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a day internally, while you are using external applications.

2. Use the compound of tincture of iodine the same way, externally. This is not so strong and can be used longer with, I think, better results. At the same time you may use this same medicine internally. Take one to two drops internally three times a day; or you may take five grains of iodide of potash three times a day instead. Externally: These applications must produce a little redness and be continued for some time.

3. An Ointment. The red iodide of mercury is also good to rub on the part. This may be used if the others fail.

4. Other medical remedies are used, but they must be closely watched and must be used under the supervision of a doctor. The thymus or thyroid extracts are thus used and with good results in many cases.

5. Colorless Iodine: This does not stain, but I have no faith in it. It is used very much now and can be used freely. It is simply, druggists tell me, iodide of potash made in solution, dissolved, and put on the part. A great many cases of large goitres are now being operated upon with quite good success. It is not done until other measures have failed, unless the goitre is interfering with breathing and the blood supply.

6. This is very good, both for internal and external use.

    Iodide of Potash 20 drams
    Iodine 1 dram
    Water enough for 3 ounces

Mix thoroughly and shake bottle before using.

Put some in two bottles; one for internal and other for external use. Take internally five to ten drops in a little water before meals. Externally, put on the enlarged neck, night and morning, unless it feels too sore, when you can use it once a day or less.


EXOPHTHALMIC GOITRE. (Parry's, Graves or Basedows Disease).—It is characterized by exophthalmos (bulging of the eyes), Goitre, fast beating of the heart, trembling and nervousness.

Causes.—It is most common in women from twenty to thirty. Several cases may occur in the same family. The exact cause is unknown.

Symptoms.—Acute cases. Sudden onset, vomiting, diarrhea, the heart beats fast with throbbing arteries, bulging of the eyes, enlarged thyroid gland. Death may occur in a few days.

Chronic Cases.—There is usually a gradual onset of tachy cardia,—fast beating of the heart,—pulse being 100 to 180 or more, if excited. Later there are throbbing of the arteries and of the thyroid glands.

Bulging of the eyeball is sometimes extreme. There may be fever and usually is anemia, emaciation, weakness, nervousness, perspiration, difficult breathing, dark color of the skin. It usually lasts several years. Spontaneous recovery may occur in six months to a year and is not common. Recovery is rare in advanced cases.

Treatment.—Prolonged rest in bed, with an ice bag constantly over the heart, or better over the lower part of the neck and upper breast bone. Avoid all worry and excitement. Drugs are uncertain. Surgery is sometimes resorted to. The thyroid extract has been used.

MYXOEDEMA.—This is a constitutional disease due to atrophy (wasting away) of the thyroid gland and characterized by swollen condition of the tissue under the skin, wasting of the thyroid and mental failures. Three forms exist, myxoedema proper, cretinism and operative myxoedcma.

Causes of Cretinism.—This may exist at birth (congenital) or it may develop at puberty, and is due to the absence or loss of function of the thyroid gland. Sporadic (here and there) cretinism may follow an acute infectious disease or it may be congenital. Myxoedema may be hereditary and is most common in women.

Symptoms, (a) Cretinism.—Mental and bodily development is slow. There is extraordinary disproportion between the different parts of the body. The condition is sometimes not recognized until the child is six or seven years old, then the slow development is noticed. The tongue looks large and hangs out of the mouth. The hair may be thin, the skin very dry. Usually by the end of the first year and during the second year the signs of the cretinism become very marked and should be recognized. The face looks large, looks bloated, the eyelids are puffy and swollen, the nose is flat and depressed and thick. Teething is late, and the teeth that do appear decay. The fontanelles are open. The abdomen is swollen, the legs are short and thick, the hands and feet are not developed and look pudgy. The face is pale and has a waxy, sallow tint. The muscles are weak and the child cannot support itself. Above the collar bone there are pads of fat. The child does not develop mentally and there may be one of the grades of idiocy and imbecility (feeble-minded).


(b) Myxoedema, proper—The skin is infiltrated, causing loss of the lines of the facial expression, skin is dry and harsh, much thickened, especially in the region above the collar bone. The face is broad, with coarse features, the nose is broad and thick, the mouth is large, lips thick, hair scanty and coarse, slowness of motion and thought, weak memory, irritability, headache, suspiciousness, followed sometimes by hallucinations, delusion and dementia (insane). The disease may progress for ten or fifteen years. Death may occur early.

Operative type.—This rarely develops except the thyroid glands have been entirely removed and then only if no extra glands are present.

Symptoms.—Are the same as that of cretinism.

Treatment.—An even, warm climate. Thyroid extract, to be given by a physician, is the remedy. After the recovery occasional small doses still may be necessary for some, or in cretinism for life.


NEURALGIA.—Pain occurring in the course of the nerves and in their area of distribution. The pain has remission and intermissions, and is due to some morbid affection of the nerves of sensation or their spinal or (brain) centers.

Causes.—The affection may depend upon some functional disturbance alone; or it may be due to some organic disease of the nerve or to some disease or diseased state outside of the nervous system. It occurs more frequently in women past the middle-age, in those of a nervous tendency. As stated, it affects women more than men. Debility is a frequent cause. Neuralgia is frequently associated with the various forms of anemia. It may occur at the onset of acute diseases like typhoid fever. Exposure to cold causes it in susceptible persons. Decayed teeth may cause neuralgia of the fifth nerve. It also occurs in rheumatism, gout, lead poisoning, and diabetes. Persistent neuralgia may be a feature of hidden Bright's disease.

Symptoms.—Pain is the chief and characteristic symptom. It may develop suddenly and without warning, or soreness or stiffness in the tissues surrounding may precede it. There is a burning or violent sensation in the course of the affected nerve, increased on exertion in acute cases. In other cases the pain comes intermittently or in paroxysms, and is of a darting, stabbing character, or accompanied by tingling sensations. There may be a want of sensation of the skin in the affected region or over-sensitiveness over the entire nerve-trunk with certain painful points. The attacks of pain may come only at long intervals of time, but usually they occur every few minutes and last for some hours. Pain may be continued for hours or days in severe cases. In rare cases it may persist for months or years, being worse at a certain time each day, especially in cases where malaria exists. There is paleness or congestion of the part affected, various eruptions, and changes in the color of the hair occur and, in advanced chronic cases, symptoms of interference with the general nutrition also occur. Spasms of the adjacent muscles may accompany the severe paroxysms.


[Illustration: The Nervous System.]


Varieties.—Neuralgia may be classified according to its causes, as neurotic, toxic, rheumatic, etc.; or according to its location as trifacial, intercostal, sciatic, and so on, Exposure to cold, mechanical irritations, tumors, pressure on the nerves, and wounds may lead to neuralgia. It is more frequent in cold and damp climates than in dry and warm locations; everyone should remember the causes.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Neuralgia.—1. Lemon Juice as Liniment for.—"Cut a lemon in two and squeeze juice on parts afflicted and rub in, then place hot cloths over it. I know this will cure the pain." This is very good.

2. Neuralgia, Salt and Vinegar Will Relieve.—"A small sack of hot salt applied to the pain, or steam with vinegar." The heat from the salt is very effective and the moisture of the vinegar is also very good. This simply produces a counter irritation.

3. Neuralgia, Quinine Will Cure.—"Use quinine three times a day." It is well in taking quinine to take two grains three times a day for two days, then take some good cathartic, so as not allow the quinine to remain in the system. This is very beneficial, especially when neuralgia is due to malarial conditions.

4. Neuralgia, Four Ingredient Remedy for.—

    "Oil of Peppermint 1 ounce
    Oil of Mustard (strong) 1/4 ounce
    Vinegar 1 pint
    White of one egg.

Beat egg and stir all together."

5. Neuralgia, Good Liniment for.—

    "Essential Oil of Mustard 1 dram
    Tincture Aconite 1 dram
    Glycerin 1 ounce
    Alcohol 4 ounces

Mix and shake well before using."

This remedy is a valuable external preparation for all nervous and neuralgia pains, rub twice a day until relieved.

6. Neuralgia, Menthol Liniment for.—"One dram of menthol liniment, two ounces of alcohol. This makes a very excellent liniment for many purposes. For rheumatism, neuralgia, headache, etc." This liniment will be found very beneficial as the menthol is soothing and quieting, and we all know that alcohol is very good to be applied for any of the above mentioned diseases.

7. Neuralgia, Belladonna Plaster for.—"Melt three ounces of rosin plaster and add one-half ounce of extract of belladonna. An excellent application in neuralgia and rheumatism."


PHYSICIANS' GENERAL TREATMENT for Neuralgia.—Remove the cause if possible. If from anemia, give tonics for that and try to cure that disease. Tonics with good nourishing food, and proper surroundings are needed for anemia. In malaria, syphilitic or gouty patients, constitutional treatment must be given for those diseases before the neuralgia will be better. The systematic use of galvanic electricity, properly used, is the most valuable means at the physician's disposal, especially in the descending current, beginning with the mild current and gradually increasing in strength. Internally: Arsenic, bromine, ergotinc, aconite, gelsemium, valerian, ether, cannabis indica and quinine are recommended. Opium may be used in the very severe forms, but it must be used with caution, or you will make your patient a drug fiend, and his latter state will be worse than the first condition. Wet compresses, vapor baths, cold affusions, wet cloths, are highly recommended.

1. For the Cure of an Attack—

    Antipyrine 30 grains
    Citrate of Caffeine 20 grains

Make into ten powders. Take one everyone-half hour until 3 doses are taken. Three (3) doses at least should relieve the neuralgia.

2. Antipyrine 30 to 60 grams
    Bromide of Potash 3 drams

Mix: and make into ten powders; one every thirty minutes until relieved or until six doses have been taken; this is better than the first prescription when there is much nervousness with the neuralgia or neuralgic headaches.

3. If caffeine in first prescription causes nervousness, give this one:

    Antipyrine 30 to 60 grains
    Citrate of Caffeine 10 grains
    Bromide of Potash 3 drams

Mix and make ten powders. Take one every half hour until relieved or until six doses have been used.

These are very effective prescriptions, but if a person has any heart trouble I would not advise their use except under a physician's care. (Sometimes a patient

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