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with neuralgia gets desperate, and he will even resort to morphine). Antipyrine is one of the simplest coal tar remedies, and most persons can safely take it. Persons who are subject to neuralgia or headaches need to take good care of themselves. Get plenty of rest and sleep. Neuralgia at first can be cured, but when it once becomes chronic, especially neuralgia of the face, it is hard to cure and frequently makes life a constant misery. Plenty of outdoor life is essential. In that way the system will be built up, and when the body is strong the disease can be thrown off much easier. A great many people depend too much upon strong medicines. Medicines are all right in their place, but all the medicine in the world cannot cure a person unless that person does his or her part. [NERVOUS SYSTEM 265]

SPECIAL DISEASES. Facial Neuralgia. (Neuralgia of the fifth pair of Cranial Nerves. Also known as Trifacial Neuralgia. Neuralgia of the Trigeminus. Tic doloureux, etc.).—This form is more frequent than all other forms combined, this nerve being peculiarly susceptible to functional and organic disorders. All three branches are very rarely affected together, the ophthalmic (eye) branch being most often involved. The symptoms depend upon the branch involved.

1. Ophthalmic Neuralgia Pain, (eye neuralgia pain).—This pain is above the eye, or frontal kind, with a special painful point at the supraorbital (above the eye) notch. Sometimes the pain is very severe in the eye-ball.

2. Supramaxillary Neuralgia.—In this the pain is along the infraorbital (nerve beneath the eye) nerve, and there is a marked tender point at the opening in the bone (infraorbital foramen) beneath the eye. A toothache-like pain in the upper teeth is common in this variety.

3. Inframaxillary (lower maxillary) Neuralgia.—This is characterized by a scattered (diffused) pain along the inferior dental (teeth) branch, and extends from the temporal (side forehead) region over the side of the face to the chin, with pain in the lower teeth and side of the tongue. The pain in this nerve may come on without any special cause, or it may come after excitement of a physical or mental nature. Disorders of nutrition occur. The circulation is interfered with and the face, at first pale, becomes red. Eruptions may appear along the course of the nerve, while salivation and "running" (lachrymation) of the eyes are often prominent symptoms. Spasms of muscles of the face (tic doloureux) may accompany the paroxysms and this is the most terrible form of nerve pain. The attacks may be mild or very severe and sometimes sudden. This is a terrible disease, especially when it has existed for some time. A person with severe pain in the face should always attend to it immediately, before it becomes chronic.

Treatment.—It is directed towards removing the cause, if possible. Chronic cases are difficult to cure. The patient should be careful not to take cold, keep strong and healthy by regular hours for sleep, good sufficient clothing. The general health must be improved. These directions apply to all kinds of neuralgia.

INTERCOSTAL NEURALGIA.—A neuralgia of one or more of the intercostal nerves. These nerves run in a groove in the lower edge of the ribs. Causes.—It may develop without any special cause. It comes in anemia, after exposure to cold, from affection of the vertebrae, ribs, spinal cord, or from the pressure of tumors, or aneurism of the aorta. This is next in importance to neuralgia of the fifth nerve, and occurs more often in women and very common in those who have hysteria. It is more common on the left side and mostly in the nerves situated from the fifth to the ninth intercostal space. If it is located in the nerves distributed to the mammary glands it gives rise to neuralgia of the mammary gland. The flying darts of pain in the chest (pleurodynia) are to be regarded as neuralgic in character.


Symptoms.—The pain is usually very severe, especially on movement of the intercostal (between the ribs) muscles. With this pain, as a rule, an eruption (herpes) appears along the course of the affected nerve and this is supposed to be due to the extension of the inflammation from the nerve-ends to the skin. Pain, when pressed upon, is most marked near the spinal vertebral, the breastbone (sternal) end and the middle part of the nerve. The trouble may continue a long time after the eruption (herpes) has disappeared, for it is very obstinate.

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT for Intercostal Neuralgia.—This consists in using remedies that will cause counter-irritation. Electricity and pain destroying (anodynes) remedies are indicated in chronic cases. Apply heat for pain in the "breasts." For the eruption an ointment like oxide of zinc can be used.

Local Treatment.—A mustard plaster is frequently good to use. It produces the counter-irritation desired. Application of dry heat from hot cloths; a hot sand bag may help in some cases. A rubber bag containing hot water can also be used. Fomentations of hops, etc., applied hot and frequently changed to keep them hot are beneficial in some cases. I have found in some cases that an adhesive plaster put over the sore parts relieves the severe pain. Porous plasters are also good. Tincture of ranunculus bulbosus (buttercup) is a good remedy. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water, and take two teaspoonfuls every hour.

[Illustration: Sciatic Nerve.]

SCIATICA.—This is as a rule a neuritis of the sciatic nerve or of its cords of origin. It is characterized by pain chiefly along the course of the sciatic nerve.

Causes.—It occurs most commonly in adult males. The person may have a history of rheumatism or gout in many cases. Exposure to cold after heavy muscular work or exertion, or a severe wetting are common causes. The nerves in the pelvis may be compressed by large tumors of the ovaries or womb, by other tumors, or by the child's head during confinement. Occasionally hip joint disease causes it. The nerve, as a rule, is swollen, reddened, and in a condition of "interstitial neuritis." The pain may be most severe where the nerves emerge from the hip bone, behind, or in the inner back, and middle part of the thigh.


Symptoms.—Pain is the most constant and troublesome. It is sometimes very severe. The onset is usually gradual, and for a time there is only a slight pain in the back of the thigh; soon the pain becomes more intense, extends down the thighs, and leg and reaches to different parts of the foot. The very sensitive spots can often be pointed out by the patient, and on pressure these spots are very painful. It is gnawing and burning in character, usually constant, but sometimes it comes in paroxysms, and is often worse at night. Walking usually causes great pain. The knee is bent and the patient treads on his toes. As a rule it is an obstinate trouble, and it may last for months, or even with slight remissions for years. In the severer forms the patient must remain in bed and such cases are very trying for both patient and doctor.

(See Mothers' Remedies under Neuralgia above).

PHYSICIANS' TREATMENT. Cautions for Sciatica.—Remove all causes if you can. Rheumatism and gout, if the patient have them, should be treated. The patient should not overwork or expose himself to wet, damp weather. Keep every part dry. Rest in bed with the whole leg fixed is a valuable mode of treatment in many cases. Hot water bags from the hip to the knee placed along the painful nerve, sometimes gives great relief. Mud baths are beneficial. Hot Springs baths relieve many cases. Fly blisters placed along the track of the nerve relieve the pain in many cases. Fomentations of smartweed and hops are good, but they must be changed often so as to be hot. Wet or dry cupping is a help in many cases. It draws the blood from the inflamed nerve. Morphine given hypodermically will relieve the pain, but it is a dangerous medicine to use in a chronic case. The patient will be very likely to form the habit, and that is worse than the sciatica. By care and treatment most cases can be greatly helped and cured. Rhus tox (poison ivy) is very good in minute doses in cases where it is impossible to remain in one position for any length of time. Ten drops of the tincture in a glass two-thirds full of water and two teaspoonfuls given every hour. I have helped many cases with this remedy. The hot iron along the track of the nerve is helpful. Electricity is better in a chronic case where there is wasting of the legs, and it should be combined with massage. The galvanic current should be used.

MOTHERS' REMEDIES. Nervousness. 1. Catnip Tea for.—"A tea made of catnip will quiet the nerves. This is good for women when they are apt to be nervous."

2. Nervousness, Hops Will Stop.—"Purchase a small package of hops at any drug store, and make a tea of it, drinking frequently in tablespoonful doses." It is a harmless remedy, and should be used more freely by nervous people. The hops are very soothing. Nervous mothers should never be without this. It is surprising to see how few people know the value of some of these simple home remedies.

3. Nervousness, Effective Remedy for.—

    "Spirits of Camphor 1/2 ounce
    Comp. Spirits of Lavender 1/2 ounce
    Tincture of Valerian 1 ounce
    Sulphuric Ether 1/2 ounce

Mix. Dose, one or two teaspoonfuls every three hours."


The foregoing remedy is very effective, as spirits of camphor and the tincture valerian quiet the nerves. The sulphuric ether also has a soothing effect. This combination makes a fine tonic, but should not be taken too long, as it is quite strong.

4. Nervousness, Five Ingredient Remedy That Relieves.—"In extreme nervous debility with tendency to fainting fits, use the following:

    Spirits of Camphor 1/2 ounce
    Aromatic Spirits of Ammonia 1/2 ounce
    Spirits of Lavender Compound 1 ounce
    Tincture Valerian 1 ounce
    Tincture Castor 1 ounce

Mix. Dose.—From one to three teaspoonfuls at intervals of from fifteen minutes to three hours, according to urgency of symptoms. This mixture should be kept on hand by all persons subject to fainting fits."

Spirits of camphor and aromatic spirits of ammonia stimulates the heart, while the tincture of valerian quiets the nervous system.

5. Nervousness, "Lady's Slippers" Breaks up.—"A decoction is made with two ounces of the root, sliced, to two pints of water, boiled to one and one-half pints. Dose: One tablespoonful four times a day. Has been used with marked success in epilepsy and in other various nervous diseases." This is used very extensively for nervous people, and has proven very successful.

HEADACHE.—This term means a pain in the head, all over the head, or at one particular spot. It may be only a symptom of a general constitutional derangement, some disease of some other organ, a temporary inability of some organ like the stomach, liver, bowels, etc., to do work, or it may be due to some local affection depending upon some trouble with the skull and its contents. It is frequently but a symptom of some other trouble. It occurs in fevers, infectious diseases, brain disease, etc. There are different varieties depending upon the causes.

  Sick Headache.
  Nervous Headache.
  Catarrhal Headache.
  Congestive Headache.
  Neuralgic or Gastric (stomach) Headache.
  Bilious Headache.
  "Bowel" Headache.
  "Womb" Headache.
  Rheumatic Headache.


CATARRHAL HEADACHE and RHEUMATIC HEADACHE may be treated together. This is due to exposure to a draught of air, walking against the sharp and keen wind, by getting the feet or other parts of the body wet, sudden suppression of perspiration about the head, or by some other exposure such as might result from cold, influenza or attack of rheumatism. There may be aching pains and a feeling of heavy weight in the forehead; tearing, stitching pains above the eyes, in the cheek bones; sometimes the skull feels as if it would fall to pieces. In the rheumatic variety the scalp is sore and tender, tearing throbbing pains or hard aching pains. There is some fever, dry skin, the pulse is faster.

Treatment.—Get into a sweat

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