockdown and other European countries are not evidence-based

- The correct policy is to protect the old and the frail only

- This will eventually lead to herd immunity as a “by-product”

- The initial UK response, before the “180 degree U-turn”, was better

- The Imperial College paper was “not very good” and he has never seen an unpublished paper have so much policy impact

- The paper was very much too pessimistic

- Any such models are a dubious basis for public policy anyway

- The flattening of the curve is due to the most vulnerable dying first as much as the lockdown

- The results will eventually be similar for all countries

- Covid-19 is a “mild disease” and similar to the flu, and it was the novelty of the disease that scared people.

- The actual fatality rate of Covid-19 is the region of 0.1%

- At least 50% of the population of both the UK and Sweden will be shown to have already had the disease when mass antibody testing becomes available

Other countries who did not lockdown the population also had a low death rate. As of April 2020 Iceland’s deaths per million was of 29, Belarus was 5, Japan 2 and Mexico 6. All these countries did not lockdown the population. Now let us look at the deaths per million of the countries that did lockdown the population. U.K 243, France 310, Spain 446, Italy 399 and Belguim 503.

So as you can see the lockdown of a country did not reduce the death rate at all, there is no evidence of that. In fact the opposite is true. The lockdown’s were put in place to scare people so much that they would accept the taking away of more of their freedoms and for them to accept a mandatory vaccination at a later date.

This strongly suggests the State and the pathetic mainstream media, adhering to a globalist agenda, have colluded to mislead the public into believing the COVID 19 (C19) threat is far greater than it actually is.

C19 can be fatal for those with pre-existing health issues, and possibly even some without, as can other forms of pneumonia and influenza-like respiratory illness. However, while every C19 death has been reported, none of the far greater number of people who have died in the UK this year from other respiratory infections have even been mentioned. Systems have been created to ensure the C19 statistics are as terrifying as possible. It seems we have been inculcated with misplaced fear to justify the lockdown regime, to convince us to accept it and prepare us for what is to come.

COVID-19 PCR tests are Faulty

The RT-PCR test commonly used to test for Covid-19 does not appear to be very reliable, nor is it designed as a diagnostic tool for identifying viruses.

A study from the Department of Microbiology, Queen Mary Hospital, University of Hong Kong found wild variations in RT-PCR accuracy. It was found to be between 22% – 80% reliable depending on how it was applied. This general unreliability has been confirmed by other studies. Further studies show clear discrepancies between RT-PCR test results and clinical indication from CT scans. This means that all the people who get a positive test for Covid-19, there is an 80% chance the test was a failure. So when the British Government states 40,000 people in the U.K have died of Covid-19 there is a good chance that 80% of them did not have Covid-19.

The MSM has suggested that enhanced RT-PCR testing can detect the virus SARS-CoV-2 and, in particular, the amount of it in the patient’s system, the viral load. This is disinformation. The Nobel winning scientist who devised PCR, Karry Mullis, speaking about the use of PCR to detect HIV stated: “Quantitative PCR is an oxymoron. PCR is intended to identify substances qualitatively, but by its very nature is unsuited for estimating numbers [viral load]…These tests cannot detect free, infectious viruses at all…The tests can detect genetic sequences of viruses, but not viruses themselves.”

Kary Mullis himself, the inventor of the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) technology, (this got him the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1993) passed away last year at the age of 74, but there is no doubt that the biochemist regarded the PCR as inappropriate to detect a viral infection.

The reason is that the intended use of the PCR was, and still is, to apply it as a manufacturing technique, being able to replicate DNA sequences millions and billions of times, and not as a diagnostic tool to detect viruses.

In the video below a nurse shows you how the PCR test that is supposed to detect Covid-19 has an 80% failure rate.

This PCR faulty testing can also be seen in the actions of the President of Tanzania. President Magufuli of Tanzania tested fruit, goats, motor oil and more with Covid-19 tests and the results were positive. This proves how fake the Covid-19 tests are. The president of Tanzania was suspicious of the coronavirus testing kits, so he sampled various random items from fruit to goats to motor oil and sent them in for Covid-19 testing under various people's names. All but the motor oil came back positive. How can a piece of fruit or a goat have Covid-19? This was done because he noticed that all the Covid tests were coming back positive and he did not believe it. So he started rubbing the swabs on random crap, attached false identities to them and they still came back positive. He called it an act of war by white countries and others who have a lot to gain from this virus being perceived as real.

There are now two possibilities: 1.The test kits are 100 percent faulty. 2. The virus is in the testing kits and that up your nose swab is actually delivering the disease into your body.

Actually point 2 is interesting because my wife is a Care Assistant in a Residential care home and a few of the residents had contracted the Coronavirus so my wife got an appointment with the NHS Covid-19 testing facility although she had NO symptoms of this Coronavirus and the test came back negative. However 3 days later she was struck down with an illness. She had a fever, she had aching muscles and lost her sense of smell and taste and generally just felt unwell and she stayed in bed for three days. The question is did she catch this Coronavirus from the testing kit where she had to stick a swab to the back of her throat and nose? She attempted to go to the Doctors but the Doctors where not accepting any patients. My wife took a further PCR test but it still came back negative and yet another work colleague who had no symptoms at all had a PCR test and her result was positive, which shows you that the tests are faulty. Imagine the millions of people who are not getting the help they need from their doctors or hospitals for real illnesses and having their operations cancelled all in the name of fighting this Covid-19 virus which is nothing more than another strain of the Flu. As many other doctors have said the lockdowns are killing more people than the virus itself.

The Bulgarian Pathology Association has taken the stance that the testing used to identify the new coronavirus in patients is “scientifically meaningless.” This comes after the president of the Bulgarian Pathology Association, Dr. Stoian Alexov, said that European pathologists haven’t

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