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hope is that ultimately we will think so badly about ourselves that we will no longer care about ourselves, about our past, about our present or especially about our future, about marriage and children, about fighting Jewish hate around the world; that we will simply give up and commit suicide.  And, of course, these devious individuals hope their fanciful dreams become reality for young and dumb white women and that they will naturally fall into the arms of REAL men–the black and brown mud men.  Truly, the depth of Jewish hatred is breath-taking.  But so is their almost comical, suicidal ignorance.  Sooner than they could ever imagine the consequences of their efforts to destroy whites via immigration replacement, inter-racial sex commercials, pornography, abortion, actual white on white World Wars, or a hundred other means, will bear them a terrible fruit.  As we know from history, when white people finally get pissed off, really pissed off, hell is to pay.  And, as we all know, the white world is very, very close to critical mass right now.  A word, a warning, a historical truth:  An armed and angry white man is the most deadly killing machine the earth has ever known–he is intelligent, resourceful, adaptable, strong as steel, hard as iron, he never sleeps, he never forgets…and he is virtually impossible to kill.”, - Thomas Goodrich (Author of HELLSTORM - The Death of Nazi Germany)

The most obvious example of anti-white propaganda came from Netflix via a set of three commercials for the company. The series of the three Netflix commercials is titled “The Couple”, which features a white woman and a black man. The Netflix commercial “Open Relationship” depicts two couples, an interracial couple, and a white couple. The white man is depicted as small, weak, insecure, “non-progressive” and closed-minded. His white girlfriend quickly decides to cast him aside to spend the evening with the interracial couple, as the black man quite literally steals the man’s girlfriend in front of him, humiliating him.

HLG Studios out of Los Angeles was behind the production of these three creepy Netflix commercials. The advertising company has worked on campaigns for a myriad of national brands, from fast food chains to banks, technology companies, and clothing retailers. HLG Studios was founded by Yuri Baranovsky, the same person who directed Netflix’s race-mixing, anti-white propaganda pieces. Yuri Baranovsky is Jewish, an ethnic group that is vehemently opposed to Jews forming relationships outside their own ethnic group. Just four Jewish owned mega-corporations control the vast majority of all advertising agencies. The Omnicom Group of New York, WPP of London, Publicis of Paris, and Interpublic of New York are the key corporations in the West. Globalist CEO John Wren currently heads Omnicom Group. Omnicom was founded by Allen Rosenshine, Keith Reinhard, and John Bernbach, all three are Jewish and promote the exclusivity of Jews — but work hard to destroy ethnic-European ethnicity. Long-standing CEO of Publicis (1987–2017) has been Maurice Lévy, who cited his rabbi grandfather as his greatest inspiration. Lévy has been honoured by the Anti-Defamation League, for his work fighting anti-Semitism, and his relentless promotion of “diversity”. WPP of London was founded and is currently run by Martin Sorrell, who is a Jew. Chairman and CEO of the Interpublic Group (IPG), is Michael Isor Roth. Roth condemned the “white supremacist ideology” at Charlottesville. There is clearly a disproportionate number of Jews and those with Jewish sympathies involved in mass media advertising. From small start-up firms to multi-billion-dollar corporations, all of which are promoting hostile anti-white falsehoods, while praising “diversity” and “inclusion.” All this is carefully calculated ethnic-European genocide fueled by Jewish hatred for Christian Europeans. These companies are not merely promoting racial bastardisation and trying to appeal to a wider range of consumers, they are promoting the increased abuse and sexual degradation of white women. The race-destroyers purpose is to recreate a nation without ethnic-Europeans. Race mixing propaganda says bluntly that white children are not wanted in the New Order and White men have no place in the globalists’ nightmarish world

“European Americans still compose 63% of the population of the USA. Anyone watching television in America now days will get the mistaken idea that African Americans compose nearly half of the population of the USA judging by their prominence on the TV screen. African Americans compose only 13% of the population of the USA. Hispanics compose 18% but are absolutely under-represented on television. Asians compose 3% of the population of the USA but are more prominent on television than Hispanics. The JEWS who own and control television are deliberately engineering these misconceptions and have been engineering non-European immigration since the HART-CELLAR Immigration Act of 1965”. Brother Nathanael – American Evangelist

“The flooding of our European Continent with “migrants” from Africa and the Middle East, who are disguised as so-called “Refugees”, is not an accident. After the fall of the Third Reich, Genocidal Kaufman, Coudenhove–Kalergi and Hooton Plans for Germany, became the reality for all of Western Europe through the creation of the European Union and UN. Not only Germany, but the entire white western world has since then undergone attacks of unprecedented scales demographically that will lead to the indigenous European populations very soon becoming minorities in the homelands of their ancestors. Through the Immigraton Law of 1965, a group of Jews, including: Jacob Javits, Emanuel Celler, Leo Pfeffer (Former President of American Jewish Congress (AJC), Norman Podhoretz (Writer and Member of The Council of Foreign Relations) decided that America would open its borders and become a “melting pot”. Ten years later, the Zionist Jews David Schwartz and Inga Gottfarb would do the same with Sweden. With a population of 10 million people Sweden is today home to just 20,000 Jews. Being just 0.2% of the population they own the majority of Sweden’s anti-Swedish media through the Bonnier family and a disproportionate number of journalists and experts have names like Wolodarski, Silberstein,, Radetzki, Rothstein, Aschberg, Leman, Epstein etc. Another example is Jersey Sarnecki, a Jewish criminologist who is trotted out on a regular basis to “debunk” that crime is increasing or that migrants commit more crime than natives”, - from the website - europathelastbattle.wordpress.com/2017/10/21/the-kalergi-plan-for-european-genocide/

If you want even more information and evidence about white genocide then look at the videos on YouTube of Mark Collet. One of the videos by Collet shows how the BBC is trying to make people believe that it was black people who had a hand in shaping European history and not white people. In the video it portrays a black man as Julius Caesar and Joan of Arc and the Queen of England as black women and these were in BBC productions. Would we portray the king of an African nation as a white man, no I don’t think so. To try and remove white people from the history of Europe and to try and make immigrants in Europe believe that they had a part in European history when actually they had none. The aim of multiculturism is to dispossess white people in Europe and breed them out of existence. They are pushing the agenda of white genocide and the BBC plays a part in that. See the video at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fSBx0pqTSL0

You should watch the YouTube video by Stefan Molyneux titled The Terrible Truth about the UN Migration Compact.



The above articles about Jewish involvement in migration can be found at http://www.chuckmaultsby.net/id20.html and Darkmoon.me

Check the link out below. The Hooton Plan and the Migrant Crisis subtitled in English, This is an almost 30 minute video by Ursula Haverbeck explaining why Europe is being invaded ... it's all in the Hooton Plan! Only one book describing the Hooton Plan is still available, but only in German.


Who's behind the race mixing agenda in advertising?


"Diversity" Is a Weapon against White People


"Ethno-States Will Never Work"


“Anti-White videos”


Quotes from Jews about genocoding the Whites


How old advanced civilizations were destroyed by race-mixing


The JEWS planned White genocide since before the World Wars


Rabbi: "Biological Jews behind Open Borders for White Countries


Of course the Jewish owners of youtube will most likely remove the videos above.

If this population trend continues for the White Race then we will be extinct within 100 years or less or at the very most we will have a minority of 1% on this planet.

Where would this planet be without the White race? The White Race has brought any worthwhile invention to this world. The White race has invented the aeroplane, locomotive, electricity, light bulbs, radio, television, telephone, cars, computer, camcorder, camera, compact disc (CD), computed tomography (CT scan, CAT scan), digital computer, laptop computer, network television, steel suspension bridge, integrated circuit, Internet, electric iron, GPS technology, nuclear reactor, Mars and moon land rover, steel-frame skyscraper, telescope, thermometer, thermostat, toilet paper, flush toilet, tractor, transistor, traffic lights, typewriter, ultrasound imaging, vaccination, electric vacuum cleaner, Velcro, video recorder, videotape, virtual reality, vision correction laser, electric washing machine, fridge, wheel, wheelchair, windmill, digital wristwatch, X-ray, man on the moon, etc.

The above list of white inventions does even begin to scratch the surface.

Consider how different the world would be without white people.

Consider how different the world will be once Western civilization is disabled or destroyed.

I simply think it not in the best interest of world civilization to destroy the people group whose innovation and creativity has advanced -- and continues to advance the quality of life for all humanity, regardless of ethnicity. In fact no race of people on this earth should have to face their own extinction.

President Putin warns that the New World Order are in the final stages of their “70 year masterplan for Europe“, and the process will only speed up from here.

“The New World Order put hornet nests in your countries,” Putin told a Kremlin tour group. “And now they are poking them.”

Putin believes that the open border policies forced on European nations must be rejected if the continent is to have any chance of a peaceful future.

“My European brothers and sisters must reject the globalist open border policies being pushed onto them by the elite.”

There is no place for sovereign nations in the globalists’ vision of the future, according to Putin. And the Russian president pointed the finger of blame directly at the Rothschild’s and their cabal of international elites.

“The Rothschild-cabal have infiltrated your government, your media, and you’re banking institutions. They are no longer content with committing atrocities in the Middle East, they are now doing it on their own soil, desperate to complete the plan for a one world government, world army, complete with a world central bank”

“They think they can do this by terrorising you into submission. Scaring you into accepting whatever new laws they will put in place to protect you.”

Putin issued a call to arms, urging Europeans to reject the siren call of the globalists and their death cult.

“They [Europeans] must rise up against their masters, who have long since stopped serving the people, and demand their voices are heard. The governments of the west are no longer hiding their true intentions. You can see the horror that lies beneath their mask. Keep your eyes on them. Don’t fall for their tricks. Russia will not stand by and allow its European cousins to be slaughtered and dehumanised like this. The battle is over. The war has begun. Truth and justice will prevail”, - President Putin of Russia.

This is the reason why Putin is demonised in America and the Western world’s media because he know what is really happening and who is behind it.

You see, the Illuminati’s great plan is to slowly unify the whole planet into one nation, which they would rule and own. They wished to expand the EU. They wished to create other similar multi-national blocs. They wished to provide administrative control over these blocs that ordinary people could not vote for, just as they had with the EU.

This would allow unprecedented power and control over these vast multi-national blocs. And then the final act would be to unify the blocs into one world nation. Their world, belonging politically, economically and religiously to them.

That was the plan. And, though it has not been all plain sailing, their plan has been unfolding in accordance with their will. That was until the British (mostly northerners) brought a halt to this one world government plan by voting to exit the EU.

The Cabal are experts at lying. The huge lie was that if you were not in the EU your countries trade and finances would be in turmoil but just tell that to Greece who are in the EU and their country has been ruined by the EU, it is just debt slavery. The EU was a control mechanism, were they could control 500 million people from one office. The EU is also a way of breaking up national sovereignty and they do that by immigration and opening up borders. This is the next wave of countries negotiating to join the EU -Albania, Bosnia-Hercegovina, Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia, Turkey and eventually the Ukraine.

You must understand that the CabalRothschild’s banks hold huge power over the global economy and their base is in London and the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) in Switzerland which is the bank for central banks. How strange that Switzerland is not in the EU, it is in the centre

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