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by hot drinks of lemonade and hot foot baths.
Apply cold or warmth to the head, lie down and keep quiet.

Medicine.—Aconite in doses of one-tenth of a drop to an adult every hour will frequently abort it: open the bowels with salts. Remain in bed.

NERVOUS HEADACHE.—This may occur as a sick headache or be simply a nervous headache: This occurs oftenest in a nervous person, or in persons who are run down by different causes, such as diseases, overwork, worry, trouble, etc. It is not periodic, and has no fixed type, but breaks out at indefinite intervals, and is excited by almost any special cause such as motions, mental exertions, menses, excitement, overdoing, over-visiting, want of sleep. It is often due to eye strain in persons who have poorly fitted, or who do not wear glasses. It appears in any part of the head, usually one-sided, or it may be all over the head, which feels enlarged and sometimes as if a band was around it. The least mental effort makes it worse. Sometimes there is a feeling as if a nail was being driven into the head; head is too big; eyes feel heavy and the lids droop; sees double; hard to keep eyes open. This kind of headache, or sick-headache, can be brought on suddenly by womb trouble, especially if the womb has fallen from a jar, fall, etc. The patient often moans and cries, laments and simply cannot stand thc pain. In some cases the menses cause it, and it appears at every menstrual period.

Treatment.—The patient should be quiet and remain in bed in a darkish room. Womb troubles and other diseases that cause it such as protruding piles, etc., should be attended to. Tincture gelsemium is a good remedy. Put ten drops in a glass half full of water, and take two teaspoonfuls every half hour until better. A tea made from lady's slipper is also effective in some cases, used freely. Bromide of potash in ten-grain doses one-half hour apart, for three doses, if necessary, is quieting in many attacks. Mustard plaster to back of the neck.

CONGESTIVE HEADACHE.—In this kind there is or seems to be too much blood in the head. The patient may be stupid, with a flushed face. If conscious, the brain feels as if it was rising or falling, especially upon the motion of the head. The top of the head sometimes feels as if it would fly off. The head throbs and beats violently. The hands and feet may be cold, the face flushed or pale, the eyes bright, the pulse is generally heavy, full and fast, or it may be feeble, slow and intermittent.


Treatment.—1. The patient should remain in bed in a dark room, with the head usually high. Cold should be applied to the head and heat to the hands and feet. Move the bowels with salts and, if necessary, give an enema also. It is well to give the foot-bath before going to bed. If these things do not relieve the headache a doctor should be called, for it may mean something serious. A hot mustard foot-bath and a mustard plaster applied to the nape of the neck are of great value. In severe cases an ice bag or very cold water, applied to the forehead and temples will very often give great relief.

2. Spirits of Camphor 1 ounce
    Spirits of Lavender 2 ounces
    Alcohol 2 ounces

Wet the top of the head with it.

3. Camphor 1 dram
    Oil of Peppermint 1 dram
    Chloroform 1-1/2 ounces
    Alcohol enough for 3 ounces

Shake the bottle and apply a little of the liquid to the place. Horseback riding and walking are good for nervous girls and women.

NEURALGIC HEADACHE.—This commonly comes periodically, usually, one- sided. It may occur at the same hour for several days in succession. The pains are of all kinds. It may start in the morning or at any time. It involves more especially the eyes, side of the head, face, and goes into the teeth and neck. It comes in persons subject to neuritis in other parts or neuralgia.

Treatment.—Build up the system with tonics in the interval. Lead a quiet restful life. Acetanilid in five-grain doses frequently relieves it. This is a dangerous medicine to use, except under a doctor's supervision. Spigelia in doses of one-twelfth of a drop of the tincture is good for left-sided attacks; two doses are enough, one-half hour apart.

STOMACH OR GASTRIC HEADACHE.—This, as the name indicates, is due to some acute or chronic trouble with the stomach. It is caused by over-loading the stomach, or eating food that does not agree, such as fat meat, gravies, starchy food, warm bread, pastry, etc., or it may be due to dyspepsia. The tongue is generally coated, the mouth tastes bitter. If it is acute and the stomach is full, take a common emetic like warm water, salt water or mustard water. If it is due to decomposed food, drink lots of warm water and take an enema and also a dose of salts. If there is much gas in the stomach, take some baking soda in a glass of warm water; one drop doses of tincture of nux vomica every half hour for three hours often relieves.


HEADACHE FROM CONSTIPATION.—This is frequent. There is generally a dull, heavy feeling in the forehead, the head feels full and sometimes dizzy, the patient feels blue and morose, the tongue is coated on its back part, mouth tastes bitter, patient is drowsy and stupid and work goes hard. A free passage from the bowels relieves the headache.

Treatment.—Cure the constipation as directed in another part of the book. Take a good full enema of warm soap suds and water, and one drop of tincture of nux vomica every hour for six hours during the attack.

BILIOUS HEADACHE.—This is so-called because the bilious symptoms are the most prominent. It may be caused by violent anger, disputes, excessive eating causing congestion of the liver; abuse of spirits; some persons are of a bilious constitution and the least error in diet and habit produces such an attack. The pain may be violent or dull, the head may throb terribly; the whites of the eyes have a yellowish look, and the face may be of a dark brown hue, the patient may vomit bile. The vomiting causes more brain distress. The mouth is bitter, the tongue coated yellowish, the breath smells badly. Bowels may be irregular.

Treatment.—A free movement of the bowels often relieves. First take an enema and then one-half ounce of epsom salts. Do not eat anything but drink all the water you may wish. A tea made of blue flag is often of benefit. The diet should be regulated so as not to overload the stomach and liver and the bowels should move freely daily.

WOMB HEADACHE.—Women who suffer from womb troubles such as leucorrhea, torn cervix, falling womb displacements and diseases of the inner womb, ovaries and tubes, suffer from all kinds of headache. The pain may be in the nape of the neck, the back part of the head and on the top behind (occiput). It may come on suddenly when the womb is displaced by a sudden fall or over-lifting, etc. The woman should then go to bed and lie down with her arms crossed over her chest, with the knees drawn up and weight resting upon them and chest with the buttocks elevated, (knee-chest- position). This replaces the womb. The other troubles should be corrected or these headaches will keep on. The womb and its appendages are the cause of many kinds of headaches, neuralgias, dyspepsia, and constipation; correct the troubles and the headache will disappear.

MENSTRUAL HEADACHES.—These are very common. They may be regular every month, and they are then caused by some trouble with the womb or ovaries, or may be due to a run-down condition or heredity. It comes sometimes from suppression of the menses as a consequence of some violent emotion, fright, anger, grief, or by exposure to wet, draughts of air, privations, over-fatigue, etc. It may last for several days. The headache may be mild or severe.

Treatment.—A foot bath or sitz bath is very good, with free drinking of pennyroyal tea after the bath, and when in bed. Place warmth to the feet, moist heat over the abdomen, such as a hot water bag or fomentations. Remain quietly in bed. If constipated, take an enema. Frequently a free bowel movement gives much relief in this trouble. During the interval doctor the patient for the trouble causing the headache for which see another part of this book, "Diseases of Women."


MOTHERS' REMEDIES, 1. Headache, Paregoric and Soda for.—"A teaspoonful of paregoric, with one-half teaspoonful of baking soda in a tumbler of water, May be taken all at once or sipped slowly."

2. Headache, Hops Good for.—"Make a strong decoction of hop tea, and take a wineglassful every half hour until relieved." This is an old tried remedy and a good one.

3. Headache, Mustard Excellent for.—"Place a mustard plaster on the back of the head, also bathe the feet in mustard water and stay in a darkened room, and avoid all excitement and noise." The one essential thing is to get the nerves quieted; take as little food as possible for twenty-four hours, giving the stomach an opportunity to rest, as most of the headaches come from a disordered stomach.

4. Headache, Peppermint Beneficial for,—"Bathe the head in strong peppermint. Then apply cloths wrung from water as hot as can be endured." Hot or cold applications are known to be very beneficial. After the cloths are taken off, the soothing effect can be further enhanced by gentle rubbing of the forehead.

5. Headache, Cold Application in Case of.—"Apply cold applications on the forehead and over the eyes." These cold applications have been known to give relief in a very few minutes to many people suffering with severe headaches. It is well to continue the treatment; even after relief has been obtained, for at least a half hour. Gentle rubbing of the head is very good, also.

6. Headache, Castor Oil Will Relieve.—"One tablespoonful of castor oil. Have used this and found relief." This remedy gives relief as the castor oil carries off the food that is distressing the stomach. It is well to take two tablespoonfuls of lime-water in a glass of milk three times a day for about a week after the castor oil has operated.

SICK HEADACHE. (Migraine. Hemicrania).—Migraine is a peculiar form of severe paroxysms of unilateral (one side) headache often associated with disorders of sight.

Causes.—It is frequently hereditary, and it has occurred through several generations. Women and members of nervous families are usually attacked. Many of the headaches from eye-strain are of this type, It is often inherited, and may last from puberty to the menopause. Some authors claim that decay of the teeth without toothache will cause it. Adenoid growths in the pharynx and particularly abnormal conditions of the nose will cause it. Many of the attacks of severe headaches in children are of this nature, and the eyes, nose and throat should be examined when children or older persons suffer from this complaint. Mental emotion, physical or mental fatigue, disorders of the female genital organs, eye-strain, etc., loud noises, toothache, act as predisposing causes. Some think it a poisonous condition due to the absorption of poisons from the stomach and intestines, and others regard it as a nervous condition due to anemia and all conditions which weaken the resistance of the nervous system.


Symptoms.—The premonitory symptoms, which may last a few hours or a day or more, are sleepy feelings of discomfort, uneasiness, weariness, chills, vertigo (dizziness), disturbance of the sight or disturbances of the senses. The real attack may follow quickly, beginning with the characteristic headache, at first one sided, located in one spot in the temple, eye or back of the head, but spreading, as it increases in severity, until it involves all of one side of the head and occasionally both sides. The pain is usually constant and of great severity and it is increased by motion, noises, light, or mental strain. The skin over the painful part is very sensitive. There are loss of appetite,

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