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of Wyoming were white people have an 80% majority.

Take this report below from Safewise.

SafeWise is happy to release our fifth annual Safest Cities report. Here are the 10 Safest Cities in Wyoming for 2019. See if your city made the list.

There’s no wild west in Wyoming today—at least not in these safe cities. Not only did the state beat the national violent crime rate with 2.13 incidents per 1,000 people (compared to 4.49 nationwide), but 90% of the cities on our list did even better.

Property crime in Wyoming is also lower than the national rate of 27.11 crimes per 1,000. The Equality State had only 22.64 incidents per 1,000 in 2017. And 80% of the safest cities came in under that.


Let us look at this racist anti-white article written be the U.S newspaper the New York Times.

The New York Times is ranked 18th in the world by circulation and 3rd in the U.S. The paper is owned by The Sulzberger family. They are a Jewish family and have owned the NY Times since 1896.


The article states the following:

Many cities and towns in America are still too “white,” according to the racist New York Times, which is now calling for “refugees” to be resettled all across the United States in order to fill the “void of cultural diversity.”

In response to President Trump’s decision to lower refugee admissions for the third year in a row, keeping a promise he made while on the campaign trail, the Times has decided to lash out against whitey by demanding that “brown” and black people be distributed to all areas of the country that are still a fair-skinned majority.

The Times has called out by name states like Montana, Vermont, and Maine, all of which contain mostly white people. This is a bad thing that poses “an array of problems for new arrivals,” according to the Times, which is calling for these states and others to receive regular shipments of “refugees” in order to turn them darker.

“New Hampshire, like its neighbors Vermont and Maine, is nearly all white,” the Times laments. “This has posed an array of problems for new arrivals, who often find themselves isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community.

Naturally, no mention is made by the Times about majority-brown and majority-black areas of the country that, because of their lack of “diversity,” could make some white people feel “isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community.”

But the Times couldn’t care less about white people. It’s only concerned about non-white people, whom it believes have a right to live anywhere they wish, even if they can’t technically afford to do so. And where money is an issue, the Times believes that taxpayers, many of whom are white, should just pick up the tab.

Keep in mind that the US is still one of the most generous and welcoming nations in the world. According to official data, America has permanently resettled more than 1.7 million foreign nationals and refugees over the years, as well as another nearly half-a-million foreign nationals who’ve been granted permission to stay here under the Temporary Protected Status (TPS) program.

On the other hand, many other countries, including brown and black countries, aren’t as welcoming, preferring instead to maintain their cultural identities without being overrun by “multiculturalism.”

The United States is about as open to foreigners as it gets, in other words. But this isn’t enough for the Times, which won’t be happy until white people are completely eradicated from the populace and replaced with non-white “refugees.”

According to the latest research, American taxpayers fork over nearly $9 billion every five years to take care of refugees being resettled in our country. At least 16 percent of these refugees also end up needing housing assistance, which is also paid for by taxpayers.

The concepts of diversity, multiculturalism and inclusivity are three of the most destructive concepts ever forced on cities, states, education systems, businesses or any other entity.

Let us do a bit of a comparison here.

The NY Times article states:

New Hampshire, like its neighbors Vermont and Maine, is nearly all white. This has posed an array of problems for new arrivals, who often find themselves isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community.

It has also posed problems for employers in these states, who find that their homogeneity can be a barrier to recruiting and retaining workers of different ethnicities and cultural background.

The issue prompted about 100 business leaders, government officials and members of nonprofit organizations to meet Thursday to search for ways that New Hampshire — which is 94 percent white — might lure other racial and ethnic groups, as well as younger people.

Let us now consider how this all would look if it was written about any other race. Imagine the reaction if The New York Times published something like this:

Detroit, like Atlanta and Birmingham, is nearly all black. This has posed an array of problems for new arrivals, who often find themselves isolated and alone, without the comfort and support of a built-in community.

It has also posed problems for employers in these states, who find that their homogeneity can be a barrier to recruiting and retaining workers of different ethnicities and cultural background. The issue prompted about 100 business leaders, government officials and members of nonprofit organizations to meet Thursday to search for ways that Detroit — which is 83 percent black — might lure other racial and ethnic groups, as well as younger people.

Change just a few words and suddenly it becomes extremely racist. Or rather, its racism suddenly becomes apparent to even the most average observer. It is racist to try and lower the percentages of a certain race just for the sake of lowering it. It is racist to move to an area and accuse it of being an “ethnic vacuum” just because most of the residents have a different ethnicity from your own. It would be racist if I went to South Korea and scolded it for being Korean, and it is racist if Hispanics follow a similar procedure when they come to America.

The only way to alleviate the racism in this case is to arbitrarily declare that racism, by definition, applies only to the prejudices of white people, but never to the prejudices against them. This is not the definition that you’ll find in the dictionary, but it is the definition advanced by the left-wing extremists running academia. College students these days are actually taught that racism is a white invention and an exclusive tool of white oppressors. The hatred of white people by other races is justified, which therefore means it is not racism. But what about the racial hatred that a member of a non-white race may have towards some other non-white race? That doesn’t exist.

But if we can see past this sort of brainwashing, it becomes apparent that the whiteness of New Hampshire is not in itself a problem. Just as the blackness of Detroit, or Baltimore, or Atlanta, is not in itself a problem. We do not need to go around breaking up racial monopolies. The white people of New Hampshire are not engaged in a conspiracy to keep the black folks away. They are just living where they want to live, and the racial dynamics are what they are. Racial diversity is fine if it happens organically, but it does not need to be, and should not be, a project undertaken by social engineers. It is extraordinarily racist to engineer diversity just for the sake of diluting some race’s majority. And how can racism in the name of diversity lead to anything but more racism?


“Western presstitutes and politicians vilified Adolf Hitler, who in fact put into reverse everything that is happening today. As a historian, I repeatedly ask palace historians for a single genuine anti-colored sentiment expressed by any leading figure in the Reich system. I am still waiting. All that Adolf Hitler sought was to give Germans equality. Now, when Whites, proud of their heritage, demand equality with non-Europeans they are demonised as ‘race haters’, xenophobes’, ‘White supremacists’. When did you ever see such accusations levelled at Jews, Asians and Blacks who respect and promote their own ethnicity? Take a look at the constant brainwashing anti-White propaganda; the racing mixing narrative, the diversity marketing. Ask yourself how this would be described if these roles and situations were reversed. Imagine the outrage by Jewish or Asian communities if they were conditioned to accept ethnic-Europeans into their communities. In much of Europe and especially the UK, Europeans are now too scared to report crimes committed by migrants for fear of their being questioned as motivated by racism or their being charged with racism Spineless Europeans, their minds already ensnared by anti-White propaganda, dismiss what is clearly taking place, close their eyes to it, or become part of their own extinction. The minority who do care ram these truth into closed minds so they at least can say, ‘at least I tried to warn you.’” - American Author Charles Maultsby - http://www.chuckmaultsby.net/id20.html

“As established by the United Nations Charter in 1945, each people/ethnicity/racial group should have their own geographic area on Earth (i.e., a bordered country) in which to exercise their right to self-determination as a unique people/ethnicity/racial group. The UN essentially follows this policy for nearly all non-White peoples of the world. However, the UN pressures White nations to maintain (and even increase) their multiracial/multicultural policies. The UN essentially demands that White nations continue allowing millions of non-Whites to immigrate into White nations. Is this a double standard? Of course. Whites make up a mere 13% of the world's population and this percentage is shrinking with each passing year. White nations are under attack. A rapidly increasing rate of attack which is often called demographic warfare on the West (i.e., radical demographic change via massive non-White immigration into the Western World). At current 3rd world immigration rates into White nations, White people will become a minority in each White nation by 2028. And by 2043, Whites will make up 20% - 25% of each (historical) White nation. The White Western World is gradually being erased - and - once the West is gone... it’s gone forever. Approximately 3,500 years of Western Civilization is on schedule to be reduced to scattered pieces. Shockingly, this epic and colossal transformation will have occurred in a mere 100 - 125 years. It began in the 1950's and will likely be complete around 2050 - 2075 ... unless something can stop the global elite from carrying out the West's destruction (and yes... without a doubt... it is the global elite who are orchestrating the West's demise - the reason has to do with the global elites push for global government). Whites are intimidated into submission through politically correctness. For decades Whites have been told to "be tolerant" because "diversity is our strength." This liberal slogan is a huge lie; history proves it’s a lie. The truth is that diversity is a cancer on any nation. Racial/ethnic diversity within a Nation-State typically leads to tension, then conflict, which is often violent and bloody. Whites who complain about 3rd world migrants are called "racists", "xenophobes", "haters", "bigots", "Islamophobes", etc. Such outspoken Whites are often screamed at and shamed into submission, even though their country is being demographically transformed (and eventually erased) right before their eyes. Sadly, some weak minded Whites would rather watch their country destroyed than be called a racist”, - James L. Miller, Researcher - (PhD in Physics) - http://immigration-globalization.blogspot.com

"If all of the dead allied soldiers could see their countries now, they would have thrown down their weapons and fought with the Germans." - David Irving, Author, Historian.

The world would return to the dark ages and would still be there without the White Race and that’s a fact. Another fact is that it is the Jewish Zionists or those Jews (Khazars) in power who are the driving force behind the disappearance of the ‘White Race’.

As you can see, this is not about humanitarian efforts to help so-called “refugees”, “sanctuary seekers”, or “asylum-seekers”. It’s all about a well-aimed settlement of Non-White races into Europe and North America in order to enforce Miscegenation (race mixing) which will lead to the disappearance of the ‘White Race’.

A good video to watch is one by Adam Green at Know More News titled ‘The anti-white conspiracy theory’ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=C2HvjfEK-Vs&t=2533s

Child Abuse, by the Politicians!
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